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MISSION What do we offer for the Children?

Create and Support one We offer free one to one mentoring.

to one mentoring Children are matched with volunteer

relationships that ignite mentors in the community and spend
time together 2-4 times a month. We
the power and promise
also offer enrichment workshops, fun
of youth.
gatherings, and resources.
VISION How can I volunteer?
You can apply to be a mentor for a
All youth achieve
child in your community. You will be
their full potential.
matched with a child and spend time
together 2-4 times a month. Their are
two types of mentors; Community
and site based. Community based
mentors go out and do activities with
SERVICE AREA their little in the community. Site
Big Brothers Big Sisters of based mentors meet their little at a
the Eastern Shore( place such as a school.
BBBSES) proudly serves all
nine counties of How can my business get
Maryland's Eastern Shore :
They're is multiple ways your
Queen Anne's business get involved! You can
Caroline become a partner with us and get
Talbot your employees to become mentors.
Dorchester You can also help to contribute to our
Wicomico events such as Bowl 4 Kids Sake, Golf
WE INSPIRE CHANGE Worcester 4 Kids Sake, and Santa's Open.
Special instructions about

To make a secure credit card

Goods or Services and enter

Giving with PayPal

Send Money, select "Pay for

your PayPal account, select
Please send me information about signing up

gift using PayPal, log in to

my child for a FREE mentor.

our email address:

Parent Information
For the Children Name
improved self confidence Phone Number Okay to text

my gift:
improved ability to make decisions
spend consistent time with a mentor Email Address

Please make checks payable to Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Eastern Shore.
Preferred Contact Method Time
improvement in school

gift every month.

Child Information
For the Volunteers Age
recommendation letters County of Residence
inspire change
get involved with your community Please send me information about becoming

impact a child a volunteer

Phone Number Okay to text

Contact Us Address

Yes, I want to INSPIRE CHANGE ! My gift is enclosed

Scan Our QR Code Email Address

Preferred Contact Method Time
County of Residence


My business is interested in being a partner
please send me information about ways we
can defend potential

Credit Card Number

Phone Number Okay to text

Phone Number

Email Address
Email Address

/BBBSES Preferred Contact Method Time

County of Residence

Scan to visit our @ESBIGS

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