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1. Physical health is the well-being of the body and the optimal functioning of the
organism, which are in good physical, mental, and emotional condition.
2. Smoking or consuming psychoactive substances, Not doing physical activities if
you dont physical activities you have motor problems, Sleeping little,
-not taking care of the sun's rays if you go out without sun cream you will have
spots on your skin .
3. Muscle problems, greater chance of getting sick, Heart problems.
4. Exercising, Sleeping well, Having healthy habits, Having good hygiene, Skin care
and protection.

1. When we talk about Emotional Well-being we refer to the state of mind in which
we feel good, calm, we perceive that we control our
emotions and we are able to cope with the pressures of everyday life.
2. Being stressed if you be stressed you will have a pain head, Spending a lot of
time alone if you spend a lot of time alone you could suffer from depression,
Not being careless, Not going to a professional
3. Depression, Suicide, Low self-esteem.
4. Ask for professional help, Have a hobbie, Be confident, Don't give importance to
negative opinions, Spend time with the people you love.

1. It is the one that provides the nutrients that the body needs to maintain the
proper functioning of the organism, preserve or restore
the health, minimize the risk of diseases, guarantee reproduction, gestation,
lactation, development and adequate growth.
2. Not eating breakfast, Drinking sugary drinks if you drinking a lot of sugary
drinks it's possible you could suffer of diabetes,
Not drinking enough water if you don't drink necessary water you will have a
desidration, Eating too many bad fats.
3. Obesity, malnutrition, lack of vitamins.
4. Balanced diet, Drink 2 liters of water, Eat less salty and sweet, Eat fruits and
vegetables, Eat at the right times.

1. Social health is the ability to adapt and self-manage in the face of changes and
challenges in the environment, as well as the ability to
develop satisfying relationships with other people.
2. Not leaving the house, Abusing social networks if you abuse social networks it
will be difficult for you to relate to people, Not having intellectual stimuli,
Working for too long if you work for a long time you will not have a stable social
3. Asocial, phobias, difficulty socializing.
4. Being empathetic, Being tolerant, Balancing your social and personal time,
Having the support of family and friends, Adapting in social situations.

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