Services Offering For Enterprise Customers: The Telco's Perspective

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Services Offering for Enterprise Customers

The Telcos perspective

Philippe Bovy Business Development Manager Telindus Belgacom ICT

05 October 2006 "Unrestricted"


Company Overview European ICT Market & Trends Telcos Challenges & Roadmap towards ICT Services Telcos ICT Offering New Telcos Outsourcing approach Conclusions

Septembr 26, 2006 | slide 1

Part of the Belgacom Group

Telindus joined the Belgacom Group in January 2006

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About Telindus
International ICT integrator, since 1969 Offering cross domain ICT solutions & services Serving business & public market needs as a solution & sourcing partner International delivery capabilities with 2570 employees Spread over 14 countries (35 cities)

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European ICT services Markets

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What does include the ICT market ?

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The ICT Services value chain What do we mean?

Host and maintain the customers databases and software infrastructure in a remote secured location (a Data Centre). Archive & backup of customer data Run an entire customer business process such as a customers Payroll, a customers warehouse, a customers IT department, a customers training department etc.

Connectivity services Network services Data Centre services

Application services Business services

Traditional Telco business (voice + data network)

Install, maintain and operate the network of laptops, PCs, PBX, telephones and so on. Connect the network to the outside world

Develop and implement software Integrate software so as to inter-work with other software Upgrade software Manage software portfolio

Communication Technology (CT) Services were typically found on the left of the value chain, whereas Information Technology (IT) Services were typically found on the right of the value chain

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The ICT Services value chain What do we mean?

Project Management, Solution Design

Consultancy Hard & software sales Business process outsourcing

IT-consultancy Reselling of HW, SW Full takeover of bus processes: e.g. HR, fleet, etc

Storage & Shipping of Printers, Servers, Desktops, etc

Design & Management of customer business processes (Payroll, e-Learning, SAP Financials, etc)

System integration

Application development & implementation

Design & Implementation of customized applications (Internet E-Commerce, Dynamic Web site) Deployment & Management of Office Applications (mail/fax serv.), broadcasting, Deployment & Maintenance of Desktops, Laptops, PDAs on Customer premises

IT outsourcing (WAN bus not included)

Application management

Desktop management

Data centre & storage

Network Integration
(W)LAN, IPTEL, Security

Archive & Back-Up of Customers Data in secured location Deployment of LAN or Wireless LAN Deployment of VoIP platforms (PBXs) Deployment of Firewall and Certificates

Septembr 26, 2006 | slide 7

Market size in value

Total IT market for Western Europe is estimated by IDC at 254 Bio for 2006 This covers the following services :
Network services Data Centre services Application services Business services

Connectivity services

Split of Western Europe IT Spending

34% 45% Hardware Software IT Services


IT services accounts for 45% of IT spending, Hardware for 34% and Software for 21%
Source : IDC, January 2005

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Market size in value

The Total IT Services market is definitely growing Gartner also forecasts a CAGR of 3,4% (2005-2009) for IT Services in Western Europe EITO (European Information Technology Observatory) forecasts a 5.0% growth of IT services in Europe for 2006 and 5,3% for 2007. (This is much higher than traditional Carrier Services : 1.6%)
Market Value: 120B in 2007

IDC expects a CAGR of IT services spending in Western Europe of 5.0% for period 2004-2009

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Telcos Revenue Challenge : The Roadmap to ICT Services

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1. Decline in (traditional) Revenue Stream

Telcos tough times in domestic markets
Most European Telcos are facing triple pressure :
Saturation : Fixed line traffic volume is declining : Fixed voice substitution to IP & mobile Pricing : Bundled offer and flat fees are common practice Regulatory climate : leading to aggressive LLU offers (triple/quadruple play) from (new) competitors

resulting into declining domestic revenues.

Source : Ovum

Septembr 26, 2006 | slide 11

1. Decline in (traditional) Revenue Stream (contd)

Situation in Belgium
Professional Voice Market (traditional cash cow) is declining

Value evolution Belgian Fixed Business telecom market 2006-2008

4% 2% 0% -2% -4% -6% -8% -10% -12% 2006 2007 2008

Fixed Data Bus

Fixed Int. Bus Fixed Total Bus

Fixed Voice Bus

Fixed Voice Business Fixed Internet Business

Source: Gartner/Dataquest 2006

Fixed Data Business Fixed Total Business

Septembr 26, 2006 | slide 12

2. Change in Customer Needs

Corporate Customer Needs more than just Telecom services

Corporate Customers want integrated solutions Corporate Customers are also looking for service providers taking care of all (or part) of their ICT services Outsourcing becomes a more common practice for Corporate customers who need to focus on their core business Market globalisation and mergers & acquisitions lead to international integration and harmonisation of corporate ICT solutions, resulting in the need to have all services provided seamlessly by international service providers and integrators with coherent SLAs

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3. Change in Competitive Landscape

Competition on the Corporate segment does not only come from Telcos but from IT Providers enlarging their scope of activities
IT providers are pushing computer-telephone integration as much as they can With voice & data convergence over a single IP-based platform, IT providers (IBM, HP) and network integrators (Dimension Data, Telindus, ) are offering services that were once the exclusive domain of telecom firms. Examples : IxSP (IVSP, )
Dimension Data NextiraOne Damovo Belgacom/ Telcos Getronics IBM HP EDS

Low position in the value chain

Connectivity services

Network services

Storage services

Application services

Consulting services

Septembr 26, 2006 | slide 14

Overall exercise in the Telcos Industry

This ICT story is not restricted to a few key players.
Most European Telcos are embracing the IP opportunity/challenge to offer new bundled ICT products, leveraging the unified communications momentum, This move is supported by strong users and industry organizations: EVUA (Global Telecommunication Focus Group) created a new ICT services Special Interest Group (SIG) aiming to identify best practices & solutions among ICT services providers ETN0 (European Telecommunications Network Operators), highlighted in 2005 to its Members the importance of the Telcos roles in the future development of European ICT sector (with the aim to ensure the success of i2010 Lisbon initiative.

Fully supported by ICT analysts

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Telcos ICT Offerings

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What keeps CIOs awake?

Selective Sourcing Security Directory Services Mobile Computing Virtual Network Services Windows Migration and .net Server & Storage Consolidation Digital Surveillance IP Based Contact Centre Content Delivery Networks IPVPN (MPLS) Electronic Messaging and video Applications Business Recovery, Continuity Customer Relation Management Application Response Time Management

Septembr 26, 2006 | slide 17

Telcos ICT Solutions

Telcos solutions will leverage Telcos infrastructure and skills developped for Internal needs
Empower your applications! Consolidate your IT systems!
reduce cost for servers & storage

Network + Systems power to boost performance

Business Performance

Cost Control


Get your network powered for the future!

You need bandwidth, reliability & security 2006 Septembr 26,

| slide 18

Do more with less!

Todays IT Desired IT

30% new capability

Increases Value Creation

45% new capability

70% sustaining & running existing capabilty

Decreases Maintenance & Delivery

55% existing capabilty

Source: Accenture IT spending survey

Septembr 26, 2006 | slide 19

1. Security : Managed Security Service

Pro-active management of critical architecture components Firewalling & VPN Intrusion detection Proxy cache Content&URL filtering Antivirus scanning User authentication Strong authentication End point of defense
Internet DMZ
File servers HR Dept Engr Dept Mktg Dept Finance Dept


Regional Office

Stand-alone IDP Deep Inspection Firewall Stateful Inspection Firewall


Septembr 26, 2006 | slide 20

Security : Managed Security Service

Security is more that just monitoring access and traffic . Security is also a process

Operational security review Penetration tests Vulnerability scans

Security policies & procedures Security infrastructure design Security training

Knowledge Center

Managed Services

Installation & configuration of security Set up of managed services

24*7 Monitoring, management, Support

Septembr 26, 2006 | slide 21

Security : Security Consultancy Services

Operational Consulting
Systems assessment & configuration (Check Point, Juniper, ) Security training Architecture & design service Incident response & computer forensic Penetration test Ethical hacking IT systems & network vulnerability assessment

Organisational Consulting
Security Policy Support Security Awareness program Disaster recovery & business continuity Enterprise compliances assessment (ISO 17799) Security Risk assessment

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Security : Risk Assessment

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Security : # 1 in ICT Spending Increase


Source : Europes 2005 Entreprise Telecom Outlook, Forrester, July 1,2005

Septembr 26, 2006 | slide 24

2. Cost Control : Consolidate Infrastructure

Leverage Telcos State-of-the-art Data Centers Secure places with plently room available State-of-the art fire detection and electrical power/airco supply Existing bullet-proof physical Access infrastructure & procedures Fully redundant connectivity : connected to wide range of competitive Carriers (Interconnect) Optimal place for: Business Recovery Housing Business Recovery Office

Septembr 26, 2006 | slide 25

Cost Control : Servers Solutions

Ou of el Standard Application Server ev L File Exchange, Document Archiving,

e-mail, fax, ftp, db,

ing rc Application Outsourcing ou ts ASP, AIP, Citrix, TS, Jetro,

Server Hosting

Dedicated Web Server Dedicated Standard Server Dedicated Enterprise Server

Server On-Site

Septembr 26, 2006 | slide 26

Cost Control : Servers Solutions

Application Outsourcing

End device
Mainframe Applications 16-bit Client/Server 32-bit Client/Server Poorly designed HTML Web Apps

Data Centre

Applications moved Towards the Data Centre

Mouse clicks and keystrokes sent to server Screen updates sent to client devices

HTML Web Applications Web Services Applications Network File Stores Other Data and File Stores

Application Outsourcing is a managed solution where applications & data are installed and executed on centralized servers

Septembr 26, 2006 | slide 27

Cost Control : Storage Solutions

On-site Storage Customer Remote Storage
Central remote management


Net Center

IP telephony Call Manager


housing hosting


Septembr 26, 2006 | slide 28

Cost Control : Backup Solutions

Many Specific Enterprise applications Storage Area Network (SAN)
Decentralized Backup/Restore

LAN based Backup/Restore

Information Cycle Management

Move Storage to more cost effective media Keep Data on specific storage based on legal regulation (Basel II)

Septembr 26, 2006 | slide 29

3. Business Performance : Managed IP Telephony

IP Tel offers new ways to manage voice svcs : Dedicated / Hosted in complement to Shared IP-Centrex plain Telco offering


Central remote management

Remote Management

switch Hosted
Voice/data/video applications

Data Center

IP telephony Call Server

IP telephony Call Server

Septembr 26, 2006 | slide 30

Business Performance : Voice and Video

Communication services

Service Level Agreements

Online Collaboration


Video Conferencing

Instant Messaging

Contact Center

Telephone Services


Connectivity & access LAN/WAN Next Generation Network

Septembr 26, 2006 | slide 31

Integration Services

Converged DATA/Voice/Video


Business Performance : IP Services

IP Services

Source : Europes 2005 Entreprise Telecom Outlook, Forrester, July 1,2005

Septembr 26, 2006 | slide 32

4. Vertical Solutions : Healthcare

New needs emerging from patients at home (consumer market) New needs emerging from care institutions (infrastructure)

H e


Video communication

ea lt hc

Hospital of the future

Healthcare treatment file

Te le c

Health Link Practitioners

a se r e rv ins ic ti es tu ti on s

Assets Tracking Bedside Terminals

Infotainment at home Hospital storage


Medical Admin.
ic es R ec or d
IAM for hospitals


Ex tr an et

a ot nag Portal he em rs en t

Se rv

eHealth record storage

Message broker Admin Reporting

Vertical Solutions : Healthcare

Ultimate Objective : develop federal framework and neutral service platform to serve the exchange of medical information between relevant Parties.

Org. 2

Org. n

Org. 1
National Register

Authentic sources for attributes Belgacom e-Health FIM

Order of Doctors

Federated Identity Management: Security Access & Single Sign-On is managed by Trusted-Third Party Different credentials can be integrated based on security level required by application owner

Health Care users


Lay down the foundations for future content-related applications

Vertical Solutions : e-HR (e-Human Resources)

Typical building blocks of e-HR value chain

Connectivity services Network services Data Centre services

Application services Business services
E-Learning Employee Portal

HRSelfService Applications HR Process Applications

Access Service (ADSL Teleworking VoIP)

Evolution in composition and nature of workforce (more PC literate) Increased focus on ROI of HR functions Need for increased quality of Human Resource data

Septembr 26, 2006 | slide 35

Telcos Outsourcing Approach

Septembr 26, 2006 | slide 36

Higher Level of conversation with an Entreprise

Vision - Mission - Strategy

Trusted Advisor and Strategic guidance Strategic impact Move up the food chain and be the trigger of change in stead of being the result Executive level conversation

Strategic Business Projects

Application Strategy IT Infrastructure Strategy IT Infrastructure and Support IT Commodities

Conversation barrier level to overcome

Typical client conversation level today

Septembr 26, 2006 | slide 37

Change in position of internal ICT departments due to nominator thinking in the business = value creation


Eff ec t iv are enes s a

dep ICTICT drives nal r Inte business

en Max value r tm a


ICT enables business ICT supportsvices r Se g business Eff rcin u icie o sS are ncy Min costdu lin Te a Internal
Based on Gartner


Septembr 26, 2006 | slide 38


As CIOs deliver IT services and manage costs, business expectations expand to how IT can support enterprise growth and competitiveness. These expectations include: Supporting enterprise growth and competitiveness Managing an IT budget more like a business budget Leading the IS organization to deliver strategies focused on growth, alignment and business skills Investing in technologies that support enterprise competitiveness.

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How : Via proven methodology & approach

Telindus Object-If Methodology : Understanding business strategy Achieving growth and agility is at the core of customers business objectives. Telindus Object-If sourcing provides a DNA backbone essential to customer success. Every sourcing process should yield a positive business impact. The Object-If DNA backbone aligns with customer specific goals based on four elements,
> > > >

Technological expertise Human involvement Process alignment Cost control

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The Object-If DNA Backbone
> > > >

> > > > >

More effective processes = doing things right More efficient processes = doing the right things Faster, better and cheaper processes Service is flexible and responsive

Reduced time-to-market Better use of staff and resources Better control across the supply chain Less complaints/ less escalations

> > > > > >

> > >

Reduced workload Lower staff turnover Stable workforce Transparent structure More opportunities for career development Increased specialist skills

Easier upgrades Centralized ICT Up-to-date with latest technologies



Septembr 26, 2006 | slide 41

Selective Sourcing or full Outsourcing

full sourcing

selective sourcing

Sourcing Services
A whole range of consulting, planning & advice services rendered by Telindus or its partner(s) outside the scope of full or selective sourcing

sourcing services

Risk Management & Governance Enterprise application integration Collaboration Secure and Well-Managed Infrastructure

Selective Sourcing
Any portion or portions of the entire portfolio of the management of ICT services and delivery of these services by Telindus or its partner(s).

Full Sourcing
The entire portfolio of the management of ICT services and delivery of these services by Telindus or its partner(s).

Septembr 26, 2006 | slide 42

Selective Sourcing or full Outsourcing

Services part of a typical Outsourcing approach

User environment Services (PC, Printer, IP Tel terminals) Desktop Life Cycle Management (patch management, assets/license management, OS/SW distribution, malicious SW removal, etc) Service Desk

Global SLAs

Information Security (Disaster Recovery) Internet Security (Intrusion prevention, Penetration testing, Monitoring, Remote Access) Accessibiliity Services (LAN/WAN) Housing Services Hosting Services IP Tel Services Collaborative Applications (mail, Blackberry, videostreaming, ) Business Application (HR-Payroll, )

Septembr 26, 2006 | slide 43

Selective Sourcing or full Outsourcing

Outsourcing Trends

There will be a move from discrete project-oriented services towards fullscale services engagements combining different types of services, Multisourcing - with different SP partnering as part of consortia bids to provide a fuller range of services - might become more and more usual, Cost Control is focused on data communications and networking rather than systems infrastructure. Change in clients attitude : more cautious and knowledgeable customers, better able to negotiate contracts. Customers will continue to expect more for less or at no extra cost But longer sales cycles while decision making is more complex.

Source: Gartner Survey TOP 15 for CIOs (2006)

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Be Focus on Core expertise

Telcos should not disappoint Enterprises expectations
Focus should remain on leveraging Telcos infrastructure : IP connectivity with voice & data convergence, DataCenter/Housing/Hosting in combination with Security features

be Flexible
No one size fits all : ICT outsourcers should integrate Corporate customer profile in the solution design. No standard cut & paste ICT outsourcing solution

Number of sites Number of employees


International presence



Septembr 26, 2006 | slide 46

Anticipate ICT trends

Clean Pipe Security Services
Trend to move away from just strengthening the Corporate Network perimeter to integrate the concept of perimeter-less environment Standalone Corporate security strategies will become obsolete As IP convergence takes hold, services elements such as VoIP, VPN, Ethernet, Remote Hosting will require more and more Clean Pipe infrastructure from Telcos Ultimate Goal : Identify & destroy malicious traffic Managed Intrusion Prevention (IPS) Managed anti-malware Anti-Virus/Anti-Spam/URL Filtering Etc.. Clean-Pipe strategies will be part of carriers NGN plan : NGN-Clean-Pipe Label ?

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Questions ?
Philippe Bovy Mob: +32.475.25.27.01

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