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Centre : Warangal. Lesson no:8 Name of Student/ Teacher & Reg. No : Venkata giri,RS060041. Methadology:Biology Co-operating Teacher:zaheer, Topic/Title:Blood cells School :st.peters high school. Time:45min. Class and section : IX A Date:8/08/09.

INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES : Students will be able to :1. Explain about blood & plasma. 2. Draw the diagrams of different types of blood cells. 3. Describe the importance of blood cells. CONCEPTS AND TEACHING POINTS:1. Blood is an fluid connective tissue. 2. Blood contain different types of cells like R.B.C,W.B.C. and Blood platelets. 3. various diagrams related to these blood cells. PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE:1. importance of blood in human body. 2. functions of blood

TEACHING AIDS:1. chart showing different types of blood cells. 2. slides showing different types of blood cells.

Expected Learning Outcomes

Sequential Learning Activities with in built evaluation Good afternoon students, Good afternoon sir, Ok students ,let me ask you one question what will happen after some time when you got an injury while playing? Yes good,now can any body tell me what is the reason behind this?

Evaluation/BLACK B

Students recall that blood will get clot?

Students recognise some elements present in it which helps in clotting of blood.

Yes excellent answer,ok we have studied about various types of tissues ?isnt it?

Yes,good,have you ever think about a tissue in fluid state? Students recalls plant tissues,animal tissues like epithelial ,connective tissues. Yes, there is a connective tissue which is in fluid state that is Blood Blood is an ______

Yes,good, theswe blood cells float freely in a liquid matrix ,that liquid matrix is known as plasma Students identify that is a fluid connective tissue Chief component in plasma is water(90%) the remaining 8% is formed by several nutrients such as glucose,amino acids ,proteins,vitamins and hormones etc. required for the body. Can anybody tell me how many litres of blood present in a normal adult human being? Yes, good,cells present in blood are called corpuscles and they are of 3 types Red blood cells,white blood cells and blood platelet. The cells which are red in colour are called red blood cells.also called erytrocytes

What is meant byplasma?

What are corpuscles?

Students recognise that 5 litres.

REVIEW:1. Describe various types of Blood cells? 2. Draw diagrams of Blood cells systematically? 3. wrwite functions of blood platelets? ASSIGNMENT: 1. Make a blopod smear and observe your own blood cells present in your blood with the help of teacher. 2.Make a chart showing different types of blood cells.

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