Step 1 Initialization: 1.1. Installation and Basic Initialization

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Step 1: Initialization

1.1. Installation and Basic Initialization

Storyly views are initialized with StorylyId (App token from Storyly Dashboard → App
Settings), list of labels for targeting and custom parameter for user identification.

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1.2. Targeting with Story Labeling

Labels are used to display different story groups to various user segments. The
application must set labels in segments parameters in StorylyInit class. Labels of the
story groups are given in story group creation from Storyly Dashboard.

iOS - Android - React Native - Flutter

1.3. Custom Parameter (User Identification)

Custom parameter is mostly used when the application wants to pass user data to Storyly
SDK for targeting and personalization purposes. To make use of this feature, the
application must pass the customParameter while initializing Storyly using StorylyInit

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Step 2: UI Customization

Storyly bars can be used in default styling or can be customized. Story group circle and
title colors, pin icon color, story name and progress bar colors are all editable. Also, you
can choose to have small, large (default), or x-large story group icons or create a
completely custom 4-cornered shape with round values as you wish.

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Step 3: Action Handling (Swipe Up & Button Handling)

To redirect the end-user to an in-app page or an outlink when the end-user clicks on the
button or swipes up, redirections need to be handled when the action happens by the
application itself. storylyActionClicked method is called and must be overridden.

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Step 4: Setting up the Deep Links

To create deep links for each story and also enable socially sharable stories, the
application's custom URL scheme (for iOS, or intent URL for Android) must be provided
from Storyly Dashboard, under App Settings. Using this, it is possible to open stories
directly from outside the application. Custom URL schemes (intent URLs) are often in the
form of "myapp://".

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Step 5: Sending Events to Analytics/Data Platforms
Using StorylyEvent method, the apps can send Storyly events to any analytics tool of
their choice. StorylyEvent method includes cases for all Storyly events.

iOS - Android - React Native - Flutter

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