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Original Article J. Phys. Ther. Sci.

19: 183–188, 2007

Recovery Process of Gait Disturbance after
Ventriculo-Peritoneal Shunt in Patients with
Idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus


1)Department of Physical Therapy, School of Health Science, Bukkyo University:

96 Murasakino Kita Hananobo, Kita, Kyoto 603-8301, Japan. Tel +81 75-491-2141,
2)Center of Neurological and Cerebrovascular disease, Takeda Hospital

Abstract. To clarify the characteristics of the recovery process of gait disturbances after ventriculo-
peritoneal shunt (VP shunt) surgery in patients with idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus (iNPH), we
investigated three areas in two severely disabled patients: longitudinal changes of the severity of postural
instability of motor aspects of the Unified Parkinson’s disease Rating Scale (UPDRS); time taken in the
“timed up and go (TUG)” test; and the prevalence of freezing episodes and the severity of bradykinesia.
We also compared the computed tomography findings before and after VP shunt. Gait disturbances in the
early stage after VP shunt fall under the frontal gait disorder of Nutt’s classification or the mixed gait
apraxia of Liston’s classification. Disequilibrium clearly improved gradually after VP shunt, however, gait
ignition failure and hypokinesia showed no significant improvement in our study. In the early stage after
VP shunt, complementing disequilibrium using high-heeled shoes was highly effective at improving the
time taken in TUG. The improvements in radiographic findings were reported after VP shunt.
Key words: Idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus (iNPH), Gait disturbance, Ventriculo-peritoneal shunt

(This article was submitted Jan. 22, 2007, and was accepted Mar. 27, 2007)

INTRODUCTION gait disorder”4).

It is important to understand the recovery process
Idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus of gait disturbance in order to establish
(iNPH), first reported by Hakim and Adams et al., is rehabilitation programs after shunt operations,
a specific syndrome that causes enlargement of however, the process is still unclear. The purpose of
ventricles resulting from a blockage of the flow of this study was to clarify the characteristics of the
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), and is characterized by recovery process of gait disturbance after
the clinical triad of gait disturbance, urinary ventriculo-peritoneal shunt (VP shunt) in two
incontinence, and dementia. A shunt operation can severely disabled patients with iNPH.
reverse the clinical features of iNPH in the early
stage of the disease1, 2). PATIENTS
At first, iNPH was called “treatable dementia”,
however, gait disturbance is usually the most Case 1 was a 79-year-old male; Case 2 was a 66-
frequent symptom and is more reversible than the year-old male. They were diagnosed as possible
other symptoms by shunt operation3). Thus, it has iNPH according to the clinical triad characteristics
been proposed that it be recognized as “treatable and radiographic findings, and were admitted for
184 J. Phys. Ther. Sci. Vol. 19, No. 3, 2007

Fig. 1. Magnetic resonance imaging scans before shunt operation.

Increased ventricular dilatation, increased sylvian fissures space,
and decreased superior convexity and medial subarachnoid space.

further examination and treatment (Fig. 1). From disorders of iNPH in a previous study 6) . The
the appearance of symptoms, a period of more than severity is graded on a scale of 0 to 4.
6 months had passed. Based on a CSF tap test, We also investigated longitudinal changes in the
patients were diagnosed as probable iNPH and time taken in the “timed up and go (TUG)” test with
underwent subsequent VP shunt5). two different methods: barefoot and with high-
Preoperatively, both patients showed grade 4 gait heeled shoes. Patients with iNPH present posterior
disturbance on the Japanese iNPH grading scale- instability in the standing position6). Thus, we used
revised (JNPHGS-R), meaning it was impossible high-heeled shoes to complement the posterior
for them to walk even with assistance5). instability.
In frontal release signs, Case 1 was positive for The prevalence of freezing episodes and the
sucking reflex and Case 2 was positive for sucking severity of bradykinesia were assessed. The
reflex, grasp reflex, palmomental reflex, Rossolimo severity of bradykinesia was quantified using leg
reflex and tonic plantar reflex. Evaluation of agility by UPDRS scoring.
bradykinesia showed frequent hesitations and We compared the computed tomography findings
arrests in both patients. Mini-mental state before and after VP shunt. The compared findings,
examination showed 10 points for Case 1 and 3 as specific findings in iNPH7), were ventricular
points for Case 2. In both patients, the severity of dilatation, periventricular lucency, sylvian fissures
urinary incontinence was grade 3 of the JNPHGS- space, superior convexity and medial subarachnoid
R, which meaning frequent incontinence5). space, and focally dilated sulcus observed over the
The shunt system employed a Medos adjustable convexity of the hemisphere.
valve. The initial shunt pressure was set to 14
cmH2O in Case 1 and 20 cmH2O in Case 2. The RESULTS
shunt pressure of Case 2 was altered to 17 cmH2O at
2 weeks and to 14 cmH 2 O at 8 weeks after VP In first week after VP shunt, both patients had
shunt. grade 3 of severity of postural instability of motor
aspects of UPDRS, meaning the patients fell
METHODS spontaneously. Case 1 improved to normal (no
reteropulsion), grade 0, within 5 weeks after VP
We investigated longitudinal changes in the shunt. Case 2 improved to grade 1, the patient
severity of postural instability of motor aspects of recovered without assistance, although the
Unified Parkinson’s disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) retropulsion was recorded 8 weeks after VP shunt
after VP shunt. We confirmed the appropriateness (Table 1).
of this as an evaluation item for movement Case 1 could perform TUG in high-heeled shoes

Table 1. Longituginal changes of movement disorders

Weeks after VP shunt
Pre After
operation CSF tap 1 w 2w 3w 4w 5w 6w 7w 8w 9 w 10 w 11 w 12 w
Case 1 4 3 3 3 2 2 0 0 0
stability of
Case 2 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1
motor aspect
Timed up and Case 1 Bare feet 66 60 34 23 21
go test (sec) High-heeled shoes 62 42 37 27 20 20
Case 2 Bare feet 156 180 142 109 90 64 70 46 37
High-heeled shoes 194 131 98 100 80 63 52 45 46 43 32

Fig. 2. Comparison of CT findings (Case 1). A: improved sylvian fissures space. B:

improved ventricular dilatation and periventricular lucency. C: improved space
between superior convexity and medial subarachnoid and focally dilated sulcus.

1 week after VP shunt, and in bare feet 2 weeks after both patients. Freezing episodes were shown
VP shunt. The time taken in TUG improved over frequently during gait initiation, turning around, as
time within 5 weeks after VP shunt. The time taken well as during walking through small passages.
in high-heeled shoes shortened in comparison to Ventricular dilatation, periventricular lucency,
bare feet within 4 weeks after VP shunt. Case 2 was and the sylvian fissures space decreased in both
able to perform this test in high-heeled shoes from 2 patients. The Evans index improved from 0.48 to
week after VP shunt, and from 4 weeks after VP 0.39 in Case 1 and from 0.42 to 0.38 in Case 2. The
shunt in bare feet. The time improved over time superior convexity and medial subarachnoid space
within 12 weeks after VP shunt. The time taken in increased in both patients. Case 1 also showed
high-heeled shoes shortened in comparison to bare decrease of the focally dilated sulcus (Figs. 2 and 3).
feet within 11 weeks after VP shunt (Table 1).
In seven weeks for Case 1, and 12 weeks after VP DISCUSSION
shunt for Case 2, severity of bradykinesia was
unchanged compared to pre-operation conditions in Gait disturbance and abnormal radiographic
186 J. Phys. Ther. Sci. Vol. 19, No. 3, 2007

Fig. 3. Comparison of CT findings (Case 2). A: improved sylvian fissures space. B:

improved ventricular dilatation and periventricular lucency. C: improved
space between superior convexity and medial subarachnoid.

findings were improved by VP shunt, and therefore, patients participated in our study. This is major
they were diagnosed as definite iNPH. Similar limitation of this study. Therefore, further research
points in the recovery process of our two patients is needed to clarify our findings.
were: 1) disequilibrium, which was severe in the It has been thought that iNPH is one of the causes
early stage and improved within several weeks after of higher-level gait disorders characterized by
VP shunt; 2) freezing episodes and severity of disequilibrium, hypokinesia, and ignition failure9).
bradykinesia, on the other hand, were unchanged; 3) Gait disturbances in the early stage after VP shunt
high-heeled shoes were effective within several fell under the frontal gait disorder of Nutt’s
weeks after VP shunt; and 4) the difference of time classification or the mixed gait apraxia of Liston’s
taken in TUG between bare feet and with high- classification10) (Tables 2 and 3). Disequilibrium
heeled shoes decreased over time and finally clearly improved gradually after VP shunt,
disappeared. however, gait ignition failure and hypokinesia did
We used the item of postural instability of motor not improve significantly in our study. Therefore,
aspects of UPDRS as an index of disequilibrium. we presume that disturbed CSF absorption is related
Hydrocephalus can induce parkinsonism. Krauss et to disequilibrium, and, according to Liston’s
al. reported that the prevalence of parkinsonism was classification9), affects the pre-motor area or its
highest in elderly patients with iNPH8). In our connections. Our study also indicates that
previous study, we investigated the characteristics decreased gait speed is greatly associated with
of movement disorders of NPH using motor aspects disequilibrium.
of UPDRS. In comparison of pre- and post-shunt Knutsson et al. described that gait disturbances in
operation, the grade of postural instability was NPH is similar to gait apraxia (=ignition failure)11).
improved significantly6). However, our study indicates that the main feature
This is the first report of a quantitative assessment of gait disturbance in iNPH is disequilibrium since
of the recovery process of gait disturbance after VP it improved after VP shunt but ignition failure did
shunt in patients with iNPH. Our results may not. Furthermore, Stolze et al. reported that gait
indicate characteristics of the recovery process of disturbance in iNPH is greatly associated with
gait disturbance after VP shunt. However, only two disturbed dynamic equilibrium since external cues

Table 2. Nutt’s classification of higher-level gait disorders (Nutt et al. Neurology 1993)
Nutt’s classification Previous terms Lesion
Cautious gait Senile gait
Isolated gait ignition failure Gait apraxia Frontal lobe, white matter
connections and BG
Subcortical disequilibrium Astasia-abasia, Thalamic astasia Mid brain, BG, thalamus
Frontal disequilibrium Frontal ataxia Frontal lobe and white matter
Frontal gait disorder Frontal lobe and white matter
BG: basal ganglia.

Table 3. Liston’s classification of higher-level gait disorders (Liston et al. Age and Aging 2003)
Type Clinical feature Gait alters Cadence alters Site of lesion
with visual cues with auditory cues
Ignition apraxia Gait ignition failure, Yes Yes SMA, BG or connections
shuffling, freezing
Equilibrium apraxia Poor balance and falls No No PMA or connections

Mixed gait apraxia Gait ignition failure, Yes Yes SMA, GB or connections
shuffling, freezing, and SMA, BG or connections
poor balance and falls
SMA: supplementaly motor area.
PMA: premotor area.
BG: basal ganglia.

were less effective at raising the gait ability in iNPH after VP shunt, (3) several weeks were necessary for
compared to Parkinson’s disease12). Blomsterwall recovery from disequilibrium to reach roughly
et al. reported that (1) the preoperative backward steady gait, (4) several months had passed since the
velocity correlated with time and number of steps appearance of symptoms, and (5) in the recovery
needed to walk 10 m and the time taken in TUG, process, without rehabilitative intervention, there
and (2) postoperative reduction of backward might be delayed recovery of gait ability due to
velocity correlated with improvement in time disuse and increased risk of fall.
needed for TUG13). Although the neurological mechanism is unclear,
Gait disturbance in iNPH is characterized by petit the recovery of disequilibrium after VP shunt was
pas gait, magnetic gait, and broad based gait. delayed in Case 2 compared to Case 1. Thus, the
Further, it has been reported that CSF removal effective term of high-heeled shoes in Case 2 was
produced good results in petit pas gait compared longer than in Case 1.
with magnetic gait and broad based gait14). Our The similarity of the recovery process of our
study indicates that disequilibrium improved patients suggests that different rehabilitative
remarkably compared with ignition failure and interventions are needed in each stage after VP
hypokinesia. Thus, we assume that petit pas gait is shunt. In the early stage after VP shunt,
greatly associated with postural instability. complementing disequilibrium, such as by using
It is thought that the recovery of gait disturbance high-heeled shoes, is necessary. As Blomsterwall et
depends on the improvement of CSF absorption by al. have stated, patients with iNPH present with
VP shunt. However, we believe that rehabilitative backward shift of center of gravity13). We assumed
intervention is an important treatment option for our that this leads to decreased joint moment of ankle
patients because (1) the patients were elderly, (2) plantar flexion in the mid to terminal stance phase
severe gait disturbances remained in the early stage of walking, since forward shift of vector of ground
188 J. Phys. Ther. Sci. Vol. 19, No. 3, 2007

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