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Kaitlyn Avitia

Ms. Harris Pd.2

AP Seminar

14 January 2020

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America and Europe have established laws to protect animal from harsh experimentation for
the production of cosmetic products. The laws established are not sufficient in protecting the animals.
According to the Foundation of Biomedical Research, written by Claire Pomeroy, MD, MBA who is a
chair on the Board of Directors for the Foundation of Biomedical Research (Pomeroy), “Animal Welfare
Act (AWA) sets high standards of care for lab animals with regard to their housing, feeding, cleanliness,
ventilation and medical needs. It also requires the use of anesthesia or analgesic drugs for potentially
painful procedures and during post-operative care.” The AWA’s requirement of anesthesia means that
the animals wouldn't feel pain, or would be asleep, during the experiment itself. The standards set make
it so the animals have a decent life before the experiments due to the housing, feeding, and sanitary
standards. However, the AWA does not protect the majority of tested animals. According to The New
England Anti-Vivisection Society, an animal abuse advocation organization, “Labs that use mice, rats,
birds, reptiles and amphibians are exempted from the minimal protections under the Animal Welfare
Act (AWA).” A large amount of animal testing is done on rodents, especially rats and mice. The Animal
Welfare Act is supposed to protect the animals, yet one of the largest group of victims is exempt from
the protection of the AWA. This means that these animals countiuously are being experimented on,
tortured, and killed. Fortunately the AWA is not the only legal force that is to protect the animals.
According to the Foundation of Biomedical Research, written by Claire Pomeroy, MD, MBA who is a
chair on the Board of Directors for the Foundation of Biomedical Research (Pomeroy), “Institutional
Animal Care and Use Committee... require researchers to justify their need for animals; select the most
appropriate species and use the fewest number of animals possible to answer a specific question. All
IACUCs include at least one veterinarian and one community representative, unaffiliated with the
institution.” The IACUC helps protect the animals before the experiment has even begun. The
committee makes sure that the least amount of animals are even considered to be harmed. Using less
animals does not harm the efficiency of the test done.

Companies have a choice to test products on animals or be cruelty free. According to The
Humane Society International, an organization that works to end animal testing internationally,“Some
companies claim that they have to test on animals because they sell their products in countries like
China where animal testing is still required by law for companies importing into the country.” In order to Commented [KA1]: needs more explantion
make more profit by expanding to other countries that require animal testing they end up killing
thousands of animals. “In April 2019, China approve two new non-animal test methods for the Commented [KA2]: include context before this quote
regulation of cosmetic ingredients. This brings the total to nine animal-free tests in which China has Commented [KA3]: Need more evidence
approved, so far.”
Commented [KA4]: needs an explantion
Commented [KA5]: needs transition sentence to have it
flow better and together
Commented [KA6]: needs more words, i understand just
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