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Lab Experiment 2: Performance of First order and second order


Objective: The objective of this experiment will be to study the performance

characteristics of first and second order systems using MATLAB.

List of Equipment/Software
Following equipment/software is required:

Category Soft-Experiment


A complete lab report including the following:

s for Exercise 1 & 2 should be reported properly.

Overview First Order Systems:

An electrical RC-circuit is the simplest example of a first order system. It comprises of a

resistor and capacitor connected in series to a voltage supply as shown below on Figure 1.

If the capacitor is initially uncharged at zero voltage when the circuit is switched on, it
starts to charge due to the current ‘i' through the resistor until the voltage across it reaches
the supply voltage. As soon as this happens, the current stops flowing or decays to zero,
and the circuit becomes like an open circuit. However, if the supply voltage is removed,
and the circuit is closed, the capacitor will discharge the energy it stored again through
the resistor. The time it takes the capacitor to charge depends on the time constant of the
system, which is defined as the time taken by the voltage across the capacitor to rise to
approximately 63% of the supply voltage. For a given RC-circuit, this time constant is
τ=RC . Hence its magnitude depends on the values of the circuit components.
The RC circuit will always behave in this way, no matter what the values of the
components. That is, the voltage across the capacitor will never increase indefinitely. In
this respect we will say that the system is passive and because of this property it is stable.

For the RC-circuit as shown in Fig. 1, the equation governing its behavior is given by

where ��(�) is the voltage across the capacitor, R is the resistance and C is the
capacitance. The constant τ=RC is the time constant of the system and is defined as the
time required by the system output i.e. ��(�) to rise to 63% of its final value (which is E).
Hence the above equation (1) can be expressed in terms of the time constant as:

Obtaining the transfer function of the above differential equation, we get

where τ is time constant of the system and the system is known as the first order system.
The performance measures of a first order system are its time constant and its steady
Figure 1: step response of system (R=2K , C=0.01F)
Figure 2: step response of system (R=2.5K , C=0.003F)

from figure 1 & 2 the 63% of the final value is 19.95s ,7.47s respectively.

Calculated Measured
R=2K , C=0.01F 20s 19.98s
R=2.5K , C=0.003 7.5s 7.47s

Figure 3: step response of system steady state measured (R=2K , C=0.01F)

Figure 4: step response of system steady state measured (R=2.5K , C=0.003F)

The higher the value of the time constant, the faster the system; the
measured values are nearly identical to the theoretical values, with a
slight difference because the theoretical values used an approximation
in the time constant law; the steady state value was equal in both cases
because the steady state value is dependent on the input value, and the
same input was used in both cases; the steady state value was equal in
both cases because the steady state value is dependent on the input
value, and the same input was used in both cases; ( unit step)
Overview Second Order Systems:

The generalized notation for a second order system can be written as

With the step input applied to the system, we obtain

for which the transient output,is

Figure 5 : the step response of all the five system

Figure 6 : the time specifications of system 1

Figure 7 : the time specifications of system2

Figure 8 : the time specifications of system3

Figure 9 : the time specifications of system4

Figure 10 : the time specifications of system5

ζ Raise
Overshoot(%) Settling
0.1 1.13 3.14 72.9 38.4 1
0.4 1.47 3.45 25.4 8.41 1
0.7 2.13 4.41 4.6 5.98 1
1 3.36 12 0 5.83 1
2 8.23 25 0 14.9 1

Table2 : Measured values of the time specifications of the 2nd order system

ζ Raise
Overshoot(%) Settling
0.1 3.157 79.924 40 1
0.4 1.464 3.428 25.383 10 1
0.7 2.112 4.399 4.599 5.71 1
1 0 4 1
2 0 2 1

Table3 : Calculated values of the time specifications of the 2nd order system

Comments :
We notice that it can be seen that the value of affects the
system's speed; the higher the value, the slower the system and
the lower the overshoot value until it was zero when the value
was equal to 1. It was also noticed that changing the values
changes the shape of the response; when equal to 0.1, 0.4, and
0.7, the response was under damped; when equal to 1 the
response was critically damped; and when equal to 2 the
response became over damp. Because the value of the steady
state is dependent on the input value, and both examples used
the same input, the steady state value was same in both

In this experiment we learned about first-order control system
is a form of control system with a first-order differential
equation as its input-output relationship ( has only one
pole),the time constant, which is defined as the time it takes
for the step response to rise to 63 percent or 0.63 of its final
value and controls the system's speed, is a key specification of
the first order system, a system with two poles is called a
second-order system, the rise time, peak time, overshoot, and
setting time are all significant specifications of the second
order system, the damping ratio indicates whether the step
response is oscillatory (or not),the damping ratio is a measure
of how effective a damping is a system parameter that ranges
from undamped (= 0), underdamped ( 1), critically damped
( = 1), and overdamped ( > 1) to undamped ( = 0),the damping
ratio should be between 0.4 and 0.8 since at these values, a
system with a decent speed and acceptable overshoot is

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