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Figure 1: step response of system

Figure 2: step response with Kp=2 & Ki=0.2

O.S=1.13% , Ts=0.147s , Tr=0.0948s
Figure 3: step response of the system using PI controller (Kp=10 & Ki=1)
O.S=26.5% , Ts=0.165s , Tr=0.0243s
Figure 4: step response of the system using PI controller (Kp=100 & Ki=10)
O.S=47.2% , Ts=0.16s , Tr=0.00651s

-We note that the system became faster as the value of the rise time
decreased and the value of the overshoot increased and the value of
the setting time increased by a small amount, and the steady state
error decreased (almost eliminated) as the value of the proportional
gain and the integral gain increased (since the value of (ki) depends
on the value of (kp)). It was also noted that the number of ripples
increased as the value of t increased.
Figure 5 : the step response of the system using PID controller
O.S = 30.6% , Ts = 0.0827s , Tr = 0.00653s
Figure 6 : the step response of the system using PID controller
O.S = 6.6% , Ts = 0.0259s , Tr = 0.0075s
Figure 7 : the step response of the system using PID controller
O.S = 0.0993% , Ts = 0.009799s , Tr = 0.00799s

We notice that the addition of the derivative gain decreased the value of the
overshoot and the setting time, and as the value of the derivative gain
increased, the value of the overshoot and the setting time decreased as well,
but there was no significant effect on the value of the race time and the steady
state error. It was also noted that the higher the value of the derivative gain
decreased the number of the ripples and the ripples as well.

The best suitable PID controller is when Kp = 100 , Ki = 10 , Kd = 2 ,

because at these values , the system was obtained at a good
speed(fast rise time ) and with no over shoot and steady state error.

Conclusion :
In this experiment we learned about a proportional, integral, and
derivative (PID) controller is an instrument used in industrial
control applications, where (P) stands for proportional, (I) for
integral, and (D) for derivative controls,the proportional controller
(Kp) will increase the system speed (decrease the rising time) at the
expense of increased overshoot,at the risk of increasing overshoot
and possibly worsening the transient response, the integral gin (Ki)
will eliminate the steady state inaccuracy,the derivative gain (Kd)
reduces overshoot but has little influence on steady state error. The
derivative gain also improves the system's stability and transient
response,to achieve no overshoot, a quick rise time, and no steady
state inaccuracy,the PID controller's three stages must all be used.

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