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Culminating Activity

Purpose Statement – The content of this portfolio is to show our artifacts, its description and learnings
I’ve got from all of my works subsumed

With the rising issue of the covid-19 pandemic, social media

constantly surrounds us. Social Media are interactive computer-
meditate technologies that facilitate the creation and sharing of
information, ideas career interests and other forms of
expression via virtual communication. Today, the use of social
media is growing day by day at a significant rate. The social
media are used to connect with others, for business or
commercial purposes, to make new friends, reawaken old
friendships, and recover long lost relatives. The emergence of
social media simplified the whole process of communication
because they are easy to use. Social media comprise activities
that involve socializing and networking online through words,
picture and videos. A group of internet-based applications built
on the ideological and technological foundations of Web2.0
which allows the creation and exchange of user-generated
content. Social media tools have been developed in order to
maintain, manage and improve social interactions between
people, enable people to access and comment on contents.
These evolving learning environments will in doubt allow
students to anytime and anywhere.
2. Farmers are the backbone of our society. They are the ones who provide us all the food that we eat.
As a result, the entire population of the country depends upon farmers. Be it the smallest or the largest
country. Because of them only we are able to live on the planet.

1. Life as we now know it is full of ups and downs; nothing is seemingly constant in this ever-changing
world. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, our old lives seem so far behind us. However, although it doesn’t
seem like it, our normal lives aren’t as distant as many people think. There are still plenty of aspects of
life pre-pandemic that exist every day. One in particular occurs at the end of each day. Every evening,
around 8pm this time of the year, the sky becomes dim as the sun begins to sink below the horizon.
Some days, the sky is filled with clouds masking our view, but on other days the sky is painted with an
array of hues, ranging from yellows and golds to vibrant pink and purple tones. No matter the day, good
or bad, the sun always sets. This event is a constant reminder of the normalcy in our lives, and there is a
lot that can be learned and discovered about life and oneself by simply taking a look up at the sky each

3. Bayanihan, pronounced as /ˌbʌɪəˈniːhan/ is one of the enduring positive Filipino values that
inspire the community to help fellow countrymen in times of need without expecting anything in
return. It also means that we are mutually helping each other out. In times of heavy typhoons,
when everyone is a victim, Filipinos pitch in and give whatever they can. It came from the word
bayani. Bayanihan is inviting everyone to do heroes work together. In the Filipino context, a hero
is someone who loves his people. Bayanihan is foremost among Filipino values. We
believe that together we can survive and thrive.. Every year, we experience the
heaviest typhoons, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and even man-made
calamities. We always bounced back. We keep our smiles. That’s because we
know that no matter who we are when we need help, our fellow Filipinos will
unite to help those who are in need.

4. Culture can be defined as all the ways of life including arts, beliefs and
institutions of a population that are passed down from generation to
generation. Culture has been called "the way of life for an entire society." As
such, it includes codes of manners, dress, language, religion, rituals, art..

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