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Spin-bearing defects
in graphene
Lombardi et al., p. 1107

IN S CIENCE JOURNAL S Edited by Stella Hurtley


The fitness landscape of AAV

deno-associated virus (AAV) is an
important gene therapy vector. Using

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tools from synthetic biology, Ogden
et al. provide a comprehensive view
of how sequence changes in capsid
proteins affect AAV properties. After satu-
ration mutagenesis of the AAV2 capsid
gene, the resulting library was subjected
to multiplexed phenotypic analyses,
including virus production, immunity,
thermostability, and biodistribution. The
mutant distribution to major organs in
mice revealed dominant trends affecting
in vivo delivery. Moreover, the findings
uncovered a viral accessory protein with
a role in viral production. Finally, a model
built from the capsid fitness landscape
enabled machine-guided design of useful
variants with much higher efficiency than
random mutagenesis. —SYM
Science, this issue p. 1139

Computer-generated image of the atomic

structure of adeno-associated virus


SUPERCONDUCTIVITY view. By taking comprehensive pump heat out of a system MATERIALS SCIENCE
measurements as a function of using a reversible phase
A sharp boundary doping and temperature—and transformation. However, many
Growing polymer brushes
in the cuprates making sure that the signal was such materials fail after a small from surfaces
Many physicists working on not affected by environmental number of cycles. Hou et al. Surface functionalization is
cuprate superconductors believe conditions—they found an inco- found that laser melting of important in a broad range of
that the so-called strange herent strange metal phase that elastocaloric metals can create fields. One approach involves
metal phase in the cuprate was sharply separated from a fatigue-resistant microstruc- polymer brushes, where poly-
phase diagram is associated conventional phase by a temper- tures. A nickel-titanium–based mer chains are grafted onto
with a quantum critical point. ature-independent vertical line in alloy could be cycled a million a surface. Cai et al. describe
Within this picture, the quan- the phase diagram. —JS times and still produce a the nanoscale functionaliza-
tum critical point gives rise to a Science, this issue p. 1099 cooling of about 4 kelvin. This tion of surfaces by exploiting
V-shaped region in the doping- processing method could the living crystallization-driven
temperature phase diagram improve elastocaloric perfor- self-assembly of polyferrocenyl-
of the cuprates: the strange mance and move us closer to based block copolymers (see
metal phase. Chen et al. used A million times cooler using these materials more the Perspective by Presa Soto).
angle-resolved photoemission Elastocaloric materials can be widely for solid-state cooling Small crystalline cylindrical
spectroscopy in the cuprate used for solid-state cooling applications. —BG micelle seeds were attached
family Bi2212 to challenge this applications because they can Science, this issue p. 1116 using noncovalent bonds to

1090 29 NOVEMBER 2019 • VOL 366 ISSUE 6469 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
a variety of surfaces, includ- growth, and patients with a
IN OTHER JOURNALS Edited by Caroline Ash
ing silicon wafers, graphene lactose-malabsorption genotype
and Jesse Smith
oxide nanosheets, and gold. had a greater abundance of
Addition of dissolved unimers Enterococcus. A lactose-free diet
over the seed-coated surfaces limited Enterococcus growth,
allowed micellar brushes to reduced the severity of GVHD,
grow. Protonation and post- and improved survival in gnoto-
decoration with gold and silver biotic mouse models. —PNK
nanoparticles demonstrated the Science, this issue p. 1143;
applicability of such modified see also p. 1077
surfaces in catalysis, as antibac-
terial agents, and in separation
processes. —MSL HIV
Science, this issue p. 1095;
see also p. 1078
Early to treat, early
to thrive
Timing of antiretroviral therapy
ENHANCER GENOMICS (ART) initiation for HIV can
influence viral-reservoir seeding
Linking enhancers and also the immune response.

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to disease However, this has not been
Enhancers are genomic regions well characterized in neonatal
that regulate gene expression, HIV infection. To discern how
sometimes in a cell-dependent ART affects neonates, Garcia-
manner. However, most of our Broncano et al. studied infants
knowledge of human brain cell– from Botswana who were placed
type enhancers derives from on ART hours or months after
studies of bulk human brain birth. Early initiation of therapy
tissue. Nott et al. examined chro- reduced seeding of the viral
matin and promoter activity in reservoir and also modulated
cell nuclei isolated from human natural killer cell and T cell
brains. Genetic variants associ- responses to HIV. Thus, immedi- DRUG SOLVATION
ated with brain traits and disease ate ART initiation—earlier than
showed cell-specific patterns the current guidelines of a few A spoonful of sugar for your coffee
of enhancer enrichment. These weeks—could provide real ben-

lthough we brew coffee and tea in water, the psychoac-
data indicate that Alzheimer’s efit to infants with HIV. —LP tive drug we crave, caffeine, is moderately hydrophobic
disease is regulated by genetic Sci. Transl. Med. 11, eaax7350 (2019). and becomes more so as the temperature of a beverage
variants within microglial cells, decreases. Stacked aggregates of caffeine molecules,
whereas psychiatric diseases which may have different properties, can form at satura-
tend to affect neurons. —LMZ TUMOR IMMUNOTHERAPY tion. Shumilin et al. investigated the distribution of caffeine
Science, this issue p. 1134
New cell therapy fights aggregates and monomers in response to increasing concen-
tration of a common excipient: sugar. Although various sugars
brain tumors decreased overall caffeine solubility, they had a preferential
An adoptive cellular therapy effect on oligomers and resulted in a higher relative proportion
that expands clonal T cells could of caffeine in the monomer form. —MAF
Lactose can fuel GVHD help fight deadly heterogeneous
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 141, 18056 (2019).
Allogeneic hematopoietic cell brain tumors, medulloblastoma,
transplantation (allo-HCT) is and glioblastoma. Working in Adding sugar to coffee can change the solubility and aggregation
used to treat certain hema- mice, Flores et al. used dendritic behavior of caffeine molecules.
topoietic malignancies, but cells expressing tumor RNA to
patients have a risk of develop- expand polyclonal T cells that
ing graft-versus-host disease quickly react against a variety of
(GVHD). Stein-Thoeringer et different antigens within different HEART DISEASE by studying mice that volun-
al. performed a large-scale brain tumors. Promising results tarily ran for long distances on
analysis of more than 1300 were also obtained in a patient
Exercise finds its niche exercise wheels. They found that
Regular physical activity is asso-
patients treated with allo-HCT with recurrent medulloblastoma. these physically active mice had

ciated with a lower rate of death

across four clinical centers (see Although previous adoptive T cell fewer inflammatory cells (leuko-
the Perspective by Zitvogel and therapies have proven effective from heart disease, but the cytes) than sedentary mice, an
Kroemer). High levels of bacteria against several advanced cancers, underlying mechanisms are not effect they traced to diminished
from the Enterococcus genus the current method could provide fully understood. Frodermann activity of hematopoietic stem
were associated with greater patients with effective T cell et al. examined the effect of and progenitor cells (HSPCs).
incidence of GVHD and mortal- therapy for brain tumors. —SMF exercise on cardiovascular The lower activity of HSPCs was
ity. Lactose appears to provide Sci. Adv. 10.1126/ inflammation, a known risk due at least in part to exercise-
a substrate for Enterococcus sciadv.aav9879 (2019). factor for atherosclerosis, induced reduction in the levels

SCIENCE 29 NOVEMBER 2019 • VOL 366 ISSUE 6469 1091

Published by AAAS

ALSO IN SCIENCE JOURNALS Edited by Stella Hurtley


Brain anatomy revealed Controlling quantum Keeping tabs on bad CTP hydrolysis organizes
in startling detail defects in graphene experiences chromosomes
The mammalian cerebral cortex The development of quantum Identifying the neural basis The bacterial DNA parS centro-
is an enormously complex net- technologies relies on the abil- underlying how we acquire, mere recruits the ParB protein to
work of neuronal processes that ity to fabricate and engineer process, and store negative the bacterial chromosome. Soh
are long and thin, branching, and materials with robust quantum experiences could help the et al. found that the widespread
extremely densely packed. This properties. The controlled search for effective treatments family of ParB proteins not only
high packing density has made introduction of defects in for mood disorders. Szőnyi et al. bind DNA but also bind and
the reconstruction of cortical semiconductors is one of the used a range of neuroscientific hydrolyze cytidine triphosphate
neuronal networks challeng- most promising platforms under tools to elucidate the role of a (CTP) (see the Perspective by
ing. Motta et al. used advanced development. With the capabil- specific neural circuit that origi- Funnell). ParB CTP hydrolysis is
automated imaging and analysis ity to precisely position point nates in the median raphe region stimulated by parS and regulates
tools to reconstruct with high defects (five-membered rings) in of the murine brainstem (see the the spreading of ParB protein
spatial resolution the morpho- the graphene honeycomb lattice, Perspective by Ikemoto). A sub- to the parS flanking regions,

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logical features of 89 neurons Lombardi et al. explored recent population of excitatory neurons which is crucial for organizing
and their connections in the theoretical work suggesting that projected to aversive brain areas the bacterial chromosome. The
mouse barrel cortex. The recon- such defects should display and received recurrent feedback cytidine triphosphatase domain
struction covered an area more enhanced quantum properties from the lateral habenula and is conserved in a large variety of
than two orders of magnitude (see the Perspective by von convergent feedback from a protein sequences, suggesting
larger than earlier neuroana- Kugelgen and Freedman). The range of fear-related circuitry. its potential roles in other cel-
tomical mapping attempts. This spin-bearing properties of the These neurons were activated lular processes. —SYM
approach revealed information defects and the engineered by aversive stimuli, and artificial Science, this issue p. 1129;
about the connectivity of inhibi- control of their interactions stimulation promoted aversion see also p. 1072
tory and excitatory synapses open up exciting possibilities for or anxiety-related behavior. This
of corticocortical as well as graphene-based spintronics and group of cells thus plays a pivotal
excitatory thalamocortical con- quantum electronics. —ISO role in a network that helps to PROTEIN FOLDING
nections. —PRS Science, this issue p. 1107; mediate aversive motivation.
Science, this issue p. 1093 see also p. 1070 —PRS
A pathway for helical
Science, this issue p. 1094; membrane proteins
see also p. 1071 Membrane proteins are inserted
SEISMOLOGY CHEMICAL PHYSICS into cell membranes while they
are being translated and may
Marine observations Glimpsing an exchange MAGNONICS
fold concurrently into their sec-
with optics of partners Toward magnonic devices ondary and tertiary structures.
Placing sensors on the seafloor When two diatomic molecules The field of magnonics aims Choi et al. describe a single-
is difficult, but a sensor network collide, they can sometimes to use spin waves (SWs) and molecule force microscopy
has huge potential for observ- swap partners. For instance, their associated quasipar- technique that allowed them to
ing processes occurring both two potassium-rubidium (KRb) ticles—magnons—as carriers monitor folding of helical mem-
below and above the seafloor. molecules can produce K2 and of information. Compared with brane proteins in vesicles and
Lindsey et al. measured acoustic Rb2. The four-atom intermediate the movement of charge in bicelles. Two helical membrane
vibrations collected by attach- formed upon collision is typi- conventional electronics, a major proteins, the Escherichia coli
ing a laser to the Monterey cally too scarce and short-lived advantage of SWs is reduced rhomboid protease GlpG and the
Accelerated Research System’s to spot, even using ultrafast Joule heating. However, SWs are human b2-adrenergic receptor,
subsea optical fiber during techniques. Hu et al. circum- trickier to direct and control. Two both folded from the N to the C
a maintenance period (see vented this problem by studying groups now go a step further terminus, with structures form-
the Perspective by Jousset). the reaction at temperatures toward magnon-based devices. ing in units of helical hairpins. In
Acoustic waves were monitored approaching 0 kelvin. Using a Han et al. show that in multi- the cell, this would allow these
by changes in laser light along combination of mass spectrom- layer films, domain walls can be proteins to begin folding while
the cable. The observations from etry and velocity-map imaging, used to change the phase and being translated. —VV
just a few days allowed mapping the authors directly character- magnitude of a spin wave. Wang Science, this issue p. 1150
of an unknown fault system and ized the ionized K2Rb2 complex et al. demonstrate how magnon
detection of several dynamic as well as the reactant and currents can be used to switch
processes in the water column product populations. —JSY the magnetization of an adjacent
above. —BG Science, this issue p. 1111 layer. —JS
Science, this issue p. 1103; Science, this issue p. 1121, p. 1125
see also p. 1076

1092-B 29 NOVEMBER 2019 • VOL 366 ISSUE 6469 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS

IMMUNOLOGY stress-granule formation. After

DNA stimulation of human cells,
Microbiota influence cGAS associated in an RNA-
vaccine responses dependent manner with G3BP1
Responses to vaccines can be and was found in cytoplasmic
variable, and recent findings foci that also contained messen-
suggest a potential explanation ger RNA and the RNA-dependent
may lie in the influence of gut kinase PKR. Formation of
microbiota. In a Perspective, cytoplasmic cGAS condensates
Pulendran discusses how necessary for DNA-stimulated
systematic analyses of vaccina- type I interferon production
tion responses—for example, required G3BP1 and PKR activity.
to the influenza vaccine—are —ERW
revealing insights into vaccine Sci. Signal. 12, eaav7934 (2019).
responses and the importance
of the gut microbiota in forming
immunogenicity to infectious
disease. This has implications for
vaccine design and for stratify-
ing individuals according to likely

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vaccine response. —GKA
Science, this issue p. 1074

Charting MAIT cell
Mucosal-associated invariant
T (MAIT) cells are a distinct
subset of T cells that recognize
vitamin B metabolites presented
by major histocompatibility
complex class I–related protein
(MR1). Koay et al. used bulk
and single-cell RNA sequencing
and flow cytometric analysis to
characterize the development of
murine and human MAIT cells.
In addition to providing a clearer
picture of MAIT cell development
in the thymus, the studies uncov-
ered several molecules that
play key roles in regulating this
process. Genetic inactivation
experiments in mice confirmed
the functions some of these mol-
ecules—including SAP, SATB1,
CXCR6, and CCR7—in regulating
MAIT cell development. —IW
Sci. Immunol. 4, eaay6039 (2019).

A convergence for RNA
and DNA sensing
In response to cytosolic DNA,
cyclic GMP-AMP synthase
(cGAS) initiates a type I inter-
feron response. Hu et al. found
that endogenous cGAS bound
to the nucleotide helicase
G3BP1, which is involved in

SCIENCE 29 NOVEMBER 2019 • VOL 366 ISSUE 6469 1092-C

Published by AAAS
This Week in Science
Stella HurtleyJelena StajicSteve MaoIan S. OsborneErin WilliamsLaura M. ZahnValda VinsonSarah M. FortunePriscilla N.
KellyJake YestonGemma AldertonIfor WilliamsMarc S. LavineLindsey PujanandezBrent GrocholskiPeter Stern

Science, 366 (6469), • DOI: 10.1126/science.2019.366.6469.twis

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