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Did you know? It can take up to four years for a coffee to reach mature production.... Did you know? Coffee reached Europe early in the 17th Century. Louis XIV and Pope Clement III were early converts ...

Did you know? The name NESCAF is a combination of Nestl and caf.... Did you know? Coffee is one of the most consumed beverages and traded commodities worldwide ...

Did you know? Your coffee's flavor is a delicate balance of characteristics, working together to create that perfe...

Did you know? The Dutch began growing coffee on the island of Java, now part of Indonesia, in 1696....

Did you know? The 2 main types of commercially grown coffee are Arabica and Robusta. Arabica beans account for aro...

Did you know? The word coffee originates from the Arabic word 'kaweh', meaning strength or vigour....

Did you know? By the 9th Century, coffee was widely drunk in Persia. It was widespread throughout the Muslim world...

Did you know? By 1800, Brazil had become the largest producer of coffee in the world.... Did you know? An entire years output from one tree is scarcely enough to produce 500 grammes of soluble coffee....

Did you know? In the 1700s, a French naval officer, Gabriel Mathieu de Clieu, stole a cutting from the Kings coff...

Did you know? Londons 17th-Century coffee-houses became known as Penny Universities; for the price of a coffee ...

Did you know? Bach composed the Coffee Cantata in honor of the drink. Beethoven was also an avid coffee drinker....

Did you know? Each cherry consists of two coffee beans.... Did you know? The first coffee-house in England opened in Oxford, in 1650, and in London one year later. By 1700, ...

Did you know? It can take up to four years for a coffee to reach mature production.... Did you know? Coffee reached Europe early in the 17th Century. Louis XIV and Pope Clement III were early converts ...

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Coffee recipes
Hmm NESCAF the delicious way! Try out these recipes and enjoy them with friends. We give you some invaluable tips to help ensure your cup of NESCAF coffee tastes just the way our blending experts intended it, with full flavours and rich aromas. Prepare your NESCAF... just add the recommended amount of NESCAF coffee to your cup, pour water over it, add milk or sugar if you wish, and enjoy the moment!

NESCAF recipes

Iced Coffee Deluxe

Preparation Time: 5 minutes Serves: 1 Ingredients 2 tsp NESCAF powder (e.g. GOLD, Classic) 2 tsp sugar 1 Tbsp hot water 200 ml milk, chilled 1 cube of vanilla ice cream Crushed ice

Preparation: Dissolve NESCAF and sugar in hot water. Combine in shaker or blender with the remaining ingredients, shake or blend until combined. Pour into serving glass to serve. Sprinkle with grated chocolate and garnish as desired. Enjoy your NESCAF Iced Coffee Deluxe

Cafe Latte
Preparation Time: 2 minutes Serves: 2 Ingredients 3 tsp NESCAF powder (e.g. GOLD, Classic) 2 tsp sugar 1 cups milk, hot Preparation: Combine all ingredients, pour into heatproof glasses. Enjoy your NESCAF Caf latte!

Greek Frapp
Preparation Time: 2 minutes Serves: 1 Ingredients 2 tsp NESCAF Classic 2 tsp sugar Ice cubes Preparation: Pour 10-15ml of water in the shaker (preferably not chilled, but

chilled will still do) Add two tea-spoonfuls of NESCAF Classic and one tea-spoonful of sugar, or more if desired. Shake strongly until all the water becomes foam. Potential use of an electric hand mixer, instead of a shaker, will make a more nice, shiny and creamy foam. Pour into a glass of 250ml, add 3-4 ice cubes and chilled water to fill the glass for black NESCAF Frapp. For white NESCAF Frapp, add 20-30ml chilled milk. Ideal serving temperature is 10 degrees Celsius. Enjoy your NESCAF Frapp! Hint: The quantity of water in step 1 plays an important role in creating qualitative foam. A very small quantity will not produce enough foam while a large quantity will produce soapy foam. If you desire different dosages of coffee and/or sugar, the exact quantity of water in step 1 should vary accordingly. Milk should always be put after stirring otherwise the foam loses all its stability.

Jamaican Coffee Preparation Time: 2 minutes Serves: 2 Ingredients 1 tbsp NESCAF Classic Instant Coffee 1 tbsp sugar 1 1/2 cup boiling water 1 tsp rum ice cubes cream, whipped nutmeg
Preparation: Combine NESCAF Classic, sugar and boiling water, refrigerate until cold, add rum. Place ice cubes in 2 serving glasses, pour in coffee, top-up with whipped cream, and sprinkle with nutmeg. Enjoy your NESCAF Jamaican Coffee!

Maple Coffee Frapp

Preparation Time: 5 minutes Serves: 2 Ingredients 2 tsp NESCAF Classic Instant Coffee 1 tbsp hot water 2 tbsp maple syrup

3/4 cup water, chilled 1/4 cup cream crushed ice Preparation: Dissolve NESCAF Classic in hot water. Combine in a shaker or blender with remaining ingredients. Shake or blend until frothy. Pour into serving glasses. Top-up with extra ice and garnish with a strawberry slice. Hint: For a lighter Frapp, substitute chilled water and cream with 1 cup of chilled milk. Enjoy your NESCAF Maple Coffee Frapp!

Pear and Coffee Frapp

Preparation Time: 5 minutes Serves: 2 Ingredients 2 tsps NESCAFE Classic (Red cup) 2 tbsps Sugar 1 tbsp Water, boiling 4 tbsps Pear juice 180 ml Water (chilled) 2 tbsps Cream, single 10% (or Half and half ) Crushed ice Ice cubes to serve Preparation: Dissolve NESCAF Classic coffee and sugar in the hot water. Place the coffee in a shaker or blender with the remaining ingredients. Shake or blend until frothy. Pour into two serving glasses with ice cubes.
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