Democratic Practice and Social Inequality in India: WEEK 6 2nd Reading

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WEEK 6 2nd reading

Relationship bw democratic ideal, institution and practices

Democratic ideals(DI) represent the objectives of democracy such as freedom of expression, accountability etc. Democratic
institutions(IN) are arrangements which allows you to realise these ideas in whatever limited extent. Whether you actually
realise them depends on democratic practices(DP). They include the constituents of democracy such as people, opposition etc.
In India, one can emphatically say that democratic institutions have been a success having stood the test of time(emergency)
and skepticism of being in impoverished and unequal nation of India. There are institutions to ensure equality.
Main limitation lies in democratic practices. Democratic institution in turn is dependent on democratic practices and performs
The reason behind the limited DP is social limitation persisting from the past. The best example is Freedom to vote. In spite of
having the best IN of EC, we still have limited choices, nepotism no information etc. this curtails ideal of freedom to vote and
EC’s role is undercut. Other example abound in village panchayats occupied by criminals, judiciary with pending case etc.
This impacts the integrity of IN and DI which impacts the quality of democracy. Examples of improved D[ such as campaigns
against corruptions, decentralisation which help in putting it on political agenda and bringing political transformation
Thus, improved DP can improve democracy. Sole focus on IN does not help the cause of democracy.

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