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Capstone Project Proposal

Name of student: Eric MacMillan

Date: 28\02\22
Teacher: Ms. Lacroix
Capstone strand I have chosen is Project strand
Proposed title for my project: Cryptids

What is your inquiry question that interests you for further research? It should be a question that
connects with a purpose, passion or personalized area of interest for you. This is a question that
you cannot just google an answer for. Please see examples from your Capstone booklet.

My inquiry question is:

How did humans come up with these mythical creatures such as a Dragon or a Wendigo?

Rationale/context: Detail your reasons for choosing this inquiry question. Explain WHY you are
choosing to investigate this topic as a major area of focus. How does this area of inquiry
connect to your passion(s), purpose? Why is it of personal interest to you?

I want to know why these cultures of people throughout history to see these monsters to the
Viking to the Mongolians and to the Fost nation?

Background: What background knowledge/connections/prior learning do you have in this

area of inquiry?

Not much. Most of my information before looking into it is from the history channel and books.
Career connections: What is your intended career area at this point in time? What
connections does this inquiry question have to your life, academic and/ or career goals?

Security. I love to learn about this belief in these type of belief.

Interdisciplinary and core competencies connections: What subject areas and core
competencies will be connected with your project? Outline and explain the connections.

Personal Awareness & Responsibility

Self-Determination -I can express my needs and seek help when needed.

Social Responsibility

Building relationships- I have peer and intergenerational relationships.

Critical Thinking

Questions and Investigate- I can ask good quality questions, gather relevant information, and
come up with well-developed conclusions.

Creative Thinking

Novelty and Value- I can create new and unique ideas that may provide new perspectives that
influence how people think about topics.

Acquire, interpret, and present information- I can engage in deep and meaningful inquiry for a
variety of purposes and audiences.

Personal & Cultural Identity

Personal Values and choices -I understand what is important to me.

I understand how what I value has and will shape my choices.

Capstone Presentation medium: select one or more project mediums you wish to use to
present your project. Outline and give details about how you will present your project once
completed. You may use a combination of mediums.

o Electronic portfolio: Prezi or PPT

o Physical portfolio
o Website
o I movie presentation
o YouTube channel


I movie presentation

Description of my Capstone project. Specific Project Details of the Capstone Project: what
will you research, create, study, produce, solve, investigate? What product will be produced
at the end of this project for evaluation. Write a one-page description outlining your
First of all, I will investigate and chose two creatures of each continent. Dig deep into the folk
lore of each creature, then I will make a detail report of each of them. At that point ,i will begin
the filming of my video/PowerPoint.

Resources/ Technology/Skills: Make an assessment of the resources, technology and

skills you will need to be able to complete this project. What is your plan to be able to
access/learn all of the resources necessary to achieve completion of this project? Detail
your plans.

Camera presence and critical thinking is very important for this project. i think i need training to
capture the necessary pictures.

I am using technological devices along with my critical thinking related to my project.

Mentors/Community Connections: What types of mentor(s)/community connections will

you need to help you complete your capstone project? How will your mentor(s) help you?
What is your plan to access the mentorship/community connections necessary for this

Someone who works in museum can help me to complete my project as they have more
detailed of the subject i am looking into and my parents and school staff will help me to get it
physically done. I will make time in my schedule and put in the necessary amount of time to
complete it.
Project limitations: What are some project limitations and potential obstacles that you foresee
that might affect progress with your Capstone Project?

Finding the exact information related to the project.

Other considerations: List and detail any other related information/ considerations about
your project that you feel should be included in your project proposal.

I think if could not find the actual mentor then I would stuck on my project.


Attach a REFERENCE LIST. Your list should be written using correct APA formatting.
An example is provided on page 21 of your Capstone booklet.

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