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DAILY School ANISLAGAN NATIONAL Grade 11 – Shakespeare

LESSON HIGH SCHOOL Level & 3rd Quarter

PLAN/LOG Quarter
HIGH SCHOOL Inclusive April 13, 2022 Learning Creative Writing
Dates Area
Schedule Topic Literary Elements of
d Time Drama – Characters

I. OBJECTIVES At the end of an hour discussion, the learners are expected to:
a. Identify the different types of characters;
b. discuss and provide examples of each type of characters;
c. perform activities of their preference emphasizing their
understanding on different characters; and
d. display teamwork/collaboration in performing the activities.

A. Content Standard The learners understand drama as a genre and are able to analyze its elements and
B. Performance Standards The learners shall be able to compose at least one scene for a one-act play that can
be staged.
C. Learning Competencies Conceptualize a character/setting/plot for a one-act play (HUMSS_CW/MPIj-IIc-
/ Objectives (Write the 17)
LC Code)
III.LEARNING List of materials to be used in different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children’s
RESOURCES interest in the lesson and in learning. Ensure that there is a mix of concrete and manipulative
materials as well as paper-based materials. Hands-on learning promotes concept
A. References
1. Curriculum Guide Page 601 of 773 (MELCS with Codes PDF File)
2. Learners’ Materials Creative Writing Quarter 2 Module 3: Conceptualizing Character, Setting, and Plot
pages for One-Act Play
3. Textbook pages
A. Preliminaries Prayer
Students volunteer to lead the prayer.

Checking of Attendance
The teacher will ask the class monitor for the list of absent students.

Review of the previous lesson

(4 pics, 1 word)
1. Drama
2. Comedy
3. Play
4. Scene

Checking of Assignments
Assignments will be collected if there are any.
B. Motivation PHOTO MATH
The class will be divided into Team A and Team B. Then, they will be given set of
words with jumbled letters which they need to arrange. The team which can get
more correct numbers will be declared as the winner.

1. dialogue
2. plot
3. theme
4. action
5. characters


The students will identify the name of the character who popularized the given line,
and the title of the literary text/movie/show/vlog where the line is taken from.

1. “May the odds be ever in your favor.” Effie Trinket, The Hunger Games
2. “Akala mol ang wala, pero meron, meron, meron!” Ojie (Carlo Aquino), Bata,
Bata, Paano Ka Ginawa
3. “I said… lock the door when you leave.” Miggy Montenegro, A Very Special
4. “But before the sun sets on her sixteenth birthday, she will prick her finger on the
spindle of a spinning wheel, and fall into a sleep-like death! A sleep from which she
will never awaken!” Maleficent, Sleeping Beauty
5. “Ayyy, okay!” Jaime Onod, Telma’s Vlog


In this part, the learners will be divided into three groups. Each group will be given
a sheet of paper which contains the type of character assigned to their group.
They will be given three (3) minutes to prepare, and another three (3) minutes to
The teacher will do follow-up discussion after the presentation of each group.

E. ABSTRACTION (5 minutes)
The teacher will check students’ understanding and will sum up the discussion
through the following questions:

1. What is a character?
2. What are the types of characters? Can you differentiate each?
3. Why is it important to understand these different types of characters?

F. APPLICATION (20 minutes)

Each group will be given the chance to select from the categories that will be
provided and group themselves based on their preference. In each category comes
different tasks. The students will be given five (5) minutes to brainstorm for their
ideas and another maximum of three (3) minutes to present their output.

- In this task, the students will select/compose a song which entails the
importance of characters in texts or understanding of the type of characters.
- Students will think of characters they know from the stories they’ve read or
movies they’ve watched, deliver their lines, then explain which type of
character the one they portray belongs to.

- From the stories/movies the students have watched already, they will
formulate a line of one of its character that they think will move and make
a mark on the lives of the audience.


- Students will have to draw one character out from the stories/movies
they’ve watched, then will explain in the class the type of character they
think it portrayed and why they selected the character.
VI. EVALUATION (4 minutes)
Direction/s: Read the questions carefully, then, encircle the letter of the correct
1. A stock type of character can be illustrated as ___________.
a. a damsel in distress
b. wicked stepmother
c. a gentleman from far away land
d. a gangster

2. A character with positive qualities and is focused on in drama is called ____?

a. foil
b. antagonist
c. dynamic
d. protagonist

3. Robin is known to be Batman’s sidekick. How does Robin function as a

a. protagonist
b. antagonist
c. stock
d. foil

4. A special kind of character who is used to enhance another character through

a. protagonist
b. antagonist
c. stock
d. foil

5. The character does not undergo any internal changes.

a. antagonist b. dynamic c. static d. foil

6. The keyword when dealing with the difference between dynamic and static.
a. permanence b. change c. balance d. opposing

VII. Look for the elements of plot over the internet, and search in advance, the meaning
ASSIGNMENT/AGREEME of each element. Prepare for sharing of ideas in the next session.
REMARKS Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your
students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to
help the students learn? Identify what help your Instructional Supervisors
can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Other Activities
Criteria Poor Good Excellent
(1 pt) (2 pts) (3pts)

Preparatio Poor Good Excellent

n Students were off task Students were on task for most Students were on task for all of the
during planning and didn't of the planning time and planning time of the planning and
develop a well thought developed a well thought developed a well thought out
performance. performance. performance.

Authentici Poor Good Excellent

Students portrayed a Student portrayed a Students showed a performance
performance that is too performance that can be that is extremely observable in
much in a real-life observed somehow in real-life real-life situation or that which is
situation. situation. highly convincing.

Content Poor Good Excellent

Students did not use the Students demonstrated the
conflict resolution skill in resolution skill in role play not Students’ performance contained
their role play. to the fullest understanding.

Creativity Poor Good Excellent

Students’ role play was
hard to understand and Students’ role play was a little Students’ role play was creative
not creative. creative and understandable. and easy to understand.

Teamwork Poor Good Excellent

/ No teamwork/collaboration Some of the group members All the group members participated
is manifested. did not participate for the for the success of the performance.
Collaborat success of the performance.

Prepared by: Noted:


Teacher I School Head
Name: __________________________ Name: __________________________
Yr. Level & Sec.: _____________ Yr. Level & Sec.: _____________
Score: _________ Score: _________

Direction/s: Read the questions carefully, then, encircle the letter Direction/s: Read the questions carefully, then, encircle the letter
of the correct answer. of the correct answer.
1. The speaker tries to make the addressee perform the action. 1. The speaker tries to make the addressee perform the action.
a. assertive b. directive c. commissive d. a. assertive b. directive c. commissive d.
expressive expressive
2. An act which brings a change in the external situation. 2. An act which brings a change in the external situation.
a. directive b. declaration c. expressive d. a. directive b. declaration c. expressive d.
commissive commissive
3. Committing the speaker to do something in the future 3. Committing the speaker to do something in the future
a. assertive b. directive c. commissive d. a. assertive b. directive c. commissive d.
expressive expressive
4. Emotional responses 4. Emotional responses
a. declaration b. expressive c. directive d. a. declaration b. expressive c. directive d.
commissive commissive
5. The speaker expresses belief about the truth of a proposition. 5. The speaker expresses belief about the truth of a proposition.
a. assertive b. directive c. commissive d. expressive a. assertive b. directive c. commissive d. expressive
6. “I look better.” 6. “I look better.”

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