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Written Progress Report

May 2022
Descriptive Written Comments
B.L has had a good year in kindergarten. B.L is always happy to share and participate
during class with hands-on activities. B.L has shown a great interest in building with a variety of
different materials.
Students Strengths
- Good at showing and communicated emotions.
- Creative and good at expressing himself through building and drawing.
- Knows his numbers up to 10.
- Enjoyed learning about financial literacy.
- Starting to participate in more discussions and stay engaged.
- Loves hands on activities and building.
- Understands the bases of life cycles.
- Knows about half of his letter names and letter sounds.
Areas for Improvement
- Often has a difficult time staying on task.
- Can shut down and does not want to complete some work.
- Needs to work on putting up his hand and not calling out.
Ways to Support Learning
B.L would benefit with additional practice in literacy and mathematics.
- Review letter names and sounds with B. to continue to build skills.
- Read with B. daily to help build pre-reading skills.
- Count with B. to review and practice numbers up to 100.
Student Competency Scale

School Emerging Developing Proficient Extending

*mock report card for to acquire the ability to knowledge, Knowledge,
Ms. Danylchuk’s knowledge, apply skills, skills,
Practicum in a skills, knowledge, strategies and strategies and
Kindergarten Class at strategies and skills, strategies processes processes
Cinnabar Valley processes. and processes. consistently. creatively and
Elementary. strategically.
English Language Arts
Reading, Listening
and Viewing
Writing, Speaking and


Social Studies

Arts Education

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