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Dynamics of Love and Happiness: A Mathematical Analysis

Article  in  International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science · June 2012

DOI: 10.5815/ijmecs.2012.05.05


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2 authors, including:

Dharna Satsangi
Dayalbagh Educational Institute


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I.J.Modern Education and Computer Science, 2012, 5, 31-37
Published Online June 2012 in MECS (
DOI: 10.5815/ijmecs.2012.05.05

Dynamics of Love and Happiness: A

Mathematical Analysis
Dharna Satsangi
Department of Mathematics, Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra, India

Arun K. Sinha
Department of Mathematics, Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra, India

Abstract— The human behavior is a combination of several partner [1]. These feelings vary from person to person
feelings. There are two cases whether a person likes other and from time to time. Everyone has these feelings in
individual or not. The liking of an individual leads to love and their hearts but the ratio or percentage differs. It is clear
finally happiness. The feelings of love may be in different forms
that the feeling in human varies according to different
but here considered to be partners’ love. There are three aspects
of love for the partner: forgetting process (oblivion), the
conditions, which are not easy to study mathematically.
pleasure of being loved (return), and the reaction to the appeal For it different conditions and assumptions have to be
of the partner (instinct). Along with that the appeals and the applied therefore we need to move towards an
personalities of the two individuals do not vary in time. This interpretative world or to think for a model that can give
model proves that if the geometric mean reactive-ness to love is dynamics of human feelings and experiences specially
smaller than the geometric mean forgetting coefficient and the happiness and love. There are some examples of love
system is asymptotically stable if the ratio of appeals is greater one is stories of Romeo Juliet and other is the creation
than the reciprocal of ratio of mutual intensiveness coefficient. of Tajmahal. Not even in the modern society but also in
ancient time there were stories of Lord Krishna and
Index Terms— Differential equations, Human behavior,
Rowth-Hurwitz Criteria
Radha, Lord Krishna and Meera. The difference
between these two is that one assumes Him true lover
but other as her “everything” or she worships him. Also
I. INTRODUCTION no one can ignore the phrase “God is Love” [2]. It is
accepted in several religions. The Vedic literature
Today human behavior has become interesting topic to
describes the Absolute Truth as sat-cit-ananda vigraha,
study. Everyone is looking for techniques to study it
which means the personal form of eternal knowledge
accurately. It is true that studying it is not difficult task.
and bliss. And in the Taittiriya Upanishad (Second Valli,
This can be performed by psychologists very easily but
Seventh Anuvaka), the Absolute Truth is described as
studying it accurately or near to accuracy is not easy one.
concentrated ananda or bliss. And the absolute truth is
It is clear that accuracy can be achieved by mathematical
related with happiness which a man achieves whether it
analysis of psychologists study. For this we need to
is worldly love or with the Supreme Being. The
define human behavior in form of equations or we need
happiness is the emotion which is achieved either after
to form a model based upon different feelings taking
getting your love or after completing a desire. So there
account of different conditions. For example, love and
is a direct relationship between love (desire) and
hate are not two mutually exclusive events. A person can
happiness. Hence it is clear that happiness is
have both feelings simultaneously. Suppose a man likes
proportional to love. As we get a relationship between
some habits of his partner that are loved by him and some
the two quantities the mathematics come into the picture.
that are not liked are hated by him. So love and hate
Several scientists believed in this mathematics [3]. They
cannot be taken in different equations. Their combined
have tried to bind the behavioral science with
effect on ones feelings shows his behavior.
There are different feelings in one’s life; some of
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Initially
them are happiness and sadness. There are several
existing research present in literature is presented in
factors affecting these feelings. Basically in
Section II. Here related models are explained. In Section
mathematical terms sadness is negative feeling of
III the model of consideration of this research which is an
happiness. If we assume ‘h’ is happiness factor then ‘-h’
improvement of the existing model is presented. In
is sadness factor and everyone tries to achieve greater
Section IV the solution of the model is explained. In
amount of ‘h’. Happiness can be achieved by external
order to find weather the solution presented obeys
feelings. Among inner feelings love is the most
stability conditions or not is tested in Section V. Finally
dominant feeling in an individual. The feeling in an
Section VI concludes the paper.
individual can be for his life, position, humanity or

Copyright © 2012 MECS I.J. Modern Education and Computer Science, 2012, 5, 31-37
32 Dynamics of Love and Happiness: A Mathematical Analysis


= −α 1 x1 (t ) + β 1 x 2 (t ) + γ 1 A2 ,
Ever since Newton introduced differential calculus, dt
dynamical phenomena in Physics, Chemistry, Economics
dx 2
and all other sciences have been extensively studied by = −α 2 x 2 (t ) + β 2 x1 (t ) + γ 2 A1 ,
means of differential equations. Surprisingly, one of the dt
most important problems concerning our lives, namely where α i , β i and γ i , as well as the appeals Ai, are
the dynamics of love between two persons, has been
studied via system dynamics methodology. In his one constant and positive parameters. The negative term
page paper Strogatz [4] describes how the classical topic − α i xi (t ) , due to oblivion, says that the love of i, in the
of harmonic oscillations can be taught to capture the absence of the partner j, decays exponentially
attention of students. He suggested consideration of “a xi (t ) = x i (0) exp(−α i (t )) . The second term β i x j (t )
topic that is already on the minds of many college
students: the time evolution of a love affair between two is the return, and the third γ i Aj is the reaction to the
people”. The model proposed by Strogatz is definitely
partner’s appeal. Thus, each person is identified by four
unrealistic because it does not take into account the
appeal of the two individuals. Thus Strogatz’s model, parameters: the appeal Ai, the forgetting coefficient α i
though it layed the foundation of study of human and the reactive-ness βi and γ i to the love and appeal
romantic relationship, does not explain why two persons
who are initially completely indifferent to each other of the partner.
develop a love affair. Under suitable assumptions on the behavior of the
In 1998, Rinaldi [5] in his paper proposed a more individuals, the model turns out to be a positive linear
realistic, although it is still a minimal model. Three enjoying, as such, a number of remarkable properties,
aspects of love dynamics are taken into account: the which are in agreement with common wisdom on the
forgetting process (oblivion), the pleasure of being loved argument. These properties are used to explore the
(return), and the reaction to the appeal of the partner consequences that individual behavior can have on the
(instinct). These three factors are assumed to be community structure. The main result along this line is
independent and are modeled by linear functions. The that individual appeal is the driving force that creates
resulting model is a linear dynamical system, which turns order in the community.
out to be positive if the appeals of the two individuals are Sprott J.C. [1] in his paper presented to the Chaos and
positive. The theory of positive linear systems can Complex system seminar in Madison, Wisconsin on
therefore be applied to this model and gives quite February 6, 2001 discussed various models of love and
interesting results. Some of them describe the dynamic happiness. Some of the models described in the paper:
process of falling in love, i.e. the transformation of the Love model for Romeo and Juliet
feelings, starting from complete indifference (when two
persons first meet) and tending towards a plateau. Other dR
results are concerned with the influence that appeal and
= aR + bJ
individual behavior have on the quality of romantic
relationships. dJ
= cR + dJ
Rinaldi considered three phenomenon namely, oblivion, dt
return, and instinct. The first gives rise to a loss of where,
interest in the partner, and explains, for example, the • R is Romeo’s love for Juliet
typical decay of xi, which takes place after the death or • J is Juliet’s love for Romeo (or hate if negative)
estrangement of j, i ≠ j. By contrast, the second and the • a, b, c, d are constants that determine the
third are sources of interest. Moreover, the return “Romantic styles”.
increases with the love of the partner, while the interest is For different values of the constants there are several
sensitive only to appeal (physical, intellectual, cases, but there are some limitations of the model:
financial ...). 1. It is difficult to quantify and measure love and
The following simplifying assumptions are also made. hate.
First, the appeals and the personalities of the two 2. Love is not a scalar (different types).
individuals do not vary in time: this rule out again, 3. Parameters change in time and with the situation.
learning and adaptation processes which are often 4. Parameters may be different for love and hate.
important over a long range of time [6, 7]. Thus, the 5. There are always other variables.
model can only be used for short periods of time
(months/years), for example in predicting if a love story Love Triangle Model
will be characterized by regular or stormy feelings.
Another model representing love triangle is also
Second, synergism is assumed to be negligible, i.e.
proposed by him
Oblivion and return depend only upon one state variable.
1. Romeo has a mistress, Guinevere.
Finally, all mechanisms were supposed to be linear. The
2. Guinevere and Juliet don’t know about one
result was the following model:

Copyright © 2012 MECS I.J. Modern Education and Computer Science, 2012, 5, 31-37
Dynamics of Love and Happiness: A Mathematical Analysis 33

3. Romeo responds to each with the same romantic exhibit temporal oscillations in their love for one another,
style (same a and b). so that Romeo’s love R for Juliet is given by
4. Guinevere’s hate has the same effect on his d 2x dx
feelings for Juliet as does Juliet’s love, and vice 2
+β + ω 2 x = F (t )
versa. dt dt (1)
Love triangle equations
β -Damping (rate of decay),
dR J
= aR J + b( J − G ) ω -Natural resonant frequency of oscillation (in units
dt of radians per unit time)
F(t) -External forces
= cR J + dJ dx
dt H= - Happiness
dRG Without loss of generality, the frequency can be taken
= aRG + b(G − J )
dt as ω =1, which amounts to measuring time in units of
dG 1 . Equation (1) is the familiar expression for a
= eRG + fG ω
dt damped (if β > 0) harmonic oscillator describing many
• System is 4D (4 variables) phenomena such as a mass on a spring, a small-
• There are 6 parameters amplitude pendulum, or a resonant electrical circuit.
• System is is linear (no chaos) The feedback that allows oscillations is through Juliet’s
J. Wauer [8] studied human romantic relationships reaction to Romeo’s love. This is the simplest
via system dynamics methodology. Starting point is a dynamical model for Romeo’s love and his resulting
time-invariant linear model of two individuals without happiness.
interaction with environment. Specifically, time-
dependent fluctuations both in the source terms and the III. THE PROPOSED MODEL
system parameters are introduced and examined in their
consequences where also more realistic non-linear The model of Rinaldi [5] does not consider the effect
modeling is proposed and analyzed. In reality, there are of learning and adaptation and synergism after living
short- and long-termed fluctuations of personal feelings together (in the case of arrange marriages in India, which
due to, for instance, biological cycles and varying stresses have succeeded over centuries). This suggests that the
from the daily job. While it is straightforward to emotional interaction of two individual must be
introduce such emotional patterns into the mathematical considered in the modeling process.
model, it is difficult to measure parameter values Further, emotion of a particular individual with respect
quantatively. to other cannot increase infinitely. Hence emotions may
For couples with all kinds of exotic feeling, a never-
ending list of new phenomena may be expected. However, vary; we assume that it is proportional to x1 x 2
the variability is to be expected to be more limited for Under the above assumption the following model is
couples of cautious individuals. One interesting effect is proposed
the cyclic change of love about a stationary center of dx1
steady love for a couple governed by linear state = −α 1 x1 + β1 x 2 + A2 + d1 x1 x 2
equations, or a so-called robust couple governed by dt
equations with nonlinear return functions. For a fragile dx 2
couple, there is second stable fixed point of stationary = −α 2 x 2 + β 2 x1 + A1 + d 2 x1 x 2
hate, and the cyclic behavior may occur about either of
dt (2)
the two centers. A more complex irregular motion pattern where,
surrounding both centers with alternating love and hate of x1 - measure of emotions of individual 1.
different time spans might appear during different time
x 2 -measure of emotions of individual 2.
periods, but it seems very seldom for cautious lover with
strong damping. α , β , A and d are constant and positive parameters.
Now we will analyze (2) using equilibrium analysis
Happiness Model
A sequence of models for the time evolution of one’s
happiness in response to external events is described. IV. SOLUTION OF THE PROPOSED MODEL

These models with added nonlinearities can produce The model is given as
stable oscillations and chaos even without external events.
Potential implications for psychotherapy and a personal
approach to life are discussed. It was proved by Sprott [1]
in this paper that even the simplest linear case, can

Copyright © 2012 MECS I.J. Modern Education and Computer Science, 2012, 5, 31-37
34 Dynamics of Love and Happiness: A Mathematical Analysis

dx1 On observing the values of x1 and x 2 we get that there

= −α 1 x1 + β1 x 2 + A2 + d1 x1 x 2
dt are four cases:
dx 2 1. Case 1:
= −α 2 x 2 + β 2 x1 + A1 + d 2 x1 x 2
dt (3) Let us consider the values
−k +l
The equilibrium points of the above system are x1 = ,
solutions of m
k +l
dx 2
=0 x2 =
dt dt n (7)
and (4)
For stability analysis we have,
Equation (4) gives

1 −k +l
x1 = [−( A1d1 + β1β2 − A2 d2 − α1α2 ) X 1 = x1 − ( )
2(d2α1 + β2 d1 ) m
± {(A2 d2 ) + (β1β2 ) + ( A1d1 ) + (α1α2 )
2 2 2 2
k +l
X 2 = x2 − ( )
− 2β1β2 A1d1 − 2A2 d2α1α2 − 2A1d1α1α2 n
− 2β1β2 A2 d2 − 4d1α2 A2 β2 − 4A1α1β1d2 }1/ 2 ] Substituting these values in the original model and
linearizing we get,

x2 =
[−( A2 d 2 + β1 β 2 − A1 d1 − α 1α 2 ) d 2 X1 dX
+ a1 1 + a 2 X 1 + r = 0
2(d1α 2 + β1 d 2 ) dt 2
± {( A2 d 2 ) 2 + ( β1 β 2 ) 2 + ( A1 d1 ) 2 + (α 1α 2 ) 2 where,

− 2β1 β 2 A1 d1 − 2 A2 d 2α 1α 2 − 2 A1 d1α 1α 2 k +l
a1 = α 1 − d 1 ( )
− 2β1 β 2 A2 d 2 − 4d1α 2 A2 β 2 − 4 A1α 1 β1 d 2 }1 / 2 ] n
Substituting the given values in the above x1 and x 2 a 2 = − β 12 − β 1 d 2 ( ) p + β 1α 2 p
k = A1 d 1 + β 1 β 2 − A2 d 2 − α 1α 2 l−k k +l l−k
+ d 1α 2 p ( ) − β 1d 2 p ( ) − β 1d 1 p ( )
l = [( A2 d 2 ) 2 + ( β 1 β 2 ) 2 + ( A1 d 1 ) 2 + (α 1α 2 ) 2 m n m
− 2 β 1 β 2 A1 d 1 − 2 A2 d 2α 1α 2 − 2 A1 d 1α 1α 2 k +l l−k l−k 2
− d 1d 2 ( )( ) − d 1d 2 p ( )
− 2 β 1 β 2 A2 d 2 − 4d 1α 2 A2 β 2 − 4 A1α 1 β 1 d 2 ]1 / 2 n m m
It can be calculated that,
m = 2(d 1α 2 + β 1 d 2 )
a1 < 0 a2 < 0
n = 2(d 2α 1 + β 2 d 1 ) and (8)
k , l , m, n > 0 Using Routh-Hurwitz criteria we get,

We get, ⎡a1 1⎤
⎢0 a 2 ⎥⎦
−k ±l ⎣
x1 = (9)
m (5) Therefore by (8) and (9),
k ±l a1 a 2 > 0
x2 =
n (6) Hence the equilibrium points given by equation (7) are
V. STABILITY ANALYSIS Further it may be calculated that if
In order to study stability of these equilibrium points (1) d 1 > d 2 and
we use some assumptions:
(1) α 1α 2 > 2β1 β 2 (2) p = >1
(2) A1 d 1 > 2 A2 d 2

Copyright © 2012 MECS I.J. Modern Education and Computer Science, 2012, 5, 31-37
Dynamics of Love and Happiness: A Mathematical Analysis 35

Then, Then ,
a2 > 0 a2 > 0
Therefore, Therefore,

a1 a 2 < 0 a1 a 2 < 0
Hence we get asymptotically stable system. Hence we get asymptotically stable system.
2. Case 2 3. Case 3:
Let us consider the values Let us consider the values
−k −l −k +l
x1 = , x1 = ,
m m
k +l k −l
x2 = x2 =
n (10) n (13)
For stability analysis we have, For stability analysis we have,
−k −l −k −l
X 1 = x1 − ( ), X 1 = x1 − ( ),
m m
k +l k +l
X 2 = x2 − ( ) X 2 = x2 − ( )
n n
Substituting these in the original model and linearizing
Substituting these values in the original model and
we get,
linearizing we get,
d 2 X1 dX d 2 X1
+ a1 1 + a 2 X 1 + r = 0 dX
+ a1 1 + a 2 X 1 + r = 0
dt dt 2
k +l
a1 = α 1 − d1 ( ) k − l
n a1 = α 1 − d 1 ( )
k +l 2 k +l
a 2 = − β12 − β 1 d1 ( ) + β1 d1 ( ) l − k l − k
n m a 2 = − β 1α 2 p − β 1 d 2 p ( ) + d 1α 2 p ( )
n m
k +l 2 k +l l − k 2 l − k
+ d12 ( ) + β1α 2 p + β1 d 2 p ( ) − d 1d 2 p ( ) − β 12 + β 1 d 2 ( )
n m m n
k +l k +l 2 l − k l − k 2
− d1α 2 p( ) − d1 d 2 p( ) − d1β 1 p ( ) + d 1d 2 p ( )
m m m mn
It can be calculated that,
It can be calculated that,
a1 > 0 a2 < 0
a1 < 0 and a2 < 0 (11)
and (14)
Using Routh-Hurwitz criteria we get,
Using Routh-Hurwitz criteria we get
⎡a1 1⎤
⎡a1 1⎤
⎢0 a 2 ⎥⎦
⎣ a 2 ⎥⎦ ⎣ (15)
Therefore by (14) and (15),
Therefore by (11) and (12),
a1 a 2 < 0
a1 a 2 > 0
Hence, the system is asymptotically stable.
Hence the equilibrium points given by equation (10)
are unstable. 4. Case4:
Further it may be calculated that if
Let us consider the values
d1 > p (α 2 + d 2 )

Copyright © 2012 MECS I.J. Modern Education and Computer Science, 2012, 5, 31-37
36 Dynamics of Love and Happiness: A Mathematical Analysis

−k −l A1 d1
x1 = , (2) A1 d1 > A2 d (= > )
m A2 d 2
k −l (1) tells that the system is asymptotically stable if the
x2 =
n (16) (geometric) mean reactive-ness to love β1 β 2 is
smaller than the (geometric) mean forgetting coefficient
For stability analysis we have,
α 1α 2 .
−k −l
X 1 = x1 − ( ), (2) tells that the system is asymptotically stable if the
m A1
ratio of appeals is greater than the reciprocal of ratio
and A2
k +l d
X 2 = x2 − ( ) of mutual intensiveness coefficient 1 .
n d2
Substituting these values in the original model and The stability of proposed model shows that the effect
linearizing we get, of learning and adaptation and synergism after living
together is an important factor. Hence it can be concluded
d 2 X1 dX that in arrange marriages the emotional interaction of two
+ a1 1 + a 2 X 1 + r = 0 individuals plays an important role in modeling.
dt dt Although it is clear that emotion of a particular individual
where, with respect to other cannot increase infinitely. But there
k −l is existence of learning and adaptation.
a1 = α 1 − d 1 ( )
k +l k +l REFERENCES
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Copyright © 2012 MECS I.J. Modern Education and Computer Science, 2012, 5, 31-37
Dynamics of Love and Happiness: A Mathematical Analysis 37

Dharna Satsangi has earned integrated M.Sc.-M. Phil. in

Mathematics with specialization in Computer Science
from the Dayalbagh Educational Institute, India (2009)
and is currently pursuing Ph.D. at the same department.
Her research includes mathematical models of biological
systems, psychological behavior of humans and graph
layout problems.

Prof. Arun K. Sinha has earned M. Sc. in Mathematics

Specialization in Statistics and Ph.D. in Mathematics
from Agra College, India. His research areas are statistics
and bio-mathematics. He has 35 years of teaching
experience. Currently he is Head, Department of
Mathematics, Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra.

Copyright © 2012 MECS I.J. Modern Education and Computer Science, 2012, 5, 31-37

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