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Name_______________________________________ Class______________________________



1 Complete the text. Use the correct forms of the words in capital letters /6

Last week I went to a very

interesting talk about a trip to the INTEREST

Himalayas. Some of the photos

were1______________ The speaker AMAZE

said that he was really 2 _______________ TERRIFY

by the little rope bridges high above the ground. The most
_______________ part of the EXCITE

talk was when he described the last day. They were so

_______________ that they nearly TIRE

fell but, finally, they made it to the top of K2. One thing I was
_______________ by was a really ANNOY
_______________ man who sat next BORE

to me and kept on chatting to me during the talk.

2 Complete the text with one word in each gap


My father is a famous musician. He started 0 ___going____________ to music school 1

_______________he was six years old, that’s forty-two years 2_______________. In 1985, he
was sitting at home when he suddenly came 3 _______________with a tune which he wrote 4
_______________ before he forgot it. After that, he didn’t think about it. At the same time, a TV
producer was looking 5 _______________ the problems that new musicians had in getting their
music played. It turned 6 _______________that he and my dad were at school together and he
used my dad’s tune in the programme. It became popular and my father became famous.

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3 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets in the correct form. /6

0 Last week I (go) __went____ to the cinema to see the new James Bond film.

1 I (paint) _______________ the living room ceiling when I (drop) my brush onto the TV.

2 I (not do) _______________ my homework last night, I forgot

3 Where (be) _______________ you yesterday?

4 I (not come) _______________to see you yesterday because I (sleep) all evening.

4 Underline the correct answers: a, b or c. /6

Last week, I _____ a book on local history. It’s fascinating. The phone rang while I _____ but I 2
0 1

_____ it. I couldn’t stop 3 _____. In the book it says that a man called John Collins built our house
over 200 years ago in 1796. He was a soldier and died fighting when he was thirty-eight years old.
He 4_____ his horse when some soldiers 5_____ him and shot him. It’s funny, at school I never 6
_____history but now it’s my favourite subject!

0 a was starting reading

b used to start reading

c started reading

1 a used to read

b was reading

c read

2 a wasn’t answering

b didn’t answer

c didn’t use to answer

3 a to read

b read

c reading

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4 a was riding

b rode

c used to ride

5 a were seeing

b used to see

c saw

6 a used to like

b didn’t like

c was liking

5 Complete the questions and answers. /6

A 0
__Did you go___ to the party last night?

B No, I 1______________________________ I went to bed early.

A 2
What ______________________________ at eleven o’clock yesterday morning?

B I was cooking lunch.

A 3
______________________________ scared when you saw those dogs?

B Yes, 4 . ______________________________ They were really frightening.

A 5
______________________________ watch cartoons when you were young?

B Yes, 6 ______________________________ . I used to watch them all the time.

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Track 3

1 Listen to Professor Sykes talking about George Orwell. Underline the /7

correct answers: a, b or c.
1 Professor Sykes works

a at Oxford University.

b as a writer.

c for the radio station.

2 George Orwell came back from India

a when he was three.

b in 1903.

c when he was four.

3 Orwell’s family

a paid a lot of money for his school.

b paid a lot of money for his university education.

c didn’t pay for his education.

4 After school he became a

a writer

b student.

c policeman.

5 In Paris Orwell

a wrote a book.

b had a number of poor jobs.

c couldn’t find work.

6 The Road to Wigan Pier is about

a real people’s lives.

b Orwell’s time in Paris.

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c the war in Spain.

7 Animal Farm and 1984 a were true sixty years ago but not now.

b are his most famous two books.

c are true stories.

1 Read the texts about five important events in recent British history Match /5
the headings (A-F) to the correct texts (1-5).There is one extra heading

A A new kind of leader. 

B A sad day. 

C How did it get there? 

D Listen to us. 

E They couldn’t escape. 

F On top of the world. 

5 Events That Changed Britain

1 The Great Train Robbery
In 1963 a gang of thirteen men carried out one of the biggest robberies in British history. They
stopped a train and stole £2.3 million. During the robbery, the train driver was hit on the head and
died seven years later. The police found their fingerprints and the gang travelled all over the world to
escape but, in the end, the police caught all thirteen of them. Nobody ever found the money.

2 The Coronation of Elizabeth II

King George VI was a very popular king and the country was heartbroken when he died in 1952. The
coronation of his daughter, Elizabeth, took place on June 2nd 1952. Twenty million people watched
on television and another 11 million listened to the coronation on the radio. While they were listening
and watching, news came in from Nepal that Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tensing had climbed to the
top of Mount Everest, the first people to do so. They reached the top on May 29th but the news took
four days to come through.

3 Margaret Thatcher
Margaret Thatcher became leader of the Conservative Party in Britain in 1975 when the Labour Party
were in power. There were many problems in Britain in the late 1970s. People found it hard to get
jobs, prices were going up and, in 1979, the Conservative Party came up with a famous slogan:
‘Labour isn’t working.’ In May that year, Margaret Thatcher became Prime Minister, the first woman

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ever to be Prime Minister in Britain. She led the country for eleven years and changed it for ever.

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4 The Beatles in America
At the end of 1963, The Beatles were the most popular pop group in England. Fans screamed at their
concerts and they sold millions of records. But, in America, nobody knew who they were. No English
groups were popular in America. Two months later, in February 1964, The Beatles were number one
in America and millions of people watched them on television on the Ed Sullivan Show. Over the
next few years, many groups like The Rolling Stones and The Who also went to America and changed
the world of rock and roll.

5 The 1966 World Cup

In 1966, the World Cup was played in England. The excitement started four months before when the
cup disappeared. A dog, named Pickles, found it in a garden and nobody ever knew who took it and
how it got into the garden. When the football started, England made it to the final against their old
enemies West Germany. It was an exciting match, with six goals altogether, England winning 4-2.
Just before the last goal, some fans started running onto the pitch. The commentator famously said:
‘They think it’s all over’ and then, when the goal went in, he continued: ‘It is now.’

1 Complete the text with the words and phrases in the box. /8

was / walking/ unforgettable./ most/ exciting/ date /excited /happened /felt/ when /was
It happened a few years ago. I remember the 1 ______________.very well. It 2______________.

June 4th 1998. I was in my first year of secondary school.

I 3______________. to school 4______________. I saw a big, white car with black windows.
Suddenly, it stopped and out stepped the film star, Bobby Davies. I 5______________. really 6
______________. I love his films.

I talked to him for a few minutes. He was lost and asked me where the Grand Hotel was. It was an
______________.moment. He gave me his autograph and I’ve got a photo of us together. It was
the 8______________. day of my life.

Score / 50

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