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Quarter 4 – HEALTH

Day & Learning Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of

Time Area Delivery
6:00-8:00 Wake up, make up your bed, and get ready for an awesome day!
8:00-8:30 Have a short exercise/meditation/bonding with family.

Discusses gatewaydrugs (H8s-IVa- ACTIVITY 1: True or False

27) If the statement is true, write
TRUE. If the statement is false,
Analyzes the negative health impact write FALSE.
of cigarette smoking ACTIVITY 2: Create a mini leaflet
*describes the harmful short- and of facts about the two gateway
long-term effects of cigarette smoking drugs connecting it to COVID-19
on the different parts of the body virus. Give them information that
*discusses the dangers of they need to know. You may
mainstream, second hand and third choose and just focus between the
hand smoke two; cigarette or alcohol. Have
*explain the impact of cigarette Activity 3: Message in the Bottle the
smoking on the family, environment, Below are bottles of alcohol
and community (H8s-IVf-31) considered as gateway drugs. Write
the negative health impacts of hand-in
drinking alcohol. the
Thursda HEALTH Analyzes the negative health impact
of drinking alcohol Activity 4: Tobacco Versus output/
y (1:00- 8 Alcohol Identify from the list below
*describes the harmful short- and answer
3:30) long-term effect of drinking alcohol which diseases or effect are caused
sheet to
*interprets blood alcohol by alcohol or tobacco. Write them
in their respective side of the Venn the
concentration (BAC) in terms of
physiological changes in the body diagram, if the disease is caused teacher
*explains the impcat of drinking by both gateway drugs, list them at in
alchol on the family, environment, the center. school
and community (H8s-IVf-32) Activity 5: APPROVED OR
DISAPPROVED Read the following
sentences carefully. Tell whether Friday,
Discusses strategies in the
prevention and control of cigarette the statement is a helpful tip for (May 27,
smoking and drinking alcohol someone to quit smoking and 2022).
beverages drinking alcohol. If the statement
*apply resistance skills in situations is a helpful tip, write APPROVED.
related to cigarette and alcohol use If not, write DISAPPROVED.
*follows policies and laws in the Activity 6: Infographic Create an
family, school and community related infographic showing healthy
to cigarette and alcohol use (H8s-IVg- alternative activities on how to
h-33) avoid using gateway drugs such as
cigarette and alcohol. Do this on a
½ size cartolina. You may put
Suggests healthy alternatives to
decorations and other creative
cigarettes and alcohol to promote
designs to showcase your
healthy lifestyle (self, family,
community) (H8s-IVg-h-34) creativity. Hand-based or digital
based infographic is much
appreciated in this activity.
Criteria 5 4 3 2
Completeness of The infographic All required All but one (1) of Two (2) or more
Elements includes all elements are the required required
required included on the elements is elements are
elements as well infographic. included on the missing.
as additional infographic.
Clarity of Labels All important Almost all Many important Labels are too
items on the important items items on the small to view or
leaflet are clearly on the leaflet are leaflet are clearly no important
labeled clearly labeled labeled items are labeled.
Attractiveness The leaflet is The leaflet is The leaflet is The leaflet is
exceptionally attractive in acceptably distractingly
attractive in terms of design, attractive though messy or very
terms of design, layout, and it may be a bit poorly designed.
layout, and neatness. messy. It is not
neatness. attractive.
Grammar There are no There are one (1) There are three There are more
grammatical/ to two (2) (3) to four (4) than four (4)
mechanical grammatical/ grammatical/ grammatical/
mistakes on the mechanical mechanical mechanical
leaflet. mistakes on the mistakes on the mistakes on the
leaflet. leaflet. leaflet.
Activity 3: Message in the Bottle
Directions: Below are bottles of alcohol considered as gateway drugs. Write the negative health
impacts of drinking alcohol on one’s health inside each bottle.

Activity 4: Tobacco Versus Alcohol

Directions: Identify from the list below which diseases or effect are caused by alcohol or tobacco.
Write them in their respective side of the Venn diagram, if the disease is caused by both gateway
drugs, list them at the center.
Directions: Read the following sentences carefully. Tell whether the statement is a helpful tip for
someone to quit smoking and drinking alcohol. If the statement is a helpful tip, write APPROVED. If
not, write DISAPPROVED.

1. Make a plan to quit smoking.

2. Don’t keep alcohol at home.
3. Eat regular, balanced diet/meals that include foods that increase energy and
boost mood.
4. Do not consider your diet for it does not help at all.
5. Surround yourself with non-smoker friends.
6. Keep your hands and mouth busy with activities that will divert your attention.
7. Choose to be with people who love drinking alcohol.
8. Prioritize wellness to equip you with best physical health to weather challenges
that trigger your desire to drink and smoke.
9. Stick to your usual hobbies and do not discover new engaging activities that can
distract your desire for smoking and drinking.
10. Educate yourself with the bad effects of smoking and drinking alcohol to your

Activity 6: Infographic
Directions: Create an infographic showing healthy alternative activities on how to avoid using gateway
drugs such as cigarette and alcohol. Do this on a ½ size cartolina. You may put decorations and other
creative designs to showcase your creativity. Hand-based or digital based infographic is much
appreciated in this activity. See sample illustrations below for your reference.

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