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Dungeonrunner is a solitaire card game of fantasy
dungeon delving. The game takes about 5-10 minutes
to play. Like most solitaire games, learning is easy,
winning is not.

Object of the Game

Your hero will go through a deck of cards to simulate
the dungeon, crypt, or ruin that your hero is
exploring. Each card will represent either a magical
item, a monster that desperately needs slaying or
some other random event the hero must pass in order
to move forward. If the hero makes it to the quest
card, the hero has successfully completed the

Inside this box, there are three separate adventure
decks, or as we like to call them, “Hack Packs”. Each
Hack Pack represents a different adventure.

On the bottom right of each card is a “deck identifier”

to let you know which Hack Pack the card belongs to.
That way, if you ever mix up the cards making your
own adventures, (which we encourage you to do), you
can easily place them back in the proper Hack Pack.
Set Up

Take the deck and find the hero card and place the Although it will be rarely used, keep in mind that at
it directly in front of you on the table. the upper right of the table will be a second
discard pile called Oblivion. This is where cards go
Choose a quest from the quest list at the end of that are rarely brought back into the game.
these instructions. Unless otherwise noted, take the
card the quest tells you to. That will be your quest When discarding cards in Limbo or Oblivion, always
for this adventure. Shuffle all the remaining cards do so face down.
back in with the main deck.
Above the Adventure deck and the Hero is where you
Now deal 15 cards. Shuffle those dealt cards along can place all drawn cards until they are resolved.
with the quest card. Place those face down and
sideways to the right side of the table. These cards To the right will be enough space where you can roll
make up the Bottom Deck. dice.

Take the remaining cards, shuffle them, then place To start your adventure, flip over a card from the
them on top (not sideways) of the Bottom Deck. adventure deck. It will either be an item, a monster,
These are called the Top Deck. an ally, or an event.

Both the Top Deck and the Bottom Deck are called If the hero survives the card, the turn ends. Start a
the Adventure Deck. Place this to the left of the new turn by drawing another card.

On the upper right of the play area there will be

two discard piles. The first is called Limbo. These
cards may come back into play as the adventure
moves on.
Basic Items and Terms

Threat Tokens
A Hero may have an influence upon them that hit
points do not cover. Things like haunting, stress,
poison, vampire bites, and so on. To represent these,
a Hero may be told to gain a Threat Token.

These effects have a cumulative effect on the Hero. If

the Hero ever gains three Threat Tokens, the Hero
“Succumbs to Fate” in the form of the last event that
gave them the Threat Token. (i.e. if the last token was
from a vampire bite, the Hero becomes a Vampire.)

Rolling the Dice

The Hero Card Two 10-sided dice are used in this game. You will
know which ones to roll when you see the following.
Here is a typical hero card. The name of the hero
is on the top of the card. d10

Next, the hero’s class is given. Some cards will This simply means to roll a die and take the result off
affect, or be affected, by your hero’s class. the top. If there is a number before the d10, that
means roll a d10 that many times and add all the
Below that, there are three shapes with numbers. results together.
These three numbers represent the Hero’s combat
This means to roll both dice and subtract the lower
TWAC, which stands for “to wound armor class”, number rolled from the higher number. If the result is
is a measure of how easily the hero can hurt a zero, make it a 1 instead.
With either of these methods, you may see a + or -
Armor Class reflects how well the hero can avoid next to it, simply add or subtract the number after the
getting hurt by an enemy. symbol to the result of the roll.

Hit Points is a measure of how much punishment Ability Checks

the hero can take. When the hero loses all their hit
points, the hero dies, and the game is over.
In the game, you will be asked to make an Attribute
Check based on one of the
attributes of the hero. One example would be that the
The numbers along the left-hand side are the hero’s hero needs to make a Might Check to move a
attributes. These numbers measure how strong, boulder blocking the path, or an Agility Check to
vigorous, dexterous, agile, smart and witty the hero jump a pit.
To perform an attribute check, roll d10 and look at
the attribute asked for on the hero. If the roll is
Powers and Power Points equal or less than the hero’s attribute score in that
area, the hero passes the ability check. If not, the
On the bottom of the card is a section for the hero fails. The card will tell you what to do in
Hero’s powers. These are special rules that apply either case.
to this hero.
Some checks ask to add multiple attributes together.
Some powers can be used for free, other powers Roll a number of d10 equal to the number of
use power points, which every Hero has three of at attributes added. The check is passed if the combined
the beginning of the quest. roll is equal or less than the total attribute score.
Item and Event Cards

Item Cards You may choose to change what you have equipped
before starting a new turn.
Items cards represent things the hero finds along
You may take one item out of your backpack during
the way on their adventure.
combat but doing so will count as the hero’s action
for that turn.
The first line on an item card tells how much gold
the item will be worth.
Event Cards
Events are random occurrences that the hero must
face before moving on.

Most events are straight forward. You will have to

make an ability check of some sort and get rewarded
or penalized depending on if you pass or fail the
ability check.

The second line gives the item’s type. Sometimes,

other cards will affect card you have of a certain

Under the picture may be additional information

that gives the hero special bonuses or abilities
when equipped.

Equipping Items The event type is much like the type line on an item
card. Some hero abilities, items, allies, and spells will
To use an item during the game, the hero must affect certain event types.
have the item equipped. To equip an item, simply
place it face up to the left of the hero. Afterwards are the instructions of the card that the
hero needs to complete in order to pass the event.
A hero may only equip one type of item at any
time. The exceptions are potions and scrolls, to Once the hero passes an event, send the event card to
which there is no limit. Limbo.

The Backpack
The hero may hold up to six item cards in the
hero’s backpack. Place any cards you wish to be in
the hero’s backpack underneath the hero card.

Cards that are in the backpack do not give the hero

any benefits or power listed on the cards.
Scroll and Ally Cards

Scroll Cards Ally cards

Scrolls are special item cards that are filled with When an ally card is drawn, place the ally card in
powerful magic that allows heroes the ability to front of the hero card. The hero will gain bonuses and
cause certain effects in the game. abilities that the travel has to offer until the ally is
killed by a monster. You may have as many allies as
you wish except for those of the class familiar , where
you may only have one.

Casting Checks
To be able to use a scroll’s power, aro must Guard Checks
perform a casting check. This can be done at any
time. If a hero does this during combat, it takes the Whenever a hero gets hit who also has an ally, you
hero an action to do so. must make a guard check for that ally. If the hero has
more than one ally in play, randomly choose one.
A casting check is simply an Intellect ability check.
If the check is passed, follow the instructions given To perform a guard check, roll a d10. If the roll is
on the spell card. If it fails, nothing happens. equal or less than the guard number of the ally, the
hero takes the hit as normal. Otherwise, the ally takes
the hit instead.
Keeping Checks
Any special conditions the monster would apply to a
Once a spell has been cast successfully, the hero normal hit, are discarded.
must make a keep check to see if they can keep
the scroll, or if it fizzles away into Oblivion. Once an ally’s health goes down to zero, the ally is
dead and is placed in Oblivion.
A keep check is simply a Wit ability check. If the
check is passed, the scroll is safe. Heroes may heal allies with items and abilities as they
would heal themselves. In combat situations, you may
If failed, send the scroll to Oblivion as it vanishes try again next turn. Otherwise, you may not try to
into dust. cast the spell again that turn.
Curse and Blessing Cards

Curse Cards Blessing Cards

Curse cards are special event cards because they Blessings work much like curses do. Place these on
stick with the hero until removed with a remove the below (not underneath) side of the hero card just
curse spell. as you would a curse card.

To avoid a curse, the hero needs to make a certain The main difference between blessing and curses is
ability check to avoid the effects. If the hero passes that blessings will go away a lot faster than a curse.
the check, send the curse to Limbo and proceed to
the next adventure card. Blessings will go away once the hero exits the
adventure or by special conditions on the card are
If you fail, place the card below (not underneath) met.
the hero card. If you ever do get rid of a curse that
is on your hero, place the curse in Oblivion.
Monsters and Combat

Monster Cards Special Instructions

Monsters bring forth a special mix of Attribute Below the picture of the monster is the main area of
Checks and Combat Checks. instructions for dealing with the monster. When you
first draw the monster card, read this area and follow
the instructions, if any. Afterward, the hero must fight
the monster.

When combat starts, the hero and monster will
alternate attacking each other.

The hero always gets the first attack. If a monster is

killed, the monster does not get its attack that turn.

To perform an attack, roll both dice. Add the

attacker’s TWAC to the attackers die. Then add the
defenders Armor Class to the result of the
defender’s die roll.
Combat Statistics A hero hits if the hero’s attack total is equal or
greater than the monster’s defense total.
Monster cards have a combat statistic block just as
the hero does. They work in the same way as well. A monster hits in the same way but does not hit on
If the monster is hit, subtract one hit point from the
Underneath the monster’s name, is the monster’s monster. Otherwise, it is a miss, and nothing happens
level. This is a special identity that states how If the monster reaches zero hit points, it is defeated.
powerful the creature is. Certain items, events, and Send the monster to Limbo.
abilities may affect, or be affected, by a monster’s
level. If the monster hits, subtract one hit point from the
Class If the monster does not kill the Hero, that combat
round ends and a new round begins until there is one
Next is the monster’s class. Certain cards affect or left standing.
are affected by a monster’s class.

Some monsters have some common abilities, which
are listed next. These abilities are listed at the end
of these instructions.
Finishing the Adventure

There are many ways to exit the adventure. What After the Adventure
follows are the common types, although an
adventure may modify these rules with something
After a hero completes an adventure, they will heal to
full strength. Any curses wither away, and blessings
will have run their course. The hero places any gold in
Finding the Quest Card their stash. Any items the hero does not want may be
sold for the gold value listed on the card.
If the hero ever reaches and resolves the quest card
that was chosen, the adventure is over and the A new adventure awaits!
hero is victorious.
After some much-needed rest, the hero may leave for
Reaching the End of the Deck a new adventure. However, once

If for any reason, your hero reaches the end of the a hero completes a quest, they may never repeat it.
deck, you have two options. They may do another quest in the same Hack Pack,
but only after doing a quest from a different Hack
The first is to take all the cards from Limbo, re- Pack. Heroes often travel about.
shuffle them into one deck (which will now be
considered a bottom deck) and go through those
Create your own adventures!
Remember, you can always make you own hack pack
Otherwise, you may choose for the hero to exit the
from the cards you gather for Dungeonrunner. Feel
adventure. The quest will not have been
free to experiment and have some fun making your
completed, but the hero will have lived.
friends go through your adventures. Make them
tough, but not impossible. People should win 20% of
Exit the Quest the time.

If the hero gets beaten down or finds an item that

you would really like to keep or sell, you can exit
the quest.

To exit a quest, shuffle all the cards in Limbo

back in the Top Deck of the

Adventure Deck. After ten more cards have been

drawn from the quest deck, the hero will have
found the way out.

If the hero has reached the bottom deck, the only

way to retreat is to go through all the cards in the
bottom deck.
Monster Abilities

Combat Edge Escape

If a monster has a Combat Edge, the Hero no When down to its last hit point, monster will not
longer hits if he ties the monster’s Armor Class attack and instead make an Armor Check. If passed,
when attacking, but the monster does. restock Monster.

Dark Vision Fire Breath

Simple enough, Monsters with Darkvision are Before combat, make and Agility Check. If failed by
immune to effects of Darkness. three, Hero takes a hit and must make a successful
Vigor Check or die.
When hit by a monster with disease, the hero must
make a Vigor Check or be infected. This monster card represents more than one of the
same monster.
Once infected, the hero gains a threat mark. Also,
the hero must make a Vigor Check at the end of Treat combat with a horde just as you would any
each future turn. If failed, the hero takes one hit. other monster. As hordes take damage, they become
If the check is passed by three, the disease passes less effective. Whenever a horde takes damage, both
and no longer effects the hero. However, the its TWAC and Armor Class go down by one for each
threat marker stays. point of health removed.

Disarm Haste

If Monster hits, Hero must make a Dexterity check. Creatures or heroes with haste get two actions on
If failed, Hero drops any equipped weapon. Hero theirturn.
may use an action to pick it up.
Monsters that are listed with Initiative always attack
Monsters that are Doomed are sent to Oblivion first instead of the Hero.
instead of Limbo once defeated.
Last Licks
Monsters noted with last licks always get a last attack
When a monster with drain hits, the Hero before they die.
permanently loses 1 Vigor and gains a threat
mark. If monster hits by three or more, Hero loses Lightbane
2 Vigor instead. The Hero can only gain one threat
mark in a combat. Monsters with Lightbane gain +2 TWAC and Armor
Class if either the Hero or an Ally has Holy Power.
If Hero’s Vigor ever drops to zero or below, Hero’s
spirit vanishes to nothingness and dies. Allies never Lunge
guard against drain attacks.
Monster attacks before the Hero on the first turn at
Dual Wield +2 TWAC.

This monster attacks twice a turn. If the Hero has Magic Resistance
a dexterity of 6 or greater, this ability is negated.
When casting a spell or scroll, caster gets -3 to
Durable Intellect against this monster.

This monster roll twice for Armor Checks and Poison

takes the best result.
When monster with poison hits, the hero gains a
threat mark. Hero must also make a Vigor Check
for each threat marker on the hero. Each failed
check results in the Hero taking a hit.

Raise the Alarm

At the end of the third combat turn, if the Monster

has not been defeated, it raises the alarm.

Once the alarm is raised, no guards may be bribed,

and no false papers may be used for the rest of
the adventure. But most important, all monsters
gain Initiative.

Slow Starter

Monsters with Slow Starter skip their first turn.

Turn Immunity

This monster cannot be turned.

Unholy Enemy

If the Hero, or the Hero’s Allies, have Holy Power,

Monster gains +2 TWAC and lose -2 Armor Class.

Vampire Bite

When monster hits, the hero must make a Vigor

Check. If failed, the hero gains a threat marker. If
this is the Hero’s third threat marker, the hero
turns into a Vampiric Thrall and the game is over.
Card Terms Holy Power

When a hero has holy power, the hero may

There are certain terms you will hear when
substitute his normal attack to attempt to
reading the adventure cards.
outright banish an undead or demon monster
once per combat.
Passing Cards
Each Undead monster has a turning level
When you pass a card, it means you may place depending on their level.
the card in Limbo without encountering it.
Level 1: 12 (automatic)
Level 2: 9
Sometimes a Hero can avoid fate by getting to
reroll a bad die or roll altogether. If the reroll is Level 3: 6
taken, the next result is the final result. You may
never reroll a reroll. Level 4: 3
Restock Level 5: 0 (impossible)
When you are told to restock cards, take the Roll d10. If the number rolled is equal or less
number of cards told from Limbo and shuffle than the monster’s turning number, send the
them back onto the top deck of the quest deck. If monster to Limbo. If you make the roll by five,
the top deck is finished and only the bottom deck send the card to Oblivion instead.
remains, restock the cards in the bottom deck.

Skipping Cards

When told to skip cards, take the number of

cards you are told to skip and, without looking at
them, place them in Limbo.

Arcane Knowledge

Certain items are easier to use, or can only be

used, by someone who possesses this skill.

Credits: Card Artwork:

Game Concept and Design: Christopher M. Eisert

Kevin Kiehlmeier, James Eisert Susane Andracki

Playtesters: Ryan Kiehlmeier, Belinda Davis Ash Jackson Bartek Blaszczec

Editor: Dawn Kiehlmeier
Cerebus (Joe Calkins)
Card Cover Artwork: Christopher Eisert Tuck
Box Cover Artwork: Jason Walton © Heather Shinn and J.M.Woiak of the

Art by

‘FANTASY LANDSCAPES .1’ - Published by


Illustrations by: Bruno Balixa (juumpei@gmail. com)

This work features art by Daniel F. Walthall, found at:, available under a
CC BY 4.0 license:

Jason Walton

Kalitu - Some rights reserved. This work is licensed

under a Creative Commons

Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.

© Jack Badashski, 2020

© Standard Stock Art: Jeremy Mohler Zombie Bear

by Outland Entertainment

Some artwork from Fantasy Filler Art copyright Rick

Hershey, All RIghts Reserved

Tom Prante - Some rights reserved. This work is

licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No
Derivative Works 3.0 License.

'FANTASY LANDSCAPES .1' - Published by

Illustrations by: Bruno Balixa (
B1: Castle of Emperor Zinn
powers of command by channeling dark forces
through his throne. You are going to find out to either
1) Steal the “Crown Jewels”
squash the rumor or become mighty.
A “crowning” achievement for any thief. This
Place Throne of Emperor Zinn, Sergeants, Dumb
simple heist will not pay off because anyone will
Guards, Travelling Minstrel, Secret Passage,
buy them, but because of the reputation you will
receive from being the one bold, cunning, and
Place ‘The Maze’ and ‘The Way Out’ in the Upper
fearless enough, to pull off such a feat.
Place Crown Jewels, Sergeants, Dumb Guards, and
Quest is complete when Hero sits on The Throne of
Dwarven Sentries in the Bottom Deck and 7 more
Emperor Zinn. The Hero must choose to sit on the
Quest is complete when the Hero resolves the
Crown Jewels card.
5) The Emperor’s Chest
The Thieves Guild is filled with drunken rumors of
2) Find “Svenegir’s Forge”
something of stunning value hidden away in one of his
chests. Some say it is this, some say it is that. But to
The finest smith in the known lands, Svenegir will
the Hero, this does not matter. It is a locked chest
certainly improve your items for the right price, but
after all, owned by an Emperor no less! The Hero
you aren’t exactly allowed on castle grounds.
may not have a clue what lies within, but they know
it is time to find out.
Place Secret Passage in the Upper Deck.
Place Demon Hilt, Kings Goblet, Queens Ring, Lost
Place Svenegir’s Forge, and Dwarven Sentries, in
Gauntlets of Jonar, in the shuffled pile.
the Bottom Deck.
Place Heavily Locked Treasure Chest as the 20th card
Quest is complete when the Hero finds Svenegir’s
in the Upper Deck.
Place The Way Out in the Bottom Deck.
3) Find “The Way Out”
Quest is complete when Hero finds The Way Out.
You have been captured by the guards and thrown
into the dungeon awaiting a death sentence. You
need not await any further. If you are going to die,
you will do it on your terms. Find the way out or
die trying.

Hero starts with Skeleton Key, Traveling Minstrel,

and Backstab Assassin.

Place Dumb Guards, Patrol Guards, Dwarven

Sentries, both Priest on the Take, Sergeants, in the
Upper Deck.

Place The Way Out and Captain of the Guard in

the Bottom Deck.

After every turn roll a d10. On a 1, Raise the


4) Sit on “Throne of Emperor Zinn”

Rumors abound that the Emperor gets special
6) Defeat the Maze 8) Scout the Castle
To impress the local thieves guild, you boast to You have been hired by the Kingdom of Ugurty to
make it through the Minotaur’s Maze. Of course, scout the Castle for a possible siege.
eliminating the Minotaur itself would be equally
noteworthy. In this adventure, there is not a bottom deck. Simply
shuffle the cards and start.
Bottom deck consists of Minotaur, Ratfink
Crawler, Secret Passage, The Way Out, both Pit Once you have 2d10+15 cards in Limbo and
Traps, Death’s Door, Court Jester, and 12 more Oblivion combined, the quest is complete.
If someone Raises the Alarm, you must make it to
Place “The Maze” on top of the Bottom Deck. the Bottom Deck to escape.

Quest is complete when Hero escapes The Maze 9) Assassin’s Get Paid
or defeats the Minotaur.
The Kingdom of Ugurty has decided to forego the
7) Head of the Snake plans of laying siege, deciding a more subtle
approach will do just as nicely.
You have been hired to weaken the defenses of the
castle by eliminating its number one military In this adventure, there is not a bottom deck. Simply
advisor. shuffle the cards and start.

Place Captain of the Guard, Sergeants, and all Your job here is to defeat 15 levels worth of Guards
Dumb Guards in the Bottom Deck. within the Castle.

Place Vile Poison in the Upper Deck. If someone Raises the Alarm, you must make it to
the Bottom Deck to escape.
Quest is complete when Hero defeats the Captain
of the Guard.
B2: MuckElf Swamp
1) Defeat the Den of Goblins 3) Find the Lucky Coin of Jibb
Goblins have been harassing couriers and caravans. The Jester Assassin lost this relic as she was chased
Eliminate the problem. by the Darkhawks. Find it for a reward or keep it for
Place Kobolds, Goblins, Goblin Berserker, Goblin
War Chief, Gaggle of Goblins, and Goblin Wolf Keep the Darkhawk to the side.
Riders in the Bottom Deck.
Place Lucky Coin of Jibb in the Bottom Deck.
Hero starts with Goblinbane Dwarf.
After every turn, roll a d10. On a 1 or 2, the
Place The Way Out on top of the Bottom Deck. Darkhawk appears in the horizon. Every turn makes
Once The Way Out is found, Hero may leave the an Agility check or Darkhawk spots the Hero and
adventure at any time outside of combat. attacks. When defeated, the Darkhawk retreats to
the side and does not go to Limbo as normal. If sent
Quest is exponentially successful as each five levels to
of goblins is defeated.
Oblivion, it will go there are be removed from the
2) Troublemakers game.

You hired these two friends to help eliminate some Quest is complete when Hero Finds the Lucky Coin
goblins. Little did you know they were insistent on of Jibb.
going straight for the leaders!
4) Curse of the Disgruntled
Hero starts with the Goblinbane Dwarf and the
Elfbane Dwarf. Three of the most bitter Muckelves cast a curse upon
you. Not having any other means of dispelling it, you
Send The Way Out to Oblivion. must hunt them down.

Place Goblin War Chief and Muck Elf War Party in Hero starts with Curse of Elven Muck. Send Sacred
the Bottom Deck. Wanderer to Oblivion.

Quest is complete when the Goblin War Chief and There is not a Upper or Bottom Deck in this
Muck Elf War Party is defeated. adventure. Simply shuffle the deck and start.

Quest is complete when all three Disgruntled Elves

are in Limbo or Oblivion.

5) Hunt the Darkhawk

You have been hired by the Jester Assassin to take
out that annoying Darkhawk. When asked if it is
embarrassing to not be able to defeat the
Darkhawk herself, the Jester Assassin replied with
blank stare; “No, not really.”

Place the Darkhawk in the Bottom Deck.

Hero starts with Mercenary Guide and a Bag of Gold

worth 100 gold.
6) Vanquish the Troll 8) Debts Cannot be Paid by Bartering
No one knows how the Troll got there. No one Thieves have stolen your gold! You must scrounge
cares, either. Even the Muckelves are staying away for enough gold along the swamp before you come
from the area, making it near impossible to find an to town to pay a debt.
easy way out of the swamp.
Collect 150 worth of gold. Item value does not count
Place Muckelves, Muck Elf Archers, Muck Elf War toward this goal.
Party, Poison Elves, and Rage Elves in the Upper
Deck. In this adventure, there is not a bottom deck. Simply
shuffle the cards and start.
Place Troll in the Bottom Deck.
9) The Undead Arrive
Quest is complete if the Troll is defeated.
The nihilistic Muckelves have gone too far and are
7) Purge the Forest experimenting with necromancy! Eliminate this
unholy threat now before it spreads.
Sometimes, the only solution is a clean slate. Hero
is tasked to purge the area. Place Swirling Mist, Undead Elves in the Bottom
In this adventure, there is not a bottom deck.
Simply shuffle the cards and start. Quest is complete when both Undead Elves are
defeated. If they are sent to Oblivion, all the better!
Once The Way Out is found, Hero may leave the
adventure at any time outside of combat. 10) Lost Belt of Jonar

Quest is complete when 25 levels of elves and You have heard rumor the Belt of Jonar was lost as
goblins are defeated, and Hero finds The Way Jonar was escaping the dragon Bilzebesh through
Out. the swamp. You are bold enough to find out the
truth of it.

Place the Lost Belt of Jonar, Grasping Tentacles,

Swirling Mist, Troll, and Curse of Elven Muck in the
Bottom Deck.

Quest is complete when the Lost Belt of Jonar is

B3: Lair of Lawnadynn
4) Find the Amulet of Sartaneous
1) Vampire Hunting
Lawnadynn has stashed away the Amulet of
Lawnadynn creates new vampires from people far Sartaneous, a powerful artifact that would thwart
and wide. If someone does not cull the herd of these her every move.
poor, possessed souls, they will quickly rise in
unfathomable number. Place the Amulet of Sartaneous, Spectre Sisters, and
Wraith in the Bottom Deck.
Place Vampire Thralls in the Upper Deck. Place
Vampires in the Lower Deck. Quest is complete when Amulet of Sartaneous is
Once The Way Out is found, the Hero may leave the
adventure at any time outside of combat.
5) That Which is Needed
Quest is considered successful when any level of
Place Oblivion Hole as the 25th card in the Upper
Vampires and Vampiric Thralls have been sent to
Limbo or Oblivion. The more levels defeated the
Place The Way Out in the Bottom Deck.
2) Reach the Lair of Lawnadynn Place Scroll of Remove Curse, Soul Saber, Scroll of
Untrigger, Potion of Healing, and Otherworlder,
No one has stepped foot into Lawnadynn’s lair. You Amulet of Sartaneous in Oblivion.
dare to be the first!
When Oblivion Hole is drawn, shuffle Oblivion. Hero
Place Lawnadynn, Sirens, Large Spiders, Greed, ay pull another card if they make an Intellect Check.
Envy and Swirling Mist in the Bottom Deck. If Otherworlder is drawn, Oblivion Hole closes and
Hero must fight Otherworlder.
Place Potion of Healing, Scroll of Remove Curse,
and Revive the Dead in the Upper Deck. Quest is complete when Hero finds The Way Out.
Place Lair of Lawnadynn on top of the Bottom

Quest is complete when Lawnadynn is defeated.

3) Gain Kru’s Blessing

It is the Hero’s spiritual quest to have the Demigod,
Kru, notice your devotion to

eliminating these demonic horrors. Gain the Blessing

of Kru.

Place Boon of Kru in the Bottom Deck.

Place Curse of Hesitation, Curse of Loosening

Morality, Greed, Envy, and Cursed Coins in the
Upper Deck.

Quest is complete when the Hero gains the Boon of

6) Pass the Tests of Virtue
9) Journey Past the Gloom
The Hero is compelled to undertake a spiritual quest
in the heart of Lawnadynn’s temptations. In this adventure, place the Darkness and Swirling
Mist cards, on top of the Bottom Deck.
Place Envy, Greed, and Sirens in the Bottom Deck.
The quest is completed when the Hero resolves the
Place Curse of Loosening Morality and Curse of Darkness and Swirling Mist cards.
Hesitation in the Upper Deck.
The Darkness and Swirling Mist events may not be
Place Scroll of Remove Curse in Oblivion. kipped.

Quest is completed when Hero has resolved both

Envy and Greed. 10) Retreat to the Lair
Place Lair of Lawnadynn on top of the Bottom
7) An Easy Start, A Rough Finish Deck.

Hero starts with the Boon of Kru and Divine Glow of Place Lawnadynn as the 25th card in the Upper
Jinn, Sage Mercenary, and Soul Saber. Deck.

Place Wraith, Spectre Sisters, Lawnadynn, Revive Place Revive the Dead in Oblivion. Lawnadynn
the Dead, Swinging Pendulum Trap, Darkness, cannot be skipped.
Swirling Mist and The Way Out in the Bottom Deck.
When encountering Lawnadynn, if she is not
Quest is complete when Hero finds The Way Out. defeated by the third turn, she will cast Revive the
Dead. Restock Lawnadynn in the Bottom Deck, but
make sure that Lair of Lawnadynn is still the top
card of the Bottom Deck.
8) Midnight Hour
When encountered again, Hero does not have to
In this adventure, there is not a bottom deck. Simply make a Wit check against seduction. However,
shuffle the cards and start. Lawnadynn is at full health.

It is said when the stars are right, a Holy Man can Quest is completed when Lawnadynn is defeated.
bring the undead back to normal existence.

Anyone with Holy Power that turns an undead

monster, instead, brings that person back to normal

If your Hero does not have Holy Power, they may

have to find the Amulet of Sartaneous first. (Either
in this quest, or the previous adventure.)

Once The Way Out is found, the Hero may leave the
adventure at any time outside of combat.

Quest is successful if at least one Undead is turned

with Holy Power. The more Undead the Hero turns,
the better is done for the realm.
E1: Crypts of Rojosh

1) Search the Grand Tomb of Rojosh 4) Bent on Madness

Place Rojosh, Rojoshan Death Guards, Darkness, Scoffing at the idea that the Book of Madness is
Rojoshan Vampires, and Large Bats in the Bottom truly just that. Attributing the moniker to no more
Deck. than superstitious nonsense, the Hero intends on
reading it.
Place Grand Tomb of Rojosh on top of the Bottom
Deck. But someone else already has that might change
their mind.
Place Skeletons, Undead Elf, Zombies and Rot
Zombies in Upper Deck. Place the Brain Mites and Book of Madness in the
Bottom Deck.
Quest is complete when Hero has defeated Rojosh.
Place Battlemage in the Upper Deck. This
Battlemage has Initiative. If Hero loses his turn,
2) Slay the Horde restock Battlemage.
Hero starts with Holy Water and Scroll of Quest is complete when Hero reads from the Book
Disenchant Undead. of Madness.
Place The Way Out on top of the Bottom Deck. The 5) Banish the Otherworlder
Bottom Deck is 27 cards.
Place Otherworlder, Lesser Demons, and Swirling
Once the Way Out is found, Hero may leave the Mist, in the Bottom Deck.
adventure at any time outside of combat.
Place Rojosh in Oblivion.
Quest is complete when Hero chooses to use The
Way Out. Quest is completed when Otherworlder is sent to
Limbo. If he is sent to Oblivion, all the better.
Hero’s success in this mission depends on how many
levels of Undead were sent to Limbo. Any Undead
sent to Oblivion counts as double its level.

3) Loot the Hidden Cache

Place Skeletons, Undead Elf, Zombies, Rot Zombies,
Shadows, and Darkness in the Upper Deck.

Place Hidden Cache of the Ancients exactly 25

cards deep.

Place The Way Out in the Bottom Deck.

Quest is complete when the Hero finds The Way

6) Wrath if the Wraiths 9) Secret Library
Place Wraiths, Swirling Mist, and Darkness in the Place Book of Madness, Lost Book of Jonar, Scroll of
Bottom Deck. Bottom Deck is 25 cards. Disenchant Undead, Scroll of Remove Curse,
Shadow, Revive the Undead, Lesser Demons,
Place The Way Out on top of the Bottom Deck. Otherworlder, Darkness, Swirling Mist and Moving
Walls Trap to the side. This pile is the Secret Library.
Once the Way Out is found, Hero may leave the
adventure at any time outside of combat. Place Secret Passage in the middle of the entire deck.

Quest is complete when Hero chooses to use The Place The Way Out in the Bottom Deck.
Way Out. Quest is a success only if both Wraith’s
are defeated. It is a partial success if at least one is When Secret Passage is drawn, instead of following
sent to Oblivion. the text, the Hero starts pulling cards from the Secret
7) Eliminate the Skeleton Captain
When Moving Walls trap is drawn, do not follow
instructions as normal. Instead, Hero must make an
Place Skeleton Captain, Rojoshan Death Guard,
Agility Check.
and Skeletons in the Bottom Deck.
If passed, hero has the choice of continuing to draw
Quest is completed if the Skeleton Captain is
from the Secret Library of go back to drawing from
the regular deck.

8) The Horde Returns If failed, Hero must go back to drawing from the
regular deck.
Place Skeletons, Undead Elf, Zombies, Rot
Zombies, Shadows, and Darkness in the Upper While in the Secret Library, Hero may make an Wit
Deck. Check to pass, Lesser Demons, or the Otherworlder.
(By being smart enough not to summon them
Place The Way Out in the Bottom Deck. accidentally while reading.)

Place Revive the Dead on top of the Bottom Deck. While in the Secret Library, Hero may make an
Intellect Check to pass, Revive the Undead. (By being
Quest is complete when the Hero finds The Way smart enough to find the right book in the Library to
Out. cancel the effect.)

Quest is complete when Hero finds The Way Out.

10) Sanctify the Grand Tomb of


Place the Grand Tomb of Rojosh in the Bottom Deck.

Hero starts with two Vials of Holy Water.

Quest is complete when Hero reaches the Grand

Tomb of Rojosh with one or more Vials of Holy
Water. Send one of both Vials of Holy Water to
sanctify the Grand Tomb of Rojosh.

Hero may leave the adventure once they make it out

of the Grand Tomb of Rojosh.
E2: Tower of Saxon
4) Obtain the Dagger of Ochi’Jo
1) Tower Donjon
Place Darkness, Spying Painting, Arrow Traps, Pit
The insides of the Tower of Saxon do not appear Traps, Saw Trap, Slimes, Illusionary Wall, and
to have a linear shape once inside. However, there Oozes as the Bottom Deck.
is a top level, which will allow escape.
Place the Dagger of Ochi’Jo at the very last card in
Place The Way Out, Gargoyle, Arrow Traps, in the the Bottom Deck. If this card is skipped, draw it
Bottom Deck. instead.
Quest is complete when the Hero finds The Way Place Lock of Philanges on top of the Bottom Deck.
Hero starts with Scroll of Lightning Bolt.
2) Escape with the Scrolls
Quest is complete when Hero gets the Dagger of
The Hero has found their way into Saxon’s library. Ochi’Jo.
Not having the time to read them, the Hero wildly
stuffs their pockets with scrolls. 5) Golem Destruction
Take the nine scrolls out of the Hack Pack. Hero Although many of Saxon’s creations can simply be
starts with six of these scrolls at random, drawing summoned, his power Golems take much longer to
one at a time. If the Hero makes an Intellect create. Taking out as many Golems as you can
Check. They may discard a scroll and draw again surely weaken his power in the realm for a time.
for a Power Point.
Place Saxon in Oblivion.
Place The Way Out in the Bottom Deck.
Place Clay Golems, and Stone Golems in the Upper
Quest is complete when the Hero finds The Way Deck.
Out. Scrolls are worth three times their value.
Place Iron Golem and Gargoyles in the Bottom
3) Take the Test of Saxon Deck.
Place Test of Saxon on top of the Bottom Deck. If Place The Way Out as the 25th card in the Upper
this card is skipped, it will be encountered instead. Deck. Once reached, the Hero may leave the
Adventure at any time outside of combat.
Place The Way Out in the Bottom Deck.
Hero starts with the Dagger of Ochi’Jo.
Place Magic Mouth, Lock of Philanges, Illusionary
Wall, and Moving Walls Trap randomly as the 1st, Quest is complete when the Hero choose to use The
10th, 20th and 30th cards. Way Out. Success is determined by the number of
golem levels are defeated.
Remove Otherworld Devourer from the game. If
Hero fails the Test of Saxon, Hero will encounter
Otherworld Devourer immediately after resolving
Test of Saxon.

Quest is complete when the Test of Saxon is

resolved and passed. If failed, quest is over only
when Hero finds The Way Out.
There is not a Bottom Deck for this quest. Any
6) The Thief’s Way
instance where the Bottom Deck is used, consider it
the Upper Deck instead.
Saxons Tower is rather straightforward to enter,
with Saxon being so arrogantly confident, few
Place Lock of Philanges halfway in the Upper Deck.
would think there would be any alternative. But
Lock of Philanges will never go to Oblivion if failed
one of the Hero’s friends know differently.
but will instead get restocked along with the other
cards that get restocked.
Hero starts with the Snapling Scout.
Once Lock of Philanges is passed, access to the six
The Bottom Deck consists of 30 cards this
piles (the six rooms) are allowed. Hero may draw from
any of these piles or the adventure deck.
Place The Way Out in the Bottom Deck.
Once The Way Out is found, the Hero may leave the
adventure at any time outside of combat.
Place Darkness, Spying Painting, Arrow Traps, Pit
Traps, Saw Trap, Slimes, Illusionary Wall, and
Quest is complete when the Hero uses The Way Out.
Oozes in the Upper Deck.
8) Find Lockpick Kitty
Quest is complete when the Hero finds The Way
Out. The Hero sees Lockpick Kitty in the window of the
tower. How did he get up there? Is he trying to say he
If Snapling Scout survives, Bags of Gold are worth found something? Hero must go and retrieve their
double, but Snapling Scout will acquire one of the familiar.
cards at random.
Place The Way Out and Saxon in the Bottom Deck.
7) The Six Rooms
Take Earth Elemental, Staff of Corvus, and Saw Place Lockpick Kitty, Dagger of Ochi’Jo, Lost Amulet
Trap, in a shuffled pile. of Jonar, Lock of Philanges, Ring of Fingerfast, Staff
of Corvus and all Scrolls in the Upper Deck.
Take Iron Golem, Scroll of Lightning Bolt, and Saw
Trap in a shuffled pile. Quest is complete when Hero finds The Way Out.

Take The Way Out, Stone Golem, and Saw Trap in

a shuffled pile.

Take Otherworld Devourer, Dagger of Ochi’Jo, and

Pit Trap in a shuffled pile.

Take Scroll of Untrigger, Lost Amulet of Jonar and

Pit Trap in a shuffled pile.

Take Saxon, Staff of Corvus, and Pit Trap in a

shuffled pile.
9) A False Sense of Security 10) Saxon’s Fate
Place Oozes and Slimes in the Upper Deck. Place Saxon in the Bottom Deck.

Place Clay Golems, Stone Golems, and Iron Golem Place Moving Walls Trap, Illusionary Wall, Magic
and The Way Out in the Bottom Deck. Mouth, Secret Passage in the Upper Deck.

Place Saxon, Otherworld Devourer, and Earth Place Darkness, Brain Mites, Otherworld Devourer,
Elemental in Oblivion. and Earth Elemental to the side. This is Saxon’s
summon pile.
Place Brain Mites as the first card n the entire
deck. When Saxon is first encountered, he will spend his
first turn trying to summon a monster from the pile to
Quest is complete when Hero finds The Way Out. the side.

Once quest is over, Hero recovers all Hit Points Roll to hit as normal, but for the Hero’s defense,
and Power Points back at an Inn as normal.
instead of adding the Hero’s Armor Class, add their
However, Hero must make an Intellect Check.
Intelligence instead.
If failed, take out Brain Mites card and encounter it
If Saxon wins, draw a card from his summon pile and
again. After resolving that card, make another
the Hero now encounters this card immediately.
Intellect Check to avoid another bout of Brain
Restock Saxon but keep track of any Hit Points he
may have lost.
Once passed, the Hero realizes something is not
If he loses, fight as normal until Saxon loses Hit
quite right about this Inn. Soon, they realize that
Points. Once he does, he will spend the next turn
they are not at the Inn at all.
trying to summon another monster.
Instead, they are still in Saxon’s Tower! When Saxon is encountered again after being
Restocked, he fights as normal and cannot try to
Make a Vigor check, although Hero has technically summon a monster until he loses another Hit Point.
rested, having Brain Mites in their head that long
causes one large headache. If failed, Hero takes a When Saxon is defeated, he summons forth an unholy
hit. darkness around him. A shrill cry pierces your ears as
you notice that. You’ll have to get The Deck of Deadly
Hero may keep all items acquired but cannot trade
Things to find out what happens.
in Bags of Gold for score or otherwise.

It is time to confront Saxon. Play the following

adventure now!
E3: Mountains of Zokar

1) Caves of Zokar 4) A Unique Gift

The Amazon Princess has hired you to capture two
Place The Way Out in the Bottom Deck.
Muck Wolves for her to have at her side as a gift to
Emperor Zinn since he is so keen on the creatures to
When playing Mountain Shortcut, do not roll as
be at his side during battles. Hero starts with Amazon
normal. Effects on combat stay until the other
Mountain Shortcut is found. Ignore the effects of
that card as well.
Place The Way Out in the Bottom Deck. Hero may
leave the adventure at any time, outside of combat
Quest is complete when Hero finds The Way Out.
once The Way Out is found.

2) Blaze of Glory When encountering the Muck Wolves, if Amazon

Princess is still with the Hero, the Muck Wolf is tamed
Hero starts with Deathwish Hero. Hero cannot and joins your side as an ally. Treat the Armor Class
choose to use a Power Point to send Deathwish as the Guard Number.
Hero to Limbo.
If Amazon Princess is no longer with the Hero, Hero
Place Ettin in the Bottom Deck. will have to defeat the Muck Wolf in order to tame it.

Quest is complete when Ettin is defeated. If Goblin Wolf Rider is encountered, Hero may take a
-3 TWAC penalty fighting the Goblin Wolf Rider in
3) The Cost of Mercenaries order to save the Muck Wolf. If the Hero has the
Winged Warrior as an ally, there is no penalty for this.
You are hired to transport these sacks of gold to Use the Goblin Wolf Rider Card as an ally card.
the City of Ugurty. The path is through the
Mountains of Zokar. If Muck Wolf (or Goblin Wolf Rider) dies as an ally in
the Upper Deck, restock it in the Bottom Deck.
Hero starts with Mercenary Party.
Quest is successful if the Hero can get two Muck
Hero starts with all bags of gold, except one Bag Wolves as allies out of the Mountains of Zokar.
of Gold (50), which is sent to Oblivion. Assume
this Bag of Gold was used to pay Mercenary Party
for their first fight.

Place Mountain Kraken in the Bottom Deck.

Hero must pay two bags of gold to the Mercenary

Party if they wish them to fight the Mountain

Quest is complete when Mountain Kraken is

defeated. A more glorious victory can be measured
by how much combined value of Bags of Gold
that are left over.
5) The One in Charge 7) A Collection of Vagabonds
The Crag Orcs have become something they have Hero starts with Mercenary Party, Melee Mage,
not been known for...organized. Crag Orcs are Deathwish Hero, and Winged Warrior.
dangerous enough.
The Quest is complete when Hero has exited the
Place Kobold, Ettin, Crag Orc Chieftain, and both adventure. This can only be done by leaving early via
Ogres in a pile to the side. This is the Mastermind The Way Out (which must be acted upon as it is
Pile. drawn) or make it to the last card in the deck.

Place Darkhawks, Ant Swarm, Centaur Archers, Quest success is determined by the number of levels
Centaur Soldiers, Crag Orcs, Crag Orc Warbands, of monsters in Limbo and Oblivion.
and Goblin Wolf Rider, in the Upper Deck.
8) That Little Bugger!
Place both Mountain Caves in the Bottom Deck.
Place The Way Out in the Bottom Deck.
Once one of the Mountain Caves have been found,
do not follow the instructions on the card. Instead, Make an Agility Check. If successful, Kobold starts
it is time to confront the mastermind behind this 10+dd10 cards deep in the deck. If failed, Kobold
Crag Uprising. Draw a card from the Mastermind starts 10+d10 instead. We will call this check the
Pile and resolve it.
“Head Start” check. When encountering Kobold,
Hero only has one turn, instead of two, to defeat
Quest is completed when the Mastermind card has
Kobold or it will retreat. Do not restock Kobold as
been resolved.
normal. Hero must make a Head-Start Check.
6) In Legs Reach
After restocking Kobold, play proceeds as normal
Place The Way Out in the Bottom Deck. until it is encountered again.

Place Lava Pit to the side. Place Healing Spring of If Mountain Shortcut is drawn, advance the Kobold
YingLing, Potion of Major Healing, Demon Dagger dd10 cards.
and Kobold, shuffled underneath that.
If Lava Pit is drawn, advance Kobold d10 cards.
Hero may choose, at any time, even in the middle
of combat (on their turn of course), to try to jump Quest is complete if Kobold is defeated. If Hero finds
the chasm that is the Lava Pit. The Way Out, it is assumed the Kobold got there first
and gets away.
If Hero succeeds, do not skip cards right away.
Play through all the cards under the Lava Pit first.
Afterwards, go back to the main adventure deck
and skip the number of cards you were told to.

Quest is complete when Hero finds The Way Out.

9) In Pursuit
Place these cards in order into a “Chase Pile” to
the side. Kobold (top card in pile), Darkhawk,
Goblin Wolf Rider, Centaur Archer, Centaur
Solider, Muck Wolf, Ratfink Scouting Party, and
Mountain Kraken (bottom card in pile).

Place The Way Out in the Bottom Deck. After

every turn, roll a d10 (we will call this a
Frequency Check). On a 3 or less, Hero must
pass an Agility check or encounter the next card
in the Chase Pile. If Hero passes the check on a
Mountain Shortcut, Hero subtracts one to the
Frequency Check.

If Hero does not attempt the Lava Pit jump, The

Frequency Check is done by rolling dd10 instead
of d10.

10) Giants in the Playground

Hero starts with Amazon Princess.

Place Ogres, Ettin, and Troll in the Bottom Deck.

Place Healing Spring on YingLing on top of the

Bottom Deck.

Place Mountain Kraken in Oblivion.

Quest is complete when all four giants are

M1: Caverns of Grot

1) Defeat the Alpha 4) The Unlikely Magi

Place the Alpha Greebler and all Greeblers in the Hero has found the Shaman’s Seal, which has divinely
Bottom Deck. allowed the Hero to understand scrolls.

Quest is completed when the Alpha Greebler is This quest cannot be taken by wizards. Place Ogre
defeated. Magi in the Bottom Deck. Place Earth Elemental,
Brigand Brigades,
Throw the Ring in the Lava Pit Hero starts with the
Ring of Shadow Form. Place Lava Pit in the Battlemage, Alpha Greebler and Greeblers in the
Bottom Deck. Upper Deck.

Ring of Shadow Form may be used more than once Hero starts with Scroll of Fireball, Scroll of Haste,
per adventure but costs the Hero a Power Point for Scroll of Healing, and Scroll of Invisibility and
each use. Shaman’s Seal.

2) Recruiting Campaign Scrolls may be cast as normal, but for a Power Point,
one may be cast automatically, but it goes to Oblivion
There is not a Bottom Deck for this adventure. automatically after use.

Place all allies in Oblivion. Quest is complete when Hero defeats the Ogre Magi.

Hero starts with Battle Banner of Rallying. 5) The Caves of Bitter Choice
Treat any Guard and if they were Undead and that Place Alpha Greebler, Greeblers, Ant Swarm, Goblin
the Hero has Holy Power. Hero may make a Berserker, Goblin Scout, Goblin War Chief, Large
Turning Check on the Guard. If passed, Hero Spiders, in a pile.
recruits the guard to his side.
Place BattleMage, Brigand Brigades, Captain of the
The Hero may make more than one attempt at Guard, Conscripts, Hound of Decay, Sergeant, Shady
turning the guards. These attempts, however, still Alchemist, in another pile.
take the Hero’s action that combat turn.
Place Ratfink Skirmishers, Ratfink Scouting Party,
Quest in completed when Hero uses The Way Out. Beastmen, Beastman Cleavers, Ogre Magi, in yet
Each recruited Guard that makes it out alive is another pile.
worth 300 gold.
Place The Way Out, Lava Pit, and Healing Spring of
3) As Graceful as it Gets YingLing in a pile we will call the “exit row”.

Hero starts with Malice Club. Place six cards in each of the first three piles. Place
the leftover card in the exit row. Shuffle all piles. Deal
Place Beastmen and Beastman Cleavers in the all four cards of the exit row face down to the side.
Upper Deck. Place Ogre Magi as the first card in
the Upper Deck. Either have someone mix the piles for you or
randomly choose one of the first three piles. Hero
Place The Way Out in the Bottom Deck. must go through the entire pile.

Quest is complete when Hero finds The Way Out.

Once Hero has done so, take a card from the exit
8) Greebler Mating Season
row and resolve it. If it is not The Way Out,
randomly choose another pile and Hero is forced
Remove all humans and the Banner of Rallying from
to go through it as before.
the deck.
Continue until The Way Out is found. It is true that
Place all Greeblers in the first 25 cards in the deck.
you can get lucky in this one, but often you will be
Place the Alpha Greebler at the bottom of the deck.
lifting an angry fist in the air in vain.
Keep track of how many Greeblers the hero defeats.
6) Enticing the Captain's Army
After a Greebler is defeated, roll d10. If the number
Place Captain of the Guard, Battle Mage, Shady is equal or less than the number of Greeblers
Alchemist, Brigand Brigades and Sergeant into the defeated, the Alpha Greebler wails in bloodlust!
Bottom Deck. Shuffle the entire deck, including the defeated
Place Conscripts and the Banner of Rallying in the
Upper Deck. From this point on, anytime a Greebler is defeated,
restock it immediately.
If Hero has the Banner of Rallying, all conscripts
will become allies. Treat them as having a Guard Otherwise, if the roll is more than the number of
Number equal to their Armor Class. defeated Greeblers, pick up half of the adventure
deck (do not count just grab it) and restock the
Quest is complete when the Captain of the guard Greebler in that cut of cards.
is defeated.
Quest is complete when Alpha Greebler is defeated.
7) Into Battle!
9) The Last Goblin Scout
Remove the Captain of the Guard.
The Hero must escort a Goblin Scout through the
Take all Conscripts and Sergeant and place them Caverns of Grot as a shortcut to the Kingdom where
as allies. Treat their armor class as the Guard the goblin will relay important information to
Number. Emperor Zinn's translator.

Place the Ogre Magi in the Bottom Deck. Hero The Hero starts with the Goblin Scout and all the
starts with the Banner of Rallying. conscripts as an ally. Treat their Armor Class as the
Guard Number.
You group is larger, so it makes more noise! Every
turn, roll d10. If the number rolled is equal or less In this case though, the conscripts can also defend
than the number of allies the Hero has, draw two for the Goblin. if it were to take a hit.
cards. If you roll a 1, draw three cards.
Place The Way Out in the Bottom Deck.
You must encounter them in this order.
The quest is complete if the Hero finds The Way Out
Resolve monsters first (fight all at once. Hero is at and the Goblin Scout is with them.
-1 Armor Class for each extra monster fought.)

Then resolve events, then resolve items.

10) Pursuit of the Ratfinks
Quest is complete when Ogre Magi is defeated.
The Hero has been hired as a mercenary for a small
army in a nearby land, planning an attack. However,
a Ratfink Scouting Party has discovered them! They
are attempting to flee within the Caverns, which
would be to their advantage. The Hero is tasked to
hunt them down.

Start with Paladin of KKJE as an ally.

Place Ratfink Scouting party on top of the
adventure deck. There is not a bottom deck in this

Whenever the Ratfink Scouting Party is found,

combat only lasts one turn. Afterwards, have the
Hero make a Wit Check. If passed, place the
Ratfink Scouting Party 2dd10 cards down in the
adventure deck. If failed, 3dd10 cards.

If the Hero can defeat the Ratfink Scouting Party

before they escape out the other end of the deck,
the quest is complete!
M2/M3 Roads of
Tonar - Deck of
Deadly Things
Roads of Tonar
The roads of Tonar is a special deck made to be
a connection between adventures or to simply
play and find out what adventure your character
will encounter.

There is not an Upper or Bottom Deck. Simply

shuffle the deck and start drawing cards as

Sooner or later, your Hero will find an adventure

to go on.

Deck of Deadly Things

The Deck of Deadly things is not an adventure
deck. Rather, it is a deck that fills out all the
card’s quantities from all the decks.

There are three of every common monster and

trap, and two of each of the tougher ones. Every
other card was unique and/or powerful.

This is where you get to place your creative

juices into play and create your own adventures
(although you probably were already doing this
The quest is complete if the Hero makes it to the
C1: Forest of Torment Lands of the Forgotten.

1) Slay the Giant! 4) Lands of the Forgotten

A giant has been making off with the small The Hero has stumbled into the Lands of the
village’s livestock. The Hero has been tasked Forgotten. After the Hero finds their way out, a
with eliminating the threat. hasty path toward the Barbarian Village is called
Place the Hill Giant in the Bottom Deck. Take
Veynoth, Treant, Gryphon, and Wendigo out of Take Veynoth, Treant, Gryphon, and Wendigo
the game. out of the game.

If the Hero can defeat the Hill Giant, the quest is Place Lands of the Forgotten as the first card in
complete. the deck. Place Barbarian Village in the Bottom
2) Culling the Forest If the Hero can make it back to the Barbarian
Village, the quest is complete.
The villagers thank the Hero for ridding them of
the hill giant. However, it isn’t long before they
plead for the Hero to continue progress of 5) Recover Korr’s Armor
eliminating menacing threats to the village.
One of the hirelings to help cull the creatures of
There is not a Bottom Deck in this quest. the forest has not come back for a week.
Although Korr was not well liked, his armor was
The Hero must defeat as many levels of animals, noted to be worth a small fortune.
giants, and reptiles as they can. If a monster has
more than one class that matches the above, The Hero decides to track down this armor.
count that as one extra level.
There is not a Bottom deck in this quest.
The Hero may decide to leave the forest at any
time but must make an Intellect check two times. Take Veynoth, Treant, Gryphon, and Wendigo
Each time a check is failed, the Hero must go out of the game.
through one more adventure card.
The Glade Helm, Loathsome Armor, and
The Hero must have at least 15 levels worth of Hardened Boots are what the Hero is looking for.
monsters defeated for the quest to be completed. All these cards are worth triple the amount of
However, if 25 levels are defeated, if is a glorious gold as listed. The Hero does not have to sell the
victory. items if they would rather keep them.

The Hero may decide to leave the forest at any

3) Chased by the Wendigo time but must make an Intellect check two times.
Each time a check is failed, the Hero must go
As the Hero comes back from culling the forest through one more adventure card.
for the village, a Wendigo tracks the Hero. Only
a quick instinct keeps the Hero from being its As long as the hero retrieves at least one item
prey…for now. and makes it out of the forest, the quest is
The Hero decides a desperate decision. To lose
the Wendigo in the depths of the Lands of the
Forgotten. 6) Find Olavv

Place the Wendigo to the side. Sheja’s father, Olavv has been missing since
yesterday. Sheja was going to go alone into the
Place the Lands of the Forgotten in the Bottom forest to find him, however the Hero insists on
Deck. going with her.

After every 5 adventure cards are resolved, the The Hero starts with Sheja as an ally. Take
Hero must make a Wit+Agility+Dexterity check. Veynoth, Treant, Gryphon, and Wendigo out of
If passed, the Hero eludes the beast. Otherwise, the quest.
the Hero is found and the Wendigo gets one free
attack. Afterward, the hero draws from the Place Barbarian Village in the Bottom Deck.
adventure deck again.
Place Olavv in the Upper Deck.

If the Hero can find Barbarian Village the quest is

complete. If Olavv is found and both he an Sheja
are still alive, it is a glorious victory.

7) The Krakenlance
Olavv was going on about the dragon Veynoth
the entire time back to the village. He swears he
has seen the wyrm the other day. Knowing his
village would be doomed, he wanted to find Korr,
not for his armor, but for his Krakenlance.
Although not made to slay dragons, it would be
best edge the village had upon the wyrm’s
eventual arrival.

He insists on going back for it. The hero and

Sheja agree to accompany him.

The Hero starts with Olavv and Sheja.

Place the Krakenlance in the Bottom Deck.

If Veynoth is encountered, the wyrm only fights

until it takes damage, then it will fly off into
Oblivions for the quest.

If the Hero finds the Krakenlance, the quest is


8) Scouting the Lair

Although Sheja has confidence that her father is
right that Veynoth is near, she does not believe
the old man is the scout he used to be. She wants
to head out on her own to scout the dragon’s
lair. Again, the Hero accompanies her.

Take Veynoth out of the quest. Place the Ruins

of Narr in the Bottom Deck.

Vernoth’s lair is close to the Ruins of Narr. If the

Hero can find the Ruins of Narr, the quest is

9) Veynoth
Now that the lair of Veynoth has been scouted,
the time is now to strike! There cannot be any

Place Veynoth in the Bottom Deck.

The Hero starts with the Krakenlance, Sheja,

Olavv, a potion of minor healing and a potion of
major healing.

The quest is complete if Veynoth is vanquished.

Victory is even sweeter if everyone survives.
Take Koratth, Aerendar, Prince of Narr, Tarrant
C2: Ruins of Narr the Blessed, Ratfink Ogre, and The Prince’s
Crown out of the quest.
1) Trap Mechanic The Hero starts with Dwarven Blunderbuss as an
The Hero has been hired by Aerendar, Prince of
Narr, to help him claim his crown hidden deep Place the Crystal Pyre and all Crystal Guards of
within in the Ruins of Narr. If he can take crown, Narr in the Bottom Deck.
he can lead his people once more.
If the Hero can get to the Crystal Pyre, they can
Of course, the Ruins of Narr are absolutely huge destroy it and the quest is a success.
and will not be a short task. Despite all the
Hero’s skills, the Hero is being used as nothing
more than cannon fodder. 4) Signs of Greatness

Take Koratth, Aerendar, Prince of Narr, Tarrant Seeing Tarrant, his closest confidant, in such
the Blessed, Cockatrice, Ratfink Ogre, and The pain, he felt sorrow for not being brave enough
Prince’s Crown out of the quest. to do the work he has had the Hero doing. He
insists on going on the next length down the
Place both Trip Wire, Closing Walls Trap, and ruins.
Rolling Balls Trap, both Narnian Door, and both
Into the Depths in the Top Deck. Take Koratth, Tarrant the Blessed, and The
Prince’s Crown out of the quest.
Place the Way out in the Bottom Deck.
The Hero starts with Aerendar, Prince of Narr as
The Hero must find a safe path for the Prince an Ally.
past the first few levels of the ruins. If the Hero
can find The Way Out, the quest is complete. Place The Way Out in the Bottom Deck.
The less damage the Hero takes the more
successful the quest. The quest is complete is the Hero can find The
Way Out. If Aerendar dies, the quest is a failure.
2) Cleanse the Tomb
5) The Rightful Heir
Aerendar will go no further once he realized that
the Tomb of the Dishonored was nearby. Aerendar, emboldened, leads the next length in
the ruins. Tarrant, although impressed with the
Take Koratth, Aerendar, Prince of Narr, young man’s newfound bravery, is overly
Cockatrice, Ratfink Ogre, and The Prince’s cautious.
Crown out of the quest.
Take Korathh out of the quest.
The Hero starts with Tarrant the Blessed as any
ally. The Hero starts with Aerendar, Prince of Narr
and Tarrant the Blessed as allies.
Place the Tomb of the dishonored in the Bottom
Deck. When Aerendar gets hit, have Tarrant make a
Guard Check to see if he takes the hit instead.
If the Hero can encounter the Tomb of the
dishonored, the quest is complete. A greater Place the Prince’s Crown in the Bottom Deck.
victory is achieved if Tarrant is with the Hero
when the Tomb is encountered. If the Hero can find The Prince’s Crown, the
quest is complete.
Although this is only one of many Tombs of the
Dishonored, Aerendar will feel at ease after this 6) Korathh
first one is taken care of.
As soon as Prince Aerendar places the crown
3) Destroy the Crystal upon his head, he feels the presence of the one
who has conquered Narr and forced his people
In a moment, Tarrant the Blessed is in agony. He out. The ancient enemy of Narr, the snake
says he can feel the presence of a Crystal Pyre Korathh.
that is attuned to his psyche. The Hero must
eliminate it they are to go further down the ruins. Centuries of ancestral rage fill Aerendar’s bones
as he swears, he will cut Koratth down.
Place Korathh in the Bottom Deck.

The Hero starts with Aerendar, Prince of Narr

and Tarrant the Blessed as allies.

If the Hero can defeat Korathh, the quest is

complete. If Aerendar is killed, then Tarrant will
be the rightful heir. If both are killed, the fate of
Narr is up to the Hero.
C3: Cathedral of the 4) Abomination!

Celestial These Celestial wretches dare call themselves a

“higher power” but are capable only of depravity
in the eyes of the Hero. The Hero swears to rid
1) Elemental Evil the world of their ghastly experiments.

The Barbarian Warrior is out of place in these Remove Ammundi the Forever and Staircase
halls of such “higher” power. However, the from the quest.
distrust for magic is great within the soul of the
warrior. The abomination such as elementals will Place the Chimera in the Bottom Deck.
not be tolerated.
If the Chimera is defeated, the quest is complete.
Remove Ammundi the Forever and the Chimera
from the quest. 5) Counsel of The One
Place one elemental in the Top Deck and the The Hero learns that the Obelisk of Fate can
other in the Bottom deck. serve as a spirit beacon to contact the Gods. The
Hero decides to contact The One for both a
The quest is complete when both elementals are blessing and counsel.
defeated. If at least one elemental is defeated and
the Barbarian Warrior finds “The Way Out”, it is Remove Ammundi the Forever from the quest.
a marginal victory.
Place the Obelisk of Fate and all Entities in the
2) Doomsayers Upper Deck.

In reaction to the Barbarian’s actions, the Place The One in the Bottom Deck.
Celestials attempt to expunge the man-beast
from their realm. Once the Hero finds the Obelisk of Fate and
encounters The One, the quest is complete.
Remove Ammundi the Forever and the Chimera
from the quest. 6) Dark Nemesis
Place all Harbingers in the Top Deck. Place the The One counsels the Hero of a greater threat
Celestial in the Bottom Deck. than the entirety of the celestial experiments. The
One warns of the return of Ammundi the
If the Hero can defeat the Celestial, the quest is Forever.
The Celestials have been trying to raise him
3) Free the Gladiator through their experimentation. Normally, he
would draw power from his own undead
Barbarians live their lives free. The idea of creations. However, the celestials have attempted
combat may be glorious, but the idea of an arena to recreate the necromantic force powers
where man is pitted against the odds against through their abominations.
their will is abhorrent to the Barbarian Warrior.
The Hero must find Ammundi the Forever and
Remove Ammundi the Forever and the Chimera cast him down before he can escape. He will for
from the quest. certain cause another plague of undead if he
Place the Retired Gladiator in the Top Deck.
Place The Way Out in the Bottom Deck. Place Ammundi the Forever in the Bottom Deck.

The quest is complete if the Hero finds the Place all entities in the Top Deck.
Retired Gladiator and they both escape by
finding The Way Out. If the Hero can reach Ammundi the Forever, the
quest is complete. There is no combat. The Hero
Afterward. the Retired Gladiator pledges a soul just has to find the card.
bond to the Hero. The Retired Gladiator will
remain an ally at the start of each adventure for 7) Wrath of the Dead
the Hero for now until they die.
The Hero, in a rage of righteous fury, charges at
Ammundi the Forever. The Hero has pledged
their life to deal with this threat.

Place Ammundi the Forever on top of the deck.

Ammundi the Forever normally gets +1 Hit Point

for every Undead in Limbo plus one. Here, due
to the celestial experiments, he also gains a Hit
Point for every Demon in Limbo. If the Chimera
is in Limbo, Ammundi the Forever gains +2 Hit

If the Obelisk of Fate is encountered, make a

Intellect Check. If passed, Hero thinks that the
Obelisk is connect to Ammundi, and destroys it.
If so, Ammundi loses one Hit Point (1 minimum).

If The One is encountered, Hero may make a Wit

Check. If successful, Hero convinces The One to
interfere. If so, Ammundi loses one Hit Point (1

If the Hero has the Onyx Necklace and comes

across the Sacrificial Brazier, Hero may sacrifice
the Onyx necklace to Oblivion. If so, Ammundi
loses one Hit Point (1 minimum).

If Ammundi the Forever, is banished out of the

Deck (cannot be restocked due to lack of cards),
the quest is complete.
I1: Zoltar’s Sanctuary 4) Outwitting the Disembodied
The Hero feels someone, who yet feels like no
1) Magic Raid one, calling them. Curiosity gets the better of the
Hero and they decide to investigate. After all,
Zoltar the Heretic is known for his vast they made it this far.
knowledge of the Arcane. He is also known to be
petty and cruel. Although the Wizard wishes to Remove Zoltar the Heretic, Wizard’s Study, and
be alone, this is not necessarily by choice. Efreet of the Jinn from the quest.

The Hero wishes to gain more knowledge but is Place the Preserved Wizard in the Bottom Deck.
wise enough not to ask Zoltar directly.
If the Hero encounters the Preserved Wizard, the
Remove Zoltar the Heretic, The Wizard’s Game, quest is complete.
Wizard’s Mantle, The Preserved Wizard, and
Efreet of the Jinn from the quest. 5) A Wizard’s Revenge
Place both Magic Mirrors in the Top Deck. The disembodied head has been in the jar for so
long, they do not even remember their name.
Place the Wizard’s Study in the Bottom Deck. Zoltar, however, they remember with fire. For it
was he who placed them here.
If the Hero can encounter the Wizard’s Study, the
quest is complete. The wizard grants the Hero the information that
an Efreet is in the Sanctuary. If the Hero can
2) Further Down trick the Efreet with logic, the Demon will fight
along his side and they could defeat Zoltar.
The knowledge gained only emboldens the Hero
to continue. What else can the Hero find? In response to why the Hero would want to do
such a thing, the wizard mentions that Zoltar
Remove Zoltar the Heretic, Wizard’s Study, already knew of the Hero’s presence the moment
Wizard’s Mantle, The Preserved Wizard, The they came in. The head looks toward an empty
Wizard’s Game, Efreet of the Jinn from the quest. jar like his own. The Hero understand they have
little choice.
Place all potions to the side.
Remove Zoltar the Heretic and Preserved Wizard
Place Alchemy Closet in the Bottom Deck. from the Quest.

Place both Magic Mirrors in the Top Deck. Place Efreet of the Jinn in the Bottom Deck.

When Hero encounters the Alchemy Closet, the If the Hero can bind the Efreet of the Jinn to
quest is complete. Hero gains all potions on the them, the quest is complete. Because of the
side. Preserved Wizard’s hints, the Hero only has to
make the Intellect Check once to bind the Efreet
of the Jinn to them and only one Intellect Check
3) Hints of Dey’lithia to keep it.
The Hero gains shades of greed as they wish to If the Hero fails the Intellect Check, the Hero can
continue. However, there are hints, even now, try again after they defeat the Jinn. If that
that the Hero is getting in over their head. attempt fails, the Efreet of the Jinn regains one
Hit Point and combat starts over. Repeat this
Remove Zoltar the Heretic, Wizard’s Study, The process until the Hero succeeds at controlling the
Preserved Wizard, and Efreet of the Jinn from Efreet of the Jinn.
the quest.

Place Wizard’s Mantle to the side. 6) Confronting Zoltar

Place Dey’Lithian Wizard in the Bottom Deck. “You were amusing at first.” A voice bounces off
the walls. “However, I have become bored of
Place The Wizard’s Game and both Magic your entertainment. I see you had a nice
Mirrors in the Top Deck. conversation with my protégé. Good. You will be
talking to him for a long time to come.” A door
If the Dey’Lithian Wizard is defeated, the quest is slams behind the Hero. The Hero musters their
complete. The Hero gains Wizard’s Mantle. courage and ventures forth.
Place Zoltar the Heretic in the Bottom Deck.

The Hero starts with Efreet of the Jinn as an ally.

If the Hero can defeat Zoltar, the quest is

I2: Caves of
Remove Scolopendra, Dire Centipedes, all
Stradiir, all Dey’Lithians, Tennekoth, Dey’Lithia,
The Unknown Reaches, Ice Caves, Flames Caves,
Dey’Lithia Ornate Chest, Necrcothirst, and Ancient Book of
the Forbidden from the quest.
1) An Unlikely Job Place A Special Entrance in the Bottom Deck.
The Hero is known to be hired to take out The Hero starts with the Well-Traveled Dwarf as
specific targets, but never before where they an ally.
asked of this for an insect. However, gold is gold
and the Hero takes the job. If the Hero can find The Special Entrance, the
quest is complete.
Remove Scolopendra, all Stradiir, A Special
Entrance, All Dey’Lithians, Tennekoth,
Dey’Lithia, The Unknown Reaches, Ice Caves, 4) A Deeper Threat
Flames Caves, Ornate Chest, Necrcothirst, and
Ancient Book of the Forbidden from the quest. The Hero looks at the Entrance a cannot place
where it comes from. The Dwarf however has a
Place Dire Centipedes in the Bottom Deck. stern look that conveys familiarity.

If the Hero can defeat either Dire Centipede, the “It is of Dey’Lithian origin.”, he says. “Have they
quest is complete. The Hero gains 300 gold for been this close to us this entire time?”, his voice
their service. grows coarse. “This is not something we can
ignore. We must confront this now. We cannot
risk going back to town for these foul enchanters
2) Scale of the Job to unleash hell upon the world. I promise you
gold enough as I know you have not been hired
As the Hero collect their reward, the town crier to go further, but there are riches to be had
rushes into the hall. Accordingly, there is inside that will make your previous payments
another centipede, but it is towering beyond seem as they do not exist.”
words. Listeners assume he may be drunk or
mad, but when other reports come in of the same The Hero finds the dwarf’s argument convincing.
story, the Hero is immediately hired for the job. They open the door and go inside.
The creature is dormant now, but they think they
know where it burrowed last. Remove Scolopendra, Dire Centipedes, all
Dey’Lithians, Tennekoth, Dey’Lithia,
Remove all Stradiir, A Special Entrance, all Necrcothirst, and Ancient Book of the Forbidden
Dey’Lithians, Tennekoth, Dey’Lithia, The from the quest.
Unknown Reaches, Ice Caves, Flames Caves,
Ornate Chest, Necrcothirst, and Ancient Book of The Hero starts with the Well-Traveled Dwarf as
the Forbidden from the quest. an ally.
Place Scolopendra in the Bottom Deck. Place A Special Entrance in the Bottom Deck.
If the Hero can defeat the Scolopendra, the quest If the Hero can reach A Special Entrance, the
is complete. The Hero receives 500 gold for their quest is complete.
5) Masters of the Web
3) Something Lurks
“Those were not just spiders, they were Stradiir.”
As the remains of the Scolopendra are removed, The dwarf says. “They are linked to their
a Well-Travelled Dwarf seems uneasy. He says he masters, the Dey’Lithians. They will know we are
senses something he has not felt in decades. here.”
When asked if it more of the giant insects, he
responds that it is not. It is something far more Both the Hero and the dwarf gird themselves up
sinister. for more battles as they go through the special
The dwarf convinces the town to hire the Hero to
go with him deeper into the tunnels burrowed by Remove Scolopendra, Dire Centipedes,
the enormous creatures. The dwarf is so Tennekoth, and Dey’Lithia from the quest.
convinced of the threat, that he is willing to go
without pay. Place A Special Entrance in the Bottom Deck.
The Hero starts with the Well-Traveled Dwarf as If the Hero can defeat Dey’Lithia, the quest is
an ally. complete.

If the Hero can reach A Special Entrance, the

quest is complete.

6) Tennekoth
“Gods above!” the dwarf tries catches his breath.
“That’s the symbol for Tennekoth on that door. I
thought I killed him. I was sure of it! Damned my
arrogance! I will not make the same mistake

The dwarf does not give the Hero a choice not to

open the door.

Remove Scolopendra, Dire Centipedes, and

Dey’Lithia from the quest.

Place Tennekoth in the Bottom Deck.

Place A special Entrance on top of the Bottom


The Hero starts with the Well-Traveled Dwarf as

an ally.

If the Hero defeats Tennekoth, the quest is


7) Dey’Lithia
The dwarf collapses against the wall. The Hero
goes to check on him only to find that nothing
can be done. The dwarf looks at the Hero, who is
more than comfortable with the result.

“Tennekoth is no more. This is my penance for

my overconfidence. I can live, or die, with that.”,
the dwarf says as he passes.

The Hero prepares to leave as they feel earth

moving all around them. It is not an earthquake,
however. It feels…like it is moving with a

As the Hero goes out the door they came in, the
Hero notices the original path is now blocked off.
A new trail is fresh earth forms a new route.

Someone, someone powerful, is beckoning the

Hero forward. The Hero has little choice but to
move forward.

Remove Tennekoth and Well-Traveled Dwarf

from the quest.

Place Dey’Lithia in the Bottom Deck.

Place A Special Entrance on top of the Bottom

I3: The Unknown
The Hero starts with the Scroll of Oblivion’s

Reaches If the Hero encounters The Altar, they enter the

rift and send the Scroll of Oblivion’s Reach to
Oblivion to seal the rift and complete the quest.
1) Culling the Cultists
If the Hero uses the scroll to escape the
After months of searching, the Hero is aware of adventure at any time but must go through quest
the location of the Satyrian Cultists near the #2 to obtain a new scroll.
town. The Hero decides to take action to find out
how much they have infiltrated the town.
4) Face of the Enemy
Remove Fire Giant, Gaze Walker, Earth
Elemental, Madness Blade, Noggoloth, As the Hero turns around, the heft of their
Pannegoth, all Satyrians (name in title), Skull actions is felt. The finality of it assured. There is
Collectors, and The Altar from the quest. no going back.

There is no Bottom Deck in this quest. Remove all cultists, Gaze Walker, Earth
Elemental, Madness Blade, Noggoloth, and
When the Hero can defeat 10 Levels of Cultists Pannegoth from the quest.
and Necroscrys, the quest is complete.
Place The Way Out in the Bottom Deck.
2) The Otherworld If the Hero can find The Way Out, the quest is
Among the bodies of the fallen, the Hero finds
evidence of their deepest fears. The cultists have
ripped open a portal to the Otherworld. 5) The Eight Doors

The Hero prepares themselves to defeat those The Hero simply can do nothing else but to move
behind this. Obvious to the Hero, there must be a forward. However, ahead of them, a choice will
Scroll of Oblivion’s Reach that assisted in have to be made.
opening the portal.
Remove all Cultists and Pannegoth from the
Remove Fire Giant, Gaze Walker, Earth quest.
Elemental, Madness Blade, Noggoloth,
Pannegoth, all Satyrians except witches (name in Place Gaze Walker, Earth Elemental, Noggoloth,
title), Skull Collectors, and The Altar from the Fire Giant, and Fire Elemental, Potion of Major
quest. Healing, Madness Blade, and The Way Out in
separate piles. These piles represent the Eight
Place the Scroll of Oblivion’s Reach and Satyrian Doors.
Witches in the Bottom Deck.
Create a Bottom Deck as normal but send those
If the Hero can find the Scroll of Oblivion’s cards into Oblivion.
Reach, the quest is complete.
When the Hero makes it to the end of the deck,
they will then choose one of the Eight Doors.
3) Opening the Rift
If the chosen card is The Way Out, the quest is
The Hero is starting to see their fate come before complete. Otherwise, resolve the card.
them. They know they must not simply use the Afterward, try again. Continue until The Way Out
scroll near their blasphemous altar to close the is found.
rift but must perform the written ritual on the
other side of it to do so. The Hero, with slight
hesitation, steels themselves as they charge 6) Pannegoth
The Hero moves through the door only to fall to
Remove Fire Giant, Gaze Walker, Earth their knees in horror as there seems as if there is
Elemental, Madness Blade, Noggoloth, nothing all around them. They slowly feel less
Pannegoth, all Satyrians except witches (name in disoriented as they realize it is because of the
title) from the quest. transparent walls and floors that surround the
Place The Altar in the Bottom Deck.
Place Pannegoth to the side. Shuffle all the cards
and place them in stacks of 8. Send the
remaining cards to Oblivion. Place the deck in
rows of two.

Also, since the walls and floors are transparent,

the Hero may see ahead of them for a short
distance. Starting with the bottom row, flip over
three cards keeping the order as the Hero would
encounter them.

The Hero may now make a choice of which path

the wish to take. Either the left pile, or the right.
Take the path not chosen and send those to

Play the chosen row as normal, encountering the

cards in the normal order. As one card is
resolved, draw a new card from the deck face up
so that you can always see three cards ahead for
that pile.

Once the pile is complete. Repeat the process

with the next row. Reveal three cards from each
row and have the Hero choose a pile to go
through, discarding the other to Oblivion.

Once four pile are complete, encounter


If the Hero defeats Pannegoth, the quest is

Final Thoughts
As much as I would have been happy to just have
the first Kickstater complete the Dungeonrunner
games, this take it one step further and
completes the similitude of the old D&D BEMCI

I was extremely glad to make so many more

cards because this adds so many ways to make
new adventures for all of you.

I never wanted it to be a sales pitch, which I why

I never mentioned it, but this project started
when my best friend Kevin (on right) and I,
started Powercell Games a long time ago and
had our first boardgame convention in Erie, PA.
Kevin passed away just three months before the
game was promoted on Kickstarter. He would be
glad to see it in its completed form.

But here we are now, with 15 decks all complete

and solid. We are blessed to have been able to get
them all done so players can make their own
adventures and play a complete campaign.
Although we were happy enough to get two done,
getting the whole vision complete is amazing!

If you have any ideas, questions, find a typo, or

even come up with a better way to word
something, please contact us at;
(...check out those sexy gamer mullets!)
Again, on behalf of all of us. Thank you!
We actually started it because we had just made
Dungeonrunner (then, a "turn by mail" choose
your own adventure. We wanted to promote it.
Funny enough, the convention was more popular
than the game itself at the time. We went on to
create many more conventions.

However, creating Dungeonrunner into a card

game came about when our friend and main DM,
Sean passed away. We were drunk as hell and
started thinking up ways to create a card game
and get Dungeonrunner going again. You are
seeing the end result of this effort, decades later.

Small print runs were not an option back in the

90's. We sure as hell didn't have the cash. So we
used $800-ish that we didn't have to spend
getting this "beggars copy" of the game made.
(and only TWO decks at that!)

It sure did not look pro, but it was ours and the
game was solid. Rules-wise, nothing much has
changed from that version years ago to the one
you are about to get in your hands. We were
especially proud of the gimmicky "Double Die of

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