Activity 1 Bio 12 Biophysics Investigate Osmosis Using Potato Strips Materials

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Republic of the Philippines


San Pablo City Campus
Del Remedio, San Pablo City




 8 potato strips (5x1x1) cm ( or potato cylinders/cores of  equal length e.g. 5 cm diameter,
made with a cork borer)
 4 petri dishes with equal volumes of solutions A, B and C; A = sucrose solution
(hypertonic solution); B = salt solution (hypertonic solution); C = distilled water
(hypotonic solution) 
 1 empty petri dish (control)
 Paper towels
 Stop watch or timing device
 Top pan balance
 Ruler

1. Observe each strip by feeling it. Noting whether it is turgid or flaccid. Record this.
2. Weigh and measure each potato strip. Recording the initial mass and length.
3. Place a strip in each petri dish. Taking care not to mix the strips. Start the timer.
4. Place a strips after 15 minutes and dab on tissue.
5. Weigh each strip and measure each potato strip. Recording the final mass and length.
6. Observe each strip by feeling it. Noting whether it is turgid or flaccid. Record this.
7. Perform % difference calculations for the mass and length using the formula
8. (Final – initial) x 100% / initial
9. Record the results in a table.
Republic of the Philippines
San Pablo City Campus
Del Remedio, San Pablo City


Water Turgid Turgid
Mass (g)
5g 5.2g 20%

Length (cm)
5 cm 5.2cm 20%

Salt Description
Turgid Flaccid
Solution (turgid/flaccid/other
Mass (g)
5g 4.7g -30%

Length (cm)
5cm 4.5cm -50%

Sucrose Description Other; Softer than

Solution (turgid/flaccid/other initial but not Flaccid
Mass (g)
5g 4.8g -20%

Length (cm)
5cm 4.8cm -20%

Air Description
Turgid Turgid
(Control) (turgid/flaccid/other
Mass (g)
5g 4.9g -10%

Length (cm)
5cm 4.9cm -10%
Republic of the Philippines
San Pablo City Campus
Del Remedio, San Pablo City


Upon conducting the activity, containers must be first labeled as A = sucrose solution
(hypertonic solution); B = salt solution (hypertonic solution); C = distilled water (hypotonic
solution) to avoid confusion while recording. As I prepare the solutions, I used a 1 tablespoon of
honey as sucrose and gave it a good 2 minute stir for it to mix well with water, same method was
done with 1 tablespoon of salt to dissolve large particles of it for salt solution. Then potato strips
are prepared beforehand and was cut in equal dimensions of 5x1x1 cm. 2 pieces of potato strips
are soaked in three different solutions each while other 2strips are controlled for 15 minutes.
Afterwards, potato strips are collected and patted dry for observation.


In my conclusion this activity enables us understand how potato strips can achieve osmosis in
different types of solution.

A. Water solution (Hypotonic)

There is a relative increase in length of the potato strips, from 5cm to 5.2 cm. the increase
of length is directly proportional to the mass of the strips with 0.2g increase from 5g initial. In
this solution we can determine that there is a higher water potential inside the solution compared
with the potato. Resulting to water potential to flow into the potato allowing it to retain its
turgidity and increases its length and mass.

B. Salt Solution (Hypertonic)

There is a very visible changes in the potato strips from salt solution. Decrease in length
is relatively higher than strips from hypotonic solution, from 5cm to 4.5cm. Decline in mass of
the potato strips can also be expected, from 5g to 4.7g. From the observation shrinkage of the
potato strips can be seen. This tells us that the water potential is higher inside the potato strips
that’s why water has left the potato by Osmosis. This solution has made the strips flaccid and
wobbly. Discoloration is noticeable.
Republic of the Philippines
San Pablo City Campus
Del Remedio, San Pablo City

Sucrose Solution (Hypertonic)

Knowing that sucrose solution is also hypertonic same changes from salt solution can
also be observed from the potato strips of sucrose solution. Decrease in length and mass is also
shown from the observation table. Though the changes of the potato in sucrose in solution is not
as great as from the salt solution, same mechanism has also occur. The difference I noted is that
strips from sucrose is softer than the initial but not as flaccid from the salt solution.

C. Air (Controlled)

Minimal changes can be observed in this set up but for a longer period of time a little
discoloration of potatoes can be observed as well as a 0.1 decrease in the initial mass and length
of the potato strips

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