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Senior Center
Megan, Morgan, Landon, Nick
Senior Center is currently in a
situation where they need more
fundraising and creative ways to
reach their target audience.

Overview Company analysis

Opportunity analysis

Competeitive analysis

Customer anaylsis
"Platteville Senior Center, the
place where excitement and
opportunity is focused on our

Serving those that age 50+, regardless of ability
to pay, has ample opportunity to stay active
and engaged in the community
Current website promotes upcoming events
and activities
Strength: posses loyal group of
Weakness: limited funding
Print Ads
Radio Ads
June- Radio ads, pancake breakfast

July- Post & create tik tok. Evaluate Media

Plan at end of month

August- Pancake breakfast, roll out

revamped website

September- Celebrate grandparents day.

Media Schedule Evaluate Media Plan at end of month

October- Pancake breakfast, Halloween


November- Fundraiser Thanksgiving meal.

Evaluate Media Plan at end of month

December- Christmas Trivia Night (December

Opportunity Analysis
Creating a new website
Current website is hard to locate
“Aging is an ascent, not a decline. Reach your Peak”
PEAK uses this motto and an expansion of media moves in the right
Work with UW Platteville students
Adding internships could engage more community members
Increase the attention and support the center is in need of
Look to surrounding assisted living facilities as advocates and
22 assisted living facilities in the area
Media Tik Tok
Show seniors enjoying activities and the

Radio Ads
Seniors have active conversation and
promotion of events and joy of the center
Print ads
Three pint ads throughout the next six
Get the name out there
Fundraising breakfast
Christmas Trivia
Upgrade and integrate PASS

Public Relations
Goal is to draw support and awareness to PEAK
Make it known the center may potentially relocate
Hold two campaign events to raise awareness
First campaign: address what PEAK is, and their current dilemma
Importance, testimonies, activities
Second campaign: progress and status of PEAK (approx a year
after the first campaign)
Administer surveys to the community and seniors
See the progress of campaigns and know where the community
stands with PEAK

Promotional Plans
Easy to distribute and pin up
Common within our target market
Radio Ads
Using local radio stations
Finding common music interests with targeted audience and adding ads to
those stations
Incentives for current members to recruit
Giftcards, food items, or other gifts for referrals
Host events and rent out spaces
Bring in other community besides seniors to use the center

Seniors age 50 and older would be the ones purchasing this product
Purchase this product because they want to stay engaged with the community
and want to build relationships
Major Segments: Seniors age 50-80+, Male and Female, Seniors located in or
around Platteville area, Seniors wanting to stay active and engaged in the
community with fun events and activities
Current customers include Seniors who are already involved with the Senior
Center, as well as other Seniors in the Platteville area
The Platteville Senior Center’s website needs to be easier to access, as
well as be updated with the newest information regarding the Senior
Changes we would make to the website:
Shrink the logo to create more space on the homepage to add more
important information about the Senior Center
Add more sections on the homepage to provide viewers with more
information about what the PEAK and PASS have to offer
Needs to be names and contact information of all the people involved
with the PEAK and PASS programs for anyone that has any questions
Tik Tok


For our Tik Tok, we wanted to focus on promoting the

Platteville Senior Center and show what kind of fun
activities they put on for the Seniors. We also wanted to
use a catchy and upbeat song to catch the viewers
Since we have recommended a significant change in marketing
communications for the Senior Center, it will be important for us to
make sure the goals we set are met and if not, find out what we
can do to achieve those goals. At the end of December, we plan on
evaluating our marketing communications plan to see if it has
increased the overall attendance and popularity of the Senior
Thank you!

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