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DXVA Short Essay (Treatment)

Working Title: Gray

Key Characters:
Nature, some other people their faces will not be seen/shown.

Who: Civilians (unknown)

What: Nature/other things

Where: anywhere/unknown

When: taken place/modern times.

Why: Showing the audience the complexity of life on an emotional scale.

Topic #1: Comfort/happiness

Shots of bright colors, healthy nature, shots of people holding hands, kids, animals,

Not Include:
Any negative substances, pills, gray filtered images.

Topic #2: Uncomfortable/unhappy/depression/etc

Shots of substances, pills, gray filtered pictures/ videos.
Not Include:
Bright colors.

Topic #3:

Not Include:
Topic #4:


Not Include:

Using the research you performed on your film, create a short essay by writing about each of
your research topics. Your essay should be at least 3-5 paragraphs long:

Remember: This is your documentary/experimental film, thus the questions you research
should be exciting to you! If it is not exciting or engaging to you, then it will not be engaging
to us, as the audience.

Alternative: If your film is very personal in nature and does not require any research, then
you will write a 3-5 paragraph personal essay on your film.

Research or Personal Essay:

In my experimental film I will be experimenting with happy and contented emotions as
well as unhappy and negative emotions. And I will be doing that by presenting positive and
negative pictures and videos of holding hands, bright colors, nature, etc. While also adding
some negative images and videos like substances, pills, and images with a black and white
filter. I will use a lot of nature shots to present a relaxing/comforting setting for the audience
while contrasting it to balck and white to see the beauty and the imperfections.
The title of my film is Gray (at the moment). It took me a really long time to come up with
a title. At first my film title was “unrest” but the name just didn’t fit with what I was depicting, or
what I was trying to show. In my experimental film there is happiness and some unpleasant
emotional feelings; Gray is the between of happiness and unhappiness. It’s the gray zone as I
like to call it, so for right now Gray seems like the logical title.
In this film I wanted to talk about anxiety and depression and I think by doing that with
happiness and unhappiness/stress it would make the film more real and subtle. Instead of
throwing it out at the audience. It’s also a way of saying that a lot of people with anxiety and
depression don’t show case it for the world, therefore I don’t want my film to show case it too
much, but enough for the audience to understand. It is experimental so nothing is written in
stone just yet.

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