Misuse SPT - Reid Taylor

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technical note

The misuse of SPTs

in fine soils and the
implications of Eurocode 7
Alan Reid and Dr John Taylor,
geotechnical engineers,
South Lanarkshire Council

he standard penetration test Historical empirical value and the coefficient of volume with plasticity index. Furthermore,
(SPT) is one of the most com- correlations compressibility (mv) and found a the best fitting trend lines are not
monly used insitu tests to deter- In 1974 Stroud published findings direct relationship of defined in terms of their type and
mine density and subsequently the that the SPT was a reliable test function. In addition, the paper does
insitu strength of granular soils for that could provide a means of mv = 1/(f2 x N) not state if corrections were applied
use in bearing capacity analysis. estimating insitu properties of clay. to the N values.
Due to its simplicity and cost Stroud investigated the relationship where f2 is an independent A year later Stroud & Butler (1975)
effectiveness the use of the SPT between SPT N value and undrained multiplication factor. The f2 values examined relationships between
as part of insitu testing for ground shear strength (c) and found a were found to range from 350 SPT N values with undrained shear
investigations of fine soils has “simple correlation” of the form to 800kN/m2 and were plotted strength and the coefficient of
become common practice in the against plasticity index (see Figure volume compressibility of glacial
UK. Several researchers, (Stroud c = f1 x N 2), and a “best fit” correlation of materials.
1974; Stroud & Butler 1975; Charles f2 = 440kN/m2 was found to apply. The f1 values were found to range
2005; Tomlinson 2001) state that an where f1 is an independent Both the f1 and f2 values were from 4.4 to 7.0kN/m2 with f2 values
approximation for the undrained multiplication factor (Stroud 1974, found to increase with decreasing ranging from 350 to 750kN/m2.
shear strength and the coefficient p374). The f1 values were found to plasticity index. The f1 and f2 values were found to
of volume compressibility can range from 3.1 to 7.6kN/m2 and were A lack of statistical analysis is increase with decreasing plasticity
be obtained from a standard plotted against plasticity index (see noted throughout the paper with no index. The f1 and f2 values were
penetration test N value correlated Figure 1). Stroud also investigated mention of a correlation coefficient plotted against plasticity index along
to the plasticity index of the soil. the relationship between SPT N for the relationship between f1 and f2 with the previous cases provided by
Consequently, it has become Stroud (1974) and similar charts
common to multiply the SPT N Table 1: Comparison of studies with f1 values were produced. Again there is a lack
value by a factor of five (Charles of statistical analysis and provision
2005) to provide a very approximate of details.
value of undrained shear strength. Author Soil Type f1 range f1 average Limited information is
While this correlation is widely available on the correlation
used in geotechnical engineering Highly plastic 7.1 to 16.5 - between the coefficient of volume
the geographical spread of the clay compressibility and SPT N value.
data from which the correlation Sowers An f2 value of 450kN/m2 was
was derived is significantly limited Medium plastic 4.7 to 9.5 - recommended for materials of
as the research is predominantly clay medium plasticity and 600kN/m2
English based. for materials with a plasticity index
However, the use of the Low plastic clay 2.4 to 4.7 - of <20%.
multiplying factor of five has now and plastic silts A literature review encompassing
become standard in the geotechnical data obtained from the UK (Stroud &
industry throughout the UK. The Stroud 35<IP<65 4 to 5 - Butler), the US (Sowers), Singapore
use of this rule of thumb may partly (Kar Winn) and Turkey (Sivrikaya
explain why to date the use of IP<20 >6 - & Togrol) was undertaken by Reid
alternate sampling has been regarded to obtain an overview of the current
as the general site investigation Fine-grained information within the knowledge
methodology. soil 2 to 17.5 6.09 base regarding the correlation of
Research carried out by Reid SPT N values, undrained shear
(2009) has revealed that there is CH 2.25 to 17.5 7.52 strength and coefficient of volume
little if any relationship between Sivrikaya & compressibility.
SPT N values and the undrained E Togrol Clay 2.12 to 17.5 6.38 The determination of undrained
shear strength or the coefficient shear strength of fine grained soils
of volume compressibility for CL 2.12 to 13 4.98 by means of SPT and its application
fine soils within the geographical in Turkey is discussed by Sivrikaya
area of South Lanarkshire. ML 2.68 to 6.67 4.22 & Togrol (2006). Unlike previous
Consequently the continued use authors this paper examines
of historical empirical correlations MH 2 to 6.88 3.8 relationships between SPT N values
is questioned. and undrained shear strength from

28 ground engineering july 2010

10 1,000
f1 (kN/m2)

f2 (kN/m2)
8 800

6 600

4 400

2 200

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Figure 1: f1 plotted against plasticity index Figure 2: f2 plotted against plasticity index
(Stroud & Butler 1975, p128) (Stroud & Butler 1975, p129)

a statistical point of view, taking between SPT N value and Comparisons and differences strength and coefficient of volume
account of test types and SPT undrained shear strength are of in the correlations compressibility respectively.
corrections. medium significance and can be The historical correlations: The known values were obtained
The authors indicate that the use used in relation to soil type for the nd  o not differentiate between from triaxial and oedometer tests
of the current correlations without “preliminary” design stage only. uncorrected and corrected N carried out on undisturbed samples
making corrections to the “field” N Limited information is available values obtained by a U100 sampler
values can lead to “erroneous results on correlations between the n a ll too often refer to unconfined (following the procedure of Stroud
and designs” (Sivrikaya & Togrol coefficient of volume compressibility compressive strength as opposed & Butler).
2006, p54). In addition the authors and SPT N value. In addition, the to undrained shear strength The A1 and A2 multiplying factors
make mention that no statistical correlations all too often refer to nd  o not show statistical analyses do not equate directly to the factors
analysis has taken place to establish unconfined compressive strength to substantiate the published f1 and f2 as described by Stroud &
the significance of the correlations (Terzaghi & Peck, 1948) as opposed associations Butler (1975) as these latter values
previously published. to undrained shear strength and n c onsider the correlations are linked directly to the individual
Sivrikaya & Togrol’s analysis of do not differentiate between sufficient to provide reliable plasticity index of each sample.
the relation between SPT N values uncorrected and corrected N values. results notwithstanding that the In contrast Reid formed three
and undrained shear strength Furthermore, the f1 values are database is limited geographically individual datasets comprising low,
highlights that, in most cases, noted to vary between 2 to 17.5 and nd  iffer with respect to the factor intermediate and high to extremely
f1 increases with an increase in the correlations differ with respect f1 as to whether or not it will high plasticity values respectively
plasticity of clay supporting the to the factor f1 as to whether or not increase or decrease with with a further dataset comprising all
findings by Sowers (Sowers 1979 it will increase or decrease with decreasing plasticity index. three datasets.
after Sivrikaya & Togrol 2006) but decreasing plasticity index (Stroud The descriptive statistical analysis
opposing the findings by Stroud & Butler 1975; Sowers 1979 after The correlations by Sivrikaya & undertaken of the undrained shear
(1974). The comparison of studies Sivrikaya & Togrol 2006). Moreover, Togrol: strength datasets found the mean of
in Table 1 displays the similarities the lack of statistical information n do differentiate between A1 to be approximately 4. This mean
and differences of the value of f1 in and correlation coefficients within uncorrected and corrected N value is similar to the mean f1 values
relation to soil type. most of the literature means the values of 5 and 5.5 provided by Stroud
The findings by Sivrikaya & significance of the correlations n do relate the uncorrected and & Butler (1975) and Sivrikaya &
Togrol show that the correlation cannot be determined. corrected N values to undrained Togrol (2006) respectively.
shear strength However, as the A1 values were
n do provide statistical analysis to found to range from 0.18 to 19.30,
Undrained shear strength (kN/m)

support their findings further analysis was undertaken to

n do agree with the work of Sowers determine whether or not actual
300 that the value of f1 increases with correlations or an association could
an increasing plasticity index be found between the parameters.
250 n r ecommend the use of the The relationship between
correlations for “preliminary” uncorrected N value and undrained
design work only. shear strength is illustrated in Figure
Given the lack of statistical 3. Hypothesis testing indicates that
information and correlation there is little, if any, correlation
150 y=9.1314x coefficients within most of the of significance between these two
R2=0.1846 literature the significance of the parameters. The R2 value of less
100 correlations must be questioned. than 0.2 indicates that there is no
significant association between the
Results uncorrected N value and undrained
The statistical analysis undertaken shear strength.
of ground investigation data held The descriptive statistical analysis
0 by South Lanarkshire Council used undertaken of the coefficient of
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 multiplying factors A1 and A2. The volume compressibility datasets
Uncorrected N value factors used were required to change found the mean value for the
the corresponding uncorrected SPT multiplier A2 to be approximately
Figure 3: Uncorrected N value versus undrained shear strength N value into an undrained shear 500, again comparing favourably

ground engineering july 2010 29

technical note
with the average value of 450 terms of BS EN ISO 14688-2:2004

Coefficient of volume compressibilty (m2/MN)

published by Stroud & Butler. (2007b).
However, as the A2 values were Standard interpretative practice y=-0.0508Ln(x)+0.2794
found to range from 175 to 1,370, of South Lanarkshire Council is to R2=0.2018
further analysis was carried out to plot all data onto Excel spreadsheets 0.3
determine whether or not actual and charts to view the data and
correlations or associations could determine if any correlations can
be found between the parameters. be found, for example increasing
With an R2 value of 0.2018, no undrained shear strength with 0.2
significant association could be depth. This statistical practice
found between uncorrected N is reinforced by Eurocode 7 as a
value and the coefficient of volume means to demonstrate how one
compressibility, as indicated by obtains the characteristic value of 0.1
Figure 4. the site and subsequently the design
The use of hypothesis testing and value (a cautious estimate of the
correlation coefficients to analyse characteristic value).
the data for the South Lanarkshire Experience within South 0
Council area found that the Lanarkshire has shown that 0 10 20 30 40 50
majority of relationships between determining the characteristic value
Uncorrected N value
the various parameters are of little can be difficult. Typical data (Figure
or no significance. 5) illustrates the lack of correlation Figure 4: Uncorrected N value versus the coefficient of volume
The associations that are of between undrained shear strength compressibility
low or moderate significance only and depth. This is not unusual and
apply to soil groups of specific indeed a site displaying a significant Undrained shear stength (kN/m2)
plasticity and as such negate the association between undrained
application of the correlation to shear strength and depth has yet to 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Depth (m)
this geographical area. A further be found.
shortened check on “corrected” N For sites with this type of data,
values yielded findings with lower with a range of undrained shear 1
R2 values to those discussed above. strengths at the same horizon,
the key question is how to arrive
Conclusion from the review at a suitable characteristic value: 2
on SPT applicability too low a value could negate the
The use of such rules of thumb development of the site while 3
without a full understanding of their too high a value could result in y=0.0095x+2.0916
relationships in terms of significance overestimated bearing capacities. R2=0.0316
and underlying experimental error Eurocode 7 does provide some help 4
will lead to the incorrect application in as much as local knowledge or
of these multiplying factors. The use judgement can be used. However,
of such values may lead to erroneous while this may be feasible for 5
design values when compared to Category 1 developments it is
laboratory values obtained. unlikely to meet the test of Category 6
The findings confirm the guidance 2 or 3 developments.
given in Eurocode 7 that the use of Of greater concern is that, as Figure 5: Typical undrained shear strength versus depth
the SPT should be restricted to a Eurocode 7 is now “live”, guidance
“qualitative evaluation of the soil within BS EN ISO 22475-1:2006 paragraph “The thick- wireline drilling or similar.
profile” as there is “no general (2007c), Table 2 (column 9 and 10, walled open-tube sampler is usually Notwithstanding the foregoing, it
agreement on the use of SPT results row 12) discloses that undisturbed regarded as a category B sampling is evident that the open-tube thick-
in clayey soil” (British Standard samples of fine soils obtained by method.” walled sampling will not provide
2007a, p50); the SPT is mainly used a shell and auger U100 sampler It is also to be noted from Table class 1 samples and as such it
for the determination of strength will only meet the specification of 3 that open-tube thick-walled would seem, at least from a Scottish
properties in coarse soils. Category C or at best Category B, samplers are suitable for category point of view, that rotary cored
Moreover, “if an empirical equivalent to soil quality class 4 or B class 3, but may be suitable for wireline drilling could become
relationship is used in the analysis, at best class 3. category A class 2, if soil conditions the “standard” replacement for
it shall be clearly established that it The view is that undisturbed are favourable. the shell and auger rig to provide
is relevant for the prevailing ground samples obtained from Category The table also states that open- samples suitable for strength and
condition” (British Standard 2010, C have been altered and must be tube thick-walled and thin-walled compressibility testing.
p23). Consequently, in September regarded as disturbed samples. samplers are unsuitable for use However, again there is conflict
2009 South Lanarkshire Council Consequently such samples are in “firm cohesive” soils. There with BS EN ISO 22475-1:2006
instituted a continuous sampling unsuitable for testing for shear appears to be some confusion in the as, according to Part 2 (2007a,
methodology for future ground strength or for compressibility (class terminology used in columns 5 and p75), class 2 samples can be used
investigation works. 1) as provided in BS EN 1997- 6 of Table 3 in that it is unclear if for strength tests etc. Indeed, for
2:2007. the phrase “firm cohesive” used in certain soil or special purposes,
The implications of However, according to paragraph column 5 relates to strength whereas shear strength tests can be carried
Eurocode 7 of the BS EN ISO 22475- it is clear that “firm” used in column out on reconstituted or remoulded
The use of continuous sampling 1:2006 (2007c, p.25) “Thick-walled 6 refers to consistency. specimens (2007a, p74).
allows undisturbed samples of open-tube samplers are mostly If column 5 refers to strength Baldwin & Gosling (2009) provide
fine soils to be obtained by U100 suitable for stiff and dense soils and then it is apparent that open- an insight into the implications
sampling via the standard shell and for soils containing coarse particles tube thick walled and thin walled that BS EN ISO 22475-1:2006 will
auger soil rig. Triaxial tests can be (see line 2 of Table 3). samplers are only suitable for soils have for geotechnical sampling in
carried out on the undisturbed “For soil types that are difficult with an undrained strength less the UK. To comply with the new
samples and the resultant values to sample, sample-retaining or than medium with soils of greater guidance engineers should specify
of undrained shear strength used closure devices are necessary.” undrained strength requiring thin-wall samplers to ensure class
to classify the strength of soil in Furthermore, according to investigation by rotary cored 1 samples are obtained during the

30 ground engineering July 2010

ground investigation. two sites. In both instances the sites investigation to control costs, but
According to the article by comprised medium-to-high-strength this is likely to lead to a reduction in References
Baldwin and Gosling (GE, March boulder clays. the amount of detail across the site. Baldwin, M and Gosling, D (2009)
2010) the development of a thin- The results on the cutting shoe Limiting the detail simply means Technical note – BS EN ISO 22475-1:
wall open drive tube sampler that are shown below. During the trials decreasing the sample size of Implications for geotechnical sampling in
complies with the requirements crumpling and deformation of the data and, consequently, the UK. GE, vol. 42, No. 8, pp28-31.
stated in BS EN ISO 22475-1:2006 the cutting shoe was noted. The increasing the margin of error. In Baldwin, M and Gosling, D (2010)
Technical note – Development of a thin
is now available on a commercial results tend to indicate that, due to other words obtaining good quality
wall open drive tube sampler (UT100). GE,
basis. Subsequently, Baldwin the nature of Scottish glacial tills, samples and obtaining results vol. 43, No. 3, pp37-39.
& Gosling (2010) discussed the which can include pre-consolidated thereof is of little use if you have British Standard (2007a)
development and field trials of a thin fine soils with gravel, cobble layers an insufficient sample size upon Eurocode 7 – Geotechnical design –
wall open drive sampler (UT100). and or boulders, the use of this which to statistically determine Part 2: Ground investigation and testing.
The field trials were carried out type of shoe is unlikely to produce the characteristic value and British Standard Institution, BS EN 1997
in a variety of soil types, including undisturbed samples that would subsequently the design value. -2:2007, ISBN 0 580 50569 0.
glacial tills, but were limited to sites comply with Eurocode 7. It could be argued that it is up to British Standard (2007b)
Geotechnical investigation and testing
in England. The results allowed Notwithstanding that the testing the geotechnical engineer to specify – Identification and classification of soil
Baldwin & Gosling to conclude was limited, the indications are that what is required within the ground – Part 2: Principles for a classification.
that “the UT100 sampler is capable the UT100 sampler is unlikely to be investigation – the contractor British Standard Institution, BS EN ISO
of taking a sample that meets suitable for the geographical area merely carries out the requirements 14688-2:2004, ISBN 0 580 47508 5.
the standard as being suitable for of South Lanarkshire. Indeed the of the engineer. British Standard (2007c)
strength and compressibility testing contractor involved in the testing Therefore there is the potential Geotechnical investigation and testing
– Sampling methods and groundwater
in the laboratory”. has been advised by Archway that that, if the engineer does not comply
measurements – Part 1: Technical
Baldwin & Gosling also state: the UT100 will not be suitable for with Eurocode 7 and damage to a principles for execution. British Standard
“Down to about 9m the undrained the Scottish area. structure is subsequently sustained, Institution, BS EN ISO 22475-1:2006,
shear strengths determined from the On this basis it would seem that then the engineer could be held ISBN 0 580 5056 9.
UT100 and U100 without a liner are the only alternative will be to utilise liable for non-compliance. British Standard (2007d)
similar to each other, whereas those rotary cored wireline drilling with Scottish soils are notoriously Code of practice for site investigations.
determined on the U100 with a liner the attendant increase in cost and variable and, as such, there is a United Kingdom, British Standard
Institution, BS 5930:1999, ISBN 0 580
are much lower.” possibly time, unless clarification need for flexibility in obtaining 61622 8.
Albeit the information may be of Tables 2, 3 and 4 of BS EN ISO samples, in terms of number and British Standard (2010)
geographically limited, it begs the 22475-1:2006 can be produced by cost. Accordingly there is a need for Eurocode 7 – Geotechnical design –
question why the U100 without the Technical Committee. a comparable sampler to the U100 Part 1: General rules. United Kingdom,
a liner cannot be used at least in The experience in South which meets the standard set by British Standard Institution, BS EN 1997
some areas. The article also points Lanarkshire is that, irrespective of Eurocode 7. – 1:2004 – Incorporating corrigendum
February 2009, ISBN 978 0 580
out that “undrained shear strengths the type of sampler used, there can The work to date carried out 67106 7.
of between about 50kPa and be no guarantee that the quality of by Baldwin & Gosling is to be
Charles, J.A. (2005)
220kPa have been measured in the data when plotted on an Excel chart commended but it needs to be Geotechnics for building professionals.
laboratory on the samples recovered will provide any better correlations extended to other geographical Watford: British Research Establishment.
from the UT100”. than those that are typically areas, after all Eurocode 7 is a Reid, A D (2009)
The higher values indicate soils obtained. European guidance note. The use of the standard penetration
of very high strength, analogous The problem is not so much about Further testing might reveal that test to estimate the undrained shear
to the former description of “very quality of samples but about the the UT100 is satisfactory for some strength and the coefficient of volume
compressibility of clay soils; MSc
stiff ” soils in terms of BS5930 interpretation of the results. After particular types of Scottish clays and dissertation, University of Glasgow.
(2007d) and as such it is unclear all, a test is only a test carried out on would provide some degree of an Sivrikaya, O and Togrol, E (2006)
as to whether or not the use of the a sample from a specific locality, it is alternative to rotary cored wireline Determination of undrained shear
UT100 sampler in these soils would not definitive. It is the geotechnical drilling, subject to amendment of strength of fine-grained soils by means
comply with Table 3 of BS EN ISO engineer who must arrive at a design Table 3. of SPT and its application in Turkey.
22475-1:2006. value as design values obtained from However, it is unlikely that sites Engineering Geology, 86,
pp 52-69.
In January 2010 South a laboratory test. will fall into a neat category to suit
Stroud, M A (1974)
Lanarkshire Council commenced The use of rotary cored boreholes only rotary cored drilling or piston The standard penetration test in
limited field testing of the Archway to obtain suitable undisturbed soil sampling etc; more likely sites will insensitive clays and soft rocks.
UT100 cutting shoe, following the samples has major implications for require a combination of methods, In Proceedings of the European
guidelines provided in Eurocode 7. the Scottish market, not least in for example to allow pre-boring of Symposium on Pentration Testing
To date testing has been very cost and time. Inevitably there is the medium-to-high-strength clays to ESOPT, Stockholm 1974. Stockholm,
National Swedish Building Research,
limited and only carried out on option to scale back the extent of the allow insertion of a soil sampler to pp367-375.
sample underlying clays of medium
Stroud, M A and Butler, F G (1975)
strength or less. The standard penetration test and
Availability of rotary or soil the engineering properties of glacial
rigs may prove to be a problem, in materials. In: Proceedings of the
turn extending the period normally Symposium of glacial materials,
expected for the site investigation. University of Birmingham, April 1975.
While the objective behind Terzaghi, K and Peck, P (1948)
Soil mechanics in engineering practice,
Eurocode 7 is to be welcomed it 1st ed. London: Chapman & Hall, pp
would seem that there is a lack 299-300 & 430-431.
of awareness of the implications Tomlinson, M J (2001)
of the code by professionals and Foundation design and construction. 7th
contractors alike. One thing is for ed. England: Pearson Prentice Hall, p11.
sure, Eurocode 7 is not going to go Winn, K, Rahardjo, H and
away. Peng, S C (2001)
It would seem sensible for the Characterization of residual soils in
Singapore. Journal of the Southeast
industry as a whole to gather now, Asian Geotechnical Society, Vol. 32, No.
before it gets too late, and work 1. pp1-13.
A deformed (left) and new (right) Archway UT100 cutting shoe as one to better understand the
provided by BAM Ritchies implications of the new code.

ground engineering July 2010 31

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