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To create your HARDBOILED, choose name, look, stats, moves, gear and Hx.

"I needed a drink, I needed a lot of life insurance, I needed a vacation, I
Philip · Sam · Nick · Harvey · Renee · Violet · Max · Tess · Eddie · Jessica needed a home in the country. What I had was a coat, a hat and a
gun."—Philip Marlowe
Gender · Masculine · Feminine · Concealed The Hardboiled is an insightful character with a gun and soured outlook
Clothes · Trenchcoat/Greatcoat/Duster · Fedora/Homburg/Porkpie · Mask/Unconcealed on life. You haven’t really figured out if you’re a cynic who
Face · Gaunt · Dashing · Poker-faced
desperately wants to be a romantic, or a romantic yearning for the
protection of cynicism. You do the job, you get paid, you drink to
Eyes · Cynical · Tired · Wizened forget the bad parts, and you move onto the next one.
Body · Non-descript · Lanky · Broad

STATS experience
Choose one set: ◯◯◯◯◯ ↦ IMPROVEMENT
● Cool +2 Hard 0 Hot -1 Sharp +2 Weird -1
Whenever you roll a highlighted stat, and whenever you reset your Hx
● Cool 0 Hard +1 Hot +1 Sharp +2 Weird -1
with a character, mark an experience circle. When you mark the 5th
● Cool +1 Hard -1 Hot +1 Sharp +2 Weird 0 one, improve, then erase all experience marks. Each time you improve,
● Cool +1 Hard 0 Hot 0 Sharp +2 Weird -1 choose one of the options. Check it off; you can't choose it again.
MOVES ☐ get +1 cool (max cool +3) ☐ get a new Hardboiled move
☐ get +1 cool (max cool +3) ☐ get a move from another playbook
You get all the basic moves. Choose 2 HARDBOILED moves. ☐ get +1 sharp (max sharp +2) ☐ get a move from another playbook
☐ get +1 hot (max hot +2)
GEAR ☐ get a new Hardboiled move
You get:
● Colt 1911 Pistol (2-harm close loud) [Eight Shots] Starting with your 6th improvement, the following options are also available:
● .25 caliber holdout pistol (2-harm close loud) [Six Shots]
☐ +1 to any stat (max +3) ☐ retire your character (to safety)
● Fashion suitable to your look, including at your option, something worth 1-armor ☐ choose 3 basic moves, advance them ☐ create an additional character to play
● Flask full of potent liquor ☐ advance the other 4 basic moves ☐ change your character to a new type

Everyone introduces their characters by name, look, and outlook. Take your turn. BARTER
List the other characters's names. 1-barter will cover a month's living expenses, if your tastes aren't too
Go around again for Hx. On your turn, choose one or both
● One of them, helped you out when it mattered, and helped you complete a job. Tell As a one-time expenditure, and very subject to availability, 1-barter
that player Hx +2 might count for: a night in high luxury and company; one square meal
● One of them, you can tell is doomed to self-destruction. Tell that player Hx -1. each for around 30 people; a typical family's entire food store; any
On the other players's turns: weapon, gear, or fashion not valuable; repair of a piece of hi- tech
● You try not to get too attached. Whatever number they tell you, give it -1 and write gear; a month's maintenance and repairs for a vehicle; bribes, fees,
that next to their name. and gifts sufficient to get you into almost anyone's presence.
At the end, find the character with the highest Hx on your sheet. Ask that player which If you're charging someone wealthy for your services, 1-barter is the
of your stats is most interesting, and highlight it. The DM will name another stat for you. going rate for: investigation, cover-up, or intimidation.
Every great detective uses knowledge and information as their greatest weapon.
Where does yours come from? ☐ Eye on the door: when you try to make a hasty escape, name your
escape route and roll +cool. On a 10+, you’re gone with no issues. On a
☐ The Police—you’re legitimate, you’ve got your license, you’ve got rule of 7-9, you can go or stay, but if you leave, it costs you: leave something
law behind you, and you’ve got backup. You’ve also got corruption, the
behind, or take something with you, the DM will tell you what that is.
bureaucracy, and chain of command. Make it work.
On a miss, you’re caught and vulnerable.
☐ The City—you know this town. You’ve been here all your life. It’s your
☐ I don’t mind a reasonable amount of trouble: When you’re on the
town, and you know where every back-alley, warehouse, farmhouse, henhouse,
outhouse, and doghouse is in this town. Cities make sense to you, and it’s hard job, and things have gone wrong, you persevere. You gain 1-armor
for you to get lost. You like the city, because for better or worse, you can get when you’ve taken harm and are about to receive more. This resets at
what you need here. It’s just that, for better or worse, there’s always a cost. any lull in the action.
You can get baked bread from that nice Italian place up the way, or you can get
a knife in your ribs. The City is alive, and it is fickle. ☐ World’s Greatest Something: When you’re investigating, whether
that is by scouring a location for clues or trying to find the holes in a
☐ The People—you’re a bit of a folk hero. The people know they can count on story, roll + sharp. On a 10+, you find exactly what you need, whether
you. Even if you’re in a bad neighborhood, the respect that you’ve earned can that’s a physical clue or information from a conversation. On a 7-9, you
keep you out of too much trouble. You can count on the people to help steer know what could help, but you don’t have enough evidence to move
you towards those who need help, and those who need a shakeup. The forward, you’ll need to keep investigating. On a miss, you’ve
Establishment doesn’t like you too much. You’re not predictable and no one
accidentally left something at the scene that implicates that you were
knows what your price is yet. Do you save The People or save yourself?
there, or if you were in a conversation, you give out information you
wished you’d held onto.
☐ Big Business—the world is changing, and capitalism leads the way. That’s
what the man in Washington tells us, and what the banks in New York say. It’s
also what your boss says, and it’s up to you to make sure undesirables keep ☐ If I’m dying, I’m dying last: You gain +1 hard (max hard +3)
from interfering with business. It’s not always about keeping someone down,
though. People need opportunities, and the money that comes along with that to ☐ Professional Compassion: When you help someone who is rolling,
better themselves. It’s just that the very same business that can give someone a you can choose to roll +sharp instead of rolling +Hx.
ladder can bludgeon someone else with a hammer. You have access to the elite
of society, and you’ve accumulated enough wealth and favors to maintain some
independence. Never forget that you do their dirty work. They may not know When you and another character have sex, you have an obligation to
how valuable you are, but they know what you’re not. “One of them”. them. You owe them a favor, but you take +1 to your rolls while you’re
fulfilling that favor.
☐ Washington—you’re an agent for the state. J. Edgar sent you out here to
find out what’s wrong, and if you’ve got called in there’s trouble by the
barrelful. With the power of the federal government behind you, you can
circumvent a lot of the municipal power struggles and the ineptitude of the MORE MOVES
local government. You’re just enigmatic enough for this to get done, but no one
likes to be reminded how powerless they are. However, with all the politics and
suspicion that exists back in Washington, it’s a lot easier to remember who you
work for out in the field, the American citizen, and you intend to see that they
get taken care of, whether it’s in their best interests or not.

☐ CLASSIFIED—you’re an investigator for [REDACTED], looking into the

events of [TOP SECRET], and how they relate to [EXPUNGED]. Do what
must be done, and prevent the worst from happening. Members of your
organization seem to turn up in the most unlikely places. They walk amongst
us. Let’s hope they’re here to help.
To create your DRIFTER, choose name, look, stats, moves, gear and Hx.

"Well I am Death, none can excel, I'll open the door to Heaven or
Mal · Spike · Katy · Raul · Etta · Iris · Josey · Darla · Morton · Patricia Hell…Time and mercy is out of your reach. I'll fix your feet til you
can't walk. I'll lock your jaw til you can't talk. I'll close your eyes so
LOOK you can't see. This very hour, come and go with me. I'm Death, I come
Gender · Masculine · Feminine · Concealed to take the soul.”—O, Death
Clothes · Duster/Poncho/Frocked Coat/Vest· Slouch hat/Gambler/Hoss· The Wild West has been tamed, but it’ll still eat you alive. When you
Mask/Bandana/Unconcealed live on the edge of society, and society is walking closer towards you
Face · Weathered · Plain · Roguish every day, you start to wonder about your place in life—or where
Eyes · Stony · Hollow · Squinted you’ll go when you die.
Body · Tough · Stout · Capable

STATS experience
Choose one set:
● Cool +1 Hard +1 Hot -2 Sharp +2 Weird 0
● Cool -1 Hard -1 Hot -1 Sharp +2 Weird +2 Whenever you roll a highlighted stat, and whenever you reset your Hx
● Cool -1 Hard 0 Hot 0 Sharp +2 Weird +1 with a character, mark an experience circle. When you mark the 5th
● Cool +1 Hard -2 Hot 0 Sharp +2 Weird +1 one, improve, then erase all experience marks. Each time you improve,
choose one of the options. Check it off; you can't choose it again.
MOVES ☐ get +1 cool (max cool +2) ☐ get a new Drifter move
You get all the basic moves. You get Eldritch Steed. Choose 2 additional DRIFTER ☐ get +1 hard (max hard +2) ☐ get a new Drifter move
moves. ☐ get +1 hot (max hot +2) ☐ get a move from another playbook
☐ get +1 weird (max weird +3) ☐ get a move from another playbook
GEAR ☐ get +1 sharp (max sharp +3)
You get:
● Mare’s Leg (3-harm long loud repeater) [Six Shots] Starting with your 6th improvement, the following options are also available:
● .38 1878 Colt Pistol (2-harm close revolver) [Six Shots] ☐ +1 to any stat (max +3) ☐ retire your character (to safety)
● Hunter’s knife (2-harm hand) ☐ choose 3 basic moves, advance them ☐ create an additional character to play
☐ advance the other 4 basic moves ☐ change your character to a new type
Everyone introduces their characters by name, look, and outlook. Take your turn.
List the other characters's names.
1-barter will cover a month's living expenses, if your tastes aren't too
Go around again for Hx. On your turn: grand.
● Choose the character you think is wisest. Tell that player Hx +1.
● Tell everyone else Hx -1. You keep your own counsel. As a one-time expenditure, and very subject to availability, 1-barter
might count for: a night in high luxury and company; one square meal
On the other players's turns:
each for around 30 people; a typical family's entire food store; any
● Pick the player you believe is the most honorable. Give them -1 Hx. You can respect weapon, gear, or fashion not valuable; repair of a piece of hi- tech
innocence, but you can’t understand it.
gear; a month's maintenance and repairs for a vehicle; bribes, fees,
At the end, find the character with the highest Hx on your sheet. Ask that player which and gifts sufficient to get you into almost anyone's presence.
of your stats is most interesting, and highlight it. The DM will name another stat for you.
If you're charging someone wealthy for your services, 1-barter is the
going rate for: bounty hunting, protection, and scouting.
CLIMB ABOARD MY KICKASS STEED ☐ Eldritch Steed: When atop your steed…
…if you act under fire, add your steed’s sight to your roll.
Not everywhere has been settled, not even with the rise of electricity and the …if you seize by force, add your steed’s power to your roll.
invention of the automobile. There are still places full of the weird and the …if you open your mind to the weirdness of the world, add your
majestic. Somewhere between Nowhere and Not Here, you found a bundle of steed’s sight to the roll.
wanton turmoil and bestial hell-raising that chose you as worthy of breaking in.
…if you help or interfere with someone, add your steed’s power to the
Choose one of the following: roll.
…if someone interferes with you, add your steed’s weaknesses to the
 Power +2 Sight +1 1-Armor roll.
Weakness +2
☐ Las Yeguas del Apocalipsis: When you attack a fortress or a
 Power +2 Sight +2 0-Armor building with people in it, you and your steed count as a gang (3-harm
Weakness +2 gang small).
 Power +1 Sight +2 1-Armor
Weakness +2 ☐ High Plains Drifter: When you manipulate or seduce a person, roll +
sharp instead of rolling +hot.
 Power +2 Sight +1 2-Armor
Weakness +3 ☐ Pale Rider: When you go into battle, roll +weird. On a 10+, name
one person who will live, and one person who will die. On a 7-9, name
one person who will live OR one person who will die. This only applies
Choose its type: Animal, Machine, Angelic, Demonic
to non-player characters. The DM will make your vision of who lives
Choose its strength or strengths, pick as many as your power: and dies come true, even if it’s remotely possible. On a miss, you
Agile, easily maintained, fast, huge, quiet, off-road, strong, tough, foresee your own death, and take -1 throughout the battle.
uncomplaining, warhorse, willing, workhorse
☐ When The Man Comes Around: When you move silent and remain
Choose its look or looks, pick as many as your sight: unseen, roll +cool. On a 10+, choose three. On a 7-9, choose one.
Blackened, decorated, fiery, filthy, frightening, glowing, magnificent, metal- Spend your choices to remain undetected, if at all possible, while you
plated, painted, prancing, shaggy, spikes and leather do the following:
 Cover your tracks
Choose its weaknesses, pick as many as your weaknesses:
 Get close to someone or something
Angry, confused, diseased, envious, gluttonous, greedy, lazy, lusty, nervous,
picky, proud, messy, slothful, slow, stubborn, temperamental, treacherous,  Hide or conceal yourself
ugly, vain  Infiltrate a secure location
 Snitch, pocket, or conceal an item

When you and another character have sex, you manipulate them as
though you’d rolled a 10+ to either go with you, or stay far away from
you on your next outing.


To create your UNFETTERED, choose name, look, stats, moves, gear and Hx. Introducing
Edward · Gabriel · Nina ·Jack · Rosie · Sonja · Marcus · Grace · Tyler · Myra
"You must suffer me to go my own dark way.”—Robert Louis
LOOK Stevenson
Gender · Masculine · Feminine · Concealed · Ambiguous · Transgressing
There was an accident, some horrible mistake mad alchemy or twisted
Clothes · Ill-fitting overcoat/unbound straitjacket/well-worn clothes · Wide-brimmed hat · science. You’re barely human, and it takes a lot of effort to keep in
Mask/Unconcealed control of all these new urges and instincts that permeate your senses.
Face · Sanguine · Haggard · Cadaverous You understand that you can be used as a weapon, something to launch
Eyes · Frenzied · Merry · Gloomy · Desolate at the enemy to rip and tear into them, and you’re more than happy to
Body · Colossal · Inconsequential · Robust · Delicate do so…until the bloodlust passes and you look at the violence you’ve
left in your wake.
Choose one set: experience
● Cool +1 Hard
● Cool +1 Hard
Sharp 0
Sharp 0
● Cool 0 Hard +1 Hot 0 Sharp +1 Weird +2 Whenever you roll a highlighted stat, and whenever you reset your Hx
● Cool 0 Hard +2 Hot 0 Sharp 0 Weird +2 with a character, mark an experience circle. When you mark the 5th
one, improve, then erase all experience marks. Each time you improve,
MOVES choose one of the options. Check it off; you can't choose it again.
You get all the basic moves. Choose 2 UNFETTERED moves. ☐ get +1 cool (max cool +2) ☐ get a move from another playbook
☐ get +1 hot (max hot +2) ☐ get a move from another playbook
GEAR ☐ get +1 sharp (max sharp +2)
Choose one: ☐ get a new Unfettered move
☐ get a new Unfettered move
● Sledgehammer (3-harm two-handed close)
● Axe (3-harm one-handed close)
● Scythe (3-harm two-handed close) Starting with your 6th improvement, the following options are also available:
☐ +1 to any stat (max +3) ☐ retire your character (to safety)
HX ☐ choose 3 basic moves, advance them ☐ create an additional character to play
Everyone introduces their characters by name, look, and outlook. Take your turn. ☐ advance the other 4 basic moves ☐ change your character to a new type

List the other characters's names.

Go around again for Hx. On your turn, choose one: BARTER
● When you’re in control you like to drink and party. Everyone gets Hx +1. 1-barter will cover a month's living expenses, if your tastes aren't too
● When you’re in control, you shun the company of others. Everyone gets Hx 0 grand.
On the other players's turns: As a one-time expenditure, and very subject to availability, 1-barter
● One off them just barely survived a close encounter with you. Whatever they tell you might count for: a night in high luxury and company; one square meal
is overwritten with Hx +2. each for around 30 people; a typical family's entire food store; any
● One of them is fated to be a true friend or terrible enemy to you. Whatever they tell weapon, gear, or fashion not valuable; repair of a piece of hi- tech
you is overwritten with Hx +1. gear; a month's maintenance and repairs for a vehicle; bribes, fees,
At the end, find the character with the highest Hx on your sheet. Ask that player which and gifts sufficient to get you into almost anyone's presence.
of your stats is most interesting, and highlight it. The DM will name another stat for you.
If you're charging someone wealthy for your services, 1-barter is the
going rate for: wanton destruction; enough liquor, drugs, or sex to
soothe the beast within you; being a bodyguard.
As you fight and lose control, your human appearance changes more and more ☐ OH YEAH!: You have the tools or the strength to break walls,
to resemble a monstrous visage. Choose your monstrous form: hairy, albino, fortifications, or other structures. When you try to smash through
stygian, slimy, tentacled, apelike, doglike, toad-like, bat-like, snakelike, something, roll +hard. On a 10+, you batter your way through okay. On
demonic, undead, grotesque, etc. a 7-9, choose one:
 You collapse it onto yourself and are briefly trapped.
Even when you appear human, there’s a clue that places you into the uncanny
valley. Choose a tell that is always apparent: glowing eyes, unnatural
 It’s too strong to knock down.
movement, oddly shaped figure, withering aura, harrowing voice, or a strange  It’s going to take some time.
On a miss, you’ll probably be stuck or trapped halfway through.
You have a weakness, a known factor that always reveals your true form and
has an effect upon you. Your weakness is one of the following: silver, water,
☐ I See It All: Add +1 to weird (max weird +3)
fire, direct sunlight, direct moonlight, being near spilled blood, being on
hallowed ground, or being on ground that has been desecrated.
☐ Crush your enemies. See them driven before you: When you appear
Unmasked: When you reveal your monstrous form, deliberately, or by contact suddenly amongst your enemies, roll +hard. On a 10+, choose one or
with your bane, every player who sees you adds +2 Hx with you, while you two. On a 7-9, choose one:
take -1 Hx as they keep their distance. In your monstrous form, any +hot rolls  Deal 1-harm to every enemy present.
are made with disadvantage—you roll twice and must accept the lower roll.  Deal your full harm, by weapon, to any one enemy.
Concealing your weakness: Other characters may seek to uncover your  Stun any one enemy.
weakness. When they investigate this, roll + cool. On a 10+, they don’t figure it On a miss you’ve left yourself wide open and vulnerable.
out. On a 7-9, they don’t know now, but will have figured it out upon your next
meeting. Other players who are interested in discovering this roll +Hx to ☐ Nasty Habit of Surviving: When you go into battle, roll +weird. On
investigate. a 10+, you can choose from the following three times. On a 7-9, choose
Weaknesses (choose 2):
 Heal one segment of harm to yourself.
 Cursed. You suffer +1 harm from it.  Ignore the effects of an attack upon you.
 Vulnerability: You suffer -1 armor from it.
 Afraid. You take -1 ongoing while it is in your presence. ☐ Pin them down: Choose an enemy in the same area as you that you
 Irresolute. You inflict -1 harm while it is in your presence. don’t want to leave, and roll +hard. On a 10+, things go as planned.
 Ashamed. Your hard becomes 0 while in its presence. They cannot leave the area so long as you’re paying attention to them,
 Powerless. Any 10+ roll on an Unfettered move within its presence unless you want them to. On a 7-9, you can keep them in place, but it’s
becomes a 7-9, and any 7-9 becomes a miss. There are no additional risky, to do so you either expose yourself to danger, or you are pinned
penalties on a miss. as well.

When you and another character have sex, your Hx with them on
your sheet goes immediately to +3, and they immediately get +1 to
their Hx with you on their sheet.
To create your OCCULTIST, choose name, look, stats, moves, gear and Hx.

"I can save you. If it takes the last drop of your blood, I’ll drive your
Marjorie · Allie · Sky · Fuego · Esmerelda · Krauss · Charles · Vega · Sade · Lars demons away. I’ll kick them back into the darkness. Then I’ll leave,
your memory of me nothing more than a nod, a wink, and a
LOOK wisecrack.”—John Constantine
Gender · Masculine · Feminine · Concealed · Ambiguous ·Transgressing
The mysteries of the occult show themselves to those who are bold and
Clothes · Vestments · Top hat/headscarf/fez · Mask/Unconcealed curious. The real trick to learning about your friends on the other side is
Face · Ascetic · Innocent · Severe · Unremarkable to be a devil yourself, knowing what parts of your soul are worth
Eyes · Mesmerizing · Suspicious · Burning · Forgiving selling for power and knowledge.
Body · Bony · Graceful · Fit · Voluptuous

STATS experience
Choose one set:
● Cool 0 Hard +1 Hot -1 Sharp +1 Weird +2
● Cool +1 Hard -1 Hot +1 Sharp 0 Weird +2 Whenever you roll a highlighted stat, and whenever you reset your Hx
● Cool -1 Hard +1 Hot 0 Sharp +1 Weird +2 with a character, mark an experience circle. When you mark the 5th
● Cool +1 Hard 0 Hot +1 Sharp - 1 Weird +2 one, improve, then erase all experience marks. Each time you improve,
choose one of the options. Check it off; you can't choose it again.
MOVES ☐ get +1 cool (max cool +2) ☐ recruit another Apprentice
You get all the basic moves. Choose 2 OCCULTIST moves. ☐ get +1 hard (max hard +2) ☐ get a move from another playbook
☐ get +1 sharp (max sharp +2) ☐ get a move from another playbook
GEAR ☐ get a new Occultist move
☐ get a new Occultist move
You get:
● Ceremonial dagger (2-harm hand close)
● .38 Webley Mk III (2-harm close reload loud) [Six Shots] Starting with your 6th improvement, the following options are also available:
● Vestments detailed according to you ☐ +1 to any stat (max +3) ☐ retire your character (to safety)
● Symbol of your authority, knowledge, mystique, or expertise ☐ choose 3 basic moves, advance them ☐ create an additional character to play
☐ advance the other 4 basic moves ☐ change your character to a new type
Everyone introduces their characters by name, look, and outlook. Take your turn. BARTER
List the other characters's names. 1-barter will cover a month's living expenses, if your tastes aren't too
Go around again for Hx. On your turn, choose one or both grand.
● Someone is smarter than they look. Tell that player Hx +2.
As a one-time expenditure, and very subject to availability, 1-barter
● Tell everyone else Hx +1 if you share your knowledge easily, or Hx -1 if you keep
your secrets to yourself.
might count for: a night in high luxury and company; one square meal
each for around 30 people; a typical family's entire food store; any
On the other players's turns: weapon, gear, or fashion not valuable; repair of a piece of hi- tech
● Everyone else, whatever number they tell you, give it a +1. You’re a good judge of gear; a month's maintenance and repairs for a vehicle; bribes, fees,
character. and gifts sufficient to get you into almost anyone's presence.
At the end, find the character with the highest Hx on your sheet. Ask that player which
of your stats is most interesting, and highlight it. The DM will name another stat for you. If you're charging someone wealthy for your services, 1-barter is the
going rate for: once circumstance foretold, revealed, and come true;
fertility rituals; paranormal advising.
You have an apprentice. They’re loyal to you, but not fanatic. They have their
own lives, separate from yours, but they’re almost always on call, ready to ☐ A person is smart; people are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals:
help, and ready to learn from you. When you speak the truth to a mob of people, roll +weird. On a 10+,
choose 3. On a 7-9, choose 1. Spend your choices to make the mob:
Choose two of the following that apply to your apprentice:  Bring a person forward and deliver them
 Your apprentice is well-armed. (+1 harm)  Bring forward everything they think is precious
 Your apprentice is well-armored. (+1 armor)  Unite and fight for you as a gang (2-harm, 0-armor)
 Your apprentice is involved in a successful trade or commercial  Fall into an orgy of uninhibited emotions: lamenting, fighting,
enterprise. (+1 barter each session) sharing, fucking, and celebrating, as you choose.
 Your apprentice is well-disciplined. (Will listen to all sensible and/or  Go quietly back to their lives.
logical commands)
 Your apprentice is a conduit for your power. (+1 to weird rolls when
☐ Arcane Armor: Your knowledge of the occult allowed you to learn a
they’re within sight and earshot of you)
series of protective wards. If you’re not wearing any pieces of armor,
Choose two of the following flaws that apply to your apprentice: which would nullify these wards, you have +1 armor.
 Your apprentice suffers from an addiction that they are
☐ I have seen past the horizon: You gain +1 weird (max weird +3)
physiologically and psychologically dependent upon.
 Your apprentice disdains law, peace, reason, and society, all to
varying, yet ever-present degrees. ☐ The Oracle: When you help or interfere with someone, you can roll
 Your apprentice is decadent and perverse. +weird instead of rolling +Hx.
 Your apprentice is overly ambitious and values power over
discipline. ☐ Bloodcrazed: Add +1 to harm inflicted.
 Your apprentice is prone to taking leave without notice.
☐ Transgressive Magic: When your ritual transgresses the
community’s moral and sexual standards, you can roll + weird in place
If your apprentice perishes, it will take some time to find a replacement. Roll
+weird at the beginning of the next session or lull in action to open your mind of +hot to seduce or manipulate someone.
to the potential of those around you. On a 10+ your next apprentice is close. On
a 7-9, your next apprentice is close, but is in danger and must be rescued
quickly. On a miss, you find that you’re unable to locate anyone with potential,
and must wait until the next lull in action. When you and another character have sex, you each have one
opportunity to help or interfere with the other, at a distance or despite
any barriers that would normally prevent it.

To create your BRUISER, choose name, look, stats, moves, gear and Hx.

"I don't know why people think I'm psychotic. I'm not psychotic. I just
Vega · Jordan · Oleg · Milton · Wilma · Harriet · Jay · Freda · Clayton · Mable have a PASSION for my job!”— Bill "Razor" Lamont
LOOK Some people wander through life wondering what their talents are,
what they can contribute to the world, and what difference they’ll
Gender · Masculine · Feminine · Ambiguous · Concealed · Transgressing
make. Your place is a bit more defined than theirs. You’re someone
Clothes · Work clothes/Boiler suit/Threadbare suit · Flat cap/Homburg/Straw fedora · who is willing to use the talents you have—those chiefly being
Face · Scarred · Brutish · Wide someone bigger and stronger than a handful of people—for all sorts of
Eyes · Angry · Clever · Stoic reasons. Maybe you’re getting paid for this. Maybe you recognize the
Body · Lumbering · Immense · Towering necessity of being a human wrecking ball. Maybe you just get off on
being a whirlwind of destruction. That’s fun too.
Choose one set: experience
● Cool -1 Hard +2 Hot +1 Sharp +1 Weird 0
● Cool +1 Hard +2 Hot +1 Sharp +1 Weird -2
● Cool -2 Hard +2 Hot +1 Sharp +2 Weird 0 Whenever you roll a highlighted stat, and whenever you reset your Hx
● Cool 0 Hard +2 Hot +1 Sharp -1 Weird +1 with a character, mark an experience circle. When you mark the 5th
one, improve, then erase all experience marks. Each time you improve,
MOVES choose one of the options. Check it off; you can't choose it again.
You get all the basic moves. Choose 2 BRUISER moves. ☐ get +1 hard (max hard +3) ☐ get a new Bruiser move
☐ get +1 cool (max cool +2) ☐ get a move from another playbook
GEAR ☐ get +1 weird (max weird +2) ☐ get a move from another playbook
☐ get +1 hot (max hot +2)
Choose one:
☐ get a new Bruiser move
● Browning Automatic Rifle (3-harm machine gun) [Twenty Rounds]
● Stevens Trench Gun (3-harm shotgun) [Five Shots]
Choose one: Starting with your 6th improvement, the following options are also available:
● Remington Rolling Block Pistol (3-harm single shot pistol) [One Shot] ☐ +1 to any stat (max +3) ☐ retire your character (to safety)
● Smith and Wesson New Model No. 3 (2-harm revolver) [Six Shots] ☐ choose 3 basic moves, advance them ☐ create an additional character to play
☐ advance the other 4 basic moves ☐ change your character to a new type
Choose one:
● Baseball bat (2-harm hand)
● Pipe wrench (2-harm hand) BARTER
1-barter will cover a month's living expenses, if your tastes aren't too
Everyone introduces their characters by name, look, and outlook. Take your turn. There’s more than a few ways to get a job done. You can embrace your
As a one-time expenditure, and very subject to availability, 1-barter
wildness and defiance, falling in love with the passion that consumes you.
List the other characters's names. might count for: a night in high luxury and company; one square meal Maybe you value serenity and control—you’ll wait for an advantage, and cause
Go around again for Hx. On your turn, choose one: each for around 30 people; a typical family's entire food store; any just as much damage if you know where to hit. Whether you use force or
● Tell everyone Hx +1, what you see is what you get.
weapon, gear, or fashion not valuable; repair of a piece of hi- tech finesse, you know how to get your way. Choose the temperament that drives
gear; a month's maintenance and repairs for a vehicle; bribes, fees, your personality.
● Tell everyone Hx -1, there’s more to you than meets the eye.
and gifts sufficient to get you into almost anyone's presence.
On the other players's turns, ask yourself—are they going to get in the way of my job?
● If so, add +1 to whatever number they tell you. They have your attention. If you're charging someone wealthy for your services, 1-barter is the ☐ Fervor—your wrath and zeal are tempered by your convictions. It’s a matter
At the end, find the character with the highest Hx on your sheet. Ask that player which
going rate for: compelling persuasion; asset removal; and demolition of knowing who to be angry at, and how much of your wrath that they’ve
of your stats is most interesting, and highlight it. The DM will name another stat for you. work. earned. You’re fighting for a cause. It could be for God, it could be for love, it
could be for you and yours—you’d die for this cause, but more often than not,
you’re making someone else die instead. Twice per day, you can re-roll and
override your bad luck on a roll, on account of having an abundance of faith, BRUISER MOVES
stubbornness, or willpower.
☐ Takes a Hit and Keeps on Tickin’: When you leap into the way and take a blow
for someone else, roll + Hard. On a 10+, you take the harm instead of them, but
☐ Frenzy—your anger is fuel, your body is its engine, and you’ve had enough reduce it by one. On a 7-9, you take the harm instead of them.
of things refusing to go your way. You’re inevitable, a righteous infliction of
retribution manifested, and just quite bothered about all of this, okay? To ☐ The Ethics of Kicking Ass and Taking Names: Whenever someone makes a
represent this rage, you channel your Wrath onto others or the environment. promise to you or creates a contract with you (verbal or not, implied or explicit) for
You have four uses of Wrath per day, which you can use on machinery to your services, they mark experience. Whenever someone breaks a promise to you or
perform percussive maintenance, on people to maim them, or in your speech to breaches that contract, you seek recompense. Mark experience when you’ve sought
convince someone that they should pay attention to your intimidation and listen vengeance or aggressively re-negotiated.
to what you have to say. Wrath is stackable—you can apply more than one use
on one target. ☐ Preserves the Order of Things: Add +1 to the rolls against those you’ve harmed
already in the current fight. It’s fear. Fear preserves the order of things, and you’re
☐ Fury—your anger is a calculus, an algebraic formula done in your head, and quite the boogeyman.
intended to be unleashed upon the world. You don’t have to raise your voice,
you don’t even have to raise hell—but the world is different after you’ve ☐ Always Prepared: Once per session, when you’re away from your base or
hideout, roll + sharp. On a 10+, within reason, you’ve stashed something here, or
enacted your retribution. It’s said that the one thing everyone should fear is
arranged for something of yours to be hidden near here. There’s enough cash or
someone who can make patience supersede anger. In your patience, you’ve ammo here to solve a couple problems. On a 7-9, you’ve still made arrangements,
noticed something, maybe it’s trivial, or maybe it’s a big revelation—but what but it’s through a third-party, and they want something in return.
you do know is that it’s going to work out in your favor, it’s just a matter of
time. You have three uses of Gambit per day, which let you choose where and ☐ Noble Heart: When you go out of your way to save someone who is in real
when something or someone should be—but the three uses must be used trouble, and I mean you’ve got to go out of your way, or stick your neck out, or
simultaneously and interact with each other, as well as being rational outcomes bring the house down, something real heroic like Samson in the Good Book, you
of each. mark experience. Incompatible with Dark Heart.

☐ Dark Heart: When you go out of your way to hurt someone who could have used
a helping hand, and I mean you go out of your way to ruin their day, hell maybe
even their life, something real monstrous like the demons and devils from the Good
Book, you mark experience. Incompatible with Noble Heart.

When you and another character have sex, you’re not used to
intimacy. Choose one of the following to represent your bewilderment:
(-1 to cool, +1 to hot), (+1 to cool, -1 to sharp), or (-1 to hard, +1 to
hot). This lasts until the next time you have sex, or until you clear your
head, which takes three days.

To create your BOOTLEGGER, choose name, look, stats, moves, gear and Hx.

"He’s a bootlegger…one time he killed a man who found out that he
Bridget · Dart · Russell · Lester · Minnie · Rita · Curtis · Opal · Floyd · Dolores was nephew to Von Hindenburg and second cousin to the devil.”—
F.Scott Fitzgerald
Gender · Masculine · Feminine · Ambiguous The Bootlegger is resourceful, someone who can drive through hell and
Clothes · Work clothes/Vest and suspenders/cardigan · Flat cap/wide brimmed hat back, all without spilling their drink. Equal parts charlatan and self-
Face · Handsome · Stern · Worn · Cute
taught chemist, a bootlegger knows who to run from, who to pay off,
and who to fight.
Eyes · Cool · Sad · Expectant
Body · Slim · Husky · Tall · Strong
Choose one set:
● Cool 0 Hard -1 Hot +1 Sharp +2 Weird -0 Whenever you roll a highlighted stat, and whenever you reset your Hx
with a character, mark an experience circle. When you mark the 5th
● Cool +1 Hard 0 Hot 0 Sharp +2 Weird -1
one, improve, then erase all experience marks. Each time you improve,
● Cool 0 Hard +1 Hot -1 Sharp +2 Weird -1 choose one of the options. Check it off; you can't choose it again.
● Cool +1 Hard -2 Hot 0 Sharp +2 Weird +1
☐ get +1 cool (max cool +2) ☐ get a new Bootlegger move
MOVES ☐ get +1 hard (max hard +2) ☐ get a move from another playbook
☐ get +1 hot (max hot +2) ☐ get a move from another playbook
You get all the basic moves. You get Wheelman. Choose 2 additional BOOTLEGGER ☐ get +1 weird (max weird +2)
moves. ☐ get a new Bootlegger move

Starting with your 6th improvement, the following options are also available:
You get: 2 handy weapons; oddments worth 2-barter; fashion suitable to your look (you
detail) ☐ +1 to any stat (max +3) ☐ retire your character (to safety)
Handy weapons (choose 1) ☐ choose 3 basic moves, advance them ☐ create an additional character to play
☐ advance the other 4 basic moves ☐ change your character to a new type
● .38 revolver (2-harm close reload loud) [5 shots]
● .32 pistol (2-harm close semi-auto loud) [6 shots]
● Bowie knife (2-harm hand) BARTER
● Sawed-off shotgun (3-harm close reload messy) [2 shots]
1-barter will cover a month's living expenses, if your tastes aren't too
HX As a one-time expenditure, and very subject to availability, 1-barter
might count for: a night in high luxury and company; one square meal
Everyone introduces their characters by name, look, and outlook. Take your turn.
each for around 30 people; a typical family's entire food store; any
List the other characters's names. weapon, gear, or fashion not valuable; repair of a piece of hi- tech
Go around again for Hx. On your turn, choose one or both gear; a month's maintenance and repairs for a vehicle; bribes, fees,
● One of them has been with you for days on the road. Tell that player Hx +2. and gifts sufficient to get you into almost anyone's presence.
● One of them once got you out of a jam. Tell that player Hx +2 If you're charging someone wealthy for your services, 1-barter is the
On the other players's turns: going rate for: a smuggling run, a getaway, or a truck full of
● You aren’t naturally inclined to get to close to people. Whatever number they tell you, moonshine.
give it -1 Hx.
At the end, find the character with the highest Hx on your sheet. Ask that player which
of your stats is most interesting, and highlight it. The DM will name another stat for you.
Choose one of these profiles:
☐ Wheelman: When you are behind the wheel of your car:
 Power +2 Looks +1 1-Armor Weakness +1  When you act under fire, add your car’s power to the roll.
 Power +2 Looks +2 0-Armor Weakness +1  When you seize something by force, add your car’s power to
 Power +1 Looks +2 1-Armor Weakness +1 the roll.
 Power +2 Looks +1 2-Armor Weakness +2  When you go aggro on someone, add your car’s power to the
Choose its frame: roll.
 When you seduce or manipulate, add your car’s looks to the
coupe· roadster · sedan · pickup · van · tractor · 4 X 4 ·
Choose its strengths, as many as its power rating
 When you help someone or interfere with someone, add
· fast · rugged · aggressive · huge · off-road · responsive · workhorse · capacious · easily repaired your car’s power to the roll.
Choose its looks, as many as its looks rating: When someone interferes with you, add your car’s weakness to the
· sleek· pristine · powerful · luxurious · flashy ·quirky · handcrafted ·garish · roll.

Choose its weaknesses, as many as its weakness rating: ☐ Think fast, not smart: When you act under fire, roll +sharp instead
· slow · fragile · cramped · unreliable · loud · finicky · of rolling +cool.

☐ Weather eye: When you open your mind to their weirdness of the
world, roll +sharp instead of rolling +weird.

☐ Daredevil: When you go straight into danger without hedging your

bets, you get +1 armor. If you happen to be leading a gang or a convoy,
it gets +1 armor too.

☐ Collector: You get another car.

When you and another character have sex, roll +cool. On a 10+, it’s
cool, no big deal. On a 7-9, give them +1 to your Hx with you on their
sheet, but give yourself -1 Hx with them on yours. On a miss, you
ghost them a bit: take -1 ongoing, until you prove it’s not like they own
you or nothing.

At the end, find the character with the highest Hx on your sheet. Ask that player which Introducing

of your stats is most interesting, and highlight it. The DM will name another stat for you.

"Science does not have a moral dimension. It is like a knife. If you give
it to a surgeon or a murderer, each will use it differently.”
To create your MAD SCIENTIST, choose name, look, stats, moves, gear and Hx. The Mad Scientist asks themselves three questions every day: What do
I want? What do I have? and How can I best use the latter to get the
NAME former? There are numerous ways to answer those questions, and there
Emmett · Vincent · Fiona · Walter · Nora · Sara · Daisy · Velma · Cecil · Charlotte was never a guarantee that the answers had to be sane or harmless. You
don’t have to indulge in madness to be dangerous and clever—the
LOOK scientific method is there for a reason, and humanity has proven time
Gender · Masculine · Feminine · Concealed · Transgressing and time again that you can use that to help or hurt to previously
Clothes · Labcoat · Goggles · Glasses · Mask/Unconcealed unknown degrees.
Face · Cordial · Indifferent · Impetuous
Eyes · Obsessive · Ghastly · Ominous · Perky experience
Body · Skinny · Overweight · Rugged ◯◯◯◯◯ ↦ IMPROVEMENT
STATS Whenever you roll a highlighted stat, and whenever you reset your Hx
Choose one set: with a character, mark an experience circle. When you mark the 5th
● Cool 0 Hard -1 Hot +1 Sharp +2 Weird +1 one, improve, then erase all experience marks. Each time you improve,
choose one of the options. Check it off; you can't choose it again.
● Cool +1 Hard 0 Hot +1 Sharp +2 Weird -1
● Cool 0 Hard +1 Hot -1 Sharp +2 Weird +1 ☐ get +1 cool (max cool +2) ☐ get a new Mad Scientist move
☐ get +1 hard (max hard +2) ☐ get a move from another playbook
● Cool +2 Hard -2 Hot -1 Sharp +2 Weird +1 ☐ get +1 hot (max hot +2) ☐ get a move from another playbook
☐ get +1 weird (max weird +2)
MOVES ☐ get a new Mad Scientist move
You get all the basic moves. Choose 2 MAD SCIENTIST moves.

GEAR Starting with your 6th improvement, the following options are also available:
You get: ☐ +1 to any stat (max +3) ☐ retire your character (to safety)
☐ choose 3 basic moves, advance them ☐ create an additional character to play
● Astra 300, 9mm holdout pistol (2-harm close loud) [Seven Shots] ☐ advance the other 4 basic moves ☐ change your character to a new type
● Scalpels (3-harm intimate)
● Cattle prod (s-harm hand reload)
● Crowbar (2-harm hand messy) BARTER
1-barter will cover a month's living expenses, if your tastes aren't too
HX grand.
Everyone introduces their characters by name, look, and outlook. Take your turn.
As a one-time expenditure, and very subject to availability, 1-barter
List the other characters's names. might count for: a night in high luxury and company; one square meal
Go around again for Hx. On your turn, choose one or both each for around 30 people; a typical family's entire food store; any
● One of them you’ve been watching carefully for some time, in secret. Ignore what that weapon, gear, or fashion not valuable; repair of a piece of hi- tech
person tells you and instead change their Hx to +3. gear; a month's maintenance and repairs for a vehicle; bribes, fees,
● Someone willingly submitted to an experiment of yours. Add +1 Hx to what they tell and gifts sufficient to get you into almost anyone's presence.
If you're charging someone wealthy for your services, 1-barter is the
On the other players's turns: going rate for: experimentation, research, and prolonged study.
● You have a reputation. Everyone adds +1 Hx from you.
Everyone walks their own unique path to madness, but the driving force behind
that madness can be attributed to the mindsets and emotions that prevail in each ☐ Book Learning: You can roll to read a sitch from maps, books, or
person. Everyone’s a little mad, but not everyone gets these Catalysts: secondhand accounts without actually being there.
☐ Vision—you’re defined by your hope and ambition. You’re determined to ☐ Social Engineering: When you roll to manipulate another character,
change the world, and you think, no you KNOW, that you’re always right, so
roll +sharp instead of +hot.
why shouldn’t the world be remade in your vision? Your utopia will justify
what you do to get there. We won’t have any of these problems when YOU
RULE THE WORLD! ☐ Intellectual: You get +1 Sharp (max Sharp +3)

You’re not as reclusive as your counterparts. You understand that science needs ☐ Arkham’s Razor: When you scavenge in a ruin, a dangerous
to be powerful AND reliable to enact change and become the new status quo. territory, or a region described in your research, roll +sharp. On a hit,
Any prototype you make has a greater chance of working, even if you’re not you find something worth 1-barter. On a 10+ pick two. On a 7-9, pick
around to walk the rest of your team through learning how to use it. one:
 You find it quickly.
☐ Fury—you’re defined by your anger and a need for vengeance, justice, or  You find it without getting attacked or into trouble.
the pressing demand to just plain vent. You’ve survived brutality and insanity,  You find an item that is valuable.
and believe that you’ll have to shield yourself with the same to survive. You
 You find an item that is hi-tech.
can be irrational and lost to anger, or you might be full of righteous wrath that
you try your best to focus on those who deserve it most. One thing is for sure:
They’ll pay for what they’ve done to you. ☐ Savant: When you handle or examine something interesting, roll
+sharp. On a 10+, choose three. On a 7-9, choose one.
You’re the candle that burns twice as bright, and so are your weapons. Any  Who made this?
weapon prototype you create is more likely to deal extra damage.  What has been done recently with this, or to this?
 What’s wrong with this, and how can I fix this?
☐ Curiosity—you’re defined by wonder, awe, and a pressing desire to learn as  How can I make this better?
much as you can, which for you is quite a lot. Your fixation and obsessions  Where can I find more information about this?
with learning leads you down dark and dangerous paths. Many in this path are
interested in pushing the boundaries of science, and harnessing the power of
what everyone laughs off as pseudo-science. Humanity has discovered time and When you and another character have sex, you ask questions as
again, that for every scientific equivalent of the nuclear reactor, we’re also though they were something you were studying, and you rolled a 10+
plagued with every scientific equivalent of the atom bomb. That is the price of on the Savant move, whether or not you have that move. The other
your curiosity, the end result of you crying out into the night, For Science! player and the DM will answer your questions. Otherwise, that move
never works on people, only things or objects of study.
Your desire to discover gives any prototype scanner and communicator you
build a higher chance of working properly. The things that go bump in the dark
aren’t often as scary when you can see what’s making the bumping. Sometimes
they’re even more frightening, but that’s a risk you’re willing to take. MORE MOVES
☐ Loss—you’re defined by sorrow, melancholy, and regret from a personal
tragedy. You’ve devoted yourself to making things better, but not at the cost of
losing sight of what you fight for. Still, you find yourself pushed and pulled
towards doing whatever it takes to not get hurt again. Mad scientists defined by
their loss often find themselves working to repair things or heal people.

Choose a field of focus: Medicine or Repair

Apply +1 to your rolls for actions undertaken in the pursuit of your field.
At the end, find the character with the highest Hx on your sheet. Ask that player which Introducing

of your stats is most interesting, and highlight it. The DM will name another stat for you.

"Caviar and cigarettes, well-versed in etiquette, extraordinarily nice.

She’s a killer queen. Gunpowder, gelatine, dynamite with a laser beam.
CREATING A CHARMER Guaranteed to blow your mind, anytime. Recommended at a price,
To create your CHARMER, choose name, look, stats, moves, gear and Hx. insatiable appetite, wanna try?”—Queen, Killer Queen
NAME A Charmer can recognize the social patterns in a group, figure out
Tony · Veronica · Remy · Dean · Elsa · Katrina · Rita · Vivian · Flynn · Lana people’s motivations, and know who the person in charge is. They can
identify who is easy to manipulate, who manipulates others, and even
LOOK make themselves likable to their enemies.
Gender · Masculine · Feminine · Transgressing · Androgyne
Clothes · Luxurious outfit/Lounge wear/ostentatious outfit · stylish hat/unadorned · experience
Face · Sweet · Beautiful · Striking ◯◯◯◯◯ ↦ IMPROVEMENT
Eyes · Predatory · Troubled · Sensual · Arresting
Body · Toned · Lascivious · Svelte Whenever you roll a highlighted stat, and whenever you reset your Hx
with a character, mark an experience circle. When you mark the 5th
STATS one, improve, then erase all experience marks. Each time you improve,
Choose one set: choose one of the options. Check it off; you can't choose it again.
● Cool +1 Hard -1 Hot +2 Sharp +1 Weird 0 ☐ get +1 cool (max cool +2) ☐ get a new Charmer move
● Cool 0 Hard 0 Hot +2 Sharp 0 Weird +1 ☐ get +1 cool (max cool +2) ☐ get a move from another playbook
☐ get +1 hard (max hard +2) ☐ get a move from another playbook
● Cool -1 Hard 0 Hot +2 Sharp +2 Weird -1 ☐ get +1 sharp (max sharp +2)
● Cool +1 Hard +1 Hot +2 Sharp +1 Weird -2 ☐ get a new Charmer move

Starting with your 6th improvement, the following options are also available:
You get all the basic moves. Choose 2 CHARMER moves.
☐ +1 to any stat (max +3) ☐ retire your character (to safety)
GEAR ☐ choose 3 basic moves, advance them ☐ create an additional character to play
☐ advance the other 4 basic moves ☐ change your character to a new type
Choose one:
● Concealed knives (2-harm hand infinite)
● Ornate sword (3-harm hand) BARTER
● French Army Revolver, Model 1873 (2-harm hand close) [Six Shots]
1-barter will cover a month's living expenses, if your tastes aren't too
Everyone introduces their characters by name, look, and outlook. Take your turn. As a one-time expenditure, and very subject to availability, 1-barter
might count for: a night in high luxury and company; one square meal
List the other characters's names.
each for around 30 people; a typical family's entire food store; any
Go around again for Hx. On your turn, choose one, two, or all three. weapon, gear, or fashion not valuable; repair of a piece of hi- tech
● One of them is your friend. Tell that person Hx +2 gear; a month's maintenance and repairs for a vehicle; bribes, fees,
●.One of them is your lover. Tell that person Hx +1. and gifts sufficient to get you into almost anyone's presence.
●.One of them is in love with you. Tell that person Hx -1.
If you're charging someone wealthy for your services, 1-barter is the
On the other players's turns: going rate for: a weekend’s entertainment for a group (no touching);
● On each of the other character’s turns, give -1 or +1, your choice, to what they tell one night intimate companionship; arbitration and negotiation of a
you. delicate issue.
Sophistication, charm, grace, and charisma are weapons. It’s no coincidence ☐ Articulate and gracious: When you attempt to seduce or manipulate,
that the most poisonous snakes are often the most beautiful. The covenant you roll +hot. On a 10+, choose three. On a 7-9, choose one. Spend your
choose is the cornerstone of your influence and where you draw your influence choices on an NPC that you’ve communicated with.
and power from. Covenants are the colloquial name for the assortment of secret  This person must meet me.
and esoteric societies that seem to flourish where wealth, power, and prestige  This person must give me a gift.
meet.  This person wants to utilize my services, diplomatic or
☐ The Aegis—the Aegis respect tradition and stability, but only insomuch that personal.
the status quo is what they’ve benefitted from. You respect hospitality, keeping  This person admires my organization, team, or cause.
up appearances, and ceremony. You know there’s power in the social rituals we
all conform to, and you understand the power in subverting them as well. Aegis ☐ Breathtaking: You get +1 hot (max hot +3)
believe that the best way to look out for society is to keep those at the top of it
happy and prosperous. By their philosophy, this will allow the kingmakers, ☐ Spellbinding: When you spend time and solitude with someone,
captains of industry, and nobility of the world to best take care of their subjects. they become fixated on you. Roll +hot. On a 10+, choose three. On a 7-
9, choose two. The NPC you choose can’t act against you.
You gain +1 on rolls to seduce or manipulate people and institutions that
belong to the upper crust of society or serve their needs.  They give you something you want.
 They act as your eyes and ears.
 They’ll fight to protect you.
☐ The Helm—the Helm respect knowledge and innovation. To better society,
we must better ourselves, and apply those changes to the world around us.  They’ll do something you tell them to do.
Members of the Helm are found in universities and businesses throughout the If you use this against another player, you instead use the following.
world, often clustered in the locations that are known for progress and  They distract themselves with the thought of you: they’re
transformation. Progress comes with a price, and if people are hurt, exploited, acting under fire.
or displaced by that, it was worth it in the name of advancement to the Helm.  They inspire themselves with the thought of you: they take +1
right now.
You gain +1 on rolls that seduce or manipulate people into revealing where On a miss, they get pick twice from the list and apply those conditions
information or technology can be found. to you, under the exact same terms.
☐ The Cloak—the Cloak are a covenant who indulge in hedonism and refined ☐ Suckerpunch: When you remove a piece of clothing, your own or
pleasure into something between an art and a science. Hospitality isn’t just
someone else’s, no one who can see you can do anything but watch.
something to respect, it’s something to celebrate. They work on knowing what
will lower the inhibitions of those around them, because a person pursuing a You command their absolute attention. If you choose, you can exempt
lust or craving is more malleable to their influence. individuals.

You gain +1 on rolls to seduce or manipulate if it’s in the pursuit of the

proverbial, and often literal, procurement of wine, women (and/or men), and When you and another character have sex, choose one:
song.  You take +1 forward, and so do they.
 You take +1 forward, and they take -1 forward.
☐The Whip—the Whip involve themselves with refining the art of infiltration  They must give you a gift worth 1-barter
and espionage. Power, love, money, sex, and passion are tools to discover  You can Suckerpunch them as though you rolled a 10+, even
secrets and keep yours hidden. It isn’t just knowledge of something that is if you don’t have that move.
important, it’s how it was discovered that a member of the Whip values. Who
tells you something can tell you even more than what the revelation itself was.

You gain +1 on rolls to seduce or manipulate if you or your intentions haven’t

been discovered.
To create your VETERAN, choose name, look, stats, moves, gear and Hx.

“We don't want to take the world by storm. We are fleeing. We fly
Frank · Thomas · Virginia · Irene · Louis · James · Stanley · Betty · Ann · Howard from ourselves. From our life. We were eighteen and had begun to love
life and the world; and we had to shoot it to pieces. The first bomb, the
LOOK first explosion, burst in our hearts.”—Paul Bäumer
Gender · Masculine · Feminine · Concealed
The monsters of the world, the demons that haunt us, and anything that
Clothes · Military uniform/civilian clothing · Helmet (1-armor)/civilian hat · Gas wants to prey on you never seems to fare well against ingenuity,
mask/unconcealed organization, and discipline. You’ve seen a lot. You’ve lost a lot. You
Face · Forlorn · Weary · Impassive know how to solve problems and realize that with enough hands
Eyes · Haunted · Alert · Fearless together, you can make or break damn near anything.
Body · Muscular · Slender · Stocky

STATS experience
Choose one set:
● Cool +1 Hard +2 Hot -1 Sharp +1 Weird 0
● Cool +1 Hard +2 Hot -2 Sharp +1 Weird +2 Whenever you roll a highlighted stat, and whenever you reset your Hx
● Cool +1 Hard +2 Hot -2 Sharp +2 Weird -1 with a character, mark an experience circle. When you mark the 5th
● Cool +2 Hard +2 Hot -2 Sharp +0 Weird 0 one, improve, then erase all experience marks. Each time you improve,
choose one of the options. Check it off; you can't choose it again.
MOVES ☐ get +1 cool (max cool +2) ☐ get a move from another playbook
You get all the basic moves. Choose 2 VETERAN moves. ☐ get +1 sharp (max sharp +2) ☐ get a move from another playbook
☐ get +1 weird (max weird+2)
GEAR ☐ get a new Veteran move
☐ get a new Veteran move
You get:
● Colt 1911 Pistol (2-harm close loud) [Eight Shots]
● ..30 Caliber Springfield Model 1903 (2-harm far loud) [Five shots] Starting with your 6th improvement, the following options are also available:
● Military uniform, slightly faded (1-armor); civilian clothes ☐ +1 to any stat (max +3) ☐ retire your character (to safety)
● 3 sticks of TNT (3-harm explosive) ☐ choose 3 basic moves, advance them ☐ create an additional character to play
☐ advance the other 4 basic moves ☐ change your character to a new type
Everyone introduces their characters by name, look, and outlook. Take your turn.
List the other characters's names.
1-barter will cover a month's living expenses, if your tastes aren't too
Go around again for Hx. On your turn, choose one or both grand.
● One of them is your friend. Tell that player Hx +2
● One of them reminds you of someone you lost. Tell that player Hx -1.
As a one-time expenditure, and very subject to availability, 1-barter
might count for: a night in high luxury and company; one square meal
On the other players's turns: each for around 30 people; a typical family's entire food store; any
● It feels like you’re torn between here and there. Some people understand. Most weapon, gear, or fashion not valuable; repair of a piece of hi- tech
people don’t. Mark a -1 on the Hx everyone gave you, except for one person. Add +1 Hx gear; a month's maintenance and repairs for a vehicle; bribes, fees,
to theirs. They know what it’s like. and gifts sufficient to get you into almost anyone's presence.
At the end, find the character with the highest Hx on your sheet. Ask that player which
of your stats is most interesting, and highlight it. The DM will name another stat for you. If you're charging someone wealthy for your services, 1-barter is the
going rate for: bodyguarding, security, or wetwork.
The role you had while you were enlisted was:
☐ Improvised Weapons: If you need a weapon, roll +sharp. On a 10+,
☐ Trooper—you were a rifleman in your company, someone from the there is a something nearby that just might work (2-harm hand
working-class who either volunteered or found yourself drafted into service. improvised); on a 7-9, well, it’s better than nothing (1-harm hand
You prefer simple solutions to problems, as the less moving parts something
improvised). On a miss, your enemy grabs it first. Improvised weapons
has, the fewer things can go wrong. Efficiency counts when you’re not sure
when and where something can be replaced. You weren’t specialized into a last for the duration of a single fight.
more defined role, but you can be counted on to know enough in a lot of fields
to get by. Once every fight, you can Make Damn Sure something was hit, and ☐ Battlefield Instincts: You’ve got a sixth sense about these sort of
attack twice in one turn. things. Roll +hard instead of +weird when you want to listen to the
secrets of the battlefield and learn something new. You must be in
☐ Officer—through luck, lineage, or grit, you became an officer. You’ve got a battle to use this.
knack for reading situations and people. You had to be quick AND clever,
knowing when to solve problems, and when to let other people solve problems. ☐ Not to be trifled with: in battle, you count as a gang (3-harm gang
You plan for contingencies, and have layers of plans to fall back on, whether small), with armor according to the circumstances.
this is intricate, or a matter of simply putting the right people in the right place
at the right time is up to you. Once every fight, you can inspire or intimidate the
☐ Order 227: You gain +1 hard.
people around you into Un-Fucking Something that went wrong; everyone
within earshot of your orders gets a +1 to their rolls for a turn.
☐ Logistics: When you need a thing, hand-sized and worth no more
☐ Medic—you provide comfort, solace, and sympathy. Whether the other than 1-barter, you can roll +Weird in an attempt to draw it towards you.
person feels that, and to what degree depends on your bedside manner, which On a 10+ you realize you had it all along, and it’s in your pocket or a
isn’t always the best when you’re being shot at, or hell just looked at funny. holster, etc., whichever is appropriate. On a 7-9, it’s not quite what you
You’re prepared for the inevitable, and you have a well-stocked and high were looking for. It’s the wrong caliber, or a butter knife instead of a
quality first aid kit. It has enough equipment and supplies for two uses before it boot knife. On a miss, you get what you wanted, but you have the
must be replenished. feeling that it’s been cursed.
☐ Marksman—you’re got the talent and the eyes to keep on overwatch for
your team. You’re used to working with your team, and you look out for them. When you and another character have sex, you take +1 forward. At
Whether or not you let them know this, and how warmly you express that, is up
your option, they take +1 forward too.
to you. Once per fight, with the help of a spotter, or favorable conditions, you
can make sure They’re Dead, as you add 1-harm to an attack.

☐ Sapper—the best way to solve a problem is to apply physics. Violently.

You’re familiar with and trained with high explosives, and can usually figure
out where the structural weaknesses of a location. This gives you insight into
the best places to attack and defend. Your explosives have a +1 applied to their
roll when you’re attacking a location, and the target isn’t a person, but a
building or a location. Also, once per day, you can roll to check your inventory
of explosives. On a 10+, you have an extra 3-harm explosive, on a 7-9, it’s an
extra 2-harm explosive. On a miss, you don’t find anything extra.

☐ Intelligence—you’re trained to collect information and study the opposing

force. You know how to conduct interrogations, disguise yourself, intercept
enemy communications, and how to infiltrate areas covertly. When you’re
infiltrating an area, until you are discovered, you have +1 to your rolls for cool
(max cool +3).

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