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Table 2.

Level of Self-Directed Learning among Senior High School Teachers (N=13)

  Mean Interpretation
I manage my time well. 3.92 0.76 High
I am self-disciplined. 4.08 0.76 High
I am organized. 3.92 0.64 High
I set strict time frames. 3.77 0.83 High
I have good management skills. 4.00 0.71 High
I am methodical. 3.85 0.80 High
I am systematic in my learning. 4.00 0.91 High
I set specific times for my study. 3.62 1.19 High
I solve problems using a plan. 3.92 0.76 High
I prioritize my work. 4.23 0.44 Very High
I can be trusted to pursue my own learning. 4.38 0.65 Very High
I prefer to plan my own learning. 4.08 0.76 High
I am confident in my ability to search out
4.31 0.63 Very High
I want to learn new information. 4.77 0.44 Very High
I enjoy learning new information. 4.54 0.52 Very High
I have a need to learn. 4.46 0.52 Very High
I enjoy a challenge. 4.08 0.76 High
I enjoy studying. 3.62 0.51 High
I critically evaluate new ideas. 4.08 0.49 High
I like to gather the facts before I decide. 4.31 0.63 Very High
I like to evaluate what I do. 4.15 0.69 High
I am open to new ideas. 4.77 0.44 Very High
I learn from my mistakes. 4.62 0.51 Very High
I need to know why. 4.54 0.52 Very High
When presented with a problem I cannot
4.38 0.51 Very High
resolve, I will ask for assistance.
I need to be in control of what I learn. 4.31 0.48 Very High
I prefer to set my own learning goals. 4.31 0.48 Very High
I like to make decisions for myself. 4.46 0.66 Very High
I am responsible for my own
4.54 0.52 Very High
I am in control of my life. 4.38 0.65 Very High
I have high personal standards. 3.92 0.49 High
I evaluate my own performance. 4.15 0.55 High
I prefer to set my own criteria on which to
4.15 0.38 High
evaluate my performance.
I am logical. 4.31 0.48 Very High
I am responsible. 4.46 0.52 Very High
I have high personal expectations. 4.15 0.55 High
I can focus on a problem. 4.23 0.44 Very High
I am aware of my own limitations. 4.54 0.52 Very High
I can find out information for myself. 4.31 0.48 Very High
I have high beliefs in my abilities. 4.15 0.38 High
OVERALL 4.22 0.67 Very High
Legend: 1.00-1.79 (Very Low), 1.80-2.59 (Low), 2.60-3.39 (Moderate), 3.40-4.19 (High), 4.20-5.00 (Very High)
Table 1 presents the level of self-directed learning among Senior High School (SHS)
teachers at Galas National high School. It shows that the overall level of self-directed
learning among teachers is “Very High” with a mean of 4.22. The table also reveals that the
following indicators are interpreted “High”: “I manage my time well”, “I am self-
disciplined”, “I am organized”, I set strict time frames”, “I have good management skills”, “I
am methodical”, “I am systematic in my learning”, “I set specific times for my study”, “I
solve problems using a plan”, “I prefer to plan my own learning”, “I enjoy a challenge”, “I
enjoy studying”, “I critically evaluate new ideas”, “I like to evaluate what I do”, “ I have high
personal standards”, “I evaluate my own performance”, I prefer to set my own criteria on
which to evaluate my performance”, and “I have high personal expectations”. On the other
hand, there are indicators that are interpreted as “Very High”, these are: “I prioritize my
work”, “I can be trusted to pursue my own learning”, “I am confident in my ability to search
out information”, “I want to learn new information”, “I enjoy learning new information”, “I
have a need to learn”, “I like to gather the facts before I decide”, “I am open to new ideas”, “I
learn from my mistakes”, “I need to know why”, “When presented with a problem I cannot
resolve, I will ask for assistance”, “I need to be in control of what I learn”, “I prefer to set my
own learning goals”, “I like to make decisions for myself”, “I am responsible for my own
decisions/actions”, “I am in control of my life”, “I am logical”, “I am responsible”, “I can
focus on a problem”, “I am aware of my own limitations”, “I can find out information for
myself”, and “I have high beliefs in my abilities”.

Table 1. Participants as to sex
Frequency Percent
Female 9 69.2
Male 4 30.8
Total 13 100.0
The participants of the study are 13 SHS teachers of Galas NHS. 69.2% or 9 teachers
are female, and 30.8% or 4 teachers are male.

Research Design

The researchers used the descriptive research design. The researcher-made survey
questionnaire was used to collect the data.

Statistical Treatment of the Data

Frequency counting and percentage is used to find out the profile of the respondents
in terms of sex.

To determine the level of self-directed learning among teachers, a 5-point Likert scale
is used to collect the responses of the respondents. The responses will be tabulated and then
calculated. The mean (average) will determine the level of self-directed among teachers by
each indicator and as an overall.

Scale Range of Values Description

5 4.20-5.00 Very High
4 3.40-4.19 High
3 2.60-3.39 Moderate
2 1.80-2.59 Low
1 1.00-1.79 Very Low

Amelyn D. Benitez
Franklin E. Benitez
Angelito G. Acedo
Susan S. Balighot

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