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Course name (and course’s ID): Practice in Biology – BT312IU group 8

Instructor: Tong Thi Hang

Group number: 6

Group member:

 Nguyen Thi Hoang Trang – BTCEIU21078

 Trịnh Gia Hân – BTCEIU21023
 Nguyễn Minh Khánh Phương – BTCEIU21068
 Đinh Nguyễn Quốc Thắng– BTCEIU21115

Experiment number and title: Practical 1: microscopy, cell observation and


Date of submission: 11/05/2022


1. Introduction: Plant cells and animal cells observation is about observing

different cell types under a microscope at the different objective lenses and
making comparisons about shape, size, etc. Observing plant cells is the
observation of onion epidermis cells; the materials and equipments needed
are onion bulbs, light microscopes, glass slides, coverslips, water, and Lugol
solution. Animal cell observation is to observe human cheek cell epithelium,
the equipments needed are similar to plant cell observation but different in
the materials and some equipment such as blades, forceps, and tooth-pick. 
2. Procedure:
 First of all, gently scrape different cell types (onion cells and cheek
cells ) under microscope at different objective lens and make
comparations (shape,size…)
 Put two different cell types on two slides, add a drop of Lugol solution
on cheek cells and water solution on onion cells, then cover with a
 Finally, observe the slide with the microscope. Remember to set the
lowest magnification (4x) lens, until can see cell structure and use the
next 100x objective lens. 
3. Result

Onion Epidermis Cells Human Cheek Cell Epithelium  


10x 40x


40x 40x

1. Discussion:
a. The function of Lugol solution in these experiments:
 Lugol solution is a solution of potassium iodide and iodine, this
solution can be used to as an indicator test for the presence of
starches. As these cells contain starch, when add a drop of
Lugol solution, it reacts and turns a dark or blue.
b. The differences between animal cells and plant cells:


Animal cells do not have a cell wall. Plant cells have a cell wall.
Animal cells do not have chloroplasts. Plant cells have chloroplasts.
Vacuole small or absent. Large central vacuole.
Small in size. Large in size.
Irregular shape. Regular shape.
Nucleus at the center. Nucleus near cell walls.
Glycogen as a food storage. Starch as a food storage.


1. Introduction: Osmosis observation in plant cells is to demonstrate and
observe the osmosis and osmotic pressure using epidemic plant cells from a
shallot. By using sodium chloride with varying concentrations will lead to
different results. The materials and equipment which are needed for this
experiment are piece of shallot, distilled water, 0.85% and 5% sodium
chloride solution, glass slides, coverslips, blades, forceps, paper tower and
2. Procedure:
 Firstly, split a thin epidermis layer of a shallot. place on three separate
 The first slide, put a small drop of 0,85% NaCl; at the second piece,
add a small drop of 5% NaCl. Make another sample similarly, put 2-3
drops of distilled water. Then cover these sample with a clean
 Finally, observe the slide with the microscope. Remember to set the
lowest magnification (4x) lens, until can see cell structure and use the
next 100x objective lens. 
3. Results:
- Compared with 5% NaCl solution, the cells at 0.85% NaCl solution
have lighter color and have a more elongated shape and line up closer
together. At 5% NaCl solution the color is darker and the space of
cytoplasm is larger than 0,85% NaCl.

0.85% NaCl 5% NaCl

-  Compared with water solution, the cells at 0.85% NaCl solution have
darker color and have less round shape and less crowded. 

1. Discussion:
a. Explanation of phenomenon:
 In a hypotonic (0% NaCl) solution, the concentration of distilled water
(NaCl 0%) is lower than the concentration of solutes inside the cell so the
solute cannot move from the outside environment into the cell or water can
move from outside into the cell. In this solution, the cells of shallot become
turgid (swollen and hard).
 In a hypertonic solution (5% NaCl), the concentration of NaCl 5% is higher
than the concentration of solutes inside the cell so the solute can enter into
the cell or water can move from outside into the cell. In this solution, the cell
lose water and they become flaccid (shrunk). This phenomenon will be
called “plasmolysed".
 In the isotonic solution (0,85% NaCl), the concentration of NaCl 0,85% is
approximately to the concentration of solutes inside the cell, so the cell of
shallot are not plasmolysed or turgid. They are in state between turgidity and
b. When putting plant cells in concentrated NaCl, plasmolysis happened. When
putting animal cells in water, hemolysis occurred. What makes the
phenomenon in plant cells different from animal cells?
 Because of a strong cell wall, as we know that plant cells have a cell wall
surrounding them, when they become turgid, the cell wall will protect them
and prevent them from exploding. Whereas, animal cells just only have a
cell membrane so in water, they will grow and rupture in the same fluid,
spilling their contents.

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