Asian History Quiz - Midterm Exam

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Midterm Exam

Started: Jul 8 at 2:14pm

Quiz Instructions

Question 1 12.5 pts

The four basic classifications within the Confucian social order were ranked as:


1.Emperor, government officials, religious officials

2. Peasants

3. Craftsmen

4. Merchants


1. Emperor, government officials, religious officials

2. Merchants

3. Craftsmen



1. Emperor, government officials, religious officials

2. Craftsmen

3. Peasants

4. Merchants


1. Emperor, government officials, religious officials

2. Merchants

3. Peasants

4. Craftsmen


Question 2 12.5 pts

Why were the teachings of Confucius focused on creating social harmony?

Because divorce was becoming commonplace.

Because people were becoming materialistic and forgetting about their duty to one another.

Because he lived in a time of perpetual war.

Because he felt that landlords were taking advantage of peasants.

Question 3 12.5 pts

When the narrator is looking at the Zhou Dynasty sword, she asserts that Confucius would not
have approved because:

Good men should not use their time and energy in the pursuit of immoderate gain.

Rulers should not use tax payer money on luxurious items.

Swords symbolized violence, and he was trying to create a society without the need for violence.

He did not believe in immoderate activity for anyone.

A and D

B and C

Question 4 12.5 pts

What did the Chinese call foreigners who had not adopted aspects of Chinese culture?

Raw barbarians

Semi-cooked barbarians

Cooked barbarians

Question 5 12.5 pts

What was the Chinese tribute system?

A system whereby the Chinese Emperor sent elite concubines from his harem to the kings of surrounding
nations as a show of goodwill.

A system whereby countries near China sent soldiers to serve in the Chinese imperial army for 5-year
terms in exchange for Chinese protection.

A system whereby the Chinese Emperor sent envoys to neighboring countries to demonstrate the
technology, wealth, and power of China.

A system whereby foreign leaders who wished to have relations with China sent diplomatic missions to
the Chinese Emperor, present him with gifts, and show deference in exchange for that ruler to have "little
bro" status and to get even grander gifts and Chinese military protection in exchange.

Question 6 12.5 pts

Things that were essential for Mongol military success were:

Steppe-bred ponies

silk armor

cross bows

A, B, C

Question 7 12.5 pts

Mongol women sometimes led troops into battle.



Question 8 12.5 pts

Mongol society mandated that the following people had to fight in the army:

Men over 20

Men who were not physicians

Men who were not leather-workers

All men had to fight

A, B, C

Question 9 12.5 pts

Why did Genghis Khan kill his brother as a child?

He was bullying the youngest brother.

He was stealing grain meant for the tribal leader's horse.

He had stolen a girl from another tribe and Genghis knew that this would lead to a blood feud.

He was eating food while out hunting rather than bringing it back for the family.

Question 10 12.5 pts

Who inherited the Mongol Empire after the death of Genghis Khan?

His eldest son.

His eldest grandson.

His third son.

The empire was divided among his sons.

Question 11 2.5 pts

The Buddha is God.



Question 12 12.5 pts

Why do Dr. K's notes say that Joseon Korea was the "most" Confucian state in East Asia during
the time of that dynasty?

It was the birthplace of Confucius.

It was were Confucius' teachings were perfected.

It had the strictest interpretation of Confucianism.

Confucianism remained in Joseon Korea though it had largely disappeared in contemporaneous China
and Japan.

Question 13 12.5 pts

What did the Japanese warlord , Hideyoshi, demand from the Chinese Emperor at the end of the
first Japanese invasion of Korea in 1592?

10,000 taels of silver.

Official acknowledgment of Hideyoshi's equality to the emperor and a Chinese princess.

30,000 slaves and 500 hunting falcons.

All of the above.

Question 14 22.5 pts

Why did the Mongol invasions of Japan fail?

Typhoons sunk most of the Mongol fleet.

The Japanese built a wall were the Mongols landed (this effected the 2nd conquest attempt).

The Mongols were lousy sailors.

All of the above.

Question 15 12.5 pts

What characterize the "warring states" period of Japan?

Two powerful clans, the Tara and the Minamoto, led a bloody civil war.

The emperor battled the shogun for control of the country.

Political order broke down to the extent that every fiefdom was fighting against its neighbors.

None of the above.

Question 16 12.5 pts

What did Zheng Hu do in Malacca?

Took over production of the local spices in order to get the best price.

Stopped a war that would have been disruptive to trade by backing a political rival of the king and setting
him up as a "puppet" ruler.

Ensured that the port would become one of the most important in the 15th century.

A and B

B and C

None of the above.

Question 17 22.5 pts

What did the Chinese buy in the Persian Gulf?





All of the above.

A and C.

B and D.

Question 18 12.5 pts

How did the Chinese get from India back to the Arabian Peninsula?

With the assistance of thousands of Indian slaves at the oars.

With the use of Indian sails.

By being carried by the monsoon winds.

All of the above.

Question 19 12.5 pts

Why did the author of the problematic book, 1421: The Year China Discovered America, first
think that China might have made it as far as the Americas?

Because there are Native American tales of visitors that sound like the Chinese.

Because he had a surreal dream in which this was explained to him.

Because he found that somebody had mapped islands near the Americas 70 years before Columbus
arrived, and he reasoned that only the Chinese had the technology to come that far.
None of the above.

Question 20 2.5 pts

The power of croses saved the shipwrecked Portuguese from the terrors of the haunted house in
Japan (according to the story).



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