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3 advantages of being a working mother

Working mothers should be strongly encouraged to do so. Working moms,

for starters, contribute to household income. They assist their spouses in
paying home bills and meeting the rising requirements of their children.
Women's income are becoming increasingly crucial to their household
finances as life becomes increasingly expensive. Working moms, on the
other hand, are excellent instructors for their children. Workplace
experiences broaden their understanding and help them develop over time.
They learn their skills and shortcomings as a result of their profession, gain
knowledge, and are better equipped to educate their children. Working
moms, in the end, provide a wonderful example for their children. Children
will learn from their parents when they witness how hard they work to
sustain their families and share household duties. Hard effort, responsibility,
and love are all virtues that are likely to be passed down from generation to
generation. Mothers should, without a doubt, be encouraged to work
outside the house.
In my opinion, ecotourism is more and more popular because it is sustainable and
brings about a lot of benefits.
Firstly, it helps create more jobs for the unemployed.they will have jobs from
which to provide an income source to support themselves of their families.
Secondly, eco tourism brings visitors not only interesting experiences and
discoveries of nature, meeting the needs of relaxation. Its also increases
understanding and awareness of protecting the natural environment in a positive
Finally, eco tourism minimizes environmental gegradation caused by
tourism.Prevents negative impacts on the environment and local culture.
In conlution , preserving the natural habitat is one of the major ways to make the place more
popular. It is everyone’s responsibility to make sure our environment and surroundings are
preserved for the habitats and our future generations.
Topic 2: In your opinion, what are the three typical characteristics of global
citizens? Present your own ideas and give explanations.

In my opinion there are three typical characteristics shared by most global citizens.
Firstly, most people are hard-working and try their best to make a better life. For
example, they can work for more than 10 hours a day to make money. they will
study and try a lot to get the job as expected. They are willing to sacrifice their
health and youth for a better life in the future
Secondly, global citizens are ambitious since they always want to develop
themselves.such as They will try to make their dreams come true .For example,
they want to be a popular singer, an businessman or travel around the world,
etc.They try to do something they've never done before or They are willing to do
anything to fulfill their ambitions
Lastly, people always have humanity is the most important characteristics of
these. Such as people will help each other when in trouble, share good things for
each other and are willing to make sacrifices for each other.
In conclusion, People always hope for a better life and good relationship between

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