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"Education is the key to success," a famous saying about education. But, what if the education
that we are used to, become different will we be able to overcome it? Since the Covid-19
pandemic arrived, everything has its new normal including the classes. The classes became
modular class, online class or both but it depends upon the choices of the students. On college,
the most used platform is online classes, in high school students including the senior high
school is modular classes. Even the elementary student's form of academic became modular
classes. The researcher‘s study is all about “The perspective of Grade 12 ABM Students in
Modular Learning System.

The modular learning system Modular system is an educational system whose curriculum is
made up of modules.  In modular classes or learning the instructors would give books consisting
of lesson that is needed within a week or more than a week. It is a form of distance learning that
uses self-learning modules based on the most essential learning competencies which is
provided by the department of Education. Each module includes sections of motivations and
assessments that serve as a complete guide of both teachers and students. The students may
answer the given text books anytime either day or night. This is good especially for student who
has a hectic schedule. The text books have to be submitted before the given due date so that
the instructor would give you another text book for another week or another lessons. If the
students can’t answer or understand what is written in the modules, they can contact their
instructors with the given number in each text book. They can also ask any questions in any
platforms. Teachers will monitor learners' progress through home visits and feedback

Each mode of learning competencies has its own effect on the students. It depends on how the
students adjust with the situation but the teachers would also consider those students who could
not cope up easily specially in online learning. They say that the modular learning system is
really effective because the student can learn in their own pace, they can learn in any way that
they want. But, if they cannot understand they can ask for the help of instructors. The instructors
should be patient in guiding the students in this new normal, everybody is still adjusting in the
new normal. We, students should also do our responsibilities. The students and teachers are
currently adjusting and currently embracing the new normal but we cannot deny the fact that
they keep on wanting more to fulfill their dreams.

The study focuses on the Perspective of the Grade 12 ABM Students of Rodolfo B.
Albano Stand-Alone Senior High School on Modular Learning System.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

a. What is the profile of respondents in terms of:

1.1. Gender

1.2. Age

1.3. Grade Level

b. What are the Grade-12 ABM student's perspective regarding Modular Learning System?

c. What are the benefits of Modular Learning System to the Grade-12 ABM Students of Rodolfo
B. Albano Stand-Alone Senior High School?


This study will be conducted to find out the Students perspectives on the Modular Learning
System. The respondents of the study will be the Grade 12 ABM Senior high school students of
Rodolfo B. Albano Stand-Alone Senior High School.

Test questionnaires will be used in this study. There will be 50 respondents on this study.


STUDENTS: The students will find out the effect of the Modular Learning System on their
academic performance. They will understand the concept of modular learning, and on how to
have a better academic performance amidst pandemic. They will also know the benefit modular
learning to their academic performance.

TEACHER: This research will help the teachers to understand the effects of the modular
learning to the academic performance of their students. They will know the perspectives of the
student regarding the modular learning system. The suggestions that will be provided will help
them to make changes upon the new modular learning system, for it to be better. It will help
them to bring drastic changes on their classroom.

Future researchers: This study would help the future researchers to be aware and
knowledgeable about the different perspective of the students on the modular learning system.
It would help them to be a better analyst and it can be a help as a future reference for more
studies in the future.

\ N

a .Gender a. Determining the Proposed

Grade-12 ABM student's measures to
b. Age
reduce the
perspective regarding
c. Grade negative effects
Modular Learning of new normal
d. Section
System? education system
to the students.
b. Determining the
benefits of Modular
Learning System to the
Grade-12 ABM Students
of Rodolfo B. Albano
Stand-Alone Senior High

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework of the study illustrates the factors affecting the perspective of
the student on the modular learning system.


The study was guided accordingly and comprehensively from the terms defined
operationally, as follows:

 MODULAR- new normal learning system which involves books that consists of lessons
and tasks that has to be done.

 STUDENTS- it pertains to the senior high school students who are currently enrolled at
Rodolfo B. Albano Stand-Alone Senior High School.
 PERSPECTIVE- understanding or view of a person regarding a certain topic.


This contains literature and studies from different sources that they consider as strengthening
the importance of the present study about modular learning system.

According to an article of Meg Adonis (2020) as the world drastically changed in a snap,
blended learning is the only way to be able to continue learning. Online learning becomes a
trap, many students lost their motivation, many students' mental health is at stake it worse in
every mistake. Students now are overwhelmed and overworked to the tasks given under the
new normal way of learning. There are reports that some students are crying just to release
their stress that he is afraid that he would not finish the requirements on time. There are times
that they skip meals just to be able to finish it and submit on time due to the existence of this
pandemic that adds more to the burdens of the students.

There are negative impacts that would be significantly affect a high rate for marginalized
children, along those children living in countries affected by conflicts and other prolonged crisis,
refugees, migrants and displaced minorities and children because of this enormous disaster. In
which a fact, not everyone affords to get a proper education in pre-covid as much as today,
many children do not attend school because they cannot afford to attend and they are incapable
of doing self-study. Not everyone is privileged and some even have to beg for them to be able to
attend meetings. Leony Garcia (2020)

According to Kerry Tinga (2020), there are three keys to education in the new normal which is
the knowledge, skills, and mindsets. It is really pretty hard to learn in this new setup according
to the article but student and teacher should possess this to be able to overcome such barrier
that hinders to learn and become educated in this hard time.

A 2020 study of West Contra Costa Unified School let the students' perspectives in this new
setup revealed. According from of the students who shared her reflection or perspective in this
new normal way of learning, she felt more mentally exhausted than before. Nayeli Mercado is a
15 year old sophomore student of Richmond High shared that before distance learning, her
mental health was never great but it is controllable. Along with the community quarantine
started, she felt more emotionally unstable. Another student who shared her perspective
towards the distance learning is Katherine Henriquez who is a 19 year old senior high student
from Richmond High, she shared that she is getting much work and have fewer resources her.
Distance learning made her more stressed because teachers are not there if you have
questions and you have to wait for their response that might take days because they have other
students to respond as well. Also another student respond that amidst all of the chaos and
struggles we are facing, it is very hard to get stay motivated to do the tasks and requirements
given. Edwin Garcia a 17 year old senior high student at Richmond High added that they are
also experiencing financial crisis brought by the pandemic. This study proves that it is very hard
to study along with this enormous disaster, the motivations and inspirations a student has
vanished in thin air as well as their dreamed of a bright future.
According to Merlina Hernando-Malipot (2020) the officials of the DepED are still deliberating on
the adjustments and fit to the upcoming school year. The Department of Education or DepED
prepares for the 'New Normal' in education in the midst of this enormous disaster. Opening of
schools would not be allowed until the end of this pandemic. Face-to-face classes would be
cancelled and changed into Virtual meetings such as online meeting through software or app
that supports the online learning. Modular learning is applied to especially to those students that
cannot attend online meetings and those students who need to have a physical copy of the
books or learning materials in order to learn. Blended learning is applied too. It is the use of
online learning and modular learning materials. There are also the door-to-door delivery of
worksheets, take-home learning activity sheets, and take-home portfolio completions. These
modes are being used and explored in the time of the community quarantine period and will
serve as a guide or key learning points for the implementation of the 'new normal' education.
The coming school year may be full of destruction and uncertainties but change is inevitable.

Based on Garcia (2017), with the expectancy of shifting from usual mode of learning, a lot of
adjustment must be done by the teachers not only on their preparation of teaching materials and
the students too. Teachers need to have a great effectiveness in delivering their lessons in
different platforms. Given the convenience by the internet and technologies nowadays, there still
a challenge associated with it. It might be how they will be encourage students to participate
and engage more often with the online learning and cope easily to ensure a better learning with
the new environment.

On a 2008 study by the U.S. Department of Education that aims to explore the distance
education in the U. S., defines that Blended Learning is "A combination of online and in-class
instructions with reduced in-class seat time for students." (Lewis and Parsad 2008, p. 1,
emphasis added). Therefore, blended learning is already conducted many years ago in U.S., as
they explore the use of it.

Gahutu (2010) studied modular learning as it applied to a physiology course at the National
University of Rwanda. Students reported that they learned best when the teaching was less
theoretical, and they could work through material using practical classes and demonstrations.
However, to make the problem based approach successfull, they need a greater access to
outside materials that might be available through the library and the Internet. Overall, the
Rawandan students reported greater satisfaction.

According to Wenner, Burn, and Baer (2011) demonstrated that students did better in remedial
math courses when the math was taught using the context of application to geoscience. The
researchers compared two types of remedial math courses, one that used a traditional
approach, and one using the applied math typical in a modular course. Wenner et al. found the
modular approach in a remedial math course was successful, but that the success “hinges less
on institution type, course characteristics, number of quantitative concepts covered, or grading
stakes and more on instructional methods that lead to higher levels of student participation and
completion”. Beneficial instructor] participation included appropriate introduction to the modules
and instructions on how to navigate testing sites and the learning management system. It was
also shown to be important that instructors reinforced the adequacy of the modules in helping
the students pass the post module quizzes. This positivity helped students feel better about
themselves, their performance, and their chances for success; thereby motivating them to
complete the modules. Finally, when instructors made the connection between the math being
learned and its relevancy to real problems, students tended to complete modules more readily
with the modular, self-directed approach to learning than with the more traditional style
previously used in the classroom.

Modular learning arranges information in a way that presents points in an intelligent way, and it
can be individualized according to learners' needs. Traditional course frameworks generally
present information sequentially, and the perception by the learner is one of monotony.
Traditional courses often intersperse quizzes after some prescribed reading or lecturing is
offered. Modular courses tend to use learning objects that are more closely related to a holistic
approach to information, often including a problem oriented approach (Tseng, Su, Hwang,
Hwang, Tsai, & Tsai, 2008).


Garcia, M. (2017). E-Learning Technology Adoption in the Philippines: An Investigation of

Factors Affecting Filipino College Students’ Acceptance of Learning Management Systems. The
International Journal of E-Learning and Educational Technologies in the Digital Media
(IJEETDM), 3(3), 118-130.

Lewis, L., & Parsad, B. (2008). Distance education at degree-granting postsecondary

institutions : 2006–07 (NCES 2009–044). Washington: Retrieve from

Gahutu,J. (2010). Physiology Teaching and Learning Experince in a New Modular Curriculum at
the National University of Rwanda. Advances in Physiology Education.

Wenner,J.M., Burn, H. E., & Baer, E.M.(2011). The Math You Need, When You Need It: Online
Modules that Remediate Mathematical skills in Introductory Geoscience Courses.
Journal of College Science teaching.
Tseng, S., Su, J., Hwang, G., Hwang, G., Tsai, C., & Tsai, C. (2008). An Object-Oriented
Course Framework for Developing Adaptive Learning Systems. Educational Technology &



This chapter presents the research design, locale of the study, respondents of the study,
sampling procedure, data gathering instrument, data gathering procedure and statistical tools
and method of analysis.


The design was complementary to the study as of modular learning system. The researchers
used descriptive design that uses a self-made survey questionnaire to gather data. ABM Senior
High school and thereby revealing summarized statistics by showing accountable responses to
all questionnaire items.

Respondents and sampling procedure

The respondents of the study were the fifty (50) randomly picked Grade 12 ABM students
enrolled at the Rodolfo B. Albano Stand Alone Senior High School in the S.Y. 2021-2022. A
simple random sampling was used to give equal chances to be included in the group of

Data Gathering Procedure

Before getting the respondents to take part in the questionnaire, the researcher explained the
objective and the purpose of the study. To ensure that the respondents are aware of the
discomfort or risk during the study.

The data collection process was executed through series of steps. First step, the researchers
asked the respondents to answer the Part I of the questionnaire consisting profile of the
respondents including their gender, age, grade, and section. Second and Third step the
researcher asked the respondents to answer the Part II and III of the questionnaire using Likert
Scale consisting the perspective of students on the modular learning system.
Data Analysis and Statistical Tool

The data gathered from the respondents of the study will be subjected to statistical treatment
The researcher will use frequency and percentage distribution over the sample population on
the obtained demographic profile information. The frequency table will be used to display the
results of the gathered data, it will also be used to tabulate the responses of the respondents in
the survey questionnaire.

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