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World of Three Zeros

World of Three Zeros is a book that has discussed several issues. The issues discussed
are vital in the current economy and enlightenment especially to the youth. Youth
unemployment has been discussed as the first issue. Youth who are aged between 15 and 24
who are regarded to have completed high school or graduated from college and busy
searching for jobs. Online start has researched and come up with statistics as per the year
2017, the unemployment rate was more than three times higher than 10.8% as researched in
Malaysia, China is 10.8%, in India it was 10.5%, it is closely followed by Indonesia at 15.65,
Philippines is 7.9%, Thailand is 5.9 and Vietnam at 7%. Singapore is rated to have the
lowest unemployment rate that is at 4.6%.( Yunus, 2017).  Demand of job availability among
young people is limited. At the period of 4th industrial revolution, there are many
developments that will be taking place such as technological development in terms of robotic
and Artificial intelligent which is estimated to eliminate many employees in the current
industries. A number of perspectives have been developed towards Artificial Intelligence
technologies. Sophia is known to be a social humanoid robot which was developed by
Hanson Robotics which is based in Hong Kong. In the year 2017, social robot Sophia was
granted Saudi Arabia citizenship since it is the first robot which has legal personhood in the
entire world. Sophia is different from other AI systems in that she has a lot of facial
expressions and other features which are similar to human features. She has been regarded to
have achieved much in the world such as being known to be the first non-human United
Nation Innovation Champion and acknowledged by United Nations Develop Program
(UNDP). UNDP and Sophia are working together such that they make an improvement of
any shortcomings and challenges and work on technology such that they are able to make an
improvement of lives of people and protect the world.

It is necessary that the government alert the education sector in order to keep on
refreshing the curriculum to be able to produce skilled graduates who align with the needs of
the current market. The quality of education keeps on improving and therefore, young people
should also keep on improving in order to remain relevant in the market. Youths need to be
proactive and develop their ambitions such as becoming entrepreneurs leading to creation of
their own opportunities of entrepreneurship and relevant skills which adapt robotic
technologies. (Desai, Vaucher & Roy, 2003). In order to be able to keep on improve and equip
knowledge of entrepreneurship, skills possessed by the young people should be sharpened
thus competence improved. Development of entrepreneurial skills can also be obtained by the
young people through observing the day to day operations of a company leading to gaining
and improvement of skills for 4th industrial revolution. Institute of Labour Market
Information and Analysis (ILMIA) as of 2016 in Malaysia, the unemployment rate was
10.5% and male had 9.8% while female have 11.4. These statistics points out that female are
slightly higher as compared to male due to limited suitable job opportunities for the gender of
female as compared to male (Velidi & Sanyal, 2011).

Poverty is the second issue discussed in the book. Poverty is regarded as an enemy to
the people since it affects them and the way in which they relate with each other and their
well being. Poverty happens in that one may not be able to afford the skyrocketing prices of
food. There are a number of food price crisis as one witnessed in 2008 as a result of bad
weather as well as a decrease in supply of grains leading to rise of price of the commodity in
the market. Food crops such as palm oil and corn also led to a rise of food prices. The
government should be able to come in to initiate fair prices control and stabilize the market
such that consumers are not exploited by the sellers for instance farmers (Erbaugh, 2019). The
government can promote reestablishment of floor prices and being able to gain resources
from national owned companies. Bio-fuels can stop producing fuel from food crops for some
time for instance corn in the US. As per the United Nations Special Rapporteur, Jen Ziegler,
by taking a break of five years from production of biofuel, it will lead to enough time for
technologies and innovation leading to protection of the environment, human rights and
social rights will also be protected in the long run.

Lack of health care has also encouraged poverty. Inability to access health facilities
for services can lead to serious illness which will lead to worsened conditions. Example is
87% of mothers in Bangladesh who give birth to babies without receiving professional
medical support. The daily star reported in March 2019 that males and females have different
attitudes in regard to medical care. This calls for Bangladesh government to encourage
promotion of healthcare sector which will result to more improved services. Women will also
be encouraged to join medical colleges thus there will be enough personnel to provide health

Income inequality has also been discussed in the book. The people who reside in the
rural areas for example local farmers have small income and they are limited from accessing
valuable markets such as international or national markets for the different goods which they
produce. It become difficult to have extra earnings which they can use to support their
families. Opportunities that are available appear to be for specifically experienced and
educated individuals. Therefore, there is need for the government to increase farmers who
have been professionally trained in order to increase yields from the groups who are less
privileged to apply professional knowledge. A study conducted by Khazanah Research
institute, there is a gap that exists between the rich and the poor as well as the middle class. In
Malaysia, 25% of income tax is contributed by the rich class and it continues to be relatively
high inequality in comparison with other organizations for Economic Cooperation and
Development (QECD) countries by world Bank’s country director of Malaysia. There is
wealth concentration due to inequality. Having red A world of three zeros, I have been able to
understand that conventional banks are only for the rich people and not the poor class. Thus,
this can be regarded as a brutal way as observed by Muhammad Yunus which created
microcredit as well as other programs to be able to help them out of poverty. As per Gabriel
Zucman, the economist from French, concentration of wealth has helped to explain
redistributive process pointing back to 1980s since its rise. Political power can be purchased
by wealth people hence being able to protect their money (Abur-Robb, 1990).

Climate change is another issue discussed in the book. There are ways which have
been discussed in the book known to cause climate change all over worldwide. Such
activities include, heat-trapping gases and burning of fossil fuels which is melting the ice cap
of the planet leading to the rise of the sea level to higher than 3 feet. Global temperature has
also risen by 0.9 degree Celsius which is higher dangerous levels. President Donald Trump
announces that United Stated will withdraw from the Paris Agreement happened in white
house rose garden. The most concern is the anger and unwillingly of the people who will
threaten economic system in future helped to led Trump in the election. Individuals can also
contribute to saving of energy through investment in energy-saving means hence reducing
emissions. Tree planting should be encouraged among the communities to be able to
contribute to the development of the environment. (Wen, 2020). Pollution of water and air
should be discouraged by using methods which less affects the environment. Government can
also maintain the aggressive vehicle that able to reduce the emissions and meet the standard
in order to contribute for the environmental from climate change. According to the 2017 Best
Countries rankings, Sweden mentioned is the country that cares and behavior the most about
the environment among all 80 countries that based on a survey of more than 21,000 global

Yunus, M. (2017). A world of three zeros: the new economics of zero poverty, zero
unemployment, and zero net carbon emissions. Hachette UK.

Wen, G. J. (2020). Virtuous globalization, the three-zeros policy, and China’s choice. Journal
of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, 1-17.

Abur-Robb, M. F. K. (1990). Explicit solutions of Fisher's equation with three

zeros. International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, 13(3), 617-620.

Erbaugh, M. S. (2019). How the Chinese language encourages the paradigm shift toward
discourse in linguistics: Pressure from ‘the three zeros’. Chinese Language and Discourse, 10(1), 84-

Desai, B. R., Vaucher, A. R., & Roy, D. P. (2003). Three-neutrino mass matrices with two
texture zeros. Modern Physics Letters A, 18(20), 1355-1365.

Velidi, V. K., & Sanyal, S. (2011). Comments on “Compact wideband bandstop filter with four
transmission zeros”. IEEE microwave and wireless components letters, 21(10), 543-543.

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