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~~ F ~ oe Division t+ ¢- nlamet Abhishek Datty Katke Rol clot 138 Sranch t civil | Subs- Environment) Giolechnology - | 1 sheesh etna echo 4 Explain To detail Physical gical metho | tethad of tala ste Minimizovian s- Chemical Methods *- —This beatment auld assist in applicaki la ical treatment technologies and lawer the |akxicthy als hazardous waste by changing its hemnizal “natiice AEten Yielding esseahially oon= hazardous substance such as carbon diaxid ater and Sait. Physical Meth ocl . | these _methacd ave measurecl to remou iSeparale ancl cancentrate hazardous and -+oxic material. They ar Msiclered to he conventional technalagies and are fmonly used thraughout the Ac} Residential Commercicl ndushial rt Teh nN Daw Dfracary Pacation PT seondary PI chlonne c Hanks) = basin) covipiers [TT discharge to page eeurd). is kicroly tablished as the standard med 2 J wadele Fred tes ent {Te ilushale tunes os palluen in detail alang with its ekbhecks. 7 : _— tH Dy] types of Waste - : : _ ws v —_ = Aix Pollution 4 \Waler palluhon 8g | tand {soil pollution a = Radioactive oallubion ay = noise palluHon IAir polluko n =| Yaoir polluHon is inlraduclion ofs che mich Is; [particulate matter ar bialagical materials that, use hat or discankart ts humans ox ther 4 Niuing orgainisin or cause domngé to \he-naliwal | eoutvanment or_ built environment ita atmosphere, Sy Ebbets : Le) Respiratory and heart problems EL 4 Acid sain. =| Ebbect of wild tibe: . p> = Depletion 507 e Sou =F =) Gilobal warming. 4 ge zg a Bo @. Itater pollution »_7] Water pollution can he defined as alteration in VVAVVA i physical chernical ar biological choracecsbics of 4 inater throu gh natuval ay human achivities and making ttunsuitable ny its desiqnatedl use t Ebkect of Water palluhon @. ond Pollution -|Efbect on human health =| Destruction ot ecosystem - Eutrophication: LEbbects the trond chai Ekbects of aquatic like. aa o Jand-pallikon is the'clemalition ats Faxth! I co. lea e fvitice I +hei i c \a urces T+ | when waste is aot dispased 9 vexly s | et. ert of land pallukon- t Soil pollution | Eovivan mental impact | Distraction or tourist « 4 Eppect on inildlite . |Laclinaclive Pollution T | | Radioactive contamination also called vadioatijie Ca\ contamination. is the dennsiHan bor ppucsence of vadioackye subshan. Oo surkaces | pose lids, liquids ay qases | here their | Jeresence is wninlended or undesirabl | | Ebbect of Radioactive enllutian Genetic Mutation Diseases f Soil in kevtlity Cell deshruckon Burns. Expects ao wild lipe Eis ecks ON Maxine life 15 ute is lution i ive, displeasing human 1 animal.or machine- created environmental noise an. ae 4 Litse « ox animal tity I l-Ekkects of noise Polluton- i 5 Hearing prablems -{eatth issues: 4 sleeping disacders: =| Trouble . Commu nicaking-— Ge ae

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