Ise1-Abhishek Kakade

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T5¢-1 pesignment Mech, CEnvivonmental BiotechnoloBy > CUOELoGe\) G-\___ Explain _(n__delail physical, chemical arid._bio Methoia of waste minimization @ Physical _methodé » ot shese methols are used 40 ove and _concenale hazardous ana _=zhey ore considered jo be ani are commonly used 1@®_chemical_methada’s — : this _\Nenlmen) mould a ef physical eaimen ec\io iy © hazardous (06s emicd gon - harard 4 woaler £ salts. pioio gic) _me fuk mech Whyrehele Ve Ka kad e 3 Jiluthale Aypesof paliulion in (hae (hecho. 4 \ypes_ofpollulion ie. G6 fo ‘2A pollulion OF LD wale poilulion ie Land {soll pollution 4). Radioadive pollulion_— S)..volee@_polulion 1) A\y_poiluiion. 1% poduc pariicipal @ malic... Ob. blolagica harm._ox diacombok 0 A__subsiance _inith yo humane and nm onary Po! an: ove oiC. aib d Suih. oi w_ Félecls 46 mech Abhishek. v.nakad (i) wales _polluiion can be defined as physical, chemical or biological chai wore: through nalutal ot heumnan aoe Sow.0es of woaset pollukion 4 moot of wale) pollution Mae) moj al6o ocer oghuvally belie 60\\ _paiticles the sources tlk \ organic pollutants, fy ticlliukal dd ste SmOeiis aheimat _ypiulion . gnorganio —pollufauils pa dhe. _tyshet __Betects of walter potludioh + | Ns Bhtects on human theatil | 9. Destruction of eensysiem wiht D- shttede she | food chain 2 a Bu voplacalioh f-46 mech Abhishek v- Katkad @ AV) Noise patulion yar & -—human._animal 0+ ma hin — plea, ——bourges of froise pollubion — systems a 1 tan a tm the Qs @ —_20\s©_po\ju __f. Heels of tolse -_—|-—_Heating__pieblems ; lar —— as h di othe acd

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