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Oliver Gatchalian Talamayan III


Welcome to the next level of self-discovery


you are being presented with a choice:

evolve or remain

if you choose to remain unchanged, you will be presented with the same

challenges, the same routine, the same storms, the same situations, until

you learn from them. until you love yourself enough to say "no more".

until you choose change.

if you choose to evolve, you will connect with the strength within you.

you will explore what lies outside the comfort zone. you will awaken

to love.

you will become. you will be.

you have everything you need.

choose to evolve.

choose love.

Creig Crippen

First things first, let’s cover a few bases:

1. Within all of us resides an Ego. The Ego is
responsible for our self-esteem or self-
”I saw that my life was a vast glowing
importance. It is our sense of identity that
empty page and I could do anything I
has been created through years of social
conditioning and trauma.
2. When we live life as our ego, it blocks us
from seeing our true "identity" -- our soul.
Jack Kerouac 3. Living life as the soul-self brings you
into alignment with love, peace, and harmony
- however, shedding the many layers of armor
that our ego placed on top is no simple or
easy feat.
Whether you made the venture my way in hopes of
finding answers, as a means of discovering your
destiny, or out of sheer curiosity, one thing
is certain — you will look at yourself much
differently by the end.
This Soul Contract is a tool to lead you on a
journey of deep remembrance into the discovery
of.. you.

As you likely already know, there is a Great

Awakening happening across the globe. This is
taking place due to a rise in the vibrational
frequency of our Earth -- causing our own
frequencies to rise with it. When our frequency
grows higher, our consciousness expands.
This is a phenomenon that has never occurred
for an entire planet in the history of time.
*for more information, I recommend researching
Dolores Cannon*

If you were drawn to learn your Soul Contract,

you are being called to awaken to your ultimate

We each have very important parts to play in

assisting humanity through this shift.
While upgrading our consciousness is a
miraculous event, it can be a very unnerving
and confusing experience at first.

Don’t worry - you aren’t alone.

Not anymore
We’re all in this together.
& this contract will help to guide you along
the way.
This contract was created using an intricate numerology technique channeled from
the Spirit of Moses to a spiritual teacher named Frank Alper, along with my notes
from a course I took with one of his own students, David Ngan. David Ngan's book
(Your Soul Contract Decoded) was the gateway to my own destiny & the creation of
Channeling Akasha. I have added my own channeled interpretations and
recommendations, to provide you with a more personalized reading.
The soul activates specific aspects in your subjective outer reality that will run
strong for several hours, days, weeks, even months -- it wants you to work through
them. As you do, you will notice that the theme changes to another aspect or
combination of aspects as it is following a very specific divine cycle of awakening
for you.
Surrender to these patterns -- these are your pivotal points.
It is important to recognize and let go of any judgement your ego may have of the
patterns that I have interpreted. It is this very thing -- this low-consciousness
energy -- that holds the heavy patterns in place. Karma is simply a program that is
meant to be transmuted.
This interpretation is not an attack -- it is a resource.
Some of the things in this contract may have already been realized.
Just the same, some aspects may not have come to fruition, yet.
This contract spans your entire life - the recommendations will help you navigate
the energies, but it is not a "one-and-done" process. You will experience each
aspect over and over throughout your life in many different scenarios. As you
become aware of the karmic patterns, they will gradually lessen in intensity.
If you read something that does not resonate with you, try not to hold judgement
toward it. As your conscious work expands, more will become clear. The mind can
only understand what it can presently perceive.
I use numbers to represent each energetic frequency. For each aspect interpreted,
you will see a description for the energy of each individual number followed by a
breakdown of how the energies merge for each pair.
If you have multiple occurrences of the same numbers, you will notice that the
general interpretation of the energy will be the same. These energies will hold a
large stake in the way you function and behave.
{If you have more than 4 pairs of the same number, you may feel "stuck" and that
you have difficulty changing. You may feel that no matter how hard you try to do
something, there is always something else holding you back.}
The Karmas are the strongest energies of any contract. These will require the
majority of your time & energy to work through. Next in intensity will be your
Goals - think of these as challenges that you are meant to accomplish in this life.
Your Talents are critical and should be utilized specifically to help you work
through your Karmas and toward your Goals.
The recommendations are only suggestions -- consider each of them & try practicing
the ones you resonate with.
Any reference of "God" is interchangeable with whatever your beliefs may be --
Universe, Source, Creator, Higher Power, etc.
All is One and One is All.
Your Destiny will have healing symbols associated with it. These are much like
Reiki symbols, if you are familiar. These symbols hold the specific energy of the
Destiny numbers. Try drawing them -- it will help you tune to their frequency.
This interpretation is very long & detailed - the aspects are broken down
completely. Study your contract, make notes. Look at it many times throughout your
life -- more will make sense to you each time your read it. You will have new
revelations every time you come back to it.
Get into the feel of the overall chart and flow of energy - let it tell you the
story of your life.

& remember..

this journey you are about to take will not be everything you want -

but it will be everything you never knew you needed.

you are going to learn so much about yourself &

who you are inside.

you are going to grow in ways you never thought possible.

you will find peace within your own skin and discover magic in the

world all around you.

you will meet people who are kindred spirits and you will meet

people who are simply not meant for your story.

you're going to be so great.

take the first step.

even if you're scared.

even if you don't think you can.

do it for you.

spiritual gifts


13-4 5-5
Physical gifts physical goals

6-6 15-6
spiritual goals spiritual Karma


Oliver Gatchalian Talamayan III

5-5 13-4 5-5
15-6 10-1 6-6
the Way Shower


"Step into the fire of self-discovery.

This fire will not burn you, it will only burn what you are not."

Physical Karma

The karmic lessons brought through your interactions with your outer
reality, relationships, & experiences.

The number of abstraction.

This karma requires a lot of effort to work
through because you first have to be able to
recognize this very abstract and intangible

The planetary ruler is Mercury - the zodiac ruler

is Aries.

Speech is emphasized with this number.

This karmic energy deals with an imbalance in the

physical & spiritual planes of life.

| Abuse
Your tendency to avoid conflict at all cost can cause you to manifest abusive
relationships in your life. You may attract narcissists & unhealthy partners. People
will try to walk all over you because you allow them to. You attract these relationships
that suppress your being even more, because they are pushing you to learn the lesson and
push you to overcome withholding/sacrificing your own truths.

| Depression & anxiety

Many advanced souls - souls that have already incarnated into multiple lives before this
one - experience depression due to feeling like they are different than everyone else.
They feel as though no one understands things the same way they do. Once their souls
awaken, they can see the bigger picture and be completely content with life in an

| Suicidal thoughts
*sensitive content*
It's possible that you have considered or even attempted suicide in this life. You are
an extremely pure soul and the Earth vibration are extremely hard for you to adjust to.
This karmic pair is very rare and unusual. In a past life, your soul was totally
incapable of assimilating and finding its place in society and you created this karma
essentially to "master the level" you failed before.
Every soul contract contains 5-7 built in “exit clauses”. These clauses are ways to
break the contract due to not being able to handle the lessons of that particular life.
The breaking of the contract happens when someone commits suicide. It is common for pure
souls such as yourself to have experienced this in past lives due to the feeling of not
fitting in/ not feeling understood by anyone else. – Suicide is not a “gateway to Hell”
as modern religion suggests. When a soul commits suicide, it
enters the same process that every other soul enters when they die. However, with an
abrupt ending such as this, they need to take time to heal and come back into their true
selves – they spend a span of time in healing centers of the higher
spiritual planes (these centers are comparable to hospitals).


| To gain control of your finances

People who hold this karma tend to be a bit reckless with their spending. They make
impulsive decisions and don't look at their past mistakes when it comes to money. You
may often accumulate extra bills and fees because of your lack of due diligence. You
need to make an active effort to take careful consideration of your investments and

| To become grounded
There's a good chance that you might even like feeling ungrounded. The physical
vibrations of Earth are exhausting to you. It feels much better to zone out or to live
in your thoughts. If you allow yourself to do this, you will dissociate through the
majority of your life and miss how it feels to truly live. Also - if you don't learn how
to ground, you will have a lot of trouble manifesting.

| To learn how to be alone

As much as you don't like to be alone, regularly taking the time to slow down and be by
yourself is crucial to your state of being. Take the time to get to know yourself. It's
likely that you have never even taken the time to understand your own wants and needs.
By separating yourself from all other energies and being completely alone sometimes will
allow you to feel how your energy feels. It will allow you to see just how beautiful and
important your own aura is.
Even if you don't want to, please make alone time one of your priorities as often as you
You may be forced to see your shadows the first few times you allow yourself to
experience what it feels like to be truly alone. Don't try to run from them, they only
want to be seen and felt. Once you allow yourself to see your own shadows and come to
peace with them, your entire life with shift.


| Make sure you take time to heal from any abuse you have experienced – whether that be in
relationships or toward yourself.

| It is important that you practice physical grounding activities.

These include but are not limited to: exercise, gardening, cooking, walking in nature,
working in 3rd dimensional environments for a while.

| Keeping a diary may be helpful in order to ground your beliefs and intuitive perceptions
and to assist in their expression.
It may be helpful to write diary entries daily and then reflect back on all of your
entries each month - notice reoccurring emotions and patterns. You may discover things
you had never noticed before.

| Expressive activities such as singing, public speaking, and teaching will help open your
vocal channel – helping you become more assertive.

| Due to your sensitivity to negative frequencies (empathic trait) space clearing is

It is important for you to live in a harmonious environment. Clear your personal energy
fields of others’ energies as often as you can (try to do it at the end of each day, at
least). This is a good resource explaining an energy clearing technique:

1. Tune into a difficulty you're currently struggling with (preferably in terms of

this specific karmic energy). How does it feel?
2. What word, memory, or image first comes to mind from this? Pay attention to the
first thing that comes up - this will have significant meaning.
3. Dive into that memory or image. Connect with your inner child to analyze it
deeper - Simply set the intention and energetically reach out to the essence of
whatever appears in your inner awareness.
4. Allow him/her to speak to you & allow your current self to speak back. (A lot of
people skip the step of allowing your inner child to speak - but this is very
5. Surrender control & expectation - allow yourself to thoroughly experience the raw
emotion itself. Begin by feeling it physically. What sound does it want to make?
What movement, posture, or gesture do you feel best describes it? Allow it to
arise and come out in its most raw form. Cry, yell, show all of the ugly emotion
you feel. Don't censor it or judge it - your inner child is watching how you
handle it. If you feel it, you are processing it both in present time and in the
6. Hug your inner child tight and make sure they are comforted. Allow yourself to
come back to present. Rest and replenish. You did great. <3

"What you refer to as your darkest chapter now

is what you will refer to as your rebirth later.

Keep going."
spiritual Karma

The karmic lessons brought through your interactions with your

Self and how you process your feelings & emotions.

Symbolized by a link reinforced & turned back on


This number is associated with the Zodiac sign


This energy's primary theme is becoming conscious

of your own spirituality & opening yourself to
connect to it.

| Selfishness
This energy causes you to be subjected to deep compulsions, subconscious
cravings, and willful manipulation of others in order to serve your own ends.
There could be an infatuation with power and control. Greedy, avaricious,
unstable energies - this is all stemming from an avoidance of yourself. You may
avoid your own spiritual growth - not working through traumatic events in your
past because you don't want to face them. You may try to get people to do a lot
for you without doing anything in return. Be careful of this energy - when this
karma comes back to bite you, it shows up as depression and/or disease.

| Negative paranormal experiences

The 15-6 is a highly occult number and is associated with many benevolent beings
as well as ghosts and demons. You will have a strong attraction from beings on
the other side - these can be "good" or "bad" depending on how you are holding
this energy. If you are in the process of transmuting/correcting your karmas, you
will be assisted by light, higher beings - if you are falling into the karmic
cycle and accepting the negative energies, you will attract lower frequency
entities. If you are allowing yourself to be angry, ill-tempered, or just
hateful, you are opening yourself for these entities to attach and make your
overall state worse.
If you think you may be experiencing a negative entity, please feel free to reach
out to me and we can discuss how to get rid of it.


The number of creativity from the soul level.

Holds the ability to create "something out of

Related to manifesting reality from a simple


Strongest quality: the power of thought.

Don't forget: all of creation started with a


| Difficulty working with the will

There may be struggle with using your willpower & thoughts to achieve
things that you want in life. This is because of an imbalance between your
internal vibration and that of your higher Self/Spirit. This struggle can
lead to frustration & pessimism because you are likely doing all the
"right" things - it's just a matter of alignment. (which is the most
difficult part, for sure!)

| Abnormal impulses to achieve power

Random strong desires to hold a position that others look up to. This can
manifest in or as anger.

| Isolation
This response will be unhealthy for you and will keep your creativity

| Addictions
Including but not limited to: smoking, alcohol, drugs, and sex. This is
another escapist response to keep you detached from a reality you don't
want to face.

Hotheaded negative paranormal


dark thoughts

| To learn to fully express yourself

You may experience a tremendous rigidity of expression initially. This can show
up as getting excited about things but feeling a need to make sure you're going
to get the result you want before you will put effort & attention toward it.

| To accept the true nature of your existence

Your life could feel as though you are constantly going around in circles. It may
feel like a constant chase for something that is a struggle to get to - and then
when you do reach it, there is a new chase. This stems from the avoidance you
subconsciously force yourself to carry. You must put effort into looking deeper
into yourself so that you may arrive at finality. It could be very hard for you
to see your true self and to figure out what to do with that you find. It's
important for you to realize and accept that you are a part of the whole - you
ARE the Universe. There is no "I" or "me". There is so much inadvertent pressure
being kept on yourself - it's almost a self-sabotaging energy. When you allow
yourself to surrender & accept yourself as you are, you will find peace. <3

| To reach balance within yourself

This balance within self will allow you to receive love. The 6 card of the Tarot
is the Lovers card. When this energy is unbalanced, you will manifest unbalanced


| You hold an insecurity within that is driving you explore different, unnecessary options
in the outer world
Slowing down is key – it will enable you to FEEL. To know exactly what you truly need to

| Heal to address the insecurity.

As you heal, you can work on developing more trust of what feels right within you (your
Spiritual Signature/Creator energies) – this will guide you to your correct path in life

| Increase your body awareness so that you can physically feel things in your stomach
This will give you a literal barometer for knowing what is right/good and what isn’t.
When you experience strong emotions or feelings, close your eyes and try to notice what
feelings your body is showing you. Where are they located? What emotion are you
experiencing that you can connect with this particular feeling? The more you practice
this, the more in control of yourself you’ll become, and it will strengthen your
intuitive abilities as well.

| You need to heal any blocked anger and power associated with frustration. You also need
to recognize and heal any addictive patterns you hold.
Here are some processes to release blocked anger:
- Cathartic release -
- Osho Dynamic Meditation –
- Pillow beating –

| Kidney cleanses

| Focus on what is really important for you

Not just what is important for everyone else.

| Writing down all your ideas and plans will be helpful.

Reflect on these, prioritize all of them, choose only a few from the top of the list and
save the rest for later. Then you will need to break down the chosen projects into
manageable steps which are easy to achieve. A ‘to-do’ list will be helpful for this. As
you complete each subtask, cross it off of the to-do list – this will give you a sense
of success and an incentive to undertake the next step. It’s important to review
progress on each of the projects in order to help you stay focused – this is especially
important near the end as you will be tempted by other distractions to not complete it.

| Engaging in creative activities will also help unblock the energies of the 6.
Writing, drawing/painting, singing, etc.

| Because you have the potential to feel extremely blocked in your soul expression, keeping
a diary would be helpful as a start to expressing your soul’s desires.

"that 'perfect time' will never come.

because time will never be 'just right' - bending to your ideals.

there will always be some form of adversity that you will be

challenged with and, while the obstacle may feel like a sign
that you shouldn't start, know this:
adversity comes with adventure
& learning to overcome adversity is what sharpens you and
prepares you for success.

take the challenges and face them head-on
knowing that it is yours to conquer.

you are capable of great things."


Trauma blocking is:

1. Excessive use of social media and compulsive mindless scrolling.
2. Binge drinking every weekend or any opportunity you are off work.
3. Excessive and mindless eating - even when you are not hungry.
4. Compulsive exercise to reach a goal you are never satisfied with.
5. Being uncomfortable being alone resulting in staying in toxic relationships long after
their expiration date.
6. The feeling of being uncomfortable if you have nothing to do - the need to always be
7. Compulsive online shopping for things you don't need.
8. Becoming a workaholic and having poor boundaries - including being available 24/7 for
9. Hyper-focusing on things that happened in the past and/or things that haven't happened

Instead, try:
1. Becoming more observant: notice everything that surrounds you at every opportunity you
remember to. The world is full of wisdom, examples, ideas, mistakes, words, and
2. Collect your ideas. Ideas & thoughts can disappear as quickly as they came. Try to capture
them before they evaporate from your mind. Ideally, write down or sketch them.
3. Read. A lot. Reading is one of the best investments of your time. Try to devote at least
30 minutes of your day to reading.
4. Analyze. Before going to bed, spend 10 minutes reflecting on your day. Consider what
things you managed to do well and what mistakes you made. Then release it and do not carry
it into tomorrow.
5. Write. The biggest value of writing is that it cultivates discipline. Primarily the
discipline of thinking. Your thoughts will cease to be random and chaotic. They will
gradually become more systematic and structured.
6. Drink water. This one is self-explanatory.
7. Smile more. At yourself, at that funny video on Tik-Tok, at your dog, and especially at
8. Allow yourself to feel. Feel your feelings without labeling them. The more you try to
suppress them or ignore them, the more they will grow. Look at them with genuine curiosity
and understanding.
9. meditate. Time slows down. You learn what presence feels like. Your awareness and
sensitivity to everything around you increases. Meditation is so boring, it's stimulating.
And this is where you can find the answers you seek.

"The meaning of life is to find your gift.

The purpose of life is to give it away."

Pablo Picasso
Physical gifts

mother letter
master number


As the number 13 carries the vibration of the Divine Feminine, it comes with a sort of "spiritual initiation". This is
referred to as the Apex of the Soul & is the second lesson of the trinity. In this life, you will interface with the
emotional plane on a much deeper level & will likely experience much heartache that most others won't in their
lives. The ego will explore the depths of dense human emotions for the first time in this life. The turning point of
this Apex comes when you begin to re-experience these emotions by seeing them for what they are - emotions.
You will come to accept the intense experiences that were created for you and transmute the outlook into one
of appreciation. This Divine Wisdom allows you to not only become an unstoppable force in the hands of Life,
but you will greet others that are in pain with loving eyes & open arms to help them in transmuting these
emotions as well. This is my karma, too. <3
Your experiences may tempt you to numb yourself. To completely shut off the possibility of feeling emotions at
all. This will only send you deeper into your karmic cycles. You have to engage with all of the negative contexts
of yourself & your life in order to transmute them into the wisdom they can give.
It can take most of your lifetime to unlock the depth of emotion that this can bring. It is emotion you don't even
know you hold - it has been built over many lifetimes. This emotion will not only be your own, but you will feel
the depth and truth of the emotions that others express to you, as well.
Even though the energies of the 13 are very feminine, soft, and loving, they are EXTREMELY intense & powerful.
More of these energies are arriving on planet Earth now - they are needed to assist with the mass


| True, motherly love
More like a grandmother's love, honestly. Don't take that the wrong way, I hold this number pair
as well. You may have/have had a special bond with your own grandmother - I was raised by mine.
<3 The love that you show others is true, pure, unconditional. It is fruitful & creative - it
holds a soft and tender vibration. People who hold this number in their talents make excellent
healers, leaders, and counsellors. This is a "still water" that all beings will migrate to
eventually for nourishment. People will come to you when they need you - you will never have to
seek out those in need.


Symbolized as the base structure of a unit:

strong & stable

Holds energies of duplication -

being able to learn something and then build on it
and/or share that knowledge with others.

Represented by the Sun, Aquarius, and the concept

of death & reincarnation.


| Being a master of winning
Your mind is one that I personally am envious of. You are an analytical mastermind. You
can see the potential & opportunity in anything. You have genius like tendencies when it
comes to innovation, reform, and thinking outside of the box. You take your ideas and
you run with them - daring to challenge anyone who stands in your way. If you do have
competition, you are able to take them with your hands tied and blindfolded. You're a
master of "surprise moves" and doing the unexpected - ESPECIALLY when everyone is
expecting you to fail. Overcoming adversity is something you do with a smile on your
face. You are a true achiever & you have the ability to draw power directly from the

| Level-headedness
One of your greatest strengths aside from your mind is your ability to stay calm in any
situation. External factors can't shake or stir you. Especially when you are deep in
thought - you have full control of your attention & attitude. You are also extremely
resilient, so if you ever do get defeated, you can bounce back immediately.

ideas flow
motherly energy

connected to spirit
| To show others unconditional love
This energy is very spiritual and has a deep purpose. You have the ability to show others what
unconditional love truly feels like. To show them how it feels to be looked at with
nonjudgemental, understanding eyes. This is something that MANY adults don't even know that they
need - the feeling of motherly love.
| To embrace your originality
This is a number pair that resonates on the frequency of death-rebirth. It's likely that you
yourself go through cycles of essentially becoming a brand new person (every 4 years or so, from
what I've gathered - this is my own Physical Goals as well). Your interests change, the people
you surround yourself with changes, you may move often - basically creating fresh new personas
when the time feels right. You are meant to allow this, to embrace it! Whoever you are, whatever
you do, however you feel the most "you" in any given moment - this is what you are meant to
share/show/give to others. Remember, nothing is solely yours with this energy. So if you are
pulled to become a new "you", it is because that is what is needed by many others. This is why
it is so important to surrender your control and trust that you are always guided to the path
you are meant to be on at any given moment.


Allergies Respiratory or cardiovascular problems

Loneliness Chronic Fatigue
Anxiety/depression Upper back pain
Hypertension Difficulty in relationships
Isolation Trust issues



Chrysophase Spinach
Amazonite Broccoli
Jade Kiwi
Rose quartz Kale & other leafy greens
Peridot Foods rich in vitamin C

| Heal so that you may open your heart chakra.
Nourish yourself from within. This allows you to begin sharing the strong Divine Feminine
energies that are initially latent within you.

| Spend time with children.

Play with them unconditionally - let them lead the way! Children are such pure souls &
they don't even know it. To become more aligned with the universe, revert back to your
child-like nature.

| Go with the flow of nature.

Consider growing an organic garden, eating organic foods, recycling, living in a way that
supports nature.

| You need to experience the feeling of unconditional love to rebuild trust in

God/Source/the Creator.
This will likely come in small increments. It's about stepping into the unknown and
taking risks in your life. Follow things that feel right to you & have total trust that
the Universe is working with you and will support your journey. However, you MUST take
the first step in order for these forces to turn up for you. For then, you will have
demonstrated faith and trust in the flow of abundance. With each step you take, you build
more trust until you eventually create a continuous flow of energy for yourself. It will
require effort at first, but then will flow seamlessly.

"Wounded Healers

--they are not born and they are not made..

they create themselves through conquering adversity, trial &

error, and extreme pain & suffering.

they conquer fear and find a way to speak their truth even

when it is the hardest thing they have ever done.

In doing so, they shine light for others who are lost and feeling

alone. in return their inner light ignites with renewed purpose.

A purpose far greater than they ever could have imagined."

Spiritual gifts

The innate talents you were given to amplify your inner strength,
connection, emotions, & spirituality.


| Balanced energies.
This number is represented by the yin-yang symbol. Your masculine & feminine
energies are very balanced and you express this in many ways.

| Trouble adjusting to the physical vibrations of Earth.

You may feel very out of place in society - like you don't really fit in with
everyone else. You aren't meant to. This energy doesn't reveal itself through any
actual "physical" talent. There are no pure physical aspects & this energy is
extremely pure (God-like).

| Intuition
Especially in regard to the energies that surround you. You can pick up on the
moods & attitudes of people around you or even the room as a whole. This is
probably an underlying reason for why you do certain things - it may even be done
subconsciously. For example, if you subconsciously pick up on tension or
uneasiness in a room, you may start moving through the room to interact with
others and make them feel more comfortable. Or make a joke to cut through the
heavy tension. All in all - you know what needs to be done, when it needs to be

Mother Letter


There are 3 numbers that hold an Apex of Achievement. An Apex is a huge turning point during this lifetime. It
will be a time where your life completely changes - you will feel like a completely different person. For the
number 1, the Apex is called the Access. With this achievement, you will gain full access to universal
consciousness. Your spiritual awakening will be/have been quite intense. You will feel a level of power within
yourself that you have never felt before. This is because you carry the energies of Archangel Michael within you.
It is said that Archangel Michael was entrusted with creating our Universe and remains at the right hand of
Source Consciousness. You hold immense potential to make powerful changes in your own life, the lives around
you, and for the planet.


| Unity, power, & stability.
This gift is all about creating collective unity within the consciousness of
humanity. Whether you do this through 1-on-1 interactions with others, bringing
people together in groups, or by doing your part in the construction of your own
community, you have a major part to play in the Great Awakening happening on our
planet right now. You will find that you are able to express yourself best when
you feel stable, are holding your own power (and not allowing others to control),
and/or when you are experiencing a feeling of unity.

| Recognition of your strength within.

This energy is extremely powerful. When you first begin to feel this power, it
may feel foreign and uncomfortable at first. You may not feel worthy of it or you
may not know how to adjust to this new feeling. Relax with these energies -- feel
your emotions (even the heavy ones) and trust that you will adjust. You may also
be inclined to misuse your power at times. Pay attentions to what thoughts you
focus on/manifest & try to make sure everything you do stems from a place of
love. Otherwise it may generate karma: "One's name will be known for good or
evil, according to one's desires."
If you ever need a boost of strength, you can call upon Archangel Michael. You
should feel his presence almost immediately.

Trust & Faith in Self

Service to
others Strong intuitive
| To remember your true Self.
As mentioned previously, this energy will likely bring a very intense experience
when you meet your spiritual awakening. You will look at yourself in a completely
different way than you did before. You will come into total belief and trust of
your own God-self & this is extremely powerful. This recognition needs to happen
before attempting to utilize your healing abilities - only after coming face to
face with your own divinity will you be able to access your own full power. The
10-1 represents the completion of a full cycle. The journey from 1 to 10 has be
fulfilled. You have come full circle back to your true, divine nature. The 0 is a
sacred number for the entire Universe and the whole cosmic central consciousness
- it is the "nothing" that the "everything" is built from.

| To gain energetic balance and share it with others.

You likely have always felt as though you hold equal amounts of masculine &
feminine energy within you. This is the pure, androgynous energy of the 10. This
balance gives you the ability to relate to anyone you come into contact with. You
will be able to live your life in total objectivity - without looking through the
lens of judgement. You will be able to see all perspectives, take each of them
in, and completely accept the cards at hand without resistance and defensiveness.
You can understand and recognize that nothing is either "good" or "bad" -- it
simply is & you are at peace with whatever may present itself to you.
Helpful tips: keep a journal & write all of your intuitive impressions and dreams. Practice grounding regularly.
Connect with your spirit guides. Be open to your abilities. Balance and activate your third eye chakra often. Create
a symbol journal with your guides for more efficient & effective messages - symbols, colors, words, sounds, numbers
etc (it's best to start with 2-4 at first; you can ask your guides to send you the symbols or you can create them
yourself) - this makes it easier for your guides, too! Don't overthink it, relaxation & trust are key, be patient and
nonjudgemental with your progress. You must train your intuition - you must develop trust for your inner


Grab a deck of playing cards, Tarot cards, or create your own using flash cards by drawing
symbols, colors, numbers, etc on the back. Shuffle the cards then lay them in front of you face
down. Close your eyes, place your hands on top of the deck, and try to absorb what the first card
feels like. Flip it over, study the way the card looks, and make a mental note of that energetic
feeling. Repeat this as much as you'd like. Then re-shuffle, lay the deck face down, close your eyes &
place your hands on top, then try to sense what the top card is. Try not to THINK, the answer will
not sound like a thought in your head. Remember, your senses use subtle energy. Don't be hard on
yourself if your predictions are wrong -- the more you practice, the easier it will become.


Focus your eyes on the man below. Envision your consciousness merging with his. You can do this by
putting your focus on your third eye and imagining a silver energetic string connecting your third
eye to his, then imagine the string becoming shorter - pulling both of your eyes together until they
merge. Use his vision to observe his surroundings. Where is he? Completely tune in & write any
insights you are given.


AKA: clairaudience. Clairaudience most commonly presents are ringing in the ears, high pitched
frequencies, or sounds similar to "hearing the ocean" in a seashell. To develop this sense, try this
exercise: In a quiet, seated position, take a moment to focus on your ears. In your mind's eye, envision
both ears gradually getting bigger in size. Do you feel anything as they grow? tingling or itching?
Can you see into the expanded ear canals? See if you can feel your ears pulsing as if they are
breathing. As you continue your day, notice sounds that you hear that you had not noticed before.
This simple exercise tells your subconscious that you are ready to heighten your awareness and
are open to receive messages through this clair.

"The only way you will ever awaken is through silence, not
through analyzation of facts. Not by sorting out good and bad,
but through simply quieting & becoming still - letting go. Letting
go of all thoughts, all the hurt, all the dogmas and concepts.
Let go of these things daily.
Discover the truth in the silence."

Robert Adam
3 goals

"Pay attention to the things you are naturally drawn to.

they are often connected to your path, passion, & purpose in life.

Have the courage to follow them."

Ruben Chavez
Physical goals

The challenges you will face in your physical reality / relationships

that you are meant to overcome & achieve.

The number of abstraction.

The planetary ruler is Mercury - the zodiac

ruler is Aries.

Speech is emphasized with this number.

This energy is very intangible and can be very

difficult to ground in your physical reality.


Your words have an impact on others more than you could ever imagine. The 5 is
the number of abstraction and is ruled by Mercury - the planet of communication.
You are (and always have been, even if you haven't noticed it) an instant
manifestor. You may even be an introvert and not really enjoy speaking your mind
or in front of/to others - but your life will be much easier when you accept
yourself as a pioneer and leader.
The 5 is an EXTREMELY etheric energy. Because of this, the positive impacts and
energies of this number will not be brought into reality until you recognize and
accept the characteristics described.
The power of the 5 will be extremely strong when you speak on things that you
believe in and hold a firm stance on. However, this power isn't limited to your
own thoughts - you have the ability to channel. You have the potential to allow
higher dimensional knowledge to channel through you by automatic or creative
writing - should you choose to, of course. You will also express well as a
I hold the 14-5 as my Soul Destiny and when I recognized just how impactful this
number is in terms of speech, I was absolutely mind blown. After posting just ONE
video on TikTok explaining what a Soul Contract was (because I had just learned
myself!), my life completely changed.
Become very clear on what resonates as TRUTH for you. What hits you at your core
and you know without a doubt in your mind that it is true. And then share it.
Talk about the things that you love, the things that you believe in, and the
things that you find incredible as much as you possibly can.
I promise you won't regret it.



ability to
speak fluently assertive

full of life-force


| To develop your communication skills
& to use them in some sort of teaching or expressive role. Initially in life, you
may hold yourself back from expressing your truth & voicing your feelings.
Physically talking about the things that you are tempted to hold inside will
ground your goals energies and make them tangible. Accept yourself as a pioneer
and take solace in the fact that people not only want to hear what you have to
say, they need to.

| To show others who they truly are

It's important that you pay very close attention to all of your interactions with
others because they each serve a deeper purpose. If you are ever struggling with
something in life, analyze your current relationships. You'll find your answer
there every time.
We were brought here to be a mirror for and through others. The insight that you
provide others has the potential to be life-changing. You will go through many
experiences in life that will test your own strength and happiness - this is in
place so that you have a wide array of wisdom that you can share with others on a
personal level.

| The challenge of the 5:

When you are not in alignment with the positive vibrations of this energy, you
may fear persecution & judgement if you try to step forward in your truth.
Alternatively, you may use your voice to express in ways that is harmful to
others. You will also struggle with staying grounded.
The positive vibrations of this energy are symbolized by you moving forward,
stepping into new areas, declaring yourself, being a real positive-action type of

| Make sure you take time to heal from any abuse you have experienced –
whether that be in relationships or toward yourself.

| It is important that you practice physical grounding activities.

These include but are not limited to: exercise, gardening, cooking,
walking in nature, working in 3rd dimensional environments for a while.

| Keeping a diary may be helpful in order to ground your beliefs and

intuitive perceptions and to assist in their expression.
It may be helpful to write diary entries daily and then reflect back on
all of your entries each month - notice reoccurring emotions and patterns.
You may discover things you had never noticed before.

| Expressive activities such as singing, public speaking, and teaching will

help open your vocal channel – helping you become more assertive.

| Due to your sensitivity to negative frequencies (empathic trait) space

clearing is crucial.
It is important for you to live in a harmonious environment. Clear your
personal energy fields of others’ energies as often as you can (try to do
it at the end of each day, at least). This is a good resource explaining
an energy clearing technique:

Don't try to create & analyze at the same time.

They are different processes.


1. What was your favorite thing to do growing up?

2. When you were a child, what did you dream of doing
when you grew up?
3. What is your favorite topic to talk about?
4. What is something that you enjoy doing so much that
you lose track of time while doing it?
5. Whose life do you envy and why?
6. What would you do differently with your education if
you got a chance to start over?
7. If you had 5 minutes and the whole world was forced
to listen, what would you say?
8. What would you do with your life if there was no
fear of judgement?
9. What would you do with your life if you were
guaranteed to succeed?
10. What would you do with your life if money wasn't a

"Someday we will find what we are looking for.

Or maybe not.

Maybe we'll find something much greater than that."

Spiritual Goals

The challenges you will face in your inner reality / self that you are
meant to overcome & achieve.

convertible letter
The number of creativity from the soul level.
Holds the ability to create "something out of

Related to manifesting reality from a simple idea.

Strongest quality: the power of thought.

Don't forget: all of creation started with a



| To master focused creativity

Before or as you are working through your karmic patterns, you will likely
experience a block in your creativity, a lack of focus, rigidity, and/or anger -
these are happening for the sole purpose of pushing you to find ways to overcome
them. The ways that you discover work best for you to overcome the blocks will
become your go to actions every time you do creative work thereafter. You will
find that not only do they help you overcome your blocks, they bring an amplified
creative energy in which you can access flow-state almost immediately.

| To hold the power of the Eye

The 6 holds the power of the Eye: all that relates to light & spirituality. The
6's energy starts with a small spark and moves out into the Universe in every
direction - illuminating, energizing, and expanding everything it comes into
contact with. You are powerful and catalytic - you will come into the ability of
instant manifestation when you align with your goal energies.



Extremely creative
thinking loyal
great love life


| To achieve your full powers of creativity

You will align with your soul-self through your creativity - you must allow this
alignment to happen. It may even feel a bit strange or uncomfortable at first,
because you will essentially be releasing your free-will and expression. You will
be surrendering to the flow of Spirit and your creative talents will flow through
you like a channel. You have an added push to help achieve anything you set out
to do in life from the soul level.

| To learn how to use creative frustration to your advantage

One struggle that comes with the 6-6 goal is dealing with a lack of focus/ADHD.
Being the most creative number pair of the system, this can be EXTREMELY
frustrating for you and even cause you to become stagnant for periods of time.
What you may not realize is that this frustration is like fuel to the fire. You
are naturally creative and that is something that you don't have to put much
effort into in order to spawn greatness. However, chasing your inspirations on a
whim isn't quite enough to achieve your goals. When you become frustrated, it's
time to tune your right-brain down and start analyzing your ventures: review &
prioritize your goals, outline manageable steps to take, put all of your focus
into your actions and self-discipline. As you develop this habit, you'll find
that you become a creative machine. The possibilities are endless.

| Try setting daily goals for yourself to sit alone in a dark room with nothing around you.
No music, no guided meditations. Just sit and breath. Notice your thoughts and watch them
– know that your thoughts are not YOU. Feel every emotion that arises, allow your mind to
wander off and then re-center yourself. Start with a simple 3-5 minutes and increase in
small increments each day.

| You need to heal any blocked anger and power you've kept within.
Here are some processes to release blocked anger (click the suggestion to follow the
Cathartic release
Osho Dynamic Meditation
Pillow beating

| Put effort into healing any addictive patterns you hold

Kidney cleanses are great for this

| Focus on what is really important for you

Not just what is important for everyone else

| Writing down all your ideas and plans will be helpful to get you moving forward
Reflect on these, prioritize all of them, choose only a few from the top of the list
and save the rest for later.
Then you will need to break down the chosen projects into manageable steps which are
easy to achieve. A ‘to-do’ list will be helpful for this.
As you complete each subtask, cross it off of the to-do list. This will give you a
sense of success and an incentive to undertake the next step.
It’s important to review progress on each of the projects on the list in order to help
you stay focused – this is especially important near the end as you will be tempted by
other distractions to not complete it

| Engaging in creative activities will help to unblock the energies of the 6.

Writing, drawing/painting, singing, etc.
Because you have the potential to feel extremely blocked in your soul expression,
keeping a journal would be helpful as a start to expressing your soul’s desires.


1. Commit to habits, practices, routines, and rituals that

are good for your well-being. Even when you don't want to.
2. Allow yourself to feel a multitude of feelings without
labeling them as "wrong", "bad", or "negative".
3. Practice listening to your own needs and discovering
different ways to meet those needs.
4. Practice self-forgiveness: for not being perfect, for
forgetting, for your past, for what you don't know, and
for getting "off-track" sometimes.
5. Let yourself start again - over and over - as often as
6. Take care of your basic needs: stay hydrated, get enough
sleep, move your body, eat plentifully.
7. Give yourself permission to rest, to take breaks, and to
have down time. Don't over-exert yourself for the sake of
8. Spend quality time with yourself: reading, creating,
exploring, and getting to know who you are underneath who
you think you should be.
9. Use a lens of curiosity and compassion with yourself and
the world around you as often as possible.
10. Remind yourself that you are worthy of being shown up for
just as much as anyone else in this life. Make yourself a
priority in your own life.

"What we believe is what we will experience --

If we believe there is no magic in life, we will never see it. If we

believe the miraculous is not real, then we will never experience
it. If we believe that we're limited in what we can do, accomplish,
and become, then we'll always live within the confines of our
own prison.

however, the opposite is also true.

if we believe in magic, we'll see it around every corner. if we

believe in the miraculous, we'll recognize how miracles unfold in
our lives each day. if we believe we are limitless, the
possibilities are ours to experience.

the beliefs that we hold onto influence our lives significantly --

our beliefs determine how our story unfolds."


"you are free to be who you were created to be.

while the world will do its best to define you -

telling you who to be, how to act, what to think & do -
every fiber of your being was designed with purpose.

the way you think, communicate, and express yourself is a unique

and electric combination that no one else has.

too often, we misconstrue the evolution of life.

we buy into the idea that we must "become" someone great.
but greatness is already within us.
it's at the core of who we are.

the challenge is to not strive to become something else.

but to instead uncover the greatness we hold within by stripping
off the labels and removing the pressure to blend in.

So that we may then show up in the world as the purest version

of ourselves -
completely untainted."
soul destiny

The reason you incarnated onto Earth.

Your deepest calling.

What you are destined to do & become.



below are the symbols that are associated with your soul destiny. these were
channeled and carry the specific energy that your soul destiny numbers hold. if you
are familiar with the practice of reiki - in which symbols are used to draw down
universal energies so energy work can be done without depleting the practitioners own
life-force energy, these work similarly.

each of the symbols holds an energetic vibration that matches the frequency of your
deepest, truest calling. working with these symbols will assist you in shifting your
subtle (subconscious) energy to align with your true purpose and put you on your
highest timeline.

use these symbols by meditating with them, studying their features, drawing them,
putting them where you can see them (i even tattooed my own symbols on my wrists) as
much and as often as you choose to. when connecting with them, you may feel multiple
sensations: peace, passion, excitement, comfort/at home, understanding, acceptance,
love. if you don't feel anything the first time you try to connect with them, you may
just have some programming blocking the connection, as you work through your karmic
patterns you will open yourself more to experiencing their energies.


Your deepest purpose:

You are meant to move through life with a force that you dare for people to reckon with.
Holding the 9-9 in your destiny gives you an added push of power in all of the other
aspects of your chart, as well. You have an insane amount of spiritual energy within you -
move with confidence and know that you have the power of the Universe on your side. You are
also a channel, though it isn't necessarily required that you even recognize this. You
bring through higher levels of truth to the physical world without effort. Any time you
chase or speak on things that ignite your fire within, you are pulling through true,
powerful, intentional energy from the higher dimensions. Put your focus on staying
grounded, being true to your higher Self, and chasing whatever the hell you want to chase.

Your Lightwork role:

A Way Shower leads by example. The walk the talk by living their life in the most authentic
way they can and hold the frequency of love & light with confidence. Other people will
learn from the Way Shower simply by seeing how they conduct their life - no interaction or
intentional direction is even necessary. The authenticity, empathy, and commitment to live
their lives the best way they see fit inspires others to strive to reach their highest
potential and follow suit. Way Showers chase ecstasy and freedom - their aura is always
bright. They live in resonance with their truth and the teachings they choose to live by.
Most of the time, Way Showers don't even realize how much of an impact they have on other
people, but they are often a true inspiration for many. Just keep being you. <3


Psychic ability
spiritual connection



lower back pain

pleasing depression

dependent on others

| Recognize & heal from any feelings of unworthiness you hold

| Trust what feels right inside

Act on whatever you feel is the next right step. Don't dwell on you past-
decisions. The only moment we can act from is Now. Trust will build as you let go
of resistance to the flow energy.

| Forgive yourself

| Finish your projects & make the hard decisions

Even when you don't want to

| Kidney cleanses will be beneficial for you

| Make small steps to gradually take back your power in everyday situations
The things that you would normally just brush off your should and let go of.

| Grounding exercises will help you feel your emotions

Yoga, spending time in nature, gardening, cooking, exercise, Qi Gong, and even
just cleaning the house are all great ways to ground.

| Anger release processes will help to get your energy moving

As silly as it sounds, beating your pillow and yelling "No!" will make you feel
so good. Here is a good resource:
This will help you with building boundaries as well.

| Practice taking notice of your body's reactions in different situations

How it feels when you are asserting your power and how it feels when you are
suppressing your power. Recognizing these cues will help you in decision-making.

| Any form of meditation will allow you to surrender to energy flow


"the day you take back control of your frequency -

the day that you realize that you,

as an energy being,

do not need anything because you are self-sufficient,

is the day you will realize that you are whole & complete.

that will be the day that you will no longer have the experience

of being subjected to the push & pull of any external force.

that will be the day you take back control of your frequency,

the frequency of your true Self.

that will be the day you claim back your mastery."

Richard Phahlawi

Now that we have completely decoded your

contract, it is time to put it into conscious
action on a daily basis. Your recommendations
are in place to help you start creating the
fulfilling life you truly desire and are
destined to have. The more aligned you become
to the essence of your soul through the
energies outlined in your Soul Contract, the
easier your life will just..
flow. YOU can create Heaven on Earth.

So how do you go about doing this? It may

certainly seem like a lot at first – just begin
from exactly where you are right now, in
whatever situation you have created that got
you to this point in your life. Know that you
are exactly where you are meant to be. This is
the exact time you were destined to read your
own blueprint. Take your contract
interpretations and be as emotionally present
as possible with the aspect of your chart that
is running for you at this moment in time.

The KEY is to simply bring consciousness to

each of your programs – that is all. Your ego
will expend enormous amounts of your precious
life force energy (through distractions,
addictions, and numbing your emotions).
Do not focus on breaking your patterns - simply
recognize them, accept them, and understand surrender to your patterns &
they are meant to test you. When they can no
embrace your life exactly as it is -
longer cause you pain and frustration, they
lose their power and retreat. For when you can this is the path of transformation.
bring consciousness to 100% of a program, it
has served its negative contextual purpose. You
have then transmuted it to Light and have moved
one step closer to alignment and purpose.

Final mention: all of this is not going to

happen overnight. It is going to take a lot of
time, courage, energy, and perseverance to
recognize and work through all of the aspects
in your Soul Contract. But it is better to be
underway than to remain at the mercy of your
karmic programming.
love & light

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