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Date: 22/01/2022
Duration: 120 minutes
Student ID: BABAWE19282 Name: Trinh Ngoc Nhan


Approved by: Lecturer:

Phung Phuong Linh

Pham Thanh Huyen
Nguyen Tran Phi Yen

Dr. Trinh Viet Dung

1. This is opened book examination.
2. Please do your exam by using Word/PDF
3. Subject and saving file as follow: STUDENT NAME – ID
There are two (02) sections in the exam. Carefully read and follow the instructions provided in each section. Type your answers under each section.
To avoid plagiarism issues, please DELETE THE EXAM QUESTIONS IN YOUR SUBMISSION FILE. Only include this instruction page and your
answers in your submission file. Your answers must be typed; handwritten notes and/or pictures is not accepted.
6. Copy from any sources is strictly prohibited.


Virtual communication is a type of communication that is computer is considered as the intermediary and implemented by telecommunication systems. For instance, it
will include social networks (Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, etc.), messenger platforms (Messenger, Lite, Zalo, etc.)
Firstly, it will provide a transparent, flexible and adaptable channel for every conditions. The fact is virtual communication has contributed to the decrease of
“physical” barriers between the employees and employers, customers/ stakeholders and the staff, etc, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. In the long- term, these
channels will be the potential methods for enterprise to expand their business as well as easily approach to their customers. For example, during the lockdowns,
Thegioididong has increased the telecommunication of customers service to deal with their customers’ problems. This department includes more than 200 employees
serving an averagely of more than 10,000 calls/day from customers about the warranty policies, consultation of new products, furniture problems, etc.
Secondly, virtual communication can enrich and support remote work experiences as well as objectively support a digitalized future. Study research from FPT has
shown that the virtual communication can positively support this situation. For instance, through the VC, introvert people will have chance to initiatives focused on
productivity, and enhancing the work’s effectiveness. Moreover, as the virtual communication will have the tracking system to measure the staff’s productivity,
employees can practice in time management skills, discipline, etc. For example, during the pandemic, International University need to change the traditional learning
method to the online method. Through the virtual communication, students can actively receive the newest information from the lecturer and flexibly prepared for
assignment, quizzes, etc. The educational quality has enhanced, which lead to some benefits, such as the decrease in the unethical plagiarism ratio, decrease in the
failure rate, increase in the numbers of entrance students, etc.
You are required to answer ONE question from a choice of two. 
Subject: [Renewal delivery fee policy]

Dear Mr. Tri,
My name is Trinh Ngoc Nhan, the owner of BC Bakery. On the behalf of the company, firstly, I would like to send my warmest gratefulness to you for your trust on
our bakery. Our company always strive to provide the best products to our guests and will try to exceed the customer’s satisfaction.
Although the price of raw materials and production costs are increasing due to the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic, we have done our best to support and avoid
the price, including the exclusion of charging the delivery fees. However, it is no longer possible to deny the fact- our profitability directly depends on a pricing policy
that better reflects the new realities.
Therefore, we wanted to share some important information about the renewal price.

Distance Price

< 2 km 1% of the total bill

2- 5 km 2% of the total bill

5- 10 km 5% of the total bill

> 10km 8% of the total bill

This price policies of inclusion of delivery fees will be implemented from February 21 , 2022]
With the inclusion of the fees, we still commit the constant and competitive price for our products with high-quality ingredients straight from France, various of choice
such as cakes, cupcakes, cookies, and breads, etc and beautiful decoration.
We realize that you are one of our potential customers in long-term, and hence, we would like to offer you with additional promotion:
- Constant delivery fee policies until 21 February, 2022.
- The top- priority in the potential customers lists for collaborating in the future project as well as the consulting for the newest products.
- Additional promotion in the future, based on your business purpose.
We wish to thank you for your business and hope that you will understand the necessities for this price inclusion. Please carefully consider with some of my suggestion
and let me know as soon as possible to assist you. I look forward in hearing from you and always welcome to serve you with our service in future.
Have a nice day,
Yours sincerely,
Trinh Ngoc Nhan.

------- GOOD LUCK! -------

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