From My Perspective, I Completely Agree/ Disagree With This Opinion + Lí Do

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Dẫn nhập It is a common belief that + quan điểm đề tài

However, I firmly believe that + quan điểm rõ ràng của bản thân + lý do 1, 2 liên quan
Ý kiến cá nhân
From my perspective, I completely agree/ disagree with this opinion + lí do

OUTLINER And this essay will address the reasons for my views (as follow).

To begin with,

A clear illustration for this can be depicted through the fact that…
As a TED speaker said, our “home” is not only the place where we are born and raised but
also the place where we are true to ourselves. Personally, I support the view that "home"
means so much more than just a house.
To begin with, our homes are more than financial assets. For anyone who are fortunate
enough to grow up in houses owned by their parents, they were the backdrop for their
childhood memories — the places they played, argued and hung their pictures or marked the
door jamb with pencil lines where they grew taller. For the majority of people, home is the
center of the world that contrasts with the chaos elsewhere.
On top of that, it is no secret that individuals develop very strong emotional attachments to
the places that they live. Home is a house where we spend an unprecedented amount of time
living and growing. Therefore, when staying at home, we always feel safe, secure, loved and
accepted. Home is a place that we can truly become ourselves instead of trying to define our
strengths or explain our responses.
In conclusion, home can be where we grew up, but it can just as easily be where we feel
settled and begin a new life full of possibilities.

 booming/strong/robust economy (n): nền kinh tế vững mạnh, phát triển

 fragile/stagnant/weak economy (n): nền kinh tế yếu, trì trệ
 recession (n): suy thoái
 inflation (n): lạm phát
 economic growth (n): tăng trưởng kinh tế
 public spending (n): chi tiêu công
 allocate budget to sth (v): chi tiêu tiền vào cái gì
 taxpayer (n): người đóng thuế
 rising unemployment (n): thất nghiệp tăng cao
 cash flow (n): dòng tiền lưu thông
 recovery (n): sự hồi phục
 supply and demand (n): cung và cầu
 make a profit (v): tạo lợi nhuận
 boost productivity (v): tăng năng suất
Due to the booming economy, underprivileged nations that formerly had limited
access to clean water, appropriate food supplies, and the most basic healthcare
services now provide all of these necessities for their population, as well as
improved housing, education, and even recreation options. By contrast,
individuals in prosperous nations are not enjoying an increase in happiness
because they are chasing further financial prosperity at the risk of their health.
To be more specific, excessive labor, poor diet, and unhealthy lifestyles have
negated and even reversed some of the benefits of economic growth on their
Firstly, financial stability does undoubtedly play a critical role in establishing a
baseline of wellbeing, particularly for residents of developing economies. This
is because individuals who lack money are forced to work excessively to
maintain themselves and hence could not live as happily as others who are
financially secure. The second lesson, and arguably the most important, is that
economic progress and sustainability should go together to meet the most basic
demands. In other words, the overall picture of happiness could be achieved
only when work-life balance, environmentally sustainable industries, and
financial equality get the recognition they deserve.

(Vocabulary highlight)
 ponder upon: suy ngẫm
 sizable: lớn
 leap: nhảy vọt, phát triển mạnh
 discrepancy: khác biệt
 poles apart: hoàn toàn trái ngược
 impoverished: nghèo
 affluent: giàu
 prosperity: thịnh vượng
 at the expense of: đánh đổi
 go in tandem with: đi đôi với


It is said that technology could help improve transportation.

Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Write an essay of at least 250 words, give reasons for your view.

Many people hold the view that transportation could be improved thanks to the proliferation
of technology. From my perspective, I completely agree that advances in transportation
technology play an important role in human life and lead to many better passenger

To begin with, technology has changed life and society as we know and it naturally includes
travel and transportation. The need and desire to travel has been greater and people have
looked to technology to improve the quality and efficiency of transportation in every form.
Transportation systems around the world are on the verge of a significant transformation
which makes driving and traffic management better and safer for everyone. For example,
Japan’s Shinkansen network, often known as bullet trains - the most obvious developments
with rail transport in recent years has become an innovative model that brings many benefits
to passengers. Another advancement that is still maturing is the idea of driverless or self-
driving cars. These vehicles use a range of technological information inputs to navigate both
road networks and traffic to bring a passenger to their destination. When properly
implemented, it is seen to have a multitude of benefits, from reducing the frequency of
accidents to improve traffic flow. There’s no question that modern advancements in
technology have profound impacts on all forms of transportation, be it airline, car, train or
personal vehicles. These advancements have affected many aspects of travel, from planning
and booking, to the security of transportation, as well as the overall comfort and enjoyment of
modern travel.
In conclusion, it can not be denied that transportation technology is in the midst of a
revolution where new technologies are improving the efficiency of existing transportation
methods, while new inventions are poised to entirely reshape the way we move.

Traffic jams are one of the major issues that affect the standard of living in urban areas. This
essay will identify the causes of this problem and suggest practical solutions accordingly.

Traffic jams can be attributed to two main issues: large volume of vehicles and poor quality
of infrastructure. First, the population is generally very dense in metropolitan areas, which
means the number of traffic participants is also very high, leading to traffic
congestion during rush hours. This is especially true in developing countries where the public
transport system is underdeveloped and the majority of dwellers use private vehicles like
cars, motorbikes… The second cause of traffic jams may lie in the quality of infrastructure.
In some countries, roads are degraded with a lot of potholes due to the lack of maintenance .
This, combined with the lack of traffic facilities such as traffic signals, road markings,
warning signs… will result in traffic accidents and consequently traffic jams. 

To solve these problems, the government can issue a number of policies to reduce the volume
of vehicles and improve the quality of infrastructure. Counter-urbanization
policies encouraging people to resettle in rural areas will help reduce the number of traffic
participants and thus the likelihood of traffic jams. In addition, the government should
encourage the use of public transport such as metro, bus, tram. This could be achieved by
introducing concession fares for public transport and car tax. In addition, the government
should continuously improve the quality of infrastructure by conducting regular road
maintenance and build modern facilities such as highways, overpasses, underpasses to ease
the pressure on the roads.

In conclusion, traffic congestion is an urban issue that largely stems from the high volume of
vehicles on the road and the low quality of infrastructure. To address these issues, there are a
number of measures that the government can take, such as counter-urbanizing, promoting the
use of public transport, maintaining roads regularly and upgrading transport facilities.
Từ vựng IELTS Writing Task 2 – Topic Transportation cần ghi nhớ:

Volume of vehicles: lưu lượng xe cộ

 volume of vehicles: lưu lượng xe cộ

 quality of infrastructure: chất lượng cơ sở hạ tầng
 traffic participants: người tham gia giao thông
 traffic congestion: tắc đường
 rush hours: giờ cao điểm
 public transport system: hệ thống giao thông công cộng
 private vehicles: phương tiện cá nhân
 degraded: xuống cấp
 potholes: ổ gà
 lack of maintenance: thiếu bảo trì
 counter-urbanization policies: chính sách phản đô thị hóa
 concession fares: giảm giá vé
 car tax: thuế ô tô con
 build modern facilities: xây dựng cơ sở vật chất hiện đại
 ease the pressure on the roads: giảm áp lực lên đường (bộ)

Các ý tưởng có thể triển khai cho chủ đề Transport

Traffic Problems

 Traffic congestion is caused by commuters travelling to work;

 Most people live in the suburbs outside city center;
 Commuters tend to travel at the same time of day;
 They tend to travel alone;
 Cars and road space are not used efficiently;
 This causes traffic jams during the rush hour.
Traffic Solutions 

 In order to reduce traffic we should change our working habits;

 The internet can now be used to connect people;
 More people could work from home;
 Meetings can be held as video conferences;
 Workers could be given flexible timetables;
 Another solution would be to tax drivers;
 Workers should share their cars and travel together;
 More people use public transport to the city center
 In London, for example, there is a congestion charge;
 This helps to raise money for better public transport;
 Public transport needs to be reliable and efficient.
Positives of Public Transport

 We need to reduce our dependence on cars;

 Parking a car can be extremely difficult in big cities;
 Well-designed transport systems are comfortable and convenient;
 Modern public transport can be fast and cheap;
 Public transport can help to reduce pollution in cities;
 Investment in buses and trains will ease traffic congestion;
 Buses can be given special lanes to avoid traffic.
Negatives of Public Transport

 Public transport if often slow and unreliable;

 Metro systems and trains are often dirty and crowded;
 People feel like sardines in a can;
 Cars are much more comfortable.
Road Safety

 Driving while tired or drunk is extremely dangerous;

 Mobile phones can be a dangerous distraction for drivers;
 They draw the driver’s attention away from the road;
 The use of phones while driving has been banned in many countries;
 Punishments are becoming stricter;
 Television campaigns are used to remind people to drive safely;
 Speed cameras have become more common;
 Speed bumps are another form of traffic calming;
 Many streets are designed with the aim of slowing traffic down.

C. Từ vựng cho chủ đề Transport

 Pedestrian (n): người đi bộ;
 Dangerous drivers: những người lái xe nguy hiểm;
 Raise people’s awareness: nâng cao ý thức con người;
 Pose a serious threat to…: gây ra sự đe dọa nghiêm trọng cho…;
 Congestion pricing = congestion charges: việc thu phí ùn tắc giao thông;
 Licence suspension: việc tịch thu bằng lái;
 Reduce traffic accidents: giảm thiểu tai nạn giao thông;
 Cycle lanes = bike lanes: những tuyến đường dành cho người đi xe đạp;
 Pedestrian (n): người đi bộ;
 Run a red light: vượt đèn đỏ;
 Commute/travel long distances to…: đi quãng đường dài tới… .
 Congestion = traffict jams: ùn tắc giao thông/kẹt xe

D. Một số đề và bài mẫu cho chủ đề Transport

Sample 1:

“Traffic and housing problems in major cities could be solved by moving large
companies and factories and their employees to the countryside. To what extent do you
agree or disagree with this opinion?”

These days with increasing urban populations, there are major problems with
congestion and not only the price, but also availability of accommodation in large
cities of the world. So what is the best way for the government to solve the problem of
traffic congestion? It seems that one possible solution could be to relocate large
companies and factories as well as their respective employees out of these urban areas
and into more rural ones. In my opinion, I strongly agree that this would have a desired
effect in making cities more livable.

To begin with, the traffic problem in cities doesn’t only exist from commuting
employees, but also the general public travelling around the city. While this may be a
fact, if the number of worker‟s vehicles is reduced on city streets, a large percentage of
traffic will obviously decline in rush hours. For example, peak hour traffic is
undoubtedly made up largely of staff from companies going to and from home.
Secondly, in regards to housing problems, populations will always continue to grow in
cities and therefore inadvertently decrease the number of cheap and available
apartments. This is certainly obvious, however, a large proportion of these apartments
are occupied by employees from large firms and their families. If this workforce is
relocated to housing estates in the country, city apartment blocks will fall in price and
certainly increase in availability.

In conclusion, by relocating workers to rural areas to work and reside, heavy traffic
conditions and lack of adequate accommodation in city centres will obviously change
for the better. As far as I’m concerned, I agree that the government should enforce such
a law in order to increase our standard of living in our hectic city life.

Sample 2:

“Every day traffic seems to get worse on our roads. How can we reduce the number of
cars on our roads today? What alternatives can we offer car drivers?”

The more people that there are in the world, the more cars there are on the road. People
are richer too and often families have more than one car. It has been proved that
building more roads does not work; it just encourages more traffic.

So, what can we do? People like their cars and the freedom and independence that cars
give them. One possibility would be to raise car taxes and fuel taxes so that people do
not want to spend the extra money. Taxes on new car sales as well could be increased
in order to discourage people from buying. Perhaps a used car sales tax could be
introduced too. In the same way motorways could have tolls charged for using them
although this may just increase congestion on smaller roads as people try and avoid the
motorways. The government that introduces such ideas will not be popular though and
would probably lose power. Governments would therefore be unlikely to set up such
new measures.

I think it would be better to try and change people’s attitudes and offer them
alternatives. Educate them more about the pollution and waste that they are causing.
Persuade them to car share, use public transport or even cycle if the distances are not
too long. Countries such as Holland and Denmark are well known for how their
citizens are passionate about green issues and how they use bicycles when they can.

Reducing traffic is a difficult task. I don’t think it is possible realistically to reduce car
numbers but I do think that we can change people’s attitudes and get them to use
different ways of travelling.

Sample 3:

“In order to solve traffic problems, governments should tax private car owners heavily
and use the money to improve public transportation. What are the advantages and
disadvantages of such a solution?”

Traffic congestion in many cities around the world is severe. One possible solution to
this problem is to impose heavy taxes on car drivers and use this money to make public
transport better. This essay will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of such a measure.
One of the first benefits of such a measure is that the heavy taxes would discourage car
owners from using their cars because it would become very expensive to drive. This
would mean that they would begin to make use of public transport instead, thus
reducing traffic problems and pollution as well. Another benefit would be that much
more use would be made of public transport if it was improved. It is often the case that
public transport in cities is very poor. For example, we often see old buses and trains
that people would rather not use. High taxes would generate enough money to make the
necessary changes.

Nevertheless, there are drawbacks to such a solution. First and foremost, this would be
a heavy burden on the car drivers. At present, taxes are already high for a lot of people,
and so further taxes would only mean less money at the end of the month for most
people who may have no choice but to drive every day. In addition, this type of tax
would likely be set at a fixed amount. This would mean that it would hit those with less
money harder, whilst the rich could likely afford it. It is therefore not a fair tax.

To conclude, this solution is worth considering to improve the current situation, but
there are advantages and disadvantages of introducing such a policy


It is necessary that humans learn how to switch between formal and informal forms of
language depending on the situation.

Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Write an essay of at least 250 words, give reasons for your view.

Many people believe that it is necessary that humans learn how to switch between formal and
informal forms of language depending on the situation. Personally, I am in agreement with
this idea.

We use formal language in situations that are serious or that involve people we don’t know
well. The same is true when communicating with authority figures or other officials. Informal
language is more commonly used in situations that are more relaxed and involve people we
are closed to. Formal and informal language serve different purposes. The tone, the choice of
words and the way the words are put together vary between the two styles. Formal language
is less personal than informal language. It is used when writing for professional or academic
purposes like university assignments. Formal language does not use colloquialisms,
contractions or first person pronouns. Informal language is more casual and spontaneous. It is
used when communicating with friends or family either in writing or in conversation. It is
used when writing personal emails, text messages and in some business correspondence. The
tone of informal language is more personal than formal language. Due to the differences, it is
essential to tactfully switch between two kind of language. If you’re unsure whether you
should be using formal or informal language in a conversation, especially when you’re
talking to someone older than you, or in a work situation, pay attention to how they speak to
you and try to do the same. If you’re emailing or writing to someone and you’re not sure, it’s
a good idea to use formal language. This makes sure that you always sound polite and

In conclusion, I believe that working out when to use formal language and when to be
informal is a big part of mastering a language.

A few languages are increasingly spoken in different countries, while the use of others is
rapidly declining. It is a positive or negative development?

The 21st century has witnessed an unprecedented dominance of some languages, which is in

stark contrast to the deterioration of some others. My firm conviction is that this trend has
both positive and negative consequences in equal measure.

The emergence of universal languages, on the one hand, facilitates communication. English,

for example, is spoken by hundreds of millions of speakers all over the world in recent years,
and it is safe to say that with that enormous number of speakers, language barriers are
basically no longer a big hindrance. With language-related problems becoming
technically non-existent, tourists can acquire a sense of security when they travel to many
different places around the world, knowing that there would be someone who speaks English
or Chinese. On an economic level, having lingua francas greatly boosts transnational
commerce, with a great number of nations benefiting from selling more products and
receiving investments.
On the other hand, such a trend greatly undermines cultures. Since languages are
inextricably bound up to cultural identity, the prevalence of one or two languages may bring
in its wake the loss of cultural activities, rituals and core values. In Vietnam, for instance,
Tết holiday has been gradually less significant every year, with more foreign festivals such as
Halloween or Thanksgiving Day gaining in increasing popularity, and many people doubt
that this phenomenon may take its roots from excessive exposure to the English language on
the social media. Moreover, speakers of less dominant languages may feel inferior to native
speakers of more popular ones and vice versa. Conflicts between people of different races
and ethnicities may arise as a result.

In conclusion, my firm conviction is that the dominance of some languages over others can
bring both merits and defects. Wise users of languages, therefore, should decide on a
compromise between taking advantage of international languages and preserving less popular

Từ vựng
1. unprecedented: chưa từng thấy

2. in equal measure: ở mức độ ngang nhau

3. facilitate: đơn giản hóa

4. language barriers: rào cản ngôn ngữ

5. hindrance: một chướng ngại

6. non-existent: không tồn tại

7. lingua franca: ngôn ngữ chung, được nhiều người trong cộng đồng sử dụng

8. prevalence: sự áp đảo

9. bring in its wake: mang theo nó

10. core values: giá trị cốt lõi

11. ethnicity: chủng tộc

Các ý tưởng có thể triển khai cho chủ đề International

English as an International Language (English is an international language)

 English is widely used around the world;

 It is becoming a global second language;
 It is the dominant language of technology, science, and international business;
 International business meetings are regularly held in English;
 The most important textbooks and journals are published in English;
 English is a very useful language;
 The ability to speak English is a necessary skill in the modern world;
 Therefore, some people learn a second language which is English;
Negative of English as an International Language

 If one language is dominant, other languages may disappear;

 The dominant language brings its own culture;
 American culture has become popular around the world;
 Other cultures may be damaged;
 As an alternative to English, a new global language could be invented;
 It would have no nationality or culture attached to it;
 This could help to promote international peace and understanding;
 Esperanto is an example of a language that was invented with this aim

Many people hold the view that the English language is being degraded by excessive exposure to the
Internet. From my perspective of view, I agree that the Internet brings in its wake the transformation
of English, however, I believe that language change is something we should accept, and this essay
will address the reasons for my opinion.

To begin with, it is safe to say the 21 century has witnessed an unprecedented dominance of the

Internet, with billions of users all over the world. From a linguistic point of view, something really
interesting is happening to the language on the Internet: new grammatical structures and phrases
appear in it, which express what ordinary language simply can no longer express. Although the
linguistic study of the Internet is a very young discipline, the term “Internet linguistics” does exist. 

However, many individuals doubt that the Internet is blamed for making children illiterate and dulling
once-intelligent adults. But these conclusions are not entirely true – it turns out that those who use
technology on a daily basis, on average, read more, faster, and better than users who are not so
advanced in the novelties of the 21st century. Moreover, a significant number of people simply use
technology to communicate faster without changing language rules and norms. The Internet does not
destroy the language but helps it live a normal language life, which consists in adapting to new
conditions. Internet language requires participation and imagination, it requires that you be able to
convey your excitement, frustration, sarcasm, and any other emotion using only short words and
symbols. And it seems to be very cool.


 “Some people believe that developments in the field of artificial intelligence will have
a positive impact on our lives in the near future. Others, by contrast, are worried that
we are not prepared for a world in which computers are more intelligent than humans.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.”

Lợi ích của trí tuệ nhân tạo

Nâng cao mức độ tự động hoá – Enhancing the level of automation
Những hứa hẹn về việc kết hợp trí tuệ nhân tạo và tự động hóa vào cuộc sống của con người
là vô hạn. Nhờ vào việc tận dụng sự phát triển vượt bậc về khả năng điện toán và dữ liệu có
sẵn, các thuật toán máy học đã trở nên tinh vi hơn. Việc tự động hóa các nhiệm vụ đòi hỏi
nhân công giờ đây đã có thể được thực hiện. Ví dụ, các ứng dụng trí tuệ nhân tạo đã được sử
dụng trong quản trị nhân sự để tổ chức hợp lý hoá các khía cạnh nhất định của quy trình
tuyển dụng. Trong lĩnh vực giáo dục, quy trình chấm điểm và đánh giá năng lực học tập của
học sinh có thể được thực hiện thông qua những hệ thống tự động. Hầu hết mọi người ngày
nay đều có trợ lý ảo như Siri của Apple hoặc trợ lý Google của Google để thay mặt họ sắp
xếp lịch trình, gửi email hoặc ghi chú. Những chuyển đổi này có thể mở ra những cơ hội mới
cho xã hội và giúp các cá nhân quản lý cuộc sống của mình tốt hơn.

Thanks to the massive growth in computing power and available data, machine-
learning algorithms have become more sophisticated. The automation of tasks that previously
required human labour would now be possible. For example, most people nowadays
have virtual assistants such as Siri from Apple or Google assistant from Google to arrange
schedules, send emails or take notes on their behalf. These transformations can open up new
opportunities for society and help individuals better manage their lives. 

Từ vựng:

 incorporate (v): kết hợp

 algorithm (n): thuật toán
 sophisticated (adj): tinh vi, phức tạp
 human labor: nhân công
 streamline (v): tổ chức hợp lý hoá
 be carried out: được thực hiện 
 virtual (adj): ảo (được tạo thành từ công nghệ máy tính)

Giảm thiểu sai sót từ con người - Reduction in human errors 

Besides, since computers do not require breaks or specialized mental care, errors often caused
when people are careless or in a state of fatigue can be eliminated. This helps to improve the
overall labor efficiency in the working process.

Từ vựng:

 accumulate (v): tích trữ

 acclimatize (v): thích nghi
 transaction (n): giao dịch
 fraud (n): gian lận
 fatigue (n): sự mệt mỏi
 eliminate (v): loại bỏ

Giảm thiểu rủi ro về an toàn trong quá trình thám hiểm - Mitigating safety
risks during exploration
Giảm thiểu rủi ro về an toàn là một trong những lợi ích lớn nhất của trí tuệ nhân tạo. Các
nhà khoa học lập trình robot thám hiểm để chúng có thể nhận thức được môi trường xung
quanh và chuyển những nhận thức đó trở lại bộ điều khiển. Mục tiêu của robot thám hiểm là
đi đến những nơi con người không có khả năng khám phá hoặc sợ hãi đặt chân đến. Ví dụ,
robot thám hiểm có thể được sử dụng để lập bản đồ dưới đáy biển nơi chúng có thể sống sót
dưới áp suất cực lớn từ rãnh đại dương sâu nhất, hoặc chúng có thể là những công cụ đắc
lực trong việc nghiên cứu không gian, vì khác với con người, chúng không cần oxy để vận
hành. Nhờ đó, các nhà khoa học được tạo điều kiện an toàn hơn để nghiên cứu khoa học.

Reducing safety risks is one of the biggest benefits of artificial intelligence. Scientists
program explorer robots so that they can perceive their surroundings and translate those
perceptions back to their controllers. The goal of explorer robots is to go where humans
cannot physically go, or are afraid to set foot on. For instance, explorer robots can be used to
map the ocean floor where they can survive extreme pressures of the ocean's deepest trench,
or they can be powerful tools for studying outer space since unlike humans they do not need
oxygen to operate. As a result, scientists are provided with safer conditions for scientific

Từ vựng:

 perceive (v): nhận thức

 map (v): lập, vẽ bản đồ
 ocean floor (n): đáy đại dương
 outer space (n): không gian
 operate (v): vận hành

Bất lợi của trí tuệ nhân tạo

Nguy cơ thay thế lao động từ công nghệ - Technological displacement of
Mặt trái mà con người phải đối mặt khi chào đón những tiến bộ từ trí tuệ nhân tạo là sự dịch
chuyển lao động. Khi các công nghệ trí tuệ nhân tạo thâm nhập vào nơi làm việc, chúng
cung cấp các bộ kỹ năng cụ thể cần thiết cho một số loại quy trình công nghiệp và dịch vụ
nhất định. Ví dụ, những nhân viên có nhiệm vụ hằng ngày như sản xuất dây chuyền lắp ráp
hoặc công việc văn phòng truyền thống có nguy cơ cao phải đối mặt với rủi ro mất việc
không tự nguyện. Điều này là bởi vì tuy những công việc này sử dụng nhiều chất xám, chúng
chỉ cần được thực hiện theo những cách có thể được đoán trước và lặp đi lặp lại. Đây là loại
công việc mà máy tính có thể làm tốt hơn con người. Sau khi mất việc làm, những người lao
động bị thay thế có thể phải chấp nhận giảm lương nếu các nhà tuyển dụng tương lai không
coi trọng các kỹ năng và kinh nghiệm chuyên ngành mà họ có.

The flip side that humans must agree to face in welcoming the arrival of artificial intelligence
advances is labor displacement. As artificial intelligence technologies invade workplaces,
they provide particular skill sets needed for certain types of service and industrial processes.
For example, employees whose duties are routine tasks such as assembly-line manufacturing
or traditional office work have a high potential to experience involuntary job loss. This is
because although these jobs do use a lot of brainpower, they need to be performed in
a predictable and repetitive way. This is the kind of work that computers can do better than
humans. After job loss, displaced workers may have to accept wage reductions if prospective
employers do not value the industry-specific skills and experience they possess.

Từ vựng:
 labor displacement:  sự chuyển dịch lao động
 routine task: nhiệm vụ hằng ngày
 assembly-line: dây chuyền lắp ráp
 brainpower (n): chất xám, năng lực trí tuệ
 predictable (adj): có thể đoán trước
 repetitive (adj): lặp đi lặp lại

Sự vô cảm - Absence of emotions

Tuy đã có nhiều tiến bộ vượt bậc, công nghệ trí tuệ nhân tạo vẫn chưa thể sở hữu được một
thuật toán có khả năng tái tạo cảm xúc của con người. Điều gần nhất mà các thiết bị trí tuệ
nhân tạo có thể làm cho đến nay là bắt chước các biểu cảm cơ bản trên khuôn mặt và bày tỏ
sự lo lắng. Tuy nhiên, điều này không khác gì việc hiển thị một thông báo lỗi khi có sự cản
trở trong quy trình làm việc được lập trình trước của chúng. Theo nghiên cứu về hành vi xã
hội, cảm xúc đạo đức mà con người sở hữu bao gồm các biểu hiện cảm xúc phức tạp và tinh
tế như sự thấu hiểu, cảm thông và lòng trắc ẩn, tất cả đều chứa đựng nhiều ý nghĩa hơn bất
kỳ một loại ngôn ngữ lập trình máy tính nào. 

Despite many great advances, artificial intelligence technologies are still very far from
possessing an algorithm that is capable of replicating human emotions. The best artificial
intelligence devices can do so far is to mimic basic facial expressions and to voice their
concerns. However, this is no different from displaying an error message when there is
an obstruction in their pre-programmed workflow. According to research on social behaviors,
moral emotions that humans possess include subtle and complex emotional expressions such
as empathy, sympathy, and compassion, all of which contain more meanings than any other
type of computer programming language. 

Giá trị của việc thông minh về mặt cảm xúc nằm ở chỗ, khi trải qua những cảm xúc đạo đức
nói trên, con người có khả năng thực hiện các đánh giá liên quan đến xã hội và môi trường
xung quanh, đồng thời nhận biết những cử chỉ không lời, từ đó thể hiện sự hiểu biết đa ngữ
cảnh sâu sắc và thúc đẩy khả năng sáng tạo. Không thể cảm nhận được xúc cảm đồng nghĩa
với việc trí tuệ nhân tạo thiếu đi tất cả các khả năng kể trên. Do đó, khi tiếp xúc với một tình
huống chưa được lập trình, trí tuệ nhân tạo thường không thể cung cấp hiệu suất ngang
bằng với con người. Ví dụ, dạy học là một nghề cần sự kết nối và sáng tạo. Một giáo viên
robot hiếm khi có thể truyền cảm hứng và khuyến khích học sinh như một con người.

The value of being emotionally intelligent lies in the fact that, when experiencing an emotion,
humans have the ability to carry out social evaluations and pick up on unspoken gestures,
thereby showing a deep understanding of multiple context. Artificial intelligence's inability to
feel emotions means that it lacks all of these capabilities. Therefore, when exposed to a
scenario unfamiliar to their programming, artificial intelligence is often unable to provide a
performance equal to that of a human. For example, teaching is a job that needs connection
and creativity. It is unlikely that a robot teacher could have the ability to inspire and
encourage students like a human teacher can.

Từ vựng:

 replicate (v): sao chép, tái tạo

 obstruction (n): sự cản trở
 workflow (n): quy trình làm việc
 empathy (n): sự thấu hiểu
 sympathy (n):  sự cảm thông
 compassion (n):   lòng trắc ẩn
 evaluation (n): sự đánh giá

Những vấn đề về kiểm soát trí tuệ nhân tạo - AI control problems
'Sự bùng nổ trí thông minh' là một thuật ngữ được sử dụng khi con người chế tạo những cỗ
máy có trí thông minh vượt xa khả năng nhận thức của con người. Điều này tương tự như khi
máy tính đánh bại những kỳ thủ giỏi nhất trong các giải đấu cờ vua. Từ đó, những cỗ máy
này sẽ có thể tự mình trở nên thông minh hơn và giành lấy việc ra quyết định từ những con

‘Intelligence explosion’ is a term used when humans build machines whose intelligence far
exceeds the capabilities of human cognition. This is similar to when computers beat the best
human players in chess tournaments. The argument is that, from there, these machines would
be able to become smarter by themselves and take over decision-making from human

Từ vựng:

 human cognition: nhận thức của con người

 cede (v): nhường lại
 misaligned (adj): bị lệch
 goal-oriented (adj): chú trọng, định hướng vào mục tiêu
 tactic (n): chiến thuật
 criminal identification: sự nhận dạng tội phạm 
 indiscriminately (adv): không phân biệt, bừa bãi



According to a Ted speaker, succeeding in business means a lifetime of taking risks,

failing, and picking yourself up again.

Do you agree or disagree?

According to a Ted speaker, succeeding in business means a lifetime of taking risks, failing,
and picking yourself up again. Personally, I am in agreement with this point of view.

Human beings like stability and it has allowed us to blossom and thrive as a species. As a
species, we really hate losing – even more than we like winning – and this tendency towards
loss aversion makes the status quo seem like a reliable and safe option. The fear of failure can
be so potent that it overshadows the possibility of winning. It means that we put off things
that don’t directly contribute to our successes, even if they’re things that would allow us to
develop in the long-term. However, failure is not a step backward, it’s an excellent stepping
stone to success. We never learn to move out of our comfort zone if we don’t overcome our
fear of failure. The most progressive companies deliberately seek employees with track
records reflecting both failure and success. That’s because someone who survives failure has
gained irreplaceable knowledge and the unstoppable perseverance born from overcoming
hardship. Through identifying the things you would do even if you knew you would fail, you
suddenly have nothing to lose and everything to gain. This small but powerful shift in
mindset is a vital step that will help you achieve your goals. Taking risks allows us to expand
the parameters of our experiences. By widening the parameters and increasing the variables
within our lives, we effectively increase the number of random events that can arise – what
some might call luck. In conclusion, daring to fail is the key to success in life. Through
embracing the possibility of failure, and opening ourselves to a world of risk, we can redefine
what success means all together and put learning at the forefront of experience and personal

Question: Some people could be naturally good leaders. Others believe that people can learn
leadership skills. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
(IELTS Academic – 08/1/2022)

ANSWER (8.0+): 
A debate has been growing recently over whether leadership is an innate trait or a skill that
is acquired through learning. In my estimation, being a leader is a skill that can be learned
through extensive training.
Firstly, it is reasonable to assume that leadership is sometimes innate. Individuals can be born
with certain qualities that are predictive of a good leader such as bravery, strategic
intelligence and self-confidence. These traits can be passed down along a long lineage of
successful leaders from one generation to the next. This is evident in how Henry Ford
II presided over the Ford Motor Company after his father did. Like his father, he was
both tenacious and intelligent in guiding the company to long-term success by pursuing
aggressive and forward-thinking strategies in innovating Ford’s automotive technology.
Thus it is understandable why some would contend leadership can be acquired inherently.
However, a more persuasive case can be made for leadership as a learned quality. Individuals
can become leaders in a disciplined environment through the process of training, practice
and hands-on experience over time. For instance, numerous reputed educational institutions
throughout the world administer leadership programs for those wanting to gain the
required skill set to become effective leaders. Within those programs there are courses
intended to cover the necessary aspects of leadership such as management, problem solving,
implementation of strategy and decision making. In addition, some of these programs include
practical experience, where protégés can learn from current leaders about what it takes to take
To conclude, while it is fair to assume that some are born with the qualities of a good leader,
I would assert that leadership skills can be gained through education and experience in a
structured environment.
Word count: 288


Innate trait Phẩm chất bẩm sinh

Extensive training Rèn luyện chuyên sâu

Sth can come naturally to people Thứ gì đó mà một người có một cách tự nhiên

Strategic intelligence Tư duy chiến lược

Long lineage of successful leaders Dòng dõi lâu đời của các nhà lãnh đạo thành công

To preside over sth Nắm quyền

Tenacious Bền bỉ

Forward-thinking strategies Chiến lược tiến tới

A disciplined environment Một môi trường quy củ

Rise up the ranks Leo chức

Administer leadership programs Thực hiện chương trình đào tạo lãnh đạo

Proactive commanders Chỉ huy chủ động

Tactical acumen Nhạy bén chiến lược

To be naturally bestowed with sth Được trao tặng cái gì đó một cách tự nhiên

At the onset Ở điểm khởi đầu

A structured environment Một môi trường có cấu trúc

Model Answer 1: 
Decision made by the leaders and initiatives taken by them often determines the fate of an
organisation and that is why selecting the right people for the senior decision-making
positions in a company is an important step. It is customary that employees in directorship
and managerial positions often requires years of experience while some people opine that
young should be given the chance to lead a company. I cannot agree with this group of people
as I believe that those decision-making  positions are more suitable for experienced people.

To start with, directors or managers of an organisation were not directly appointed to these
positions in most of the cases. They had to work for the company for several years, prove
their worth, show their loyalty, establish their credibility and express their ability to be
promoted to those senior positions. With the time, they have become quite experienced and
learned from their mistakes. Thus their experience and expertise have taught them when to
take a risk and when not to and how to tackle complex situations like riots or rivalry from the
competitors. Due to this, decisions made and initiatives taken by those senior employees are
more trustworthy and proven than any inexperienced employee, no matter how energetic or
innovative he is!

Furthermore, young people have endless spirit, fresh perspectives, technological know-how
and innovative ideas which are more fitting for producing better output than leading others.
They should be guided by senior leaders who had once been young and fresh but now have
more experience than energy. To cite an example. most of the IT firms have young
employees but their team leads are mostly seniors. Again, young people are often driven by
emotion and make quick decisions. This might be quite handy in facing some minor issues
but when a large organisation's fate is concerned, the decisions should come from
experienced executives. This, however, does not mean that a manager should not listen to
young employees and take input from them.

Finally, leading a small team in an organisation and being an executive director in a large
company are not the same thing. Young adults who have some leadership qualities should be
allowed to lead a team but major decisions making positions should be held by deserving
experienced personnel.

To sum up, I am not against letting young people take some responsibilities or lead a small
team. But from a more logical perspective, I believe that only experienced adults with a
proven track-record should be in higher positions in an organisation.
+) Some people are born with natural leadership while others believe in the notion that the
skills can be taught. In my opinion, successful leadership is a combination of both inborn
virtues and persistence training.

Arguably, people do not enter the world with equal abilities, with equal talents. Hence, there
are certain individuals inherit certain qualities and traits that make them better suited to
leadership, in the same way that others are born with amazing musical gifts or athletic
talents. First, extroversion is consistently associated with obtaining leadership
positions and leader effectiveness. Remarkable leaders usually share common
characteristics such as being bold, assertive and risk-taking. Leaders also need to be smart
to analyze situations and figure out courses of actions. Therefore, intelligence is another
significant factor that is inextricably linked to leadership capabilities. There is some ‘raw
material’, some inborn qualities that predispose people to become a leader from the onset
of their journey.

That being said, introverts and persons of average intelligence without extraordinary

endowment can make good leaders if they aspire to become one. The job of leading an
organization, a military unit or a nation is fantastically complex and diverse. Thus, many
companies embrace this doctrine which is evident through leadership training programmes.
Constant training and practice would equip participants with the skill sets necessary for high
ranking positions. More importantly, leadership is often a choice. If the fear of
leading overrides the willingness to come forward to take the challenge then one is a
follower. In other words, when one is inclined to be hidden in the crowd, they are more likely
to produce mediocre results regardless of receiving adequate formal training.

The bottom line is that leadership requires a set of innate traits, refined and perfected over
time with education, training and experience. Ordinary people without natural leadership
skills can become great leaders through the process of learning and observation.

(314 words)


 inborn virtures: những tư chất bẩm sinh

 persistence training: việc đào tạo một cách kiên trì
 musical gift: tài năng âm nhạc
 share common characteristics: chia sẻ những tính cách chung
 leadership capabilities: khả năng lãnh đạo
 average intelligence: trí thông minh trung bình
 high ranking positions: những vị trí xếp hạng cao
 produce mediocre results: tạo ra những kết quả bình thường

Bài mẫu tham khảo

Many people say that in order to fight diseases, the government should invest more money
in encouraging a healthy lifestyle instead of spending money on the treatment of people who
are already suffering from illness. I advocate this point of view.

On one hand, I agree that a large proportion of state budget should be allocated to activities or
campaigns that promote a healthy lifestyle. This is because a lot of diseases nowadays are
actually the direct result of people’s unhealthy habits. For example, children who eat fast
food on a daily basis commonly can suffer from a range of health issues, such as weight
problems and obesity. These diseases can be prevented if people are made more aware of the
severe consequences of an unhealthy diet. In addition, there are a number of incurable
diseases, such as HIV, AIDS and many forms of cancer. Of course, there are drugs and
treatments that can prolong the life of patients suffering from such diseases, but the better
solution in this case is obviously trying to prevent these diseases from occurring, instead of
trying to cure them, which can often place a heavy burden on patients’ families, and on
society as a whole.

On the other hand, the treatment for people who are already ill should also receive adequate
funding, due to the fact that some diseases simply cannot be prevented. People living in many
tropical or coastal regions, for example, are highly vulnerable to water-borne diseases after a
natural disaster such as a tsunami or heavy flooding. Additionally, there are also some
illnesses and disorders that are inherited. For instance, if a person suffers from asthma, it is
highly likely that his children will also contract respiratory related diseases, regardless of
their diet or lifestyle. These mentioned cases would be almost impossible for people or the
government to prevent, and therefore money needs to be spent on the treatment of patients.

In conclusion, both promoting a healthy lifestyle and spending money on the treatment of
people who are already ill are equally important in the fight against diseases, and each
country should develop flexible plans to adapt to different situations.

(359 words)

Từ vựng

 To fight something (problems or issues): Giải quyết vấn đề gì đó

 To encourage/promote a healthy lifestyle: Khuyến khích lỗi sống tốt cho sức khoẻ
 To place a heavy burden on patients’ families: Đặt gánh nặng lớn vào gia đình bệnh
 Adequate (adj): Đủ về số lượng hoặc chất lượng (sysnonym của enough)
 To be vulnerable to something: Dễ dàng bị tổn thương bởi cái gì đó
 Waterborne diseases (n): Bệnh lây lan qua đường nước
 Inherited (adj): Di truyền
 To contract a disease: Bị nhiễm một căn bệnh

Đề số 2
People should look after their health for personal benefits, rather than a duty for a society.
What extent do you agree or disagree?

Bài mẫu tham khảo

It has been argued that people today should care for their own personal health purely to enjoy
the personal benefits that are gained from having good health, rather than as a duty to others
in their society. Personally I believe that people should take good care of their health not only
to reap the associated benefits, but also as a way of helping to uplift the lives of the
citizens within their own cities and countries.

Many people claim that the secret to a happy life is through achieving and maintaining good
health, and I also stand by this notion. When someone experiences good physical and mental
health they are able to enjoy their life to the fullest. Good health allows people to pursue their
hopes and dreams and enjoy human relationships with family and friends. Without good
mental and physical health, these ideals are difficult to attain.

In addition to this, today, people are suffering from mental and physical sickness and diseases
more so than ever before. This, in turn, causes a heavy load on a country’s healthcare
industry and causes large financial burdens to the country’s national budget, which comes at
the cost of the tax paying citizens. If people were to look after their health better, it would
reduce such financial burdens and the money could then be spent on other services that
would benefit the quality of life for the society as a whole.

In conclusion, I firmly believe that all people should strive to achieve and maintain the
highest levels of health possible not only so that they can be happy and enjoy their own life,
but also so that they can contribute towards a more happy and healthy society around them.

Từ vựng

 Reap the associated benefits: Có được những lợi ích liên quan
 Uplift the lives of the citizens within their own cities and countries: Nâng cao chất
lượng cuộc sống của người dân
 Achieve and maintain good health: Đạt được và duy trì sức khỏe tốt
 Experience good physical and mental health: Có sức khỏe thể chất và tinh thần tốt
 Cause a heavy load on a country’s healthcare industry: Tạo ra gánh nặng lên ngành y
tế của một quốc gia
 Benefit the quality of life for the society as a whole: Có lợi cho chất lượng cuộc sống
của xã hội

Bài mẫu Writing Task 2 – Topic Health

Some people say that the best way to improve public health is by increasing the number
of sports facilities. Others, however, say that this would have little effect on public
health and that other measures are required. Discuss both these views and give your
own opinion.

It is argued that providing more sports centres or health clubs would be the most effective
method for improving public health. From my point of view, however, proper health
education would be a better measure.

On one hand, people’s health has been greatly enhanced thanks to participation in sports

facilities. It is an undeniable fact that fitness levels are increased by taking part in physical
activities such as doing daily exercise or playing sports. Therefore, the increasing popularity
of gym classes or sports clubs gives people more chances to improve their health. After a
hard day at work, many residents in my neighbourhood attend evening yoga classes in order
to keep fit and stay healthy.

On the other hand, I would argue that increasing the provision of sports amenities would
have little impact on public health. This can be explained by the fact that many people who
paid for an annual gym membership failed to go entirely after just one month. Therefore, I
think that it is more important to educate citizens about basic health awareness. A person
would easily avoid some potential health problems if he is equipped with sufficient basic
knowledge about medicine and health care. For example, when a child knows more
about the adverse effects of smoking, he might be less likely to take up this bad habit in
his adulthood. Public campaigns and health protection programmes, thus, should be
promoted so that people know how to protect their health effectively.

In conclusion, the growing prevalence of sports facilities has brought a wide range of health
benefits for people; yet, I personally believe that raising public awareness through health
campaigns would have a more positive impact on improving people’s health.

(written by Nguyen Huyen)

Bài mẫu trên do Huyền viết, đã được chấm bởi giám khảo IELTS John Marks. Bất cứ bài
mẫu nào do Huyền viết được đăng công khai trên website hay fanpage, Huyền đều đã gửi cho
giám khảo IELTS chấm, do đó các bạn có thể hoàn toàn yên tâm về chất lượng bài mẫu nhé.

Từ vựng & Cấu trúc hay

 proper health education: giáo dục sức khỏe tốt
 greatly enhanced: được nâng cao đáng kể
 It is an undeniable fact that: có 1 sự thật không thể phủ nhận là
 fitness levels: mức độ thể chất
 gives people more chances to: cho người ta nhiều cơ hội hơn để làm gì
 keep fit: giữ dáng
 stay healthy: khỏe mạnh
 sports amenities: các cơ sở thể thao
 an annual gym membership: thể tập gym 1 năm
 educate citizens about: giáo dục người dân về vấn đề gì
 basic health awareness: nhận thức về sức khỏe cơ bản
 potential health problems: những vấn đề sức khỏe tiềm ẩn
 equipped with sufficient basic knowledge about: được trang bị với kiến thức cơ bản
đầy đủ về vấn đề gì
 the adverse effects of: những ảnh hưởng có hại của
 take up this bad habit: tập thành thói quen xấu này
 Public campaigns: những chiến dịch cộng đồng
 health protection programmes: những chương trình bảo vệ sức khỏe
 raising public awareness: nâng cao ý thức cộng đồng

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