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Power Electronic Lab

Experiment - 5
-Arti Rawat(170020015)
Buck - boost Converter
Design a 15Watt Buck-Boost converter to convert 24v dc supply into 12V dc in
Buck operation and 36V dc in Boost Operation. Consider switching frequency
to be 25Khz.

Circuit Diagram :

Working Of Buck -Boost Converter:

Buck Boost converter can operate as a DC-DC Step-Down converter or a

DC-DC Step-Up converter depending upon the duty cycle, D.
The controlled switch used ,Mosfet is turned on and off by using Pulse Width
The Buck Boost converter has two modes of operation. The first mode is
when the switch is on and conducting.

Mode I : Switch is ON, Diode is OFF:

The Switch is ON and therefore represents a short circuit ideally offering zero
resistance to the flow of current so when the switch is ON all the current will
flow through the switch and the inductor and back to the DC input source.
The inductor stores charge during the time the switch is ON and when the
solid state switch is OFF the polarity of the inductor reverses so that current
flows through the load and through the diode and back to the inductor. So the
direction of current through the inductor remains the same.

Mode II : Switch is OFF, Diode is ON:

In this mode the polarity of the inductor is reversed and the energy stored in
the inductor is released and is ultimately dissipated in the load resistance and
this helps to maintain the flow of current in the same direction through the
load and also step-up the output voltage as the inductor is now also acting as
a source in conjunction with the input source.

Calculation of Capacitor and Inductor value:

We know that D varies between 0 and 1.From equation we can deduce that if D > 0.5,
the output voltage is larger than the input; and if D < 0.5 output voltage is less than
the input voltage.

Let output current ripple be equal to 10% => ΔiL =0.1Io.

Let ripple in output voltage ΔVo be 2 %.

Given switching frequency = 25 KHz; Power = 15W

For Buck Operation :

Vo D  12
   0.5  D  0.33
Vin 1  D 24

Io = P/Vo = 15/12 = 1.25 A

ΔVo = 0.02×12=0.24 V and ΔiL = 0.1×1.25 = 0.125 A

1.25  0.33
0.24  25  1000

= 68.75 uF

24  0.33
L  2.5mH
0.125  25  1000

For boost operation:

Vo D  36
    1 .5  D  0 .6
Vin 1  D 24

P 15
Io    0.4166
Vo 36

ΔVo =0.02×36 =0.72 V and ΔiL =0.1×0.4166 =0.04166

0.4166  0.6
C  13.88uF
0.72  25  10^3

36  0.6
L  2.07 mH
0.04166  25  10^3

Value of C and L used are 100uF and 2mH respectively.


For Buck Operation:

PWM vs Inductor Current :

Vgs Vs Vds:
Vout Vs Inductor Current:

For Boost Operation:

Vout Vs Il
PWM Vs Inductor Current:

At D=0.33 ,Buck-Boost Converter acts as buck converter and Output voltage is 10 V.

At D=0.60 ,Buck-Boost Converter acts as boost converter and Output voltage is 35 V.

Applications of Buck boost converter

 It is used in the self regulating power supplies.
 It has consumer electronics.
 It is used in the Battery power systems.
 Adaptive control applications.
 Power amplifier applications.

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