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Cosmelan Home Pack Protocol…

 Step 1: Start by cleaning the skin of the face and neck with Hydra Milk.
Soothing cleansing milk, suitable for all skin types. You can use it with the help of a cotton disc or directly
with your fingertips, using circular motions.
Langkah 1 : mulai dengan membersihkan wajah, direkomendasikan menggunakan hydra Milk, atau
menggunakan cleansing milk yang besifat menenangkan (soothing)

 Step 2: Tone the face skin with Hydra Tonic.

This step is essential to balance the pH of the skin, allowing for a better acceptance of the following products.
Langkah 2 : gunakan toner (rekomendasi : Hydra Tonic) untuk menyeimbangkan ph kulit wajah sehingga
penyerapan produk menjadi lebih baik

 Step 3: Apply Cosmelan 2 Cream 48 hours after removing the Cosmelan Mask 1.
Apply 1g of product all over the face through a gentle massage. In the first month, the objective is to continue
the depigmenting action of Cosmelan 1 and to intensely regulate melanin production, so the product should be
applied three times a day (morning, afternoon, and evening). In the 2nd and 3rd months, the goal is the
regulation of hyperpigmentation, so it is important at this moment to act on the origin of the spots, constantly
controlling the production of melanin. At this stage, Cosmelan 2 is applied twice a day (morning and night).
From the 4th month until the end of treatment, the goal is to control the reappearance of new spots, prolonging
the treatment outcome for a long time. At this stage, Cosmelan 2 only applies at night.
 Langkah 3 : aplikasikan krim cosmelan 2 ke seluruh wajah
o 1 bulan pertama : ikuti protocol fase 2
o Bulan ke 2 dan 3 : ikuti protocol fase 3
o Bulan ke 4 : ikuti protocol fase 4
 Step 4: After applying Cosmelan 2, apply Melan Recovery Balm.
Spread to create a thick layer on the face every time you apply Cosmelan 2. During the early days, always have
Melan Recovery with you to apply throughout the day whenever you feel discomfort.
Langkah 4 : setelah mengaplikasikan cosmelan 2, aplikasikam melan recovery balm. Boleh diaplikasikan
ulang setiap wajah terasa tidak nyaman

 Step 5: Sun Protection!

Apply Melan 130 Pigment Control (2mg / cm2 skin) each morning on clean, dry skin after Cosmelan 2 and
Melan Recovery. Shake the package well before use.
Langkah ke 5 : aplikasikan melan 130 pigmen control setiap pagi dan siang setelah cosmelan 2 dan melan

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