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Blood- typing: considered class evidence; types: A, B, AB, O; Rh+ (present) Rh-

(absent); Rh protein: if Rh+ can take blood from + & -, if Rh- can take only take blood
from Rh-

how spatter relates to height and velocity:

low velocity medium velocity high


- higher the energy of impact, smaller the drop

Ballistics- parts of the cartridge and gun:

striations: scratch marks left on the projectile by rifling lines of the inside of the barrel

how a gun works: trigger is pulled, firing pin hits the perimeter, spark ignites
gunpowder, explosion pushes bullet forward through the bore

Arson- patterns: V pattern (point of origin); accelerants: 1. Gasoline: cheap, sold in

large quantities 2. isopropyl alcohol: high alcohol % 3. kerosene: explosive *diff burn
pattern 4. paint thinner 5. turpentine

different degrees of arson: 1st: Burning in occupied area ex: movie theater, school
2nd: unoccupied with the intention to collect insurance 3rd: abandoned areas/structures

Abnormal psych- sociopath(made): Extreme antisocial attitudes and behaviors; result

of a brain injury or parental neglect/violence; High impulsivity, erratic, lack self-control,
impulsive & can empathize with close family. psychopath(born): chronic mental disorder
inherited, lack of fear and anxiety, lack of empathy, no conscience, premeditated;
charismatic manipulative and abusive

types of killers: 1. Power oriented: to exert power, 2. visionary: voices tell them to kill,
3. Mission oriented: kill people “beneath them” 4. hedonistic: satisfaction from torture,
eat parts sometimes 5. disciples: brainwashed into killing 6. Comfort: killing family
members for money 7. lust: sex motivated, involves torture 8. thrill: adrenaline rush, thrill
of the hunt

4 phases on criminal profiling: 1. Antecedent: before the crime: fantasy/plan?

Trigger? Victims random/targeted? day/time? 2. method /manner: victims-have in
common? stabbed/shot? ritual/staged? 3. Body disposal: multiple scenes? Were victims
moved to a secondary location? Were they kept alive? Significance to the scenes? 4.
Post offensive behavior: is the killer trying to inject themselves into police investigation?
Contact the police? Leave a signature? Taunt investigators?

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