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► Is a building, edifice, or premises or a completely independent part thereof, which is used for the
regular reception, accommodation, or lodging of travelers and tourists.
► Establishments that provide paid lodging on a short-term basis.


► A place with a pleasant environment and an atmosphere that is conducive to a comfortable
and healthful relaxation and rest, offering food, sleeping accommodation and recreational facilities.


► Lodging establishment catering but does not meet the minimum requirements of an economy hotel.
► Inn’s were like bed and breakfast. There is no kitchen and no bar.

► Building that has several independent and furnished or semi-furnished apartments, regularly leased
to tourist and travelers for dwelling on a more or less long-term basis.
► Service apartment complex that uses a hotel style booking system.
► It is similar to renting an apartment, but no fixed contracts and occupants can ‘’check out’’
whenever they wish.

► Is a private or family operated boarding house.
► A tourist lodging house employing non – professional domestic helpers regularly catering to tourist
and to travelers.
► Typically offer not only breakfast, but also lunch and dinner.
► Generally cheaper than other lodgings, such as hotel. Although they offer limited services.

► Is a structure with several separate units, located along the highway with individual or common
parking space at which motorists may obtain lodging and in some instances meals.


► Room rates vary among hotels depending on the TYPE, SIZE AND QUALITY OF THEIR
GUESTROOMS. Classified as follows:
1. SINGLE ROOM - is a room with a single bed, occupied by one person.
2. TWIN ROOM - has two single beds, it may be occupied by 1 or 2 persons.
3. DOUBLE ROOM - equipped with one double or matrimonial bed, good for 2 persons.
4. DOUBLE-DOUBLE - has 2 double or queen beds, occupied by 2 or more persons.
5. TRIPLE ROOM - room occupied by 3 people, usually has 1 double bed and a roll away bed or 2
single beds plus 1 roll away bed .
6. QUADRUPLE ROOM - can be occupied by 4 people and may have two beds or more.

7. FAMILY ROOM - is a room with at least 1 double bed, with 1 or more single beds, designed to
accommodate 1 small family.
8. KING ROOM - has a king sized bed, occupied by 1 or 2 people.
9. STUDIO - is a room with a studio bed, with couch that can be converted into bed, it may also be
10. CONNECTING ROOMS - have 2 or more rooms with entrance doors.


1. JUNIOR SUITES - a room with a bed and a sitting area, it also called MINI SUITE.
2. CORNER SUITES - a room that is located on the corner on the hotel building.
3. PENTHOUSE SUITES - a suite usually located on the penthouse on the top floor of the building.
4. EXECUTIVE SUITE - designed for a top executive, with facilities and amenities of superior
5. HOSPITALITY SUITES - is more than sleeping room, includes function room or a parlor.


1. SINGLE BED - a bed approximately 36 inches by 75 inches
2. DOUBLE BED - that can accommodate a couple or 2 persons, 54 inches by 75 inches.
3. QUEEN BED - an extra-long, extra wide bed, 60 by 80 inches.
4. KING BED - 78 by 80 inches.
5. ROLL AWAY BED - a portable bed.
6. PULL OUT BEDS - pulled out when used, advisable for small rooms.
7. SOFA BED - a couch that is convertible into a bed.


 Refers to an agreement that a hotel makes to hold a room until cut-off date and time.
 If the guest does not arrive that time, the room maybe sold to other guests

 Applies the terms of reservation have been verified. Both the hotel and the reserving party
agree on the dates, rates and billing agreement, room type and other agreements.
 This type of reservation is confirmed to the guest verbally or in writing through mail, e-mail
or fax.


 Is an agreement that the hotel makes to hold a room for a guest until the guests arrived. In
return, the guest or his sponsor assures payment for the room using his card or his company
account by making a pre-payment. Unless the reservation is properly cancelled the guest is
billed for the room and taxed according to the hotel policies and procedures.


1. Walk in guest
It is a label given to a person who comes unannounced, looking for rooms. Walk in guests with a
repeated patronage maybe rewarded for their loyalty by being given a special rate or discount.
2. Corporate accounts
Apply to companies or institutions, usually with special credit arrangement in the hotel. If a credit line
is extended, these companies are allowed to book their guests on charges provided that they send a
letter of guarantee to the hotel prior to the guest’s arrival. These accounts are usually treated with
special rates and also given priority during high occupancy especially when they frequently patronize
the hotel.
3. Associations
These are groupings of individual or companies for a common purpose of goal, sharing ideas,
hobbies, beliefs, other lots of thing. These associations make use of hotel services for live in seminars,
conventions and special events. They usually go for lower rates since their members often pay hotel
services out of their own pockets.
4. Travel Agencies
Most of these agencies have pre-arranged bookings of their tour groups in a hotel of their choice.
There are also many travel agencies that serve as intermediary in booking clients (usually travelers,
businessmen or tour groups) to the hotel in exchange of pre-negotiated management fee or a
5. Government Institutions/ Offices
Some have special booking or credit arrangements with the hotel. Ex. TESDA, Department of
tourism, DTI, etc.
6. Free Independent Travelers (FIT)
It refers to tourist or travelers traveling alone. It can also refer to Foreign Individual Tourist who are
not joining any tour group.
7. Educational Institutions
I.e. Schools, Training centers.
8. Local/Domestic Travelers
Some large hotels have ventured into a promotion known as “SarilingAtin” – (our very own). This
promotion provides for 30-50 % discount for local tourists or domestic guests.

9. Balikbayan
It refers to returning or visiting Filipinos who are residing or working abroad. Some hotels provide for
special “balikbayan” rate.
10. Other Accounts


Methods of Rate Calculation used by many hotels:
1. Market Tolerance Method - room rates are based on the prices quoted by other hotels if same
location, size or classification. A hotel operator should conduct a survey of rack rates among the
competitors for him to be able to prescribe a competitive room rates.
Rack rate - the official or advertised price of a hotel room, on which a discount is usually
2. Cost Rate Formula - This is based on the construction cost of the hotel. In the U.S., The average
room rate is estimated at 1 dollar per 1000 dollars of construction cost. In pesos, it will be P 50.00
per P 50,000 total construction cost. This amount can be increased to cope with the rising
Rate Designations
3. Room rate designation - defines what position a rate will take within the overall rate hierarchy.
4. Common Rate Designations:
5. Rack Rate - the highest published rate a hotel can change for a specific room.
6. Corporate Rate - special rate given to corporate accounts(bank account that businesses use to
hold their money) as an incentive for their patronage.
7. Volume Account Rates - is given when there is a guaranteed number of room nights with a
specific time frame (1 week or 1 month). Companies and associations can negotiate for more
discounts under this account.
8. Government Rates - Government official who stay in a hotel for official functions are usually
given per diem(on a daily basis).
9. Seasonal rates - to attract more patronage during lean season, hotels and resorts make it a
practice to offer off-season rate, which is much lower than the rack rate during “in season”.
10. Weekday-Weekend Rates - Some hotels experience high occupancy during weekdays and lower
occupancy during weekends. To encourage patronage during week-ends, an incentive is given by
way of special week end rate (with special discount). The reverse may hold true for resorts where
week-ends may experience higher occupancy than week-days. Henceforth, the incentive by the
way of discount applies to week-day patrons.
11. Advance Purchase Rate - Like some airlines, hotels may give incentive to early bookings by
giving special rate for advance room payments.
12. Half day Rates - Some hotels may have provision for rooms that are used for half day-like those
designed for short time or for half day conferences that need sleeping facility. In such case, half
day rates are provided.
13. Industry Rates - apply to associations and group of professionals or industry practitioners who
are offered professional courtesy of discounted rates.

Required Documents and Records
For an efficient operation, the reservations clerk shall maintain a complete and up to date reservation
filling system to include the following documents.
1. Individual Reservation Forms or Cards
Details of each booking are contained in this card. This card is filled up by the desk / reservations
clerk and will serve as a basis for preparing the daily arrival list.
2. Reservation Chart
To avoid double booking, the Reservations Office must keep a record of the rooms reserved each day
as well as those available for present and future dates. The chart classifies rooms according to the
designated classification. The reservation clerk shall enter the appropriate booking status in the
corresponding date and room number.
3. Reservation Rack and Reservation Slips
If the hotel is using a manually operated room status rack, this reservation slip is placed in the
corresponding room number that is blocked for the arriving guest. It contains the name of arriving
guest, arrival time, room type and room rate). A duplicate copy of the reservation slip is filed
alphabetically by last name of guests and by month. This will serve as trace file for all reservations
received. If a computerized room status bulletin is used in lieu of room status rack, all the information
contained in the reservations slip is entered thereat.
4. Hanging Folder
In this folder, the records and letters pertaining to guest reservations are kept such records are filed
according to the date of arrival.
5. Confirmation Notice Form
A notice of confirmation of reservations may be sent to the guest or to the booking party orally or in
writing through fax, mail or by email. This confirmation letter can serve as a written evidence of
agreement or contract and works to the advantage of both parties.
6. Reservation Diary
For small hotels with only few rooms, a reservation diary maybe used to record daily room bookings
or reservations, making reference to the reservation cards or slips. The names of guests assigned for
each room are indicated in their corresponding room number. If a guest will stay for more than one
day, his name appears more than once in the diary.


1. Allocating rooms for expected arrivals
2. Attending to the registration of arriving guest
3. Handling and distributing room keys
4. Receiving mails, parcels, messages and other documents for house guests and ensuring that they
are properly delivered the guest

5. Serving as communication center, disseminating information about hotel facilities and services
and also other matters like points of interest, flight schedules, areas entertainment, tourist spots
6. Updating the room status of all guestrooms and reconciling said status with the room status report
of the housekeeping department.
7. Preparing and updating records pertinent to the guest’s stay in the hotel
8. Submitting night sales report indicating the number of rooms sold, Vacant rooms, average rate
total revenue, occupancy rate, etc.
9. Coordinating with the either departments in the performance of its Function, particularly with the
housekeeping and accounting section.


Individual Guests Registration - Check in procedures
1. Welcome and greet the guest.
2. Ask for the guest’s name if not known to you.
3. Verify reservations details if the guest is pre- registered, with pre-blocked room.
4. If the guest is a walk-in (no reservation, not in the arrival list and not pre-registered) the desk
clerk must first ask the guest’s preferred room and then checks the Room Status Bulletin (or rack
whichever is used) if it is available. He must check rooms with status of “vacant ready”. If the
preferred room is available and ready, the desk clerk shall give a registration form to the guest for
him to fill up. Make sure it is duly signed and that all needed information is entered on the form.
5. After the guest completes the registration form, the desk clerk must ensure that:
 The registration details are complete, correct, and legible
 The guest has signed the form;
 The guest is well informed of the terms and conditions (usually indicated at the back of the
registration form), as well as the room rate and what it covers;
 The guest is also informed whether he is entitled to a signing privilege or not and
 The details of the booking that are indicated in the reservations form have not changed.
6. Endorse the registration form to the Front Office cashier for bill settlement (unless the desk clerk
also does the cashiering function). If the guest charges are to be billed to a company account,
check if the letter of authorization from the company is already forwarded to the hotel. if not, ask
the guest if he has the document.
7. Once the bill is settled, prepare the Guest ID and give it to the guest.
8. Call for a bellboy to accompany the guest to his room. Mention the guest’s name and give
rooming instructions.
9. Wish the guest a pleasant stay.
10. Prepare a guest folio. This is a document where all guest charges are entered, either manually or
in the computer, under the Guest Accounting Menu. Manually prepared folios are placed inside an
envelope or folder. Some hotels place this folio on the guest’s key rack or on a separate file
classified according to floor/area and room number.
11. Enter the guest's name and other details in the guest list (maybe done manually or through the
12. Change the room status of the newly occupied room in the room status indicator /rack or in the
computer, whichever is used.
13. If the hotel is fully booked, assist the guest getting accommodation elsewhere and offer to transfer
them to the hotel once a room will be available.
Group Registration - Check-in Procedures

1. The Tour/group escort or coordinator shall fill up the registration form and sign for it. Then he
will provide the desk clerk with a master list containing names of group members, their address,
contact number, passport number, and other required information.
2. The desk clerk shall accomplish a Rooming list or blocking list with the room assignments of all
group members. He shall provide blocking skip (preferably color coded) using one color for
particular group indicating the name of the group, arrival and departure date.
3. The clerk prepares several copies of the Group Movement Sheet to indicate the arrangements for
morning call, baggage down, meals (if required) and billing.
4. Upon arrival of the group to the hotel, the group members are escorted by a desk clerk to the
function room, or any place designated for briefing. Key envelopes are distributed to the group
members. Then the desk clerk clarifies with the tour escort important details like time of morning
call (if required), requirement for a special meal and the time of meals, confirmation of manner of
payment and time of departure from the hotel.
5. The group is advised of the meal venue and arrangements.

Check Out Procedures

1. Get check out registration card from the Front Office Cashier.
2. Warmly greet the guest and ask you how you may help him or her.
3. Ask the guest's name and room number. Then pull out his guest folio where all his records of
consumption are kept.
4. Check for any last-minute messages, mail, or additional charges not yet posted (such as
restaurant, bar, and long-distance phone calls).
5. Ask if the guest has made additional charges to his or her room in the last 30 minutes. If there are
last minute charges, be sure that they are posted.
6. Ask how the guest wishes to settle the account (or amount owed).
a) If a credit card is used, be sure to follow credit card policies and procedures. Make sure the
card is not expired is not listed on the credit card cancellation or suspension bulletin.
b) If the personal check is used, follow check cashing policies and procedures.
c) If the guest is paying with cash, post the folio “paid,” time-stamp it, and give a receipt to the
7. Ask for the room key.
8. Ask the guest if he wants to make advance reservations for his/her next visit to the hotel. Ask also
for comments and suggestions for improvement of service. Thank the guest for staying in the
hotel and invite him/her to come back. As he/she leaves the desk area, wish him a safe and
pleasant journey.
9. If a guest complains about a service or maintenance problem, acknowledge and empathize with
him following procedures for complaints handling. Thank the guest by bringing the problem to
your attention and assure him it will be noted, and that appropriate action will be taken.
10. Take out room rack slip and forward the slip (with notations check out) to the Housekeeping
11. Record checks out in the Departure record
12. File check out registration cards alphabetically in the Checkout Registration Card box.


1. Sign All Charges (SAC) – In this billing arrangement, each member of the group is allowed to
sign all their charges to the group. The group coordinator of organizer will settle all bills. To
“sign” charges to a room or a group is to be extended credit.

2. Sign Room and Tax (SRT) – the sponsor or organizer shall pay only the room and taxes for the
attendees. All incidentals like laundry, telephone and meals shall be to the account of attendees.
3. Each Pays Own (EPO) – the arrangement stipulates that the attendees will pay for their own
charges. If this arrangement is applied, the attendees are not given their room key until they settle
their room charges.


In the Room Status Rack/Board, a color-coded card or slip is placed corresponding to the room
number using the color code like:
Green - for vacant clean – ready for sale
Yellow - vacant dirty – not yet ready for sale
Red - occupied room
Orange - reserved or blocked for expected arrival
White - out of order room



The database created by the computer system in the Front Office is organized into various menus, to
Room Reservations Menu – which contains data on the details of reservation for all guests, their
names, number of room nights, mode of payment, type of reservation, arrival and departure, advance
deposits or payments, etc. It also contains data on group bookings, room forecast, reservations report,
and travel agency commission.
Registration Menu – contains guest list and details of their registration. It also has data on Guest
folio (consumption and charges, balance) This menu prints the registration card, makes Front desk
reports, do the room blocking and updates the room status. It also has a guess message center.
Night Audit Menu contains data on the Point of Sales (POS), the various accounts, trial audit report
and other related data.
Housekeeping Menu – incorporates data on the room status that is consistently updated every after-
room check; Guest information based on registration record, room blockings and various
housekeeping reports. Like other menus, it also has a guest message center.
Uniform Services Menu – The software has the option to create in this menu a database that serve as
Guest locator and Guest message center.


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