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Q.1- What are token in C++?

Q.2- How many types of tokens are allowed in C++?

Q.3- How are keywords different from identifiers?

Q.4- What are literals in C++ ?

Q.5- What are character constant in C++?

Q.6- What are operators ?

Q.7- How are files and devices implemented at the lowest level?

Q.8- What is the function of I/O library in C++?

Q.9- Why is main( ) function so important ?

Q.10- Write a C++ program that reads temperature in Celsius and displays it in
Fahrenheit ?

Q.11- Why is it important to include isotream.h in C++programs ?

Q.12- How are floating constants represented in C++ ?

Q.13- How are string-literals represented and implemented

at the lowest level ?

Q.14- What are streams in C++?

Q.15- What are the functions of streams in C++?

Q.16- Write a short on inheritance .

Q.17- What is polymorphism ? Explain with example.

Q.18- What is the difference between class and object ?

Q.19- Write short note on OO-programming.

Q.20- Write a short on modular programming.

Q.21- Write a short on programming in two major types of programming

Q.22- Explain briefly the concept of data abstraction with the help of an example.

Q.23- Distinguish between input and output unit.

Q.24- What is a bit ? What is a binary code ?

Q.25- What are ROM and ROM ?

Q.26- Name different types of pointers?

Q.27- What is an impact and non impact pointer ?

Q.28- Compare RISC and CISC processors ?

Q.29- Explain the basic concepts of OOP with example.

Q.30- What are memory devices ? Discuss RAM and ROM in detail.


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