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Understanding Culture and Culture

1. Understanding Culture

Culture comes from the Sanskrit word "buddhayah", which is the plural form of the word
"buddhi" which means mind or reason. Thus, culture can be interpreted as "things related to
the mind or reason". Culture, is a foreign language term that has the same meaning as
culture, comes from the Latin word "colere" which means processing or working (cultivating
land or farming). to cultivate and change nature.
MelvilleJ. Herskovits and Bronislaw Malinowski argue that everything contained in society
is determined by the culture that is owned by the community itself.

2. The meaning
culture literally comes from Latin, namely Corele which means to pursue land, cultivate,
maintain fields.
3. Understanding of customs
What is meant by customs are various customs in a country that follow the ups and downs of
the community situation.
This kind of custom is highly dependent on the socio-economic situation of the community.
Tradition (Latin tradito "to be carried on") or custom, in the simplest sense is something that
has been done for a long time and is part of the life of a group of people, usually of a country.
same culture, time, or religion.

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