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Name: Kenshin Caparos

Subject : GE5 – Purposive Communication

Course and Year Level: BSCE – 1st

Complete the Following Sentences:

I am thinking that I'll gather information about the company and interviewer the week before the
interview, prepare a set of questions, print out copies of my resume, have a nutritious meal before the
interview, and be clean and dressed for the role. In addition, I will go over the job description in depth
before the interview so that I am prepared and committed to the job and any questions the interviewer
may have.

Now I am thinking that during the interview, you should be truthful and identify a genuine flaw. Give an
example of how you've tried to overcome a problem by improving your weakness or learning a new
ability. Furthermore, I would define myself as an open and honest person who does not believe in
deceiving others and strives to be fair in all I do. Finally, before leaving the room, consider why I want
and am interested in the role or position.

I am beginning to believe that in order for me to evaluate my performance after an interview, I will write
down all of the questions and how I answered them. I'll also mention the things I wish I had said and
practiced but didn't. If I do not obtain the job, I will at least have a better knowledge of what I did in
previous interviews, which will undoubtedly help me in future interviews.

My new thinking is whatever the outcome of an interview, I believe that as a fresh graduate, I am
extremely adaptable to learning new things and capable of contributing to the company's growth. But, if
I am ever offered the position, I am confident that I would give it my all and become a valuable
employee for the organization.

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