Jhayza Margarette Nayre - Meaning Making Worksheet

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Integrated Basic Education Department

Senior High School
Lagao, General Santos City

Research in Daily Life 2

Student’s Name: Jhayza Margarette P. Nayre Date Submitted: December 15, 2021
Grade & Section: ABM 1213 – St. John Chrysostom
Quarter: Midterm Module: 16
Teacher/s: Jirah Canilao
Shahani Consigna
Wilfredo M. Sionosa Jr.
Mary Jane T. Timola


V. Enrichment:
Use the separate worksheet to answer the following activities. (Total score: 20 pts.)
1. How did you gather the data needed for your study? Discuss.
Students in the Notre Dame Dadiangas University - Integrated Basic Education Department
Senior High School were surveyed using the descriptive approach to determine their
compliance with the pandemic procedures. Respondents' replies were analyzed using a
questionnaire that included a checkbox and a rating scale. The researchers asked a series of
questions that helped them identify the participants' demographics. At this stage, the
researcher used a four-point rating scale that used statement/situation with a specific
methodology to measure compliance. Using Google Forms was to send the surveys to the
2. What research Instrument/s did you use? Why?
The researchers employed a Google Forms questionnaire that was sent to the responders.
The first section of the questionnaire was a checklist that defined the respondents'
demographic profile regarding sex and strand. The second section included rating scales for
the various pandemic protocols, such as self-care, staying at home, and required public
behavior. Its goal was to assess the selected students' degree of adherence to the guidelines.

3. What statistical treatment did you employ to interpret your data? Why?
Responses to a questionnaire were weighted and rated on a scale of 0 to 10. It was used the
adapted to bury the collected data further. The respondents' degree of compliance was
measured using a Likert scale.

2021.12.04 11:49:41 AM
RUBRIC for Written Answer:

Sources: https://www.kpu.ca/sites/default/files/NEVR/High%20School%20Rubrics.pdf


Above Average
Criteria Inadequate Adequate (3) Exemplary
(1) (2) (4)
Organization Writing lacks logical Writing is coherent Writing is coherent Writing shows high
organization. It degree of
shows and logically and logically attention
some coherence but organized. Some organized with to logic and
reasoning of
ideas lack unity. points remain transitions used points.
misplaced and
Serious errors. stray between ideas and Unity clearly leads
paragraphs to
from the topic. create the reader to the
coherence. conclusion and
Transitions evident Overall stirs
but not used unity of ideas is thought regarding
throughout essay. present. the topic.
Level of
Content Shows some thinking Content indicates Content indicates Content indicates
and reasoning but original thinking
most thinking and and synthesis of ideas,
develops ideas indepth analysis
ideas are reasoning applied with and
with original
underdeveloped and thought sufficient and firm evidences original
thought and
unoriginal. on a few ideas. evidence. support
for the topic.
Development Main points lack Main points are Main points well Main points well
detailed present with developed with
development. limited developed with high
quality and
Ideas are vague with detail and quality supporting quantity
little evidence of development. details and
critical Some quantity. support. Reveals
thinking critical thinking is Critical thinking is high degree of
present. weaved into points critical thinking.
Mechanics and Spelling, punctuation, Most spelling, Essay has few Essay is free of
and grammatical spelling, distracting
Grammar errors punctuation, and punctuation, spelling,
create distraction, grammar correct and grammatical punctuation, and
making reading allowing reader to errors allowing errors;
absent of
difficult; fragments, progress though reader to follow fragments,
comma splices, run- essay. Some errors ideas clearly. Very comma splices,
2021.12.04 11:49:41 AM
ons and
evident. Errors are remain. few fragments or run-ons.
frequent. run-ons. Style
Supports main Supports main Persuasively
Support Provides little or no point point supports
main point with
support for the main with some with developed well
point underdeveloped reasons and/or developed reasons
reasons and/or examples and/or examples

2021.12.04 11:49:41 AM

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