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Department of Engineering Mechanics Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) 86400

Parit Raja, Batu Pahat, Johor

Lab Report Chapter 1 (A)

1. Explain in detail for 9 steps of Finite Element Analysis.

There are 9 steps in the solution procedure using finite element methods. All finite element packages require the user to go through these steps in one form or another. The steps are: Meshing Break or meshed the structure into nodes and small elements. This involves defining the types of elements into which the structure will be broken, as well as specifying how the structure will be subdivided into elements (how it will be meshed). A variety of element shapes may be used, and different element shapes may be employed in the same solution region. Indeed, when analyzing an elastic structure that has different types of components such as plates and beams, it is not only desirable but also necessary to use different elements in the same solution. Although the number and the type of elements in a given problem are matters of engineering judgment, the analyst can rely on the experience of others for guidelines. ii. Shape function It actually to represents and specify the material properties or physical behavior of an element such as heat transfer, fluid flow and others. Another example is in an elastic analysis of an isotropic solid these consist of the Young's modulus and the Poisson's ratio of the material. iii. Develop the equation for each elements Create the matrix equations expressing the properties of the individual elements which depends on the number of nodes assigned to the element, the nature and number of unknowns at each node, and certain continuity requirements imposed at the nodes and along the element boundaries. iv. Global Matrix assemble all the element properties in order to get the properties of the overall system modeled by the network of elements. In other words, we combine the matrix equations expressing the behavior of the elements and form the matrix equations expressing the behavior of the entire system. The matrix equations for the system have the same form as the equations for an individual element except that they contain many more terms because they include all nodes. v. Boundary Conditions Before the system equations are ready for solution they must be modified to account for the boundary conditions of the problem. At this stage we impose known nodal values of the dependent variables or nodal loads. i.

vi. Solve The Equation The assembly process gives a set of simultaneous equations that we solve to obtain the unknown nodal values of the problem usually by using Mathlab software. If the problem describes steady or equilibrium behavior, then we must solve a set of linear or nonlinear algebraic equations, but if the problem is unsteady, the nodal unknowns are a function of time, and we must solve a set of linear or nonlinear ordinary differential equations.

vii. Obtain other important information

Use the solution of the system equations to calculate other important parameters. For example, in a structural problem the nodal unknowns are displacement components. From these displacements we calculate element strains and stresses. Similarly, in a heat-conduction problem the nodal unknowns are temperatures, and from these we calculate element heat fluxes. viii. Verification By Ansys Make the same analysis by using the Ansys software in order to verify the both answer whether both answer is have the same value (output) or no. Usually the both answer is different.


Comparison Both Answer And Discussions To compare both answer in order to get the percentage of error in the analysis. Actually the error can be reduce by mesh the structure with many small nodes and elements because with that the analysis becomes more accurate and persist.


Explain in detail the state of steady state and unsteady state in Finite Element Analysis.

Steady State - A stable condition that does not change over time or in which change in one direction is continually balanced by change in another. - For example: The flow of fluid through a tube, or electricity through a network because there is a constant flow of fluid, or electricity.

Unsteady State - A condition that does vary with time. - A simple case of unsteady state heat transfer arises from the heating or cooling of solid bodies made from good thermal conductors, for example a long cylinder, such as a meat sausage or a metal bar, being cooled in air.

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