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Submitted in the partial fulfilment of the requirement for the

award of
Noida Institute of Engineering & Technology, Greater Noida
(2020 – 2022)

Under the Guidance of: Submitted by:

Mr. Akshay Taneja Tushar Ankit
(Assistant Professor) PGDM – 6rd Trimester
Company Name: ASTROTALK Roll No: 20133DM172
Location: Delhi NCR

Date: 13/05/2022





This is to certify that Tushar Ankit a student of Post Graduate Diploma in Management from
Noida Institute of Engineering & Technology (Batch 2020-2022), Roll No:20133DM172 has
undergone his Research on the topic: “EFFECT ON RECRUITMENT IF AN


guidance and supervision.

Signature of Research Report Guide

Research Guide Name: Prof. Akshay Taneja under

Designation: Professor (Assistant Professor)



This is to certify that MR. TUSHAR ANKIT, Roll No: 20133DM172 is a student of Noida
Institute of Engineering & Technology and has done his Research Report titled “EFFECT

The work embodied in the report is original and is of the standard expected of a Post
Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) student and has not been submitted in part or
full, to this or any other Institution, for the award of any Degree or Diploma. He/she has
completed all requirements for Research and the report work is fit for evaluation.

Signature of Head of Institution:

Dr. Atul Sharma



I, TUSHAR ANKIT, hereby declare that the Research work title “EFFECT
THE JOINING DATE”. Completed & submitted in partial fulfilment of the
award of the degree of “Post-graduate Diploma in Management” by Noida
Institute of Engineering & Technology and the work was carried out with the
help and under guidance of “Prof. Akshay Taneja”.

I further declare this Research report has not formed the basis for the award of
any other Degree/Diploma of any other University/Institution.



Roll No: 20133DM172

PGDM (2020-2022)


I would like to take the opportunity to thank and express my deep sense of
gratitude to my corporate mentor “Prof. Akshay Taneja”. I am greatly indebted
to him for providing their valuable guidance at all stages of the study, their advice,
constructive suggestions, positive and supportive attitude and continuous
encouragement, without which it would have not been possible to complete the

I hope that I can build upon the experience and knowledge that I have gained and
make a valuable contribution towards this industry in coming future.


1 Introduction 7-10

2 Literature Review 11-16

3 Company Overview 17-22

4 Theoretical Review 23-41

5 Research Methodology 42-47

6 Data Analysis & Findings 46-52

7 Summary of Finding 53

8 Limitation of the study 54

9 Recommendation 55

10 Conclusion 56

11 Bibliography 57-59

12 Annexure 60-62


Recruitment refers to the process of identifying, attracting, interviewing, selecting, hiring and
onboarding employees. In other words, it involves everything from the identification of a
staffing need to filling it.

Depending on the size of an organization, recruitment is the responsibility of a range of

workers. Larger organizations may have entire teams of recruiters, while others only a single
recruiter. In small outfits, the hiring manager may be responsible for recruiting. In addition,
many organizations outsource recruiting to outside firms. Companies almost always recruit
candidates for new positions via advertisements, job boards, social media sites, and others.
Many companies utilize recruiting software to more effectively and efficiently source top
candidates. Regardless, recruitment typically works in conjunction with, or as a part of
Human Resources.

Nowadays, employee attrition became a serious issue regarding a company’s competitive

advantage. It’s very expensive to find, hire and train new talents. It’s more cost-effective to
keep the employees a company already has. A company needs to maintain a pleasant working
atmosphere to make their employees stay in that company for a longer period. A few years
back it was done manually but it is an era of machine learning and data analytics. Now, a
company’s HR department uses some data analytics tool to identify which areas to be modified
to make most of its employees to stay.

The Global Pandemic has changed the way we look at things, right from where we work, how
we work, why we work to who we work with. Personality is one of the major psychological
factors affecting the human behavior. It is important in the workplace. Also, personality
assessment provides the recruiter a scandalized, useful insights regarding how candidates
behave in a work context and predict job performance and company fit. In psychology, the five
personality traits are five board domains or dimensions of personality. One of the most critical
challenges human resources managements usually faces in the procedure of recruitment and
selection. The impact of personality traits on the job performance of employees is absolutely
clear and many organizations use this effect on their employees. This study is basically to
understand the effectiveness in recruitment – how most of the companies are using personality
measures to determine whether a candidate is a good fit or not. And how candidates choose
their best option. The whole focus will be on personality assessments and recruitment. In fact,
recruitment is the process in which HR usually identifies and attracts prospective people from
out and inside the entry in order to evaluate and finally employee them. Many studies indicate
that there is a strong linkage between the recruitment & selection and the firm’s performance.
So, this research will be using big 5 personality model to help companies make better hires.

During this Pandemic the Corporates have also faced a huge loss because of employees not
joining on the given date. Recruitment is very expensive procedure, if a company doesn’t have
a Plan B for this scenario, the company will face a big smash.

The enforced shift during the worst of the pandemic to virtual working, consuming and
socializing will fuel a massive and further shift to virtual activity for anything. It will affect
ways of communicating across learning, working, transacting and consuming. This will
impact everyone.

Adoption of digital by those yet to do so will be accelerated and a reduction of the obstacles
to going virtual for any sort of experience will be required. Winners will be those who test
and explore all of the associated creative possibilities. Anything that can be done virtually
will be.

We all know that finding a great candidate who is the right fit for our company can be time-
consuming, costly and, it can be difficult to know whether someone is going to tick all the

However, if we perfect our shortlisting strategy early on, this can be a much smoother
process, but still the Employee is not hired until he is onboarded and what if he doesn’t show
up on the joining date.

Plus, learning how to shortlist candidates can help we to create a more efficient recruitment

We may overlook certain mistakes from a candidate that appears to otherwise be the perfect
fit and when we are short staffed and need to fill our vacancy; but there are certain rules that
are unforgivable during the recruitment processes.

Red flags might include poor organisation, or coming across as unprofessional. So, if our
candidate takes a long time to reply, misses our call and appears to lack common decencies
over email, these could be cause for concern.

After all, these suggest that the candidate isn’t taking the position seriously and that they
could have a bad attitude.

References are great for providing some extra reassurance on our candidate. Having another
opinion on a candidate’s work ethic is helpful to decide if they are the right fit for our
company culture.

Statistics from HR magazine state that it takes 27.59 days to complete the average hiring
process. The more applicants we put through to the final stages, the longer that timeframe
becomes, and the higher the costs involved.

An obvious reason to shortlist candidates then is time and cost efficiency - and of course to
focus our efforts on the most promising talent. But there are other reasons besides this.

Shortlisting more options and profiles can give us an insight into the quality of our acquisition
efforts. If we struggle to narrow down our applicant pool because it is so strong, we can be
confident that our job ad was well crafted and well-targeted.

On the other hand, if screening throws up few to no suitable candidates, we should rethink our
sourcing strategy.

Effective shortlisting is also an important part of the candidate experience. Research has shown
that today's workforce wants a quick turnaround, with over 50% having turned down a job offer
because the hiring process took too long. So if we're not shortlisting at speed, we may be
alienating our best applicants.

Literature Review

1. Iohannis Nikolaou and Konstantina Foti, (January 2018) – In their research personality is an
important part of selection process. Personality research and practice in employee selection has
to keep up-to-date with recent developments areas, such as personality psychology and Human
Resources Management.

2. William Clarke in his article in the year (2016) highlights the pressure of work brings out
the worst and the best in people. Cutting corners and taking shortcuts always comes back to
hurt we eventually, which is why hiring for character is so fundamental to creating a workplace
and culture that can endure and overcome obstacles while establishing the long-term success
of an organization.

3. Whitney Martin done research on ‘The Problem with Using Personality Tests for Hiring’, in
2014. The outcome of this study – using well-validated, highly predictive assessment tools can
give business owners and managers a significant leg up when trying to select candidates who
will become top producers for the organization.

4. Dan Sines, in his articles July 26, 2017 gives insights that both skills and personality matter
to the success of a new hire, and the best-performing organizations recruit for both. But
according to author finding the right fit for an organization is paramount because while skills
can be taught, personality traits are inherent and don’t really change.

5. Patrik Remann and Angelika Nordin, in his article “Personality tests in recruitment”
February 2021. In this article he found the only psychological theory to be used in recruitment
and selection is the five-factor this article he also found out why other theories and
tests that are not made for selection and popular.

6. Riya Kumar, in his articles “the use of personality testing in personnel selection” (2019)
CMS sr. Theses. 2038. This thesis examines whether personality testing is a valid predictor of
job-fit and performance in the context of personal selection. At last, he found that the
personality test is best administered when they provide incremental validity over other tolls
and are matched to specific job -criteria.

7. By next technology professionals, March 24 ,2021 “personality test in recruitment”. This
article says that during recruitment process it is important to know the candidate as well as
possible and interview should be through enough to evaluate their technical and soft skills. Pre-
employment exams are becoming increasingly common as a means of determining whether a
candidate is a good fit for the job and the company culture. There are many different types of
pre-employment assessments, the 5 main ones are: aptitude, personality, emotional
intelligence, risk, and skills tests. In this article, we examine the longevity and usefulness of
various personality tests.

8. According to Mercer, ‘Mettle’s Talent assessment practices survey report 2020. As the
COVID-19 pandemic has switched recruiting to a virtual mode, personality assessments for
recruitment have assumed extraordinary importance. The virtual style of interviewing might
make interpreting an individual's body language and mood more difficult. Pre-employment
personality tests help we evaluate our hiring process and make sure we're employing the correct

9. By Sean Peek, 23oct.2020. He experimented with using personality tests during recruitment
for several years but have only been using them consistently since the shift to remote recruiting.
They’ve proven especially beneficial to gain some insights into candidates that we find are
more difficult to assess during video/phone interviews. Using them does make finding ideal
candidates easier. It cuts down the time spent in interviews and provides a measurable metric
for comparing candidates, which ultimately makes the entire process more efficient.” – Jon
Hill, Chairman & CEO, The Energists.

10. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, perhaps the most well-known of personality tests,
divides people into 16 distinct categories using a series of questions. The test identifies our
personality based on how we reply to a series of random questions and which of the following
groups we lean toward: "Extraversion vs. Introversion," "Intuition vs. Sensing," "Thinking vs.
Feeling," and "Judging vs. Perceiving." The exam is helpful for hiring managers who want to
know how a prospect would work in a group rather than if they'd be a good fit for our company.

11. Marci R. Mitchell, Marc. N. Potenza 2014. In his survey the 16-personality model is based
on Carl Jung's hypothesis that we see the world via four major psychological functions:
sensation, intuition, feeling, thinking. It also implies that everyone has a preference for one of
these functions.

12. U Kessay (Essay) 18May2020. In this article impulsivity and sensation-seeking are linked
to substance abuse, according to research (regardless of type of substance). However, further
research is needed to determine the extent to which particular characteristics of impulsivity or
related constructs uniquely predispose to or are caused by the use of specific substances. While
certain personality qualities may enhance the likelihood of substance abuse, more longitudinal
research is needed to investigate how potential variations in impulsivity and sensation-seeking
link with substance-abusing behaviors and disorders.

13. “Skills for new managers” Mc Graw-Hill,2000, “the art of winning conversation”
(PrenticeHall,1995). Recruitment and selection procedures are also improving, ensuring that
only the best candidates are chosen. With psychometric testing becoming a more extensively
used tool in the hiring process, it's critical for employers to examine if the test is based on
respectable research, can withstand human rights scrutiny, and is fair and reasonable to

14. Alan Price 2007, In this study most personality tests assess an individual's aptitude in a
particular area, such as management or sales, some evaluations assess an individual's aptitude
in a single area. Personality tests are becoming available as Web-based tools. This eliminates
the need to perform a test on-site. Multiple-choice questions and true-false statements are
common in exams. When candidates take the exam online, their results are usually tallied in
minutes and emailed to the hiring manager, along with an explanation of the results.

15. Global Journal of HRM, Joy O. Ekwoaba, U Gochukwu. U. Ikeije, Ndubuisi Ufoma (March
2015). This article shows the HR managers of the chosen industries must concentrate on finding
the suitable people through alternative means such as campus placements,, and data
banks etc. The candidate's qualifications are assessed during the selection process. talents,
information, and abilities that are extremely important to the job openings in specific industries.

16. Ashish Gupta, Sujeet Kumar, (Nov.2014). In this article more significantly, persons in
charge of making selection judgments should have enough knowledge to make informed
choices. Human resource policies and practices, according to Robbins (2005), are poourful
drivers in affecting employee behavior and attitudes.

17. Poonam Rani 2018. In this study the financial sector's structure (as well as SMC Ltd.’s)
was known, as was the understanding that recruitment is a continual process in this area,

necessitating the development of new innovative ways. To fulfil the demand Instead of
focusing on short-term results, the company should concentrate on long-term consistency.

18. Arch Profile 2012. The goal of this study is to see how personality factors affect dispute
resolution and leadership styles in the Punjab insurance industry. Based on the findings, it can
be concluded that there is a positive and significant relationship between leadership styles and
various personality dimensions, indicating that Transformational and Transactional leaders are
more emotionally stable, attached, and open to new ideas and suggestions from employees.

19. The difficulty is that when it comes to assessing a candidate's personality, businesses
usually rely on gut feeling and first impressions. This method has validity, especially if the
individual evaluating the person is a good judge of character.

20. The difficulty is that when it comes to assessing a candidate's personality, businesses
usually rely on gut feeling and first impressions. This method has validity, especially if the
individual evaluating the person is a good judge of character.


➢ Personality Traits and their Validity in Predicting Job Performance at Recruitment. Article

in International Journal of Engineering and Management Sciences, May 2019.


➢ Kumar, Riya, “The use of personality testing in personnel selection” (2019). CMS Senior

Theses 2038.

➢ Job Type and Recruitments’ Inferences of Applicant Personality Drawn from Resume

Biodata: Their relationship with hiring recommendations.

➢ Personnel Selection and Personality (Ioannis Nikolaou and Konstantina Foti, January 2018)

➢ The Dangers of Hiring Candidates Based on Personality (William Clarke) December 7,


➢ Why Recruitment for Personality Matters (By Dan Sines, July 26,2017).

➢ Hiring And Recruitment, (The Problem with Using Personality Tests for Hiring), by

Whitney Martin, 2014, Harvard Business Review.

➢ Personality Tests in Recruitment - Next Technology

➢ Pre-Employment Personality Tests: A Must-Have Tool for Hiring (



➢ Addictions and Personality Traits: Impulsivity and Related Constructs (

➢ Recruitment and Selection Processes in the Hospitality Industry (

➢ Using Personality Tests as a Hiring Tool | Edward Lowe Foundation




➢999 (


The research outcome will be enhancing the effectiveness in recruitment process according to

candidates’ personality types.

1. To explain how this study is effective for the organization.

2. To analyse a large set of data on job interviews to find out which personality traits companies

look for when they are hiring.


Recruiting in this day and age is a challenge, indeed. It's getting more so with leaner teams
and leaner budgets – but with the same expected results. Recruitment is a very costly and
time taking process for any company and selecting the right candidate plays a very important
role in success of an organization. So, when we are considering the recruitment, it is very
important to understand the joining probability of the candidates based on their personality
type as this study will help the organization to conduct cost-effective recruitment process
(save cost) and as well as it helps the HR to utilize their time to select the right candidate and
avoid wasting their effort on the candidates who have less probability to join the


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Surely, not everything in life should revolve around money, so we at Astrotalk, besides online
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Astrotalk is one of the best platforms to get an online kundli for ourself. The exhaustive and
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Interestingly, the Astrotalk app is made in such a way that it helps we with all our astrology
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How much does Astrotalk cost?

Simply put, Astrotalk suits our budget. And if we consider the First Chat Free feature, then it
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at the end of the day, all of them are best at what they do as they have been scrutinised by the
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Astrotalk is the best astrology website for online Astrology predictions. With a gigantic pool
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Astrotalk brings together astrologers and their boundless knowledge about the occult science
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astrology sessions, Daily horoscope, Free kundli matching service, Spiritual store and much

Mission of Astrotalk

Astrotalk’s mission is to create a community for the people who seek astrological guidance for
the betterment of life. We want to help out people who are going through a bad phase of life in
the most trusted way.

Vision of Astrotalk

Astrotalk’s vision is to provide astrological solutions to the customers who are facing problems.
We want to give direction to their life with the assistance of our trusted and certified

Story of Astrotalk

Astrotalk came into being with an aim to not only keep the ethos of traditional astrology
intact but to also amalgamate in it the solutions to modern problems like mental health, stress,
depression, etc. With that being the first and foremost goal, Astrotalk’s founder, Puneet
Gupta, has not only worked to deliver the best of Vedic astrology on the platform but has
touched every aspect of mental wellness through spiritual means. With the grace of God,
Astrotalk, over the years, has not only been able to achieve the aforementioned aim but also
add-on to the list of ‘achieved goals’ and continues to do so. Today, with over 2400
astrologers onboard and over 1 Lakh minutes of daily consultation, Astrotalk, besides
allowing we to talk to the best astrologers, also provides numerous other services like Free
live sessions, Free Kundli matching, Daily horoscope and much more.

As Astrotalk continues to grow with each passing day, so is growing our potential and urge to
offer the best of astrology to our users. We are working to build the world’s largest
community of spiritual and wellbeing experts, and we hope we become a part of this journey
one prediction at a time.

Astrotalk, today, enjoys a tremendous audience across 60+ countries with an ever-expanding
pool of 2400+ top Vedic astrologers, Tarot readers, Numerologists, Vastu experts from around
the world. As they understand how one seeks only accurate predictions for themselves, thus
they ensure every astrologer we connect with on their platform is the best of the best. For the
same purpose, they let users rate the astrologers; and recommend to we only the ones who have
a 4+ rating. This way, we assure we of premium quality predictions. This is one of the reasons
why we are able to garner a huge base of over 2-crore customers and are currently doing over
1-Lakh minutes of daily consultation. Also, another core goal is to respect the privacy so one
can trust the company and certainly buzz about Astrotalk.



A review of literature involves a systematic identification, location, scrutinizing and summary

of written materials, containing information on research problems. According to Polit and Beck

a review of literature is a written summary of existing knowledge on a research problem. In

depth study of any subject involves a systematic review and appraisal of all the relevant

scholarly literature and a specific topic.

➢ Literature and studies related to the Recruiting efficiently.

➢ Literature and Studies related to the lifestyle of people in India.

➢ Literature and studies related to the preference of employees.

Recruitment and selection processes are part of HR routines. To retain top talent and build a
strong, consistent team, the HR manager needs to know how to do the recruitment and
selection process the right way.
Recruitment and selection techniques need to be applied precisely to avoid increased
turnover. Today there are systems that apply artificial intelligence in recruitment and
selection to increase performance success.
Today there are systems that apply artificial intelligence in recruitment and selection to
increase performance success.

When you’re running a company, your staff are your biggest asset. By hiring the right people,
you can ensure you have the skills, innovation and creativity you need to grow your business.
However, you’ll need to make sure you can attract the best candidates if you want to achieve
commercial success.

If candidates aren’t clamouring to work for you or your job adverts rarely prompt interest
from the cream of the crop, take a look at these top 5 reasons why people don’t want to join
your company…

1. Your job adverts don’t excite people

No matter what type of role you’re advertising, people need to feel excited and intrigued
when they see them. Most people search for new jobs online, which means you’ll only have a
few lines to grab someone’s interest. What’s more, your advert will be surrounded by similar
posts from your competitors, so it’s vital your content stands out and makes a positive

Simply stating the job title and a list of responsibilities isn’t going to cut it in today’s climate.
Workers are more aware of their value than ever before and job satisfaction is routinely cited
as one of the most important aspects of a role.

If you want to ensure your job adverts are being seen – and acted upon – by the best people,
take the time to craft them. If in doubt, outsource your needs to professionals and see just
what effect an expertly worded job advert has on the number of applications you receive.

2. You don’t have brand ambassadors

A job advert should pique someone’s interest, but the best candidates will always research
your company before deciding whether or not to submit a CV. As well as visiting your
website, a savvy applicant will seek out additional information and look at who works or has
worked for your business.

Having a ‘Meet the Team’ page on your website can be an effective way to introduce users to
your current staff. However, everyone knows your own site content will reflect well on your

brand. It’s the online content that appears elsewhere that will give potential candidates a real
insight into what it’s like to work for you.

When your existing employees and previous staff are singing your praises on social media,
job sites, blog posts and in industry videos, it’s always going promote your company. In
addition to this, receiving positive feedback, ratings and reviews on employee survey sites
will stand you in good stead when it comes to hiring new people.

3. You don’t provide enough information

Take a look at any recruitment website and you’ll see tonnes of advert that don’t really tell
you anything about the role or the employer. While it’s easy to post generic information,
potential candidates really want to know more about the type of company you are and the
ethos you implement before they submit their application.

Everyone can imagine the generic day-to-day duties of a ‘Social Media Manager’, so your
job adverts need to go one step further and really sell your workplace. Although you may not
want to give too much information away at first, it’s important to strike the right balance.
Keeping some information confidential while giving users enough material to make an
educated decision about the suitability of the position will help to ensure you attract a
substantial number of suitable applicants.

4. Your salaries are too low

No company wants to hear they should be paying their staff more but a lack of interest in
your job vacancies could mean just that. Salaries are no longer a taboo subject and the
internet makes it easier than ever to discover what other people are earning. If you’re offering
a wage that’s lower than your competitors, you’re unlikely to attract the best candidates.

Remember – people who change job usually take the opportunity to increase their
remuneration. If you aren’t prepared to offer successful candidates a higher salary than
they’re currently receiving, you’re going to be hard-pressed to persuade them to join your

While you don’t want to attract applicants solely because you’re offering a high wage, no-
one’s going to work for free. By offering an attractive and fair remuneration and benefits
package, you can highlight how much value you place on your staff and showcase your
willingness to repay your employees for their hard work and loyalty.

5. Your website is out of date

If candidates are interested in a job vacancy, at least 59% of them will look at your
company’s website. If your site fails to impress, they simply won’t pursue their application
any further, which means you could be missing out on swathes of qualified candidates.

When you’re creating your company website, it isn’t just potential clients and customers you
need to have in mind. Future staff members will begin their journey with you by viewing
your online content too, so be sure that your web design, structure and content delivers the
right message.

Adding a careers page to your website can be a great way to connect with potential new
employees. By having dedicated webpages that tell users more about what it’s like to work
for you, you can ensure that applicants have access to all the information they need.
Furthermore, you’ll be able to determine which candidates did their due diligence prior to
applying when it comes to the interview stage of the recruitment process.

Over the past few weeks I have been speaking with several HR leaders to find out what are the
challenges they face. While attrition continues to be challenge,
Everyone expressed their frustration about candidates not joining after accepting an offer.
Obvioulsy they are perplexed. The candidate attends several rounds of interviews,accepts the
offer, says he’s joining and then bang on the date of joining he doest show up. To make matters
worse he stops answering calls. Reactions vary from:

“It bloody beats me, I just don’t get it”

Very irresponsible, this new generation”
“Wonder what we are doing wrong”
“Its causing me a lot of grief and my expenses to hire are sky rocketing”
“We have to stop this, there has to be a way”

What they do agree on is that this cant go on like this. Its too damaging.

My heart goes out to all the recruiters out there who spend insane amount of time sourcing
relevant talent, then spending a lot of energy in trying to improve the candidate’s experience,
only to be left dejected and having to start all over again

Accepting the offer but not joining, how irresponsible?! Or is it?

Over the past few weeks I have been speaking with several HR leaders to find out what are the
challenges they face. While attrition continues to be challenge,
Everyone expressed their frustration about candidates not joining after accepting an offer.
Obvioulsy they are perplexed. The candidate attends several rounds of interviews,accepts the
offer, says he’s joining and then bang on the date of joining he doest show up. To make matters
worse he stops answering calls.

What they do agree on is that this cant go on like this. Its too damaging.

My heart goes out to all the recruiters out there who spend insane amount of time sourcing
relevant talent, then spending a lot of energy in trying to improve the candidate’s experience,
only to be left dejected and having to start all over again.

Broadly 43 % of the reasons for not joining are controllable, ie Organisations should have
either not hired them or shoud have spent more time in ensuring that the candidate is clear
about the role and the advantages of joining the Organisation.

Are you selling the company enough, it’s a sale after all !

So what can companies do differently:

Quality of the interview process:

Irrespective of whether you make an offer or not, all candidates should walk out with a ‘Wow’
feeling. They should feel convinced that this is the kind of company they would like to work
at and these are the people they would like to work with. Their interactions with everyone

The candidate should feel that people in the Company genuinely care.

While Salary is important, I am of the firm belief that it’s the role that finally matters. Recruiters
should spend a significant amount of time discussing the role, impact on the overall business
and the future career prospects. All 3 are equally important.

During our attrition analysis we find that close to 80% of employees who leave within the first
3 months, leave due to an expectation mismatch at the time of recruitment. Being absolutely
clear about the role and other details may significantly reduce early attrition.

“It bloody beats me, I just don’t get it”

“Very irresponsible, this new generation”
“Wonder what we are doing wrong”
“Its causing me a lot of grief and my expenses to hire are sky rocketing”
“We have to stop this, there has to be a way”

What they do agree on is that this cant go on like this. Its too damaging.

My heart goes out to all the recruiters out there who spend insane amount of time sourcing
relevant talent, then spending a lot of energy in trying to improve the candidate’s experience,
only to be left dejected and having to start all over again

Broadly 43 % of the reasons for not joining are controllable, ie Organisations should have
either not hired them or shoud have spent more time in ensuring that the candidate is clear
about the role and the advantages of joining the Organisation.

Are you selling the company enough, it’s a sale after all !

So what can companies do differently:

Quality of the interview process:

Irrespective of whether you make an offer or not, all candidates should walk out with a ‘Wow’
feeling. They should feel convinced that this is the kind of company they would like to work
at and these are the people they would like to work with. Their interactions with everyone

The candidate should feel that people in the Company genuinely care.

While Salary is important, I am of the firm belief that it’s the role that finally matters. Recruiters
should spend a significant amount of time discussing the role, impact on the overall business
and the future career prospects. All 3 are equally important.

During our attrition analysis we find that close to 80% of employees who leave within the first
3 months, leave due to an expectation mismatch at the time of recruitment. Being absolutely
clear about the role and other details may significantly reduce early attrition.

You’d rather not have the candidate not join, than join and leave!

Candidate engagement
Normally there could be anywhere between 1 to 3 months from the time the offer is given to
the time the candidate joins. This part is very critical. High engagement is required to address
any ambiguities in the minds of the candidiate.

Rather than wait for the candidiate to reach out to us, it helps to be pro active

Keep the engagement going with the candidate to address any issues.Look for signs and signals
of disinterest. They are normally very evident, There could be other tricks that you could use
to check if the candidiate is still scouting for offers.
Continuously sell the Organisation. Reiterate the advantages of joining and the opportunities
that exist. Let the candidiates feel that you genuiunely care and you very much want them to
join. Increase ownership. The candidates should know that they matter. Some organisations
even go to the extent of keeping the candidates informed of all thats happening at the company
along with key product updates in the post-offer stage. This adds significant value as the
candidate now feels like they are part of the team even before they join.

Some other things that you could consider are:

• Inviting them over to the office to get a first hand experience

• Sending flowers home, speaking with family members
• Meeting with their Manager to increase comfort levels and use the opportunity to
discuss the role too
• Invite them over for any company events and functions
Having a well implemented candidate engagement program has 3 major advantages.
1. Ambiguities in the candidates mind, can be addressed proactively
2. Early knowledge of the candidate not joining
3. All things considered equal, candidates pick up companies who engage better
Its not a lost case yet and we should ensure that it doesn’t become one. Please drop a note to
let me know what you think and share your own views, experiences and suggestions on how
we can improve joining ratio.

All organizations, whether large or small, put time and resources into the process of
recruiting and selecting employees for the activities. However, they do not consider the same
There are factors that are often not considered by organizations, but directly influence the
process. Administrative recruitment factors can be broadly divided into internal and external

• Supply and demand;
• Unemployment rate;
• Intern market;
• Place where the applicant resides;
• Company image.
Supply and demand are the metric of the specific skills required in the job market. If the
demand for a particular skill is high compared to the supply, a larger recruitment effort may
be required. Thus, the higher the unemployment rate in a given area, the simpler the process
of recruiting and selecting the company.
The unemployment rate has become one of the influencing factors in the recruitment and
selection process. The number of unskilled candidates is very large, which causes difficulties
in attracting and retaining suitable candidates. On the other hand, with the unemployment rate
decreasing, it is important to explore new ways to recruit candidates.
The company’s image also directly influences the number of candidates who will be attracted
to the position. In many cases, the applicant not only targets the salary amount, but prioritizes
the company’s qualifications and working conditions.
It is very common for companies to prioritize candidates residing in their respective state.
This avoids major changes and travel expenses for interviews and future allowances. The
company’s image is also extremely important as it is responsible for attracting a large number
of candidates with varying levels of qualification.

• Recruitment policy;
• Company size;
• Cost growth and expansion.

Most organizations have a policy of recruiting employees internally or externally.

Recruitment by appointment is one of the most used by organizations, as employees
themselves know the company better, making it easier to recommend candidates who can
easily adapt to the culture of the organization.

The main internal factor that can determine the success of the recruitment and selection
programmer is the use, or not, of the hiring policy. In most cases, a company cannot attract
enough qualified candidates.
It takes time for the company to find the appropriate way to recruit and obtain a dynamic and
effective method of selection. When the best alternative is discovered, the recruitment and
selection plan is the easiest tip, minimizing the efforts placed on recruitment.

Cost is an internal factor that needs to be considered. Recruitment and selection expenses are
calculated with each new hire and the amount is significant. So recruiters have to operate
within budgets. Online recruitment systems are careful and can be considered, and the choice
of professional recruiters can minimize recruitment and selection expenses. For example, an
excellent cost reduction measure is to recruit several jobs at the same time.
The best solution is to seek to use professionals who already have practice in the function, or
seeking to close gaps internally, with professionals already hired, thus reducing the need for
recruiting. It is always important to calculate the quality, quantity and costs of recruitment
and selection so that it is possible to assess whether the mechanism is efficient and cost

And if a candidate doesn’t show up on the joining date, and one doesn’t have a Plan B then
this recruitment phrase will repeat itself and this can cause a huge loss for the company and
can be a huge setback for the HR team.

At times, we may end an interview process for a position with two candidates who would
each make a great addition to the company. While both seem to be qualified candidates,
something will ultimately tip the scales in one candidate's favor - maybe one has more
experience under their belt or possesses hard-to-find skills.

But with only one position to fill, it can be tough to let the other candidate know that we've
chosen someone else for the position - especially now, post-COVID, labor shortages in many
industries means it's important to keep any qualified candidate interested in our company.

The good news is that we don't have to let them go entirely!

It's always beneficial to nurture relationships with second-place candidates, according to

Gene Brady, Director at SCN - Search Consulting Network. "'Second place candidates have
many times been the one to receive the offer, for a wide variety of reasons - the first-place
candidate withdraws or the first-place candidate doesn't pass the drug or background check.
Also, the next assignment that comes in may fit the second-place candidate so nicely they
become the first-place candidate for the role!"

But how exactly can we keep a second-place candidate interested if we don't have a position
for them at the moment?

An interested candidate never wants to hear that they didn't get the job, but if we relay the
message properly, we can leave them feeling good about themselves and open to future
opportunities. It shouldn't feel over-the-top or phony, though - make sure we're authentic in
our response.
Many HR experts agree that the best way to keep a strong candidate interested in our
company is to proactively engage with them: "Emails where we check in are great for
nurturing candidates. We can also call or text, asking how everything is going - maybe asking
something about what we discussed during interviews (pursuit of a degree, certification, or
other topics),".

Other creative ideas for staying in touch with a candidate include sending a monthly update,
inviting them to a company open house, or even sending them a small gift. If we have the
budget for it, we may even want to "consider adding this person for an Advisory role
or consultant for a special project."

Keep potential candidates in the loop regarding new opportunities: "Email or call the
candidates periodically when new jobs are available, and encourage them to apply for jobs on
a short-list if they meet qualifications. When there's news about an upcoming hiring phase,
notify them and recommend applying if they are interested,"

It's strategic to keep a strong candidate interested in our company, but if we're interacting
with them for months on end but have no idea when a relevant position will open, we need to
be transparent about that.

Putting a candidate on hold during a recruiting process is never ideal, but it is often
unavoidable. However, there are most definitely times when it is appropriate, and when it’s
not. It’s also worth noting that while a thorough recruitment process is necessary, the longer
we draw it out for, the more likely it is that our ideal candidate will have found a fit at
another company – especially if we’re recruiting for upper-level positions.
Unfortunately, most candidates get put on hold for disingenuous reasons, or are put on hold
and then simply forgotten about. We should never put a candidate on hold to:

• Avoid giving bad news: This isn’t common in big organisations, but is
something to watch in small businesses. No one wants to be the bearer of bad
news, but “ghosting” a candidate is never okay. A copy-and-paste email
saying that they’ve been unsuccessful on this occasion is better than nothing.
A little feedback is best. Call them if we took up a lot of their time, otherwise
an email with some feedback will give them closure on their application.
• The budget disappears or there was no job: Sometimes the budget is simply
not there. Particularly in big organisations, hiring is a complex business, and a
lot of stakeholders are involved. Never put a candidate on hold because a
position might open up. Be honest and ask them if they would be open to
being contacted should a vacancy open up in the future.
• Having a reserve: Sometimes companies like to ‘hang on’ to their second
choice candidate while confirming with their first choice that they want the
position, and even during their first weeks working there. While this is
tempting, just be honest with our second choice. Say that we’ve found
someone for this position, but if anything changes, we’ll reach back out to see
if they’re still interested.

• Someone steps forward: An internal candidate suddenly comes forward, and
the line manager naturally wants to give them a chance. There needs to be a
procedure put in place to screen all possible internal candidates before talking
to outside applicants.
• Overworked recruitment team: The amount of work overloads the
recruiting team. This is a pretty poor reason but an understandable one. Hiring
managers are often lone co-ordinators or have a small team, and they simply
aren’t able to juggle all the balls of hiring for a large organisation – especially
a fast-growing one. We must remember, while the recruiting team may be
snowed under with positions to fill and applications for those roles, for the
candidates, it is one of few applications they are making. The result is very
important to them, so do everything we can to ensure the candidate experience
is a smooth one.

The key to putting candidates on hold without ruining oure relationship with them and
potentially our reputation is clear and honest communication. If we can phrase our
communication in a way that is not too apologetic and gives them some poour (e.g.
“would we be open to being contacted should anything change?” rather than “We’ll let
we know if anything changes”).

Any candidate deserves clear and thoughtful communication. If they must be put on hold,
make sure they understand why and when they can expect to hear from, we again.

Email is okay; phone calls are better. There may be a perfectly good reason why a
candidate has been put on hold rather than either given the position or turned down, but
let them know what it is. Regular communication and as short a time scale as possible is a

If we’re struggling to find the right candidates in a timely manner, we’ll likely benefit
from external recruiting help. We help organisations find high-level talent for their open
positions to accelerate growth and be the best cultural fit possible.

We may find ourself at the end of a job interview process with two applicants who would both
be excellent additions to our firm. While both candidates appear to be competent, something
will eventually tip the scales in one’s favor – perhaps one has more experience or possesses
hard-to-find qualities.

When we offer a job to a candidate, we hope they are as eager about it as our hiring team is
about hiring them. However, a candidate’s heart may change, and they may decide they are no
longer interested. It might be hard when our ideal candidate walks out of the room. What to do
now? We had all hopes pinned on this one candidate who is no longer accessible.

That is why executives are learning to be comfortable with their second or third choices as
scarcity grips the marketplace. Scarcity is also forcing businesses to improve their internal
systems. Hiring managers are not suddenly accepting less qualified candidates; instead, they are
working to improve their internal processes. Once the baseline requirements have been set, the
pool of available candidates may broaden, allowing for hiring similarly qualified but less
experienced candidates.

Why should the second-place candidate be equally important as the first?

Identifying excellent applicants is a strategic step that businesses take to ensure that they have a
steady supply of qualified employees. That allows them to fill significant positions with
talented and passionate candidates quickly. Companies can spot suitable applicants even before
a job vacancy if they have a large talent community. Talent pools can be further divided into
groups based on the firm’s needs, allowing the organization to benefit from the group of skills.

Staying in touch with our pool of candidates, including second-place candidates, will give we
swift filling of every job position. Under extreme situations, when our preferred candidate turns
down the job offer, we can always have a second-preferred candidate as a backup.

Even so, that does not indicate that hiring from the outside of preferences is a terrible option.
Suppose the majority of our positions are being filled from outside. In that case, unless our
company is a Silicon Valley gazelle, introducing such people at a breakneck pace, we should
always have a pool of professionals as we build relationships through the years of recruiting
and talent acquisition.

Ways to keep the second-candidates engaged

One of our applicants losing interest and moving on to a new job is the last thing we want to
happen. Here are some strategies for keeping our second-choice applicants interested
throughout the hiring process:

Keeping applicants in the loop

Following up with candidates, regardless of the outcome, is critical in establishing a positive

recruitment reputation. An overwhelming majority of candidates prefer that we keep in touch
and communicate effectively, versus leaving them in the dark, or ghosting them. It is possible
that a candidate may not have been the best fit for one position, but he or she may be ideal for
another in the future, and we will want to have established a positive, respectful connection
with them.

For example, an apologetic email should be sent to all applicants that did not get chosen
initially at the very least. A phone call from the hiring manager or an HR representative should
be received by candidates who have had an interview with them.

Following up with candidates as a corporate internal recruiter is critical for any firm’s
reputation. When it comes to job roles and service-based businesses, companies frequently miss
that all of these applicants are also their potential new hires down the road and even customers.
In either case, that communication enables we to make a positive connection with them.

Ensuring transparency throughout the process

Job applicants are aware that there is always the possibility of not being chosen for a position.
Although this is difficult for candidates, businesses should make the entire procedure easier by
being entirely honest during the hiring process. Even if they are our second-place candidate, it
is advisable to be transparent with them on why another candidate was chosen.

Employers should give eligible candidates some constructive feedback. This feedback should
contain suggestions for making the candidate even more qualified for the position and advice
on succeeding in the next round of interviews, whether conducted by video or in person.

Make sure we are not making her feel like a rebound

When we contact a second-choice prospect for a job offer, we want them to feel just as
important as our first choice. To ensure that, the responsibility lies with we. It is the job of the

hiring team to make the second-choice candidate feel equally important. This can be achieved
by phrasing our new offer correctly, so that they do not feel they oure only given the
opportunity due to the primary candidate not being available any longer.

As an example, if the first candidate we chose for the job resigns weeks later, make sure to
notify our second and third choices that the position is open again and that we would want to
schedule another interview. That will allow we to learn about the other prospects’ current
employment status and to get them excited about the newly opened role.

Second-place job candidates play an important role in filling current and future vacancies
within organizations. They can truly be a massive help for recruiters and talent acquisition
professionals and should always be kept in mind for those needs. They may even be a great fit
for a different position that becomes available. Keep these tips in mind moving forward to
improve our recruiting efforts.

If the first candidate rejects their offer, you will probably be in line for the next offer. And
don’t be offended that you’re the second one—the distinctions between first- and second-
place finishers is so subjective, it’s otherwise meaningless in many cases.

Now—a lot of companies are just terrible with their feedback and communication, so just
because you haven’t heard from them doesn’t mean you’re the silver-medalist. But that is
what happens sometimes.

You’ll probably never find out that you were the second choice, because the offer process
will be just the same as for the first-place candidate!

We never tell candidates who have been interviewed the outcome until the person who has
been offered the role accepts it. Some companies do it differently and their policy is to tell the
candidates as soon as possible. In my current company if candidates have the skills and

abilities to do the job but are just pipped to the post, we offer them the chance to join our
talent pool. If the first choice subsequently withdraws, we contact the second choice
candidate and inform them that the person who was offered the job has withdrawn and then
we offer it to them.

My personal preference is to wait until the person has verbally accepted the role. We get the
contract out to them within 24 hours so that they can contact us with any queries. If they
subsequently decline, we immediately go to the second choice person and they never knew
they were second choice.

It really depends on the company as to what process they follow.

While at Astrotalk, we don’t do that usually. Actually, there is no need to mention the fact
in any way. Just proceed with the offer to the second person. And, if you usually call the
candidates before offers, do the same thing with this candidate also. And if he is asking about
the delay, just mention that there are some internal processes and unfortunately it took more
time than you were hoping for.

If you are talking of IT field, my suggestion would be to start the search again after the first
person declines as you proceed with the second person. This is just to play it safe, since the
second person being still available might have a low probability.

But remember to withdraw cancel the offer made to the first candidate.

So, what is this second choice.

Being a second choice means the company had another candidate they prefer. So, they choose
a second one and keep him/her in the loop until the end in case the preferred candidate
doesn’t take the job offer. If recruiters don’t keep other options, then they might have to go
through the whole process all over again. So, I agree with that practice. Plus, it’s true that the
company likes you and is willing to hire you…only if the other one doesn’t take the job. So,
it’s not as bad as it sounds, it’s actually a good thing as still can get the job.


Research Methodology is a method to solve the research problem systematically. It involves

gathering data, use of statistical techniques, interpretations, and drawing conclusions about the
research data. It is a blueprint, which is followed to complete the study.



• Know the problems that the modern Human Resources Executive faces to hire and
acquire new talents for their respective companies.
• How an HR can improve its recruitment process by adding few steps to it.
• What should be alternatives if an employee doesn’t join on the joining date according
to the experience of HR.

Time period of Study:

The study is conducted from March 2022 to May 2022.

Data Collection:

All the primary data is collected thorough questionnaire which consist of both demographic
questions as well as questions related to study. The secondary Data is collected through various
journals and research materials available on internet.

Target Audience:

The age group taken in this study is from 20 to 60. This is further divided into groups i.e., 20-
30, 30-40, 40-50, 50-60. This particular age group includes all the working HR professionals.

Geographical Location:

The respondents filling the questionnaire for the research study are from PAN India.

Tools used for analysis:

Percentage analysis, regression and correlation, factor analysis. Data analysis and
representation tools: The data analysis and representation tools which are used in this study
are: Charts and graphs.

The link for questionnaire is attached below:

Sampling Unit

Samples for the study has been taken from the age group taken in this study is from 20 to 60.
This is further divided into groups i.e., 20-30, 30-40, 40-50, 50-60. This particular age group
includes all the working HR professionals.

Sample Size

The sample size taken for the study is 50-100. This sample size is useful in getting different
responses from HR persons working in different companies and sectors. This will further help
in conducting a detailed study.

Limitations of the Research

The limitations of the research are as follows:

• The Research had been conducted for a short time of period, couldn’t find appropriate

• The sample size was limited to 60 only.

• Personal interaction with FM (Floor Manager) was missing.

• Some of the respondents didn’t answer the questions in an appropriate manner.

• Couldn’t find the proper data in internet


The present research study aims at the effectiveness in recruitment through joining
probability of candidates related to personality type. The study further aims at problems that
HR are facing due to Candidates’ personality and their decision to not joining the
organization. The presentation of facts done by preparing charts like bar charts, pie charts etc.
The following interpretation has been done on the idea of the questionnaires filled up the
employees of various companies.
Analysis of Responses:
❖ Gender:

INTERPRETATION: From the sample size of 60 respondent, we can see that the most of
respondents are female i.e., 64.3% and 35.7% are male respondents.

❖ Age:

INTERPRETATION: From the Sample Size of 60 respondents, we can see that most of the
employees are from the age group of 21-30 i.e., 92.9% and the least are from the age group
40 i.e., 7.1%. If we look at the above pie diagram directly, we can see the maximum of the
employees of the age between 21 to 30 years know about the impact on organizational
effectiveness of recruitment according to candidates’ personality type in their organization.

❖ Have you ever faced the problem when a candidate you have selected didn’t joined?

INTERPRETATION: From the Sample Size of 60 respondents, we can see that 78.6% HR
says that they have faced this problem and only 21.4% HR responses NO to these questions.
So, we can easily predict that this is a huge problem which is faced by the HR person.

❖ What is the major reason behind not joining him/her?

INTERPRETATION: From the Sample Size of 60 respondents, 64.3% HR highlights that

candidates get a better opportunity in other organization and the least only 35.7% HR reflects
that the candidates get a better salary option.

❖ What is your plan B, if a candidate doesn’t show up?

INTERPRETATION: From the Sample Size of 60 respondents, according to HR 64.3%

says that their plan B, when any candidate doesn’t show up is “choosing next best candidate”
and other 21.3% HR says that they start the recruitment process again. On the other hand,
14.3% HR reflects that they have alignment of candidates for similar post.

❖ According to you, as an HR person, what could be the possible reason for not

INTERPRETATION: From the Sample Size of 60 respondents, 57.1% HR says the

reason for not joining the candidates are “better opportunity” they get and the on the
other hand 28.6% HR response that candidate have a sake of collecting offer letters
and the least is 14.3% says that candidate reason for not joining is for practice point
of view.

❖ What could be the possible steps, according to you, to retain them?

INTERPRETATION: Almost 42.9% of the responding HR indicated that there is a win-win

for both the parties in terms of salary, timing or other facilities. On the other hand, 21.4% HR
that to retain the candidate one should know the expectations of the candidate well, where
another 35.7%
HR says to retain the candidate, they should give a full clearance about the job role and the



Nowadays, employee attrition became a serious issue regarding a company’s competitive

advantage. It’s very expensive to find, hire and train new talents. It’s more cost-effective to
keep the employees a company already has. A company needs to maintain a pleasant working
atmosphere to make their employees stay in that company for a longer period. A few years
back it was done manually but it is an era of machine learning and data analytics. Now, a
company’s HR department uses some data analytics tool to identify which areas to be modified
to make most of its employees to stay.

Shortlisting more options and profiles can give us an insight into the quality of our acquisition
efforts. If we struggle to narrow down our applicant pool because it is so strong, we can be
confident that our job ad was well crafted and well-targeted.

On the other hand, if screening throws up few to no suitable candidates, we should rethink our
sourcing strategy.

Effective shortlisting is also an important part of the candidate experience. Research has shown
that today's workforce wants a quick turnaround, with over 50% having turned down a job offer
because the hiring process took too long. So if we're not shortlisting at speed, we may be
alienating our best applicants.

• The Research had been conducted for a short time of period, couldn’t find
appropriate data.
• The sample size was limited to 60 only.
• Personal interaction with FM (Floor Manager) was missing.
• Some of the respondents didn’t answer the questions in an appropriate manner.
• Couldn’t find the proper data in internet.

• The study is conducted purely for academic purpose and is part of course curriculum.
• The responses gathered in the survey are filled by HR (Executive, HR, TL) and are not
• The secondary data collected for the research is from reliable sources and is not
plagiarized. References of the studied papers are attached.
• The content in the report is not meant to harm any sentiments of the readers.
• There was voluntary participation of the respondents and no unfair means
were used for getting the work done.

• The identities of the respondents are kept safe and anonymous.


In an organization, all the HR from time to time must be offered with proper feedback
on the recruitment process. The process of recruitment and selection of any particular
candidate takes a very long process and its costly as well as time taking, so to predict
which candidate will finally join our organization is very difficult. Due to this changing
life style of human beings’ day to day many of the HR employees are having burden
of work to hi re a bes t candidate out of crowds , so HR need to give feedback
about the candidate’s personality types according to their recruitment process which
they are following in their company for the betterment of their work. The companies
must also monitor the effectiveness of the time-to-time training of HR employees for
“How to predict that any candidate will join after the final round or not”. This can be
done through observation, collecting feedback and monitoring the performance of the
HR employees after the training. The top management of the company must focus
on understanding the training needs of the employees and must ensure that proper
planning is done for conducting these training program to ensure that the HR employeesn
participate actively.


The main purpose of this research is to study on effectiveness in recruitment through joining
probability of the candidates related to personality type. It focused on finding out the
changing job joining decision of candidate according to their personality, effectiveness in
recruitment in an organization and its huge effect.
As, we know that the human resource is often regarded as one of the most crucial aspects of
any organization. The HR department bears the responsibility of ensuring effective
management of the performance of the different employees which contribute significantly to
the success of the organization. The different services that the department often offer include
training and
development towards the enhancement of the human capabilities and improvement of the
general effectiveness of the organization.


The project taught me how a concept or study is organized in a systematic matter

and we ultimately reach to conclusions which have a future scope.
• I learned how to manage time effectively and efficiently to gather relevant
information for your task.
• While doing the project, I learned the methods of data collection and
data analysis in a more detailed way.
• I learned about how HR persons are reflecting their opinion about the not
joining candidates.
• The project taught me the capability to critically and systematically integrate knowledge.
• The project made me understand the need and relevance of the opinion of HR in an
organization related to these non-joining candidates and the monthly feedback for HR
person matters a lot for the betterment in recruitment process in future.
• Through this project, I came to know the effectiveness of recruitment during
selection process.
• I learned about different types of reasons, why candidates are not joining after
the selection in a particular organization?
• The project taught me the capability to clearly present and discuss the conclusions
as well as the knowledge and arguments that form the basis for these findings in
written and spoken English.




• Personality Traits and their Validity in Predicting Job Performance at Recruitment.

Article in International Journal of Engineering and Management Sciences, May 2019.
• ➢ Kumar, Riya, “The use of personality testing in personnel selection” (2019). CMS
Senior Theses 2038.
• ➢ Job Type and Recruitments’ Inferences of Applicant Personality Drawn from
Resume Biodata: Their relationship with hiring recommendations.
• ➢ Personnel Selection and Personality (Ioannis Nikolaou and Konstantina Foti,
January 2018)
• ➢ The Dangers of Hiring Candidates Based on Personality (William Clarke)
December 7, 2016.
• ➢ Why Recruitment for Personality Matters (By Dan Sines, July 26,2017).
• Anderson, V. and Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (2013) Research
methods in human resource management. 3rd edition. London: Chartered Institute of
Personnel and Development.

• Anderson, V., Rayner, C., Schyns, B. and Chartered Institute of Personnel and
Development (2009) Coaching at the sharp end: the role of line managers in coaching
at work. London: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.

• Armstrong, M. (2014) Armstrong’s handbook of human resource management

practice. Thirteenth edition. London: Kogan Page.

• Armstrong, M. (2015) Armstrong’s handbook of performance management: an

evidence-based guide to delivering high performance. 5th edition. London:



Good day, hope you and your family are safe. I am doing research to study on
effectiveness in recruitment through joining probability of candidates related to
personality type as a part of my academic project. I request you to please spare 5
minutes of your time and give your inputs. These will be treated as confidential and
used only for academic purposes.

1. Age:
• 21-30
• 31-40
• 41-50
• 51-60

2. Gender:
• Male
• Female
• Other

3. Have you ever faced the problem

when a candidate you have
selected, didn’t joined?
• Yes
• No

4. What are the major reasons behind not joining him/her?

• Got better opportunity
• Got better salary
• Better Designation
• Company Reputation

5. What is your plan B, if a candidate doesn’t show up?
• Again, starting the recruitment process.
• Choosing next best candidate.
• Alignment of candidates for the similar post.
• Other

6. According to you, as an HR person, what could be the possible reason for not joining?
• For the sake of collecting offer letters.
• For practice point of view.
• Better opportunities.
• Other

7.what could be the possible steps according to you, to retain them?

• Knowing the expectation of the candidate well.
• Full clearance about the job role and the company.
• Win-win situation for both of the parties. (Salary, timing or other facilities


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