Public Domain Natural Disasters Ancestral Lands Indigenous Peoples Ecotourism Transit-Oriented Developments

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The present zoning scheme used in the Philippines is detailed in the HLURB's Model Zoning

Ordinance published in 2014, which outlines 26 basic zone types based on primary usage and
building regulations (as defined in the National Building Code), and also includes public domain and
water bodies within the municipality's jurisdiction. [42] Local governments may also add overlays
identifying special use zones such as areas prone to natural disasters, ancestral lands of indigenous
peoples (IPs), heritage zones, ecotourism areas, transit-oriented developments (TODs), and scenic
corridors. Residential and commercial zones are further subdivided into subclasses defined by
density, commercial zones also allow for residential uses, and industrial zones are subdivided by
their intensity and the environmental impact of the uses allowed. [42] Regulations on residential,
commercial, and industrial zones may differ between municipalities, so one municipality may permit
4-storey buildings on medium-density residential zones, while another may only permit 2-storey

Type Description

Forested areas, subdivided into protection forests and productions forests.

Protection forests includes forest reserves, national parks and protected areas,
military reserves and civil reserves, and forested urban buffer zones. Production
forest includes forestry lands, special use zones, and grazing lands.

Land intended for agricultural activities, including land cultivation, tree growing,
livestock, poultry, fisheries and aquaculture. Subdivided into protection agriculture
(agriculture protection zones as designated by the Department of Agriculture) and
production agriculture

Intended for integrated farms and processing of harvested crops.

All water bodies under the jurisdiction of the municipality, as defined in the Fisheries
Code (Republic Act 8550), excluding areas designated as protected areas by the
national government. Subdivided into fishery refuge and
sanctuary, foreshore land, mangrove, delta/estuary, lakes, aquaculture zones,
commercial fishing zones, municipal fishing zones, and sea lanes.

Mineral Lands intended for mining. Subdivided into mineral reservations, small-scale mining
land zones and quarries.

Intended principally for housing.

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