FSPT 21072 Ch04b 1st Law OS

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The First Law of


Open System
(Control Volume)

First law of thermodynamics for
open Systems
l Reminder of an open System.
lOpen system = Control
lIt is a properly selected region
in space.
lMass and energy can cross
its boundary.
Control volume involves two
main processes

l Steady flow processes.

l Fluid flows through the control volume
l Its properties are experiencing no
change with time at a fixed position.

l Unsteady flow processes.

l Fluid properties are changing with time.
The conservation of mass principle can be used to relate mass which entering
and leaving a system. It can be expressed as:

The net mass transfer to or from a control volume during a process (a time
interval t) is equal to the net change (increase or decrease) in the total mass
within the control volume during that process (t). That is,
Total mass entering Total mass leaving Net changeinmass 
 -  = 
theCV during Δt  theCV during Δt  withintheCV during Δt 
Thermodynamic processes involving control volumes can be considered in
two groups: steady-flow processes and unsteady-flow processes.

��� − ��� = ∆��� (kg)

��� − ���� = ���� �� (kg/ s) � = ��

Mass balance for steady flow
l We already showed that for steady flow

�� = ��
l Many engineering devices involve a single
stream (one inlet and one exit only).

�1 = �2
�� �1 �1 �1 = �2 �2 �2
Flow Work and The Energy of a
Flowing Fluid
Unlike closed systems, control volumes involve mass flow across
their boundaries, and some work is required to push the mass into
or out of the control volume.

This work is known as the flow work, or flow energy.

F  PA
Wflow  FL  PAL  PV (kJ)
wflow  Pv
wflow,in  Pv
i i and wflow,exit  Pv
e e
   
W flow,in  (Pv
i i ) mi and W flow,exit  (Pv
e e ) me

  
W flow   Pv
e e  me   Pv
i i  mi

  
W W flow Wcv
Development of energy balance
The general representation of the first law of thermodynamics
Q12 W12  E2  E1
The first law for open system will also have the same form, but
W12  Wflow Wcv E=U+KE+PE e  u  ke  pe  u   gz
E= Internal Energy+Kinetic Energy+Potential Energy

The fluid entering or leaving a control volume possesses an

additional form of energy, the flow energy Pv

Then the total energy of a flowing fluid on a unit-mass basis

(denoted by Ө) becomes

  Pv  e  Pv  (u  ke  pe)
Energy Balance for Steady-
Flow Systems 0
E in  E out   E sys E in  E out
Qin Win  E mass ,in  Qout Wout  E mass ,out

Qin Win   m i i  Qout Wout   m e e

1 2 1 2
Qin  Qout Win Wout   e
m (Pv  u 
V  gz )e   m i (Pv  u 
V  gz )i

1 2 1 2
Q W   m e ( Pv  u  2 V  gz )e   m i ( Pv  u  2 V  gz )i
1 2 1 2
Q W   m e (h  2V  gz )e   m i (h  2V  gz )i 9
Let us look at some common steady
flow devices
More than one
Only one in and one out inlet and exit

For single stream steady flow
devices, the 1st low becomes
  

2   

2 
Q  W  mi hi   g  zi   me he 
 g  ze 

 2   2 
   
Often the change in kinetic energy and potential energy is small.
   
Q W  m i hi  m e he
q  w  he  hi Per unit mass

Nozzles 1V1 A1   2V2 A2
1 A1
V2  V1
A1 A2  2 A2
 A1  A2
1   2 for liquids
A nozzle is a device that
increases the velocity of a 1   2 for low speed gas
fluid at the expense of
V2  V1
Diffusers 1V1 A1   2V2 A2
A diffuser is a device that 1 A1
slows down the velocity of a V2  V1
fluid causing an increase in its  2 A2
 A1  A2
1   2 for liquids
A1 A2 1   2 for low speed gas

V2  V1 13

Nozzles and Diffusers
(1st law analysis)
 

2 
   Ve  Vi

Q  W  m he  hi   g  ze  zi 
 2 
 
Is there work in this system? NO
Is there heat transfer? let us say: NO
In fact, it depends on the problem!

Does the fluid change elevation? NO

 
2 2
V V Q : What happened to the m ?
0  he  hi   e i
Ans: It is divided out
2 15
which can be rearranged to

Vi 2
V 2

hi   he  e

2 2
In a nozzle, enthalpy is converted into kinetic energy

How can you find the mass flow rate in a nozzle?

m  1V1 A1   2V2 A2
V1 A1 V2 A2
m  
v1 v2
A turbine is a device that produces work at the
expense of temperature and pressure.
As the fluid passes through the turbine, work is done
against the blades, which are attached to a shaft. As a
result, the shaft rotates, and the turbine produces work.

A compressor is a device that increases the
pressure of a fluid by adding work to the system.
Work is supplied from an external source through a
rotating shaft.

Turbines and Compressors

  

   
 
2 2
Ve  Vi
Wwm  h  h ( kJ / kg )

Q    h   g 
W me ehei  ihi 2 (W ) e i 
h z  z 
 
Is there work in this system? Yes!
Is there heat transfer? Negligible because of insulation. Exception: Internal
cooling in some compressors.

Does the fluid change elevation? NO

Does the kinetic energy change? Usually it can be ignored 25
Throttling Valve
A throttling valve reduces
the fluid pressure.


It is small device and thus

the flow through it may be
assumed adiabatic (q=0)
since there is neither
sufficient time nor large
enough area for any effective
heat transfer to occur.

Throttling Valve

0  h e hi 
Q  W  m he  hi 
Ve h


Vei  hi

 g  ze  zi 
 2 
 
Is there work in this system? NO
Is there heat transfer? Usually it can be ignored
Does the fluid change elevation? NO
Does the fluid change velocity? Usually it can be ignored
What happens to the fluid temperature
across throttling Valves ?

h1  h2
u1  p1v1 u2  p2v2
if p2v2  p1v1 u2 u1 T 
if p2v2  p1v1 u2 u1 T 
Throttling Valves
(incompressible substance )
For incompressible substance (like water),  is constant

v1  v2 and P1  P2 u1  p1v1 u2  p2v2

p2v2  p1v1  u2 u1

T will rise
For incompressible substance only!
Throttling Valves (Compressible
substance: an Ideal Gas)
l What happens if the gas is ideal?
l For ideal gases
l h = Cp  T But  h = 0
l So…  T = 0
l The inlet and outlet temperatures are the same!!!

Mixing Chamber
Mixing two or more fluids is a
common engineering process

The mixing chamber does not have to

be a distinct “chamber.” An ordinary T-
elbow, or a Y-elbow in a shower, for
example, serves as the mixing
chamber for the cold- and hot-water
streams as shown in the figure (Left).

Mixing Chamber
  
   

0   m h    m h 
  2 2
  Ve    Vi 
Qnet Wnet   mee he e 2  gze   i mi i hi  2  gzi 
   
   
We no longer have only one inlet and one exit stream
Is there any work done? No
Is there any heat transferred? No
Is there a velocity change? No

Is there an elevation change? No 32

Mixing Chamber
l Material Balance

    
m i
  me m m m
1 2 3

l Energy balance
    
m i
h i   m e he m h m h m h
1 1 2 2 3 3

Heat Exchanger

A heat exchanger is a
device where two moving
fluids exchange heat
without mixing.

Heat Exchangers

Your analysis approach will depend on how you define your system

Heat Exchangers
System (a): entire HX
l Mass Balance
l Divide into two separate
streams with equal inlet
and outlet flow rates

m1  m 2 , m 3  m 4
l Energy balance
l Two inlets
l Two outlets

m1h1  m 3 h3  m 2 h2  m 4 h4 36
Heat Exchangers
System (b): Single stream
l Mass Balance
l Considering one single
stream with one inlet and
one outlet flow rates
m1  m 2
l Energy balance
l One inlet
l One outlet
l Plus heat transfer

Q  m 2 h2  m1h1 37

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