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1. A 4- pole lap - wound generator having 480 armature conductors supplies a

current of 150 A. if the brushes are given an actual lead of 100. Calculate the
demagnetizing and cross magnetizing ampere turns per pole.
2. A 4- pole generator supplies a current of 143A. It has 492 armature
conductors. A) Wave- wound, b) lap – wound. When delivering full load, the
brushes are given an actual lead of 100. Calculate the demagnetizing ampere
turns /per pole. This field winding is shunt connected and takes 10A. Find the
number of extra shunt field turns necessary to neutralize this demagnetization.
3. A 100 KW, 240v shunt generator shown in figure below, has a field
resistance of 55Ω and armature reactance of 0.067Ω. Find the full load
generated voltage and the total power developed by the armature when
delivering full load output.

4. Ashunt generators deliver 450A at 230V and resistance of the shunt field
and armature are 50Ω and 0.03Ω respectively. Calculate the generated e.m.f
of generator?
5. A shunt generator gave the following results in the O.C.C. test at a speed of
1000 r.p.m
Field current (A) 1 2 3 4 6 8 10
E.M.F (Volt) 90 185 251 290 324 345 360
The field resistance is adjusted to 50Ω and the terminal is 300V on load.
Armature resistance is 0.1Ω and assuming that the flux is reduced by 5% due
to armature reaction, fined the load supplied by the generator
6. The armature of a four pole, wave wound shunt generator has 120 slots with 4
conductors per slot. The flux per pole, ϕ = 0.05 Wb. The armature resistance is 0.05
Ω and the shunt field resistance 50 Ω. find the speed of the machine when supplying
450A at a terminal voltage of 250 V.

7. A 4 pole Dc generator is delivering 20A at a load of 10Ω. If the armature

resistance is 0.5Ω and the shunt field resistance is 50Ω. Draw the circuit
diagram and calculate the induced e.m.f. and the efficiency of the machine.
Allow a drop of 1Volt per brush.

8. A 200 v dc shunt motor running at 1000 rpm takes an armature current of

17.5A. It is required to reduce the speed to 600 rpm. What must be the value
of resistance to be inserted in the armature circuit if the original armature
resistance is 0.4Ω? Take armature current to be constant during this process.

9. A 4-pole dc shunt generator with lap-connected armature supplies a load of

100 A at 200 V. The armature resistance is 0.1  and the shunt field
resistance is 80. Find (i) total armature current, (ii) current per armature path,
and (iii) emf generated. Assume a brush contact drop of 2V.
10. A short-shunt compound generators delivers a load current of 30A at
220V and has armature, series field and shunt field resistances of 0.05Ω,
0.03Ω and 200Ω respectively. Calculate the generated voltage and armature
current. Allow 1v per brush for contact drop.

11. A500-V, 37.3kw, 1000r.p.m d.c shunt motor has on full load an efficiency
of 90%.The armature circuit resistance is 0.24Ω and there is total voltage drop
of 2Vat the brushes. The field current is 1.8A.Determine i)full load current
ii)full load shaft torque in N-m iii)Total resistance in motor starter to limit the
starting current to 1.5 times the full load current.
12. Determine developed torque and lost torque of 220V, 4-pole series motor
with 800 conductors wave connected supplying a load of 8.2kw by taking 45A
from the mains. The flux per pole is 25mWb and its armature circuit
resistance is 0.6Ω.

13. The armature of a 6 pole, 6 circuit dc shunt motor takes 300 A at the speed
of 400 revolutions per minute. The flux per pole is 75 x 10-3 Wb. The number
of armature turns is 500. The torque lost in windage, friction and iron losses
can be assumed as 2.5 per cent. Calculate (i) the torque developed by the
armature, (ii) shaft torque and (iii) shaft power in kW.
1. A 4- pole lap - wound generator having 480 armature conductors supplies a
current of 150 A. if the brushes are given an actual lead of 100. Calculate the
demagnetizing and cross magnetizing ampere turns per pole.
100 mechanical or actual shift = 200 electrical shift for a 4 pole machine.
�� ��
i.e. �� = �
= 10= = = �� = 20
2 4/2 2
Ia = 150A
For a 4-pole lap-wound armature, number of parallel paths = 4. That is, in lap
winding P=a
Hence conductor-current= = 150/4=37.5A, �� = 100
number of parallel paths
�� 10
ATd/ ���� = �� � = 480 � 37.5 � =500
360 360
1 �� 1 10
ATc/ ���� = �� − = 480 � 37.5 ( − ) = ����
2� 360 2�4 360
2. A 4- pole generator supplies a current of 143A. It has 492 armature
conductors. A) Wave- wound, b) lap – wound. When delivering full load, the
brushes are given an actual lead of 100. Calculate the demagnetizing ampere
turns /per pole. This field winding is shunt connected and takes 10A. Find the
number of extra shunt field turns necessary to neutralize this demagnetization.
Z= 492, �� = 100 ,
�� = 143 + 10= 153A, conductor current,I =
number of parallel paths

= 153/2 = 76.5A when wave wound

= 153/4= 38.25A when lap wound
�� 10
a) ATd/ ���� = �� � = 492 � 76.5 � =1046AT
360 360
Extra shunt field turns = = 1046/10= 104.6

θ 10
b) ATd/ Pole = ZI x 360
= 492 x 38.25 x
Extra shunt field turns = = 522.75/10= 52.275

3. A 100 KW, 240v shunt generator shown in figure below, has a field
resistance of 55Ω and armature reactance of 0.067Ω. Find the full load
generated voltage and the total power developed by the armature when
delivering full load output.

Pi 100,000
IL = = = ���. ��
V 240
V 240
Ish = = = �. ���
Ish 55

Ia = IL + Ish = 416.7 + 4.36 = ���. ��

Eg = V +Ia Ra = 240 + 421.1 x 0.067 = 268.2V
Power developed by armature = �� Ia = 268.2 x 421.1 = ���. �����
4. Ashunt generators deliver 450A at 230V and resistance of the shunt field
and armature are 50Ω and 0.03Ω respectively. Calculate the generated e.m.f
of generator?
Given: - IL =450A, VL=230V, Rsh=50Ω,Ra=0.03Ω.
Required: - Generated e.m.f(Eg) ?
Solution:- Ish= VL/ Rsh=230v/50Ω=4.6A
Ia=IL+ Ish=450A+4.6A=454.6A
Then armature voltage drop(Vd)=Ia*Ra=454.6A*0.03Ω=13.6V
Now Eg =Terminal voltage +armature drop=V+Vd
= V+Ia*Ra(Vd)=230V+13.6V=243.6V
Therefore generated e.m.f in armature is 243.6v

5. A shunt generator gave the following results in the O.C.C. test at a speed of
1000 r.p.m
Field current (A) 1 2 3 4 6 8 10
E.M.F (Volt) 90 185 251 290 324 345 360
The field resistance is adjusted to 50Ω and the terminal is 300V on load.
Armature resistance is 0.1Ω and assuming that the flux is reduced by 5% due
to armature reaction, fined the load supplied by the generator
When the terminal voltage is (�� ) 300V and ��ℎ = 50�, then the field current
�� is
�� 300
�� = = = 6�
��ℎ 50
With this shunt current the induced voltage as seen from the given table is
324V. So we need not draw the O.C.C.
Due to armature reaction, the flux and hence the induced e.m.f. is reduced to
0.95 of its no load value. Hence, induced e.m.f. when generator is at load=
324 x 0.95= 307.8V
Armature drop at the given load= 307.8-300 =7.8V
Ia Ra = 7.8, Ia = = 78 A
Load current = 78 – 6= 72A.
Therefore generator output = IL x �� = 72 x 300 = 21.6Kw
6. The armature of a four pole, wave wound shunt generator has 120 slots with 4
conductors per slot. The flux per pole , ϕ = 0.05 Wb. The armature resistance is 0.05
Ω and the shunt field resistance 50 Ω. find the speed of the machine when supplying
450A at a terminal voltage of 250 V.

Terminal voltage, VL = 250 V
Load Current, IL= 450A
Shunt field resistance, Rsh = 50 Ω
Armature resistance, Ra= 0.05Ω,
Number of poles, P == 4; Flux per pole, ϕ = 0.05 Wb;
Number of slots on armature = 120;
Conductors per slot, Z = 4
Thus total number of conductors on armature, Z = 120 *4 = 480
As the armature is wave wound, number of parallel paths, a=2
� 250
Shunt field current, ��ℎ = � = 50
= ��

�ℎ� �������� ������� �� = ��ℎ + �� = 450 + 5 = ����

Emf generated, Eg = V + Ia Ra
= 250+455*0.05= 272.75V
Emf Generated, �� =
60 �
�� ∗60∗� 272.75∗60∗2
Now, N= ���
= 4∗0.05∗480
= 341���
7. A 4 pole Dc generator is delivering 20A at a load of 10Ω. If the armature
resistance is 0.5Ω and the shunt field resistance is 50Ω. Draw the circuit
diagram and calculate the induced e.m.f. and the efficiency of the machine.
Allow a drop of 1Volt per brush.
Terminal voltage (�� ) = 20 x 10 = 200V
� 200
��ℎ = = = 4�, �� = ��ℎ + �� = 20 + 4 = 24�
��ℎ 50
�� �� = 24 � 0.5 = 12�; ����ℎ ���� = 2 � 1 = 2 �
�� = 200 + 12 + 2 = 214�
Since iron and friction losses are not given, only electrical efficiency of the
machine can be found out.
Total power generated in the armature, ���� ) = �� �� = 24 � 214 = 5.136��
Useful output (���� ) = �� �� = 200 x 20= 4,000W
���� 4,000
Ƞ� = = = 0.779 = 77.9%
���� 5,136

8. A 200 v dc shunt motor running at 1000 rpm takes an armature current of

17.5A. It is required to reduce the speed to 600 rpm. What must be the value
of resistance to be inserted in the armature circuit if the original armature
resistance is 0.4Ω? Take armature current to be constant during this process.

�1 = 1000rpm, �2 = 600rpm, Eb1 = VL - Ia Ra = 200- (17.5 x 0.4)
= 193V
�� = 200� �� = Total armature circuit resistance’

Eb2 = VL - Ia Rf = 200- (17.5 x Rf ) =

Since Ish remains constant: �1 = �2

N2 Eb2 600 200− (17.5 � Rf )
∴ = = = , Rf = 4.8Ω
N1 Eb1 1000 193

∴ Additional resistance required, R= Rf − Ra = 4.8 − 0.4 = 4.4Ω

9. A 4-pole dc shunt generator with lap-connected armature supplies a load of

100 A at 200 V. The armature resistance is 0.1  and the shunt field
resistance is 80. Find (i) total armature current, (ii) current per armature path,
and (iii) emf generated. Assume a brush contact drop of 2V.
Terminal voltage across the armature terminals, V = 200 V
Brush contact drop , Vbd= 2V
Shunt field resistance, Rsh = 80 Ω
Ra= 0.1Ω, IL= 100A
� 200
i. Shunt field current, ��ℎ = � = = 2.5�
�ℎ 80

�ℎ� �������� ������� �� = ��ℎ + �� = 100 + 2.5 = 102.5�

ii. Shunt generator is lap-wound; as such the number of parallel circuits in the
armature winding is equal to the number of poles.
Thus number of parallel circuits a = 4
Total armature current, Ia = 102.5 A
Thus the current per armature path,
�� 102.5
�= = = 25.625A
� 4

iii) Emf generated, Eg = V + Ia Ra + Vbd

= 200+102.5*0.1+2= 212.25V
10. A short-shunt compound generators delivers a load current of 30A at
220V and has armature, series field and shunt field resistances of 0.05Ω,
0.03Ω and 200Ω respectively. Calculate the generated voltage and armature
current. Allow 1v per brush for contact drop.

Given:- Ise=IL=30A,V=220V,Ra=0.05Ω,Rse=0.03Ω,Rsh=200Ω and

Vbd=1Vper brush
Required:-Generated e.m.f (Eg) and armature current (Ia)?
Solution:-Voltage drop in series winding (Vse)=IL*Rse=30A*0.3Ω= 0.9V
Voltage across the shunt winding (Vsh)=V+Vse=220V+0.9V=220.9V
Shunt current(Ish)=Vsh/Rsh=220.9V/200Ω=1.1045A
Armature current (Ia)=Ish+IL=1.145A+30A=31.1045A
Armature voltage drop (Vd)=Ia*Ra=31.1045A*0.05Ω=1.56V
Brush drop (Vbd)=2*1 per brush=2V
Emf Generated (Eg)= V+Vse+Vd+Vbd
11. A500-V, 37.3kw, 1000r.p.m d.c shunt motor has on full load an efficiency
of 90%.The armature circuit resistance is 0.24Ω and there is total voltage drop
of 2Vat the brushes. The field current is 1.8A.Determine i)full load current
ii)full load shaft torque in N-m iii)Total resistance in motor starter to limit the
starting current to 1.5 times the full load current.
Given:-Vt=500, output power (Pout)=37.3kw,
Speed (N) =1000r.p.m,η=90%,Ra=0.24Ω,Vb=2V,If=1.8A
Required:-i) Full load current ii) Shaft torque (Tsh) iii)Total resistance
to limit starting current
i) Pin=Pout/η=37.3kw/0.9=41.4kw
F.L. line current=Pin/Vt=41.4kw/500V=82.9A
12. Determine developed torque and lost torque of 220V, 4-pole series motor
with 800 conductors wave connected supplying a load of 8.2kw by taking 45A
from the mains. The flux per pole is 25mWb and its armature circuit
resistance is 0.6Ω.

Vt =220V, Z=800, Ra=0.6Ω,
Ф=25mWb, P=4, Supplied power and current=8.2kw and45A.
Ta and lost torque (TL)?
Eb=Vt-Ia*Ra=220V-45*0.6Ω=193V = Ф*Z*N* P/a, from this
N=Eb*a/Ф*Z*P=4.825 r.p.s
Torque of shaft (Tsh) = Supplied Power/2pi*N=270.5N-m
Lost torque (TL) =Ta-Tsh=286.2N-m-270.5N-m=15.7N-m
13. The armature of a 6 pole, 6 circuit dc shunt motor takes 300 A at the speed
of 400 revolutions per minute. The flux per pole is 75 x 10-3 Wb. The number
of armature turns is 500. The torque lost in windage, friction and iron losses
can be assumed as 2.5 per cent. Calculate (i) the torque developed by the
armature, (ii) shaft torque and (iii) shaft power in kW.
Number of poles of shunt motor, P = 6
Armature winding has 6 circuits, thus, a = 6
Armature current, Ia = 300 A
Number of armature turns = 500
Thus total conductors on the armature, Z = 2 x 500 = 1000
Flux per pole, ϕ = 75 x10-3 Wb
N = 400rpm
i) The torque developed by the armature of a dc motor is given by
���� �
�� = 0.159

Substituting these values in the above equation
0.159 � 6 � 75 x 10−3 �300�1000
�� =
= 3577.5N.m
Torque lost in windage, friction and iron losses= 2.5% of Ta
= 0.025 x 3577.5 = 89.44 N.m

Thus, shaft torque, Tsh = 3577.5 - 89.44 = 3488.06 N m

2����ℎ 2��400 � 3488.06
Shaft power, ��ℎ = 60
= 60
= ���. �����

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