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A. Direction. Write the two nouns in each sentence, labeling one concrete and one abstract.

1. inventor (concrete) imagination ( abstract)

2. excitement (abstract) zoo ( concrete)

3. election ( abstract) auditorium ( concrete)

4. health (concrete) child (abstract)

5. Wild animals (concrete) pathetic (abstract)

B. Identify personal, reflexive, and intensive Pronouns. Write the pronoun in each sentence.
Then label each as personal, reflexive and intensive.

1. You (personal)

2. herself (reflexive)

3. its (personal)

4. I (personal)

5. We (personal)

C. Distinguish between linking verbs and action verbs, write each sentence, filling in the blank
with one of the following verbs: feel, grow, look, sound, or taste. Then label each verb as linking
or action.

1. His voice sound peculiar on the phone. ( linking verb)

2. In their garden they grow tomatoes. (linking verb)

3. Marion's clam sauce taste slightly sweet. (linking verb)

4. If Jess feel sick, he should stay home. (linking verb)

5. His face look pale when he think about his debt. ( linking verb)


A. Sentences Writing with Nouns

1. Write a sentence about school activities that include one common noun and one compound

Answer: My favorite school activity is sport because we get to play footballs.

2. Write a sentence about a city or town that includes one common noun and one proper noun.

Answer: Thousands of Chinese Americans live in Chinatown.

3. Write a sentence about a person that includes one concrete noun and one abstract noun.

Answer: Uncle Albert sent me snapshots of last year's celebration.

4. Write a sentence about food that includes one common noun and one compound noun.

Answer: My favorite viand to eat is hotdog.

5. Write a sentence about another country that includes one proper noun and one collective

Answer: California city has the largest chinese community in the United States.

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